module Generics.SOP.TH
( deriveGeneric
, deriveGenericOnly
, deriveGenericFunctions
, deriveMetadataValue
, deriveMetadataType
) where
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.Proxy
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Generics.SOP.BasicFunctors
import qualified Generics.SOP.Metadata as SOP
import qualified Generics.SOP.Type.Metadata as SOP.T
import Generics.SOP.NP
import Generics.SOP.NS
import Generics.SOP.Universe
deriveGeneric :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveGeneric n = do
dec <- reifyDec n
ds1 <- withDataDec dec deriveGenericForDataDec
ds2 <- withDataDec dec deriveMetadataForDataDec
return (ds1 ++ ds2)
deriveGenericOnly :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveGenericOnly n = do
dec <- reifyDec n
withDataDec dec deriveGenericForDataDec
deriveGenericFunctions :: Name -> String -> String -> String -> Q [Dec]
deriveGenericFunctions n codeName fromName toName = do
let codeName' = mkName codeName
let fromName' = mkName fromName
let toName' = mkName toName
dec <- reifyDec n
withDataDec dec $ \_isNewtype _cxt name bndrs cons _derivs -> do
let codeType = codeFor cons
let origType = appTyVars name bndrs
let repType = [t| SOP I $(appTyVars codeName' bndrs) |]
[ tySynD codeName' bndrs codeType
, sigD fromName' [t| $origType -> $repType |]
, embedding fromName' cons
, sigD toName' [t| $repType -> $origType |]
, projection toName' cons
deriveMetadataValue :: Name -> String -> String -> Q [Dec]
deriveMetadataValue n codeName datatypeInfoName = do
let codeName' = mkName codeName
let datatypeInfoName' = mkName datatypeInfoName
dec <- reifyDec n
withDataDec dec $ \isNewtype _cxt name _bndrs cons _derivs -> do
sequence [ sigD datatypeInfoName' [t| SOP.DatatypeInfo $(conT codeName') |]
, funD datatypeInfoName' [clause [] (normalB $ metadata' isNewtype name cons) []]
deriveMetadataType :: Name -> String -> Q [Dec]
deriveMetadataType n datatypeInfoName = do
let datatypeInfoName' = mkName datatypeInfoName
dec <- reifyDec n
withDataDec dec $ \ isNewtype _ctx name _bndrs cons _derivs ->
[ tySynD datatypeInfoName' [] (metadataType' isNewtype name cons) ]
deriveGenericForDataDec :: Bool -> Cxt -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Con] -> Derivings -> Q [Dec]
deriveGenericForDataDec _isNewtype _cxt name bndrs cons _derivs = do
let typ = appTyVars name bndrs
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0)
let codeSyn = tySynInstD ''Code $ tySynEqn [typ] (codeFor cons)
let codeSyn = tySynInstD ''Code [typ] (codeFor cons)
inst <- instanceD
(cxt [])
[t| Generic $typ |]
[codeSyn, embedding 'from cons, projection 'to cons]
return [inst]
deriveMetadataForDataDec :: Bool -> Cxt -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Con] -> Derivings -> Q [Dec]
deriveMetadataForDataDec isNewtype _cxt name bndrs cons _derivs = do
let typ = appTyVars name bndrs
md <- instanceD (cxt [])
[t| HasDatatypeInfo $typ |]
[ metadataType typ isNewtype name cons
, funD 'datatypeInfo
[ clause [wildP]
(normalB [| SOP.T.demoteDatatypeInfo (Proxy :: Proxy (DatatypeInfoOf $typ)) |])
return [md]
codeFor :: [Con] -> Q Type
codeFor = promotedTypeList . map go
go :: Con -> Q Type
go c = do (_, ts) <- conInfo c
promotedTypeList ts
embedding :: Name -> [Con] -> Q Dec
embedding fromName = funD fromName . go' (\e -> [| Z $e |])
go' :: (Q Exp -> Q Exp) -> [Con] -> [Q Clause]
go' _ [] = (:[]) $ do
x <- newName "x"
clause [varP x] (normalB (caseE (varE x) [])) []
go' br cs = go br cs
go :: (Q Exp -> Q Exp) -> [Con] -> [Q Clause]
go _ [] = []
go br (c:cs) = mkClause br c : go (\e -> [| S $(br e) |]) cs
mkClause :: (Q Exp -> Q Exp) -> Con -> Q Clause
mkClause br c = do
(n, ts) <- conInfo c
vars <- replicateM (length ts) (newName "x")
clause [conP n (map varP vars)]
(normalB [| SOP $(br . npE . map (appE (conE 'I) . varE) $ vars) |])
projection :: Name -> [Con] -> Q Dec
projection toName = funD toName . go' (\p -> conP 'Z [p])
go' :: (Q Pat -> Q Pat) -> [Con] -> [Q Clause]
go' _ [] = (:[]) $ do
x <- newName "x"
clause [varP x] (normalB (caseE (varE x) [])) []
go' br cs = go br cs
go :: (Q Pat -> Q Pat) -> [Con] -> [Q Clause]
go _ [] = [unreachable]
go br (c:cs) = mkClause br c : go (\p -> conP 'S [br p]) cs
mkClause :: (Q Pat -> Q Pat) -> Con -> Q Clause
mkClause br c = do
(n, ts) <- conInfo c
vars <- replicateM (length ts) (newName "x")
clause [conP 'SOP [br . npP . map (\v -> conP 'I [varP v]) $ vars]]
(normalB . appsE $ conE n : map varE vars)
unreachable :: Q Clause
unreachable = clause [wildP]
(normalB [| error "unreachable" |])
metadataType :: Q Type -> Bool -> Name -> [Con] -> Q Dec
metadataType typ isNewtype typeName cs =
tySynInstD ''DatatypeInfoOf (tySynEqn [typ] (metadataType' isNewtype typeName cs))
metadata' :: Bool -> Name -> [Con] -> Q Exp
metadata' isNewtype typeName cs = md
md :: Q Exp
md | isNewtype = [| SOP.Newtype $(stringE (nameModule' typeName))
$(stringE (nameBase typeName))
$(mdCon (head cs))
| otherwise = [| SOP.ADT $(stringE (nameModule' typeName))
$(stringE (nameBase typeName))
$(npE $ map mdCon cs)
mdCon :: Con -> Q Exp
mdCon (NormalC n _) = [| SOP.Constructor $(stringE (nameBase n)) |]
mdCon (RecC n ts) = [| SOP.Record $(stringE (nameBase n))
$(npE (map mdField ts))
mdCon (InfixC _ n _) = do
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
fixity <- reifyFixity n
case fromMaybe defaultFixity fixity of
Fixity f a ->
i <- reify n
case i of
DataConI _ _ _ (Fixity f a) ->
[| SOP.Infix $(stringE (nameBase n)) $(mdAssociativity a) f |]
#if !MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
_ -> fail "Strange infix operator"
mdCon (ForallC _ _ _) = fail "Existentials not supported"
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
mdCon (GadtC _ _ _) = fail "GADTs not supported"
mdCon (RecGadtC _ _ _) = fail "GADTs not supported"
mdField :: VarStrictType -> Q Exp
mdField (n, _, _) = [| SOP.FieldInfo $(stringE (nameBase n)) |]
mdAssociativity :: FixityDirection -> Q Exp
mdAssociativity InfixL = [| SOP.LeftAssociative |]
mdAssociativity InfixR = [| SOP.RightAssociative |]
mdAssociativity InfixN = [| SOP.NotAssociative |]
metadataType' :: Bool -> Name -> [Con] -> Q Type
metadataType' isNewtype typeName cs = md
md :: Q Type
md | isNewtype = [t| 'SOP.T.Newtype $(stringT (nameModule' typeName))
$(stringT (nameBase typeName))
$(mdCon (head cs))
| otherwise = [t| 'SOP.T.ADT $(stringT (nameModule' typeName))
$(stringT (nameBase typeName))
$(promotedTypeList $ map mdCon cs)
mdCon :: Con -> Q Type
mdCon (NormalC n _) = [t| 'SOP.T.Constructor $(stringT (nameBase n)) |]
mdCon (RecC n ts) = [t| 'SOP.T.Record $(stringT (nameBase n))
$(promotedTypeList (map mdField ts))
mdCon (InfixC _ n _) = do
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
fixity <- reifyFixity n
case fromMaybe defaultFixity fixity of
Fixity f a ->
i <- reify n
case i of
DataConI _ _ _ (Fixity f a) ->
[t| 'SOP.T.Infix $(stringT (nameBase n)) $(mdAssociativity a) $(natT f) |]
#if !MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
_ -> fail "Strange infix operator"
mdCon (ForallC _ _ _) = fail "Existentials not supported"
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
mdCon (GadtC _ _ _) = fail "GADTs not supported"
mdCon (RecGadtC _ _ _) = fail "GADTs not supported"
mdField :: VarStrictType -> Q Type
mdField (n, _, _) = [t| 'SOP.T.FieldInfo $(stringT (nameBase n)) |]
mdAssociativity :: FixityDirection -> Q Type
mdAssociativity InfixL = [t| 'SOP.T.LeftAssociative |]
mdAssociativity InfixR = [t| 'SOP.T.RightAssociative |]
mdAssociativity InfixN = [t| 'SOP.T.NotAssociative |]
nameModule' :: Name -> String
nameModule' = fromMaybe "" . nameModule
npE :: [Q Exp] -> Q Exp
npE [] = [| Nil |]
npE (e:es) = [| $e :* $(npE es) |]
npP :: [Q Pat] -> Q Pat
npP [] = conP 'Nil []
npP (p:ps) = conP '(:*) [p, npP ps]
conInfo :: Con -> Q (Name, [Q Type])
conInfo (NormalC n ts) = return (n, map (return . (\(_, t) -> t)) ts)
conInfo (RecC n ts) = return (n, map (return . (\(_, _, t) -> t)) ts)
conInfo (InfixC (_, t) n (_, t')) = return (n, map return [t, t'])
conInfo (ForallC _ _ _) = fail "Existentials not supported"
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
conInfo (GadtC _ _ _) = fail "GADTs not supported"
conInfo (RecGadtC _ _ _) = fail "GADTs not supported"
stringT :: String -> Q Type
stringT = litT . strTyLit
natT :: Int -> Q Type
natT = litT . numTyLit . fromIntegral
promotedTypeList :: [Q Type] -> Q Type
promotedTypeList [] = promotedNilT
promotedTypeList (t:ts) = [t| $promotedConsT $t $(promotedTypeList ts) |]
appTyVars :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> Q Type
appTyVars n = go (conT n)
go :: Q Type -> [TyVarBndr] -> Q Type
go t [] = t
go t (PlainTV v : vs) = go [t| $t $(varT v) |] vs
go t (KindedTV v _ : vs) = go [t| $t $(varT v) |] vs
reifyDec :: Name -> Q Dec
reifyDec name =
do info <- reify name
case info of TyConI dec -> return dec
_ -> fail "Info must be type declaration type."
withDataDec :: Dec -> (Bool -> Cxt -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Con] -> Derivings -> Q a) -> Q a
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
withDataDec (DataD ctxt name bndrs _ cons derivs) f = f False ctxt name bndrs cons derivs
withDataDec (NewtypeD ctxt name bndrs _ con derivs) f = f True ctxt name bndrs [con] derivs
withDataDec (DataD ctxt name bndrs cons derivs) f = f False ctxt name bndrs cons derivs
withDataDec (NewtypeD ctxt name bndrs con derivs) f = f True ctxt name bndrs [con] derivs
withDataDec _ _ = fail "Can only derive labels for datatypes and newtypes."
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
type Derivings = [DerivClause]
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
type Derivings = Cxt
type Derivings = [Name]