name: gencheck version: 0.1 cabal-version: >= 1.6 license: BSD3 license-file: License.txt stability: experimental author: Gordon J. Uszkay, Jacques Carette maintainer:, homepage: package-url: category: Testing synopsis: A testing framework inspired by QuickCheck and SmallCheck build-type: Simple description: This framework provides functionality for testing Haskell functions against properties, similar to QuickCheck, but allowing different test data generation strategies for different structures, and even within the same structure using composition strategies. Reporting, test case scheduling and data generation modules can be assembled to customize the test program based on the situation. . Test data generation is based on combinatorial theory and uses explicit enumeration of regular polynomial types, combined with selection strategies to build data generators. Generators can be composed or combined in parallel to create composite strategies for data sampling. library build-depends: combinat >= 0.2, base >=3 && <5, random >, containers >=, transformers >= 0.2, memoize >= 0.3, template-haskell >=2, ieee754 >= 0.7 ghc-options: -Wall -fno-warn-orphans exposed-modules: Test.GenCheck Test.GenCheck.System.SimpleCheck Test.GenCheck.System.Result Test.GenCheck.Generator.Generator Test.GenCheck.Generator.Substitution Test.GenCheck.Generator.StructureGens Test.GenCheck.Generator.BaseGens Test.GenCheck.Generator.EnumStrat Test.GenCheck.Generator.BaseEnum Test.GenCheck.Generator.Enumeration Test.GenCheck.Base.Base Test.GenCheck.Base.Datum Test.GenCheck.Base.Verdict Test.GenCheck.Base.LabelledPartition Test.GenCheck.System.TestSuite other-modules: source-repository head type: git location: