{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, DeriveDataTypeable, DataKinds,
             FunctionalDependencies #-}

-- TODO FWGL.Shader.Language.Prefix and FWGL.Shader.Prefix (or Postfix)
module FWGL.Shader.Language (
        -- TODO: memoized versions of the functions
) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Hashable
import Data.IORef
import Data.Typeable
import Prelude (String, (.), ($), error, Maybe(..), const, fst, snd, Eq)
import qualified Prelude
import Text.Printf
import System.IO.Unsafe

-- | CPU integer.
type CInt = Prelude.Int

-- | An expression.
data Expr = Empty | Read String | Op1 String Expr | Op2 String Expr Expr
          | Apply String [Expr] | X Expr | Y Expr | Z Expr | W Expr
          | Literal String | Action Action | Dummy CInt
          | ContextVar CInt ContextVarType
          deriving Eq

-- | Expressions that are transformed to statements.
data Action = Store String Expr | If Expr String Expr Expr
            | For CInt String Expr (Expr -> Expr -> (Expr, Expr))

data ContextVarType = LoopIteration | LoopValue deriving Eq

-- | A GPU boolean.
newtype Bool = Bool Expr deriving Typeable

-- | A GPU float.
newtype Float = Float Expr deriving Typeable

-- | A GPU sampler (sampler2D in GLSL).
newtype Sampler2D = Sampler2D Expr deriving Typeable

-- | The type of a generic expression.
newtype Unknown = Unknown Expr

-- | A GPU 2D vector.
-- NB: This is a different type from Data.Vect.Float.'Data.Vect.Float.Vec2'.
data Vec2 = Vec2 Float Float deriving (Typeable)

-- | A GPU 3D vector.
data Vec3 = Vec3 Float Float Float deriving (Typeable)

-- | A GPU 4D vector.
data Vec4 = Vec4 Float Float Float Float deriving (Typeable)

-- | A GPU 2x2 matrix.
data Mat2 = Mat2 Vec2 Vec2 deriving (Typeable)

-- | A GPU 3x3 matrix.
data Mat3 = Mat3 Vec3 Vec3 Vec3 deriving (Typeable)

-- | A GPU 4x4 matrix.
data Mat4 = Mat4 Vec4 Vec4 Vec4 Vec4 deriving (Typeable)

-- | CPU equality.
infix 4 =!
(=!) :: Prelude.Eq a => a -> a -> Prelude.Bool
(=!) = (Prelude.==)

-- | CPU and.
infixr 3 &&!
(&&!) :: Prelude.Bool -> Prelude.Bool -> Prelude.Bool
(&&!) = (Prelude.&&)

-- | A type in the GPU.
class ShaderType t where
        zero :: t

        toExpr :: t -> Expr

        fromExpr :: Expr -> t

        typeName :: t -> String

        size :: t -> CInt

instance ShaderType Unknown where
        zero = error "zero: Unknown type."
        toExpr (Unknown e) = e
        fromExpr = Unknown
        typeName = error "typeName: Unknown type."
        size = error "size: Unknown type."

instance ShaderType Bool where
        zero = Bool $ Literal "false"

        toExpr (Bool e) = e

        fromExpr = Bool

        typeName _ = "bool"

        size _ = 1

instance ShaderType Float where
        zero = Float $ Literal "0.0"

        toExpr (Float e) = e

        fromExpr = Float

        typeName _ = "float"

        size _ = 1

instance ShaderType Sampler2D where
        zero = Sampler2D $ Literal "0"

        toExpr (Sampler2D e) = e

        fromExpr = Sampler2D

        typeName _ = "sampler2D"

        size _ = 1

instance ShaderType Vec2 where
        zero = Vec2 zero zero

        toExpr (Vec2 (Float (X v)) (Float (Y v'))) | v =! v' = Apply "vec2" [v]
        toExpr (Vec2 (Float x) (Float y)) = Apply "vec2" [x, y]

        fromExpr v = Vec2 (Float (X v)) (Float (Y v))

        typeName _ = "vec2"

        size _ = 1

instance ShaderType Vec3 where
        zero = Vec3 zero zero zero

        toExpr (Vec3 (Float (X v)) (Float (Y v')) (Float (Z v'')))
               | v =! v' &&! v' =! v'' = Apply "vec3" [v]
        toExpr (Vec3 (Float x) (Float y) (Float z)) = Apply "vec3" [x, y, z]

        fromExpr v = Vec3 (Float (X v)) (Float (Y v)) (Float (Z v))

        typeName _ = "vec3"

        size _ = 1

instance ShaderType Vec4 where
        zero = Vec4 zero zero zero zero

        toExpr (Vec4 (Float (X v)) (Float (Y v1)) (Float (Z v2)) (Float (W v3)))
               | v =! v1 &&! v1 =! v2 &&! v2 =! v3 = Apply "vec4" [v]
        toExpr (Vec4 (Float x) (Float y) (Float z) (Float w)) =
                Apply "vec4" [x, y, z, w]

        fromExpr v = Vec4 (Float (X v)) (Float (Y v)) (Float (Z v)) (Float (W v))

        typeName _ = "vec4"

        size _ = 1

instance ShaderType Mat2 where
        zero = Mat2 zero zero

        toExpr (Mat2 (Vec2 (Float (X (X m))) (Float (X (Y m1))))
                     (Vec2 (Float (Y (X m2))) (Float (Y (Y m3)))))
               | m =! m1 &&! m1 =! m2 &&! m2 =! m3 = Apply "mat2" [m]
        toExpr (Mat2 (Vec2 (Float xx) (Float xy))
                     (Vec2 (Float yx) (Float yy)))
               = Apply "mat2" [xx, yx, xy, yy]

        fromExpr m = Mat2 (Vec2 (Float (X (X m))) (Float (Y (X m))))
                          (Vec2 (Float (Y (X m))) (Float (Y (Y m))))

        typeName _ = "mat2"

        size _ = 2

instance ShaderType Mat3 where
        zero = Mat3 zero zero zero

        toExpr (Mat3 (Vec3 (Float (X (X m)))
                           (Float (X (Y m1)))
                           (Float (X (Z m2))))
                     (Vec3 (Float (Y (X m3)))
                           (Float (Y (Y m4)))
                           (Float (Y (Z m5))))
                     (Vec3 (Float (Z (X m6)))
                           (Float (Z (Y m7)))
                           (Float (Z (Z m8)))))
               | m =! m1 &&! m1 =! m2 &&! m2 =! m3 &&! m3 =! m4 &&!
                 m4 =! m5 &&! m5 =! m6 &&! m6 =! m7 &&! m7 =! m8 =
                         Apply "mat3" [m]
        toExpr (Mat3 (Vec3 (Float xx) (Float xy) (Float xz))
                     (Vec3 (Float yx) (Float yy) (Float yz))
                     (Vec3 (Float zx) (Float zy) (Float zz)))
               = Apply "mat3" [xx, yx, zx, xy, yy, zy, xz, yz, zz]

        fromExpr m = Mat3 (Vec3 (Float (X (X m)))
                                (Float (X (Y m)))
                                (Float (X (Z m))))
                          (Vec3 (Float (Y (X m)))
                                (Float (Y (Y m)))
                                (Float (Y (Z m))))
                          (Vec3 (Float (Z (X m)))
                                (Float (Z (Y m)))
                                (Float (Z (Z m))))

        typeName _ = "mat3"

        size _ = 3

instance ShaderType Mat4 where
        zero = Mat4 zero zero zero zero

        toExpr (Mat4 (Vec4 (Float (X (X m)))
                           (Float (X (Y m1)))
                           (Float (X (Z m2)))
                           (Float (X (W m3))))
                     (Vec4 (Float (Y (X m4)))
                           (Float (Y (Y m5)))
                           (Float (Y (Z m6)))
                           (Float (Y (W m7))))
                     (Vec4 (Float (Z (X m8)))
                           (Float (Z (Y m9)))
                           (Float (Z (Z m10)))
                           (Float (Z (W m11))))
                     (Vec4 (Float (W (X m12)))
                           (Float (W (Y m13)))
                           (Float (W (Z m14)))
                           (Float (W (W m15)))))
               | m =! m1 &&! m1 =! m2 &&! m2 =! m3 &&! m3 =! m4 &&!
                 m4 =! m5 &&! m5 =! m6 &&! m6 =! m7 &&! m7 =! m8 &&!
                 m8 =! m9 &&! m9 =! m10 &&! m10 =! m11 &&! m11 =! m12 &&!
                 m12 =! m13 &&! m13 =! m14 &&! m14 =! m15 = Apply "mat4" [m]
        toExpr (Mat4 (Vec4 (Float xx) (Float xy) (Float xz) (Float xw))
                     (Vec4 (Float yx) (Float yy) (Float yz) (Float yw))
                     (Vec4 (Float zx) (Float zy) (Float zz) (Float zw))
                     (Vec4 (Float wx) (Float wy) (Float wz) (Float ww)))
               = Apply "mat4" [ xx, yx, zx, wx
                              , xy, yy, zy, wy
                              , xz, yz, zz, wz
                              , xw, yw, zw, ww ]

        fromExpr m = Mat4 (Vec4 (Float (X (X m)))
                                (Float (X (Y m)))
                                (Float (X (Z m)))
                                (Float (X (W m))))
                          (Vec4 (Float (Y (X m)))
                                (Float (Y (Y m)))
                                (Float (Y (Z m)))
                                (Float (Y (W m))))
                          (Vec4 (Float (Z (X m)))
                                (Float (Z (Y m)))
                                (Float (Z (Z m)))
                                (Float (Z (W m))))
                          (Vec4 (Float (W (X m)))
                                (Float (W (Y m)))
                                (Float (W (Z m)))
                                (Float (W (W m))))

        typeName _ = "mat4"

        size _ = 4

class ShaderType a => Vector a
instance Vector Vec2
instance Vector Vec3
instance Vector Vec4

class ShaderType a => Matrix a
instance Matrix Mat2
instance Matrix Mat3
instance Matrix Mat4

-- | Types that can be multiplied.
class Mul a b c | a b -> c
instance Mul Float Float Float
instance Mul Vec2 Vec2 Vec2
instance Mul Vec3 Vec3 Vec3
instance Mul Vec4 Vec4 Vec4
instance Mul Vec2 Float Vec2
instance Mul Vec3 Float Vec3
instance Mul Vec4 Float Vec4
instance Mul Float Vec2 Vec2
instance Mul Float Vec3 Vec3
instance Mul Float Vec4 Vec4
instance Mul Mat2 Mat2 Mat2
instance Mul Mat3 Mat3 Mat3
instance Mul Mat4 Mat4 Mat4
instance Mul Mat2 Float Mat2
instance Mul Mat3 Float Mat3
instance Mul Mat4 Float Mat4
instance Mul Float Mat2 Mat2
instance Mul Float Mat3 Mat3
instance Mul Float Mat4 Mat4
instance Mul Mat2 Vec2 Vec2
instance Mul Mat3 Vec3 Vec3
instance Mul Mat4 Vec4 Vec4
instance Mul Vec2 Mat2 Vec2
instance Mul Vec3 Mat3 Vec3
instance Mul Vec4 Mat4 Vec4

-- | Floats or vectors.
class ShaderType a => GenType a
instance GenType Float
instance GenType Vec2
instance GenType Vec3
instance GenType Vec4

infixl 7 *
(*) :: (Mul a b c, ShaderType a, ShaderType b, ShaderType c) => a -> b -> c
x * y = fromExpr $ Op2 "*" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

infixl 7 /
(/) :: (Mul a b c, ShaderType a, ShaderType b, ShaderType c) => a -> b -> c
x / y = fromExpr $ Op2 "/" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

-- | Types that can be added.
class Sum a
instance Sum Float
instance Sum Vec2
instance Sum Vec3
instance Sum Vec4
instance Sum Mat2
instance Sum Mat3
instance Sum Mat4

infixl 6 +
(+) :: (Sum a, ShaderType a) => a -> a -> a
x + y = fromExpr $ Op2 "+" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

infixl 6 -
(-) :: (Sum a, ShaderType a) => a -> a -> a
x - y = fromExpr $ Op2 "-" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

infixr 8 ^
-- TODO: type-unsafe?
(^) :: (ShaderType a, ShaderType b) => a -> b -> a
x ^ y = fromExpr $ Apply "pow" [toExpr x, toExpr y]

infixr 3 &&
(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
x && y = fromExpr $ Op2 "&&" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

infixr 2 ||
(||) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
x || y = fromExpr $ Op2 "||" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

infix 4 ==
(==) :: ShaderType a => a -> a -> Bool
x == y = fromExpr $ Op2 "==" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

infix 4 /=
(/=) :: ShaderType a => a -> a -> Bool
x /= y = fromExpr $ Op2 "!=" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

infix 4 >=
(>=) :: ShaderType a => a -> a -> Bool
x >= y = fromExpr $ Op2 ">=" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

infix 4 <=
(<=) :: ShaderType a => a -> a -> Bool
x <= y = fromExpr $ Op2 "<=" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

infix 4 <
(<) :: ShaderType a => a -> a -> Bool
x < y = fromExpr $ Op2 "<" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

infix 4 >
(>) :: ShaderType a => a -> a -> Bool
x > y = fromExpr $ Op2 ">" (toExpr x) (toExpr y)

-- TODO: not

negate :: GenType a => a -> a
negate v = fromExpr $ Op1 "-" (toExpr v)

fromInteger :: Prelude.Integer -> Float -- Integer
fromInteger = fromRational . Prelude.fromIntegral

fromRational :: Prelude.Rational -> Float
fromRational = Float . Literal
                        . (printf "%f" :: Prelude.Float -> String)
                        . Prelude.fromRational

radians :: GenType a => a -> a
radians x = fromExpr $ Apply "radians" [toExpr x]

degrees :: GenType a => a -> a
degrees x = fromExpr $ Apply "degrees" [toExpr x]

sin :: GenType a => a -> a
sin x = fromExpr $ Apply "sin" [toExpr x]

cos :: GenType a => a -> a
cos x = fromExpr $ Apply "cos" [toExpr x]

tan :: GenType a => a -> a
tan x = fromExpr $ Apply "tan" [toExpr x]

asin :: GenType a => a -> a
asin x = fromExpr $ Apply "asin" [toExpr x]

acos :: GenType a => a -> a
acos x = fromExpr $ Apply "acos" [toExpr x]

atan :: GenType a => a -> a
atan x = fromExpr $ Apply "atan" [toExpr x]

atan2 :: GenType a => a -> a -> a
atan2 x y = fromExpr $ Apply "atan" [toExpr x, toExpr y]

exp :: GenType a => a -> a
exp x = fromExpr $ Apply "exp" [toExpr x]

log :: GenType a => a -> a
log x = fromExpr $ Apply "log" [toExpr x]

exp2 :: GenType a => a -> a
exp2 x = fromExpr $ Apply "exp2" [toExpr x]

log2 :: GenType a => a -> a
log2 x = fromExpr $ Apply "log2" [toExpr x]

sqrt :: GenType a => a -> a
sqrt x = fromExpr $ Apply "sqrt" [toExpr x]

inversesqrt :: GenType a => a -> a
inversesqrt x = fromExpr $ Apply "inversesqrt" [toExpr x]

abs :: GenType a => a -> a
abs x = fromExpr $ Apply "abs" [toExpr x]

sign :: GenType a => a -> a
sign x = fromExpr $ Apply "sign" [toExpr x]

floor :: GenType a => a -> a
floor x = fromExpr $ Apply "floor" [toExpr x]

ceil :: GenType a => a -> a
ceil x = fromExpr $ Apply "ceil" [toExpr x]

fract :: GenType a => a -> a
fract x = fromExpr $ Apply "fract" [toExpr x]

mod :: (GenType a, GenType b) => a -> b -> a
mod x y = fromExpr $ Apply "mod" [toExpr x, toExpr y]

min :: GenType a => a -> a -> a
min x y = fromExpr $ Apply "min" [toExpr x, toExpr y]

max :: GenType a => a -> a -> a
max x y = fromExpr $ Apply "max" [toExpr x, toExpr y]

clamp :: (GenType a, GenType b) => a -> b -> b -> a
clamp x y z = fromExpr $ Apply "clamp" [toExpr x, toExpr y, toExpr z]

mix :: (GenType a, GenType b) => a -> a -> b -> a
mix x y z = fromExpr $ Apply "mix" [toExpr x, toExpr y, toExpr z]

step :: GenType a => a -> a -> a
step x y = fromExpr $ Apply "step" [toExpr x, toExpr y]

smoothstep :: (GenType a, GenType b) => b -> b -> a -> a
smoothstep x y z = fromExpr $ Apply "smoothstep" [toExpr x, toExpr y, toExpr z]

length :: GenType a => a -> Float
length x = fromExpr $ Apply "length" [toExpr x]

distance :: GenType a => a -> a -> Float
distance x y = fromExpr $ Apply "distance" [toExpr x, toExpr y]

dot :: GenType a => a -> a -> Float
dot x y = fromExpr $ Apply "dot" [toExpr x, toExpr y]

cross :: Vec3 -> Vec3 -> Vec3
cross x y = fromExpr $ Apply "cross" [toExpr x, toExpr y]

normalize :: GenType a => a -> a
normalize x = fromExpr $ Apply "normalize" [toExpr x]

faceforward :: GenType a => a -> a -> a -> a
faceforward x y z = fromExpr $ Apply "faceforward" [toExpr x, toExpr y, toExpr z]

reflect :: GenType a => a -> a -> a
reflect x y = fromExpr $ Apply "reflect" [toExpr x, toExpr y]

refract :: GenType a => a -> a -> Float -> a
refract x y z = fromExpr $ Apply "refract" [toExpr x, toExpr y, toExpr z]

-- TODO: unsafe
matrixCompMult :: (Matrix a, Matrix b, Matrix c) => a -> b -> c
matrixCompMult x y = fromExpr $ Apply "matrixCompMult" [toExpr x, toExpr y]

-- | Avoid executing this expression more than one time. Conditionals and loops
-- imply it.
store :: ShaderType a => a -> a
store x = fromExpr . Action $ Store (typeName x) (toExpr x)

true :: Bool
true = Bool $ Literal "true"

false :: Bool
false = Bool $ Literal "false"

-- | Rebound if. You don't need to use this function, with -XRebindableSyntax.
ifThenElse :: ShaderType a => Bool -> a -> a -> a
ifThenElse b t f = fromExpr . Action $ If (toExpr b) (typeName t)
                                          (toExpr t) (toExpr f)

loop :: ShaderType a 
     => Float -- ^ Maximum number of iterations (should be as low as possible, must be an integer literal)
     -> a -- ^ Initial value
     -> (Float -> a -> (a, Bool)) -- ^ Iteration -> Old value -> (Next, Stop)
     -> a
loop (Float (Literal iters)) iv f =
        fromExpr . Action $
                For (Prelude.floor (Prelude.read iters :: Prelude.Float))
                    (typeName iv)
                    (toExpr iv)
                    (\ie ve -> let (next, stop) = f (fromExpr ie) (fromExpr ve)
                               in (toExpr next, toExpr stop))
loop _ _ _ = error "loop: iteration number is not a literal."

texture2D :: Sampler2D -> Vec2 -> Vec4
texture2D (Sampler2D s) v = fromExpr $ Apply "texture2D" [s, toExpr v]

-- | The position of the vertex (only works in the vertex shader).
position :: Vec4
position = fromExpr $ Read "gl_Position"

-- | The color of the fragment (only works in the fragment shader).
fragColor :: Vec4
fragColor = fromExpr $ Read "gl_FragColor"

instance Hashable Expr where
        hashWithSalt s e = case e of
                                Empty -> hash2 s 0 (0 :: CInt)
                                Read str -> hash2 s 1 str
                                Op1 str exp -> hash2 s 2 (str, exp)
                                Op2 str exp exp' -> hash2 3 s (str, exp, exp')
                                Apply str exps -> hash2 4 s exps
                                X exp -> hash2 5 s exp
                                Y exp -> hash2 6 s exp
                                Z exp -> hash2 7 s exp
                                W exp -> hash2 8 s exp
                                Literal str -> hash2 s 9 str
                                Action hash -> hash2 s 10 hash
                                Dummy i -> hash2 s 11 i
                                ContextVar i LoopIteration -> hash2 s 12 i
                                ContextVar i LoopValue -> hash2 s 13 i

instance Hashable Action where
        hashWithSalt s (Store t e) = hash2 s 0 (t, e)
        hashWithSalt s (If eb tt et ef) = hash2 s 1 (eb, tt, et, ef)
        hashWithSalt s (For iters tv iv eFun) =
                let baseHash = hash (iters, tv, iv, eFun (Dummy 0) (Dummy 1))
                in hash2 s 2 ( baseHash
                             , eFun (Dummy baseHash)
                                    (Dummy $ baseHash Prelude.+ 1))

instance Prelude.Eq Action where
        a == a' = hash a =! hash a'

hash2 :: Hashable a => CInt -> CInt -> a -> CInt
hash2 s i x = s `hashWithSalt` i `hashWithSalt` x