# Generic functors [![Hackage](https://img.shields.io/hackage/v/generic-functor.svg)](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-functor) [![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/lysxia/generic-functor/badges/main/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/lysxia/generic-functor/-/commits/main) Implementation of `Functor` instances and other functor-like structures using `GHC.Generics`. ## Functors not over the last type parameter The standard `Functor` class only applies to types that are functors over their last type parameter. For example, in `Either e r`, `fmap` maps only `r`. Using this library, `fmap`-like functions can be derived over any type parameter of a `Generic` data type, all from the same definition `gsolomap`. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Generic.Functor (gsolomap) data Result a r = Error a | Ok r -- Another name for Either deriving Generic mapError :: (a -> b) -> Result a r -> Result b r mapError = gsolomap -- This one is fmap mapOk :: (a -> b) -> Result e a -> Result e b mapOk = gsolomap mapBoth :: (a -> b) -> Result a a -> Result b b mapBoth = gsolomap ``` `gsolomap` is **unsafe**. Misuse will break your program. Read on for specifics. ### Usage `gsolomap` should only be used to define **polymorphic** "`fmap`-like functions" for `Generic` types. The signature of `gsolomap` is: ```haskell gsolomap :: (Generic x, Generic y, GSolomap a b x y) => (a -> b) -> (x -> y) ``` The types `x` and `y` must be specializations of the same user-defined `data` type which is an instance of `Generic`, with some type parameters equal to `a` or `b` respectively. At use sites of `gsolomap`, `a` and `b` must also be two distinct universally quantified type variables, with no equality constraint relating them with each other or any other type. The guarantee is that `gsolomap` satisfies `gsolomap id = id`. Under the condition that `a` and `b` are abstract, that equation uniquely determines the implementation. (That uniqueness claim may be broken with GADTs and other explicit uses of type equality constraints.) In particular, `gsolomap` *must not* be specialized with types `a` and `b` that are equal. A function defined using `gsolomap` is safe to specialize once the `GSolomap` constraint has been discharged. For instance the three functions above, `mapError`, `mapOk`, `mapBoth` are sufficiently polymorphic. They are each uniquely determined by their types and the equation `mapX id = id`. (Without that equation, `mapBoth` has four implementations of the same type.) ## Compositions of functors How many `fmap` do you need to map a function `a -> b` over `(t, Maybe [Either Bool a])`? You only need one `solomap`: ```haskell type F t a = (t, Maybe [Either Bool a]) maps :: (a -> b) -> F t a -> F t b maps = solomap ``` `solomap` can also see through bifunctors and there may be more than one occurrence of the type parameter `a`. ```haskell type F a = ([a], Either a ()) maps2 :: (a -> b) -> F a -> F b maps2 = solomap ``` `solomap` is **unsafe**, subject to the same restrictions as `gsolomap`: where `solomap` is used, the type of its first argument `(a -> b)` must refer to two distinct universally quantified variables `a` and `b`. Functions are safe to specialize only once the `Solomap` constraint is out of their contexts. ```haskell solomap :: Solomap a b x y => (a -> b) -> (x -> y) ``` ## Deriving `Functor` This library enables `DerivingVia` for the `Functor` class. ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, DerivingVia #-} import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Generic.Functor (DeriveFunctor(..)) data Twice a = Twice (Either a a) deriving Generic deriving Functor via (DeriveFunctor Twice) ``` Note that there is already built-in support for deriving `Functor` in GHC with the `DeriveFunctor` extension instead. If that extension ever chokes on a type, this library might have a chance at handling it. (Open an issue if it does not!) The `Twice` example just above is not handled by the `DeriveFunctor` extension: ```haskell {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} data Twice a = Twice (Either a a) deriving Functor {- error: • Can't make a derived instance of ‘Functor Twice’: Constructor ‘Twice’ must use the type variable only as the last argument of a data type -} ``` The [*generic-data*][generic-data] library also includes a generic implementation of `Functor`, but only for instances of `Generic1`, which applies to much more restricted shapes of `data` than `Generic`. --- ## Internal module policy The public API is `Generic.Functor`. Don't use `Generic.Functor.Internal`. ## Future work - Bifunctors and variants with more than one function argument. - Functors in arbitrary categories. ## Related links - [*generic-data*][generic-data] - [*Deriving Bifunctors with Generics*](https://kcsongor.github.io/generic-deriving-bifunctor/), blogpost by Csongor Kiss, describing the main idea for the implementation (using incoherent instances). [generic-data]: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/generic-data