# Changelog ## [] - 2021-11-20 * Compatibility with `genvalidity >=` * Renamed every combinator that ends in `OnValid` (or similar) to not have that suffix anymore. ### Removed * Every combinator that relates to unchecked or invalid values. ## [] - 2020-02-10 ### Changed * Removed the doctests * Improved the cabal file ## [] - 2018-11-07 ### Changed * Test suite compatibility with `validity >=0.9`, `genvalidity >=0.7` and `genvalidity-property >=0.3` ## [] - 2018-10-06 ### Added * `shrinkUncheckedDoesNotShrinkToItself` * `shrinkUncheckedDoesNotShrinkToItselfWithLimit` * `shrinkValidDoesNotShrinkToItself` * `shrinkValidDoesNotShrinkToItselfWithLimit` * `shrinkInvalidDoesNotShrinkToItself` * `shrinkInvalidDoesNotShrinkToItselfWithLimit` ### Changed * Added the concept that shrinkValid should not shrink to itself to `shrinkValidSpec` and `shrinkValiditySpec`. ## [] - 2018-08-25 ### Added * `lensGettingProducesValidOnValid` * `lensGettingProducesValid` * `lensGettingProducesValidOnArbitrary` * `lensGettingProducesValidOnGen ` * `lensSettingProducesValidOnValid` * `lensSettingProducesValid` * `lensSettingProducesValidOnArbitrary` * `lensSettingProducesValidOnGen` ### Changed * `lensSpec`, `lensSpecOnArbitrary`, `lensSpecOnGen` and `lensSpecOnValid` now also include `lensGettingProducesValid*` and `lensSettingProducesValid*` ## [] - 2018-06-28 ### Added * `lensLaw1` * `lensLaw2` * `lensLaw3` * `lensSpec` * `lensSpecOnArbitrary` * `lensSpecOnGen` * `lensSpecOnValid`