module Generics.SOP.GGP
( GCode
, GFrom
, GTo
, GDatatypeInfo
, gfrom
, gto
, gdatatypeInfo
) where
import Data.Proxy
import GHC.Generics as GHC
import Generics.SOP.NP as SOP
import Generics.SOP.NS as SOP
import Generics.SOP.BasicFunctors as SOP
import Generics.SOP.Constraint as SOP
import Generics.SOP.Metadata as SOP
import Generics.SOP.Sing
type family ToSingleCode (a :: * -> *) :: *
type instance ToSingleCode (K1 _i a) = a
type family ToProductCode (a :: * -> *) (xs :: [*]) :: [*]
type instance ToProductCode (a :*: b) xs = ToProductCode a (ToProductCode b xs)
type instance ToProductCode U1 xs = xs
type instance ToProductCode (M1 S _c a) xs = ToSingleCode a ': xs
type family ToSumCode (a :: * -> *) (xs :: [[*]]) :: [[*]]
type instance ToSumCode (a :+: b) xs = ToSumCode a (ToSumCode b xs)
type instance ToSumCode V1 xs = xs
type instance ToSumCode (M1 D _c a) xs = ToSumCode a xs
type instance ToSumCode (M1 C _c a) xs = ToProductCode a '[] ': xs
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
data InfoProxy (c :: Meta) (f :: * -> *) (x :: *) = InfoProxy
data InfoProxy (c :: *) (f :: * -> *) (x :: *) = InfoProxy
class GDatatypeInfo' (a :: * -> *) where
gDatatypeInfo' :: proxy a -> DatatypeInfo (ToSumCode a '[])
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,7,0))
isNewtype :: Datatype d => t d (f :: * -> *) a -> Bool
isNewtype _ = False
instance (All SListI (ToSumCode a '[]), Datatype c, GConstructorInfos a) => GDatatypeInfo' (M1 D c a) where
gDatatypeInfo' _ =
let adt = ADT (GHC.moduleName p) (GHC.datatypeName p)
ci = gConstructorInfos (Proxy :: Proxy a) Nil
in if isNewtype p
then case isNewtypeShape ci of
NewYes c -> Newtype (GHC.moduleName p) (GHC.datatypeName p) c
NewNo -> adt ci
else adt ci
p :: InfoProxy c a x
p = InfoProxy
data IsNewtypeShape (xss :: [[*]]) where
NewYes :: ConstructorInfo '[x] -> IsNewtypeShape '[ '[x] ]
NewNo :: IsNewtypeShape xss
isNewtypeShape :: All SListI xss => NP ConstructorInfo xss -> IsNewtypeShape xss
isNewtypeShape (x :* Nil) = go shape x
go :: Shape xs -> ConstructorInfo xs -> IsNewtypeShape '[ xs ]
go (ShapeCons ShapeNil) c = NewYes c
go _ _ = NewNo
isNewtypeShape _ = NewNo
class GConstructorInfos (a :: * -> *) where
gConstructorInfos :: proxy a -> NP ConstructorInfo xss -> NP ConstructorInfo (ToSumCode a xss)
instance (GConstructorInfos a, GConstructorInfos b) => GConstructorInfos (a :+: b) where
gConstructorInfos _ xss = gConstructorInfos (Proxy :: Proxy a) (gConstructorInfos (Proxy :: Proxy b) xss)
instance GConstructorInfos GHC.V1 where
gConstructorInfos _ xss = xss
instance (Constructor c, GFieldInfos a, SListI (ToProductCode a '[])) => GConstructorInfos (M1 C c a) where
gConstructorInfos _ xss
| conIsRecord p = Record (conName p) (gFieldInfos (Proxy :: Proxy a) Nil) :* xss
| otherwise = case conFixity p of
Prefix -> Constructor (conName p) :* xss
GHC.Infix a f -> case (shape :: Shape (ToProductCode a '[])) of
ShapeCons (ShapeCons ShapeNil) -> SOP.Infix (conName p) a f :* xss
_ -> Constructor (conName p) :* xss
p :: InfoProxy c a x
p = InfoProxy
class GFieldInfos (a :: * -> *) where
gFieldInfos :: proxy a -> NP FieldInfo xs -> NP FieldInfo (ToProductCode a xs)
instance (GFieldInfos a, GFieldInfos b) => GFieldInfos (a :*: b) where
gFieldInfos _ xs = gFieldInfos (Proxy :: Proxy a) (gFieldInfos (Proxy :: Proxy b) xs)
instance GFieldInfos U1 where
gFieldInfos _ xs = xs
instance (Selector c) => GFieldInfos (M1 S c a) where
gFieldInfos _ xs = FieldInfo (selName p) :* xs
p :: InfoProxy c a x
p = InfoProxy
class GSingleFrom (a :: * -> *) where
gSingleFrom :: a x -> ToSingleCode a
instance GSingleFrom (K1 i a) where
gSingleFrom (K1 a) = a
class GProductFrom (a :: * -> *) where
gProductFrom :: a x -> NP I xs -> NP I (ToProductCode a xs)
instance (GProductFrom a, GProductFrom b) => GProductFrom (a :*: b) where
gProductFrom (a :*: b) xs = gProductFrom a (gProductFrom b xs)
instance GProductFrom U1 where
gProductFrom U1 xs = xs
instance GSingleFrom a => GProductFrom (M1 S c a) where
gProductFrom (M1 a) xs = I (gSingleFrom a) :* xs
class GSingleTo (a :: * -> *) where
gSingleTo :: ToSingleCode a -> a x
instance GSingleTo (K1 i a) where
gSingleTo a = K1 a
class GProductTo (a :: * -> *) where
gProductTo :: NP I (ToProductCode a xs) -> (a x -> NP I xs -> r) -> r
instance (GProductTo a, GProductTo b) => GProductTo (a :*: b) where
gProductTo xs k = gProductTo xs (\ a ys -> gProductTo ys (\ b zs -> k (a :*: b) zs))
instance GSingleTo a => GProductTo (M1 S c a) where
gProductTo (SOP.I a :* xs) k = k (M1 (gSingleTo a)) xs
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
gProductTo _ _ = error "inaccessible"
instance GProductTo U1 where
gProductTo xs k = k U1 xs
class GSumFrom (a :: * -> *) where
gSumFrom :: a x -> SOP I xss -> SOP I (ToSumCode a xss)
gSumSkip :: proxy a -> SOP I xss -> SOP I (ToSumCode a xss)
instance (GSumFrom a, GSumFrom b) => GSumFrom (a :+: b) where
gSumFrom (L1 a) xss = gSumFrom a (gSumSkip (Proxy :: Proxy b) xss)
gSumFrom (R1 b) xss = gSumSkip (Proxy :: Proxy a) (gSumFrom b xss)
gSumSkip _ xss = gSumSkip (Proxy :: Proxy a) (gSumSkip (Proxy :: Proxy b) xss)
instance (GSumFrom a) => GSumFrom (M1 D c a) where
gSumFrom (M1 a) xss = gSumFrom a xss
gSumSkip _ xss = gSumSkip (Proxy :: Proxy a) xss
instance (GProductFrom a) => GSumFrom (M1 C c a) where
gSumFrom (M1 a) _ = SOP (Z (gProductFrom a Nil))
gSumSkip _ (SOP xss) = SOP (S xss)
class GSumTo (a :: * -> *) where
gSumTo :: SOP I (ToSumCode a xss) -> (a x -> r) -> (SOP I xss -> r) -> r
instance (GSumTo a, GSumTo b) => GSumTo (a :+: b) where
gSumTo xss s k = gSumTo xss (s . L1) (\ r -> gSumTo r (s . R1) k)
instance (GProductTo a) => GSumTo (M1 C c a) where
gSumTo (SOP (Z xs)) s _ = s (M1 (gProductTo xs ((\ x Nil -> x) :: a x -> NP I '[] -> a x)))
gSumTo (SOP (S xs)) _ k = k (SOP xs)
instance (GSumTo a) => GSumTo (M1 D c a) where
gSumTo xss s k = gSumTo xss (s . M1) k
type GCode (a :: *) = ToSumCode (GHC.Rep a) '[]
type GFrom a = GSumFrom (GHC.Rep a)
type GTo a = GSumTo (GHC.Rep a)
type GDatatypeInfo a = GDatatypeInfo' (GHC.Rep a)
gfrom :: (GFrom a, GHC.Generic a) => a -> SOP I (GCode a)
gfrom x = gSumFrom (GHC.from x) (error "gfrom: internal error" :: SOP.SOP SOP.I '[])
gto :: forall a. (GTo a, GHC.Generic a) => SOP I (GCode a) -> a
gto x = (gSumTo x id ((\ _ -> error "inaccessible") :: SOP I '[] -> (GHC.Rep a) x))
gdatatypeInfo :: forall proxy a. (GDatatypeInfo a) => proxy a -> DatatypeInfo (GCode a)
gdatatypeInfo _ = gDatatypeInfo' (Proxy :: Proxy (GHC.Rep a))