{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, DataKinds, ConstraintKinds, MultiParamTypeClasses,
             TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances,
             OverlappingInstances #-}

module FWGL.Graphics.Generic (
        -- * Objects

        -- * Groups

        -- * Layers
        -- ** Sublayers
        -- ** Render layers

        -- * Shaders

        -- * Geometries

        -- * Textures
        -- ** Colors

        module Data.Vect.Float,
        module FWGL.Graphics.Color
) where

import Control.Applicative
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Type.Equality
import Data.Vect.Float
import Data.Word (Word8)
import FRP.Yampa
import FWGL.Backend (BackendIO, GLES)
import FWGL.Geometry
import FWGL.Graphics.Color
import FWGL.Graphics.Draw
import FWGL.Graphics.Types hiding (program)
import FWGL.Internal.GL (GLES, ActiveTexture)
import FWGL.Internal.TList
import FWGL.Shader.CPU
import FWGL.Shader.Program
import FWGL.Graphics.Texture
import Unsafe.Coerce

-- | An empty group.
emptyGroup :: Group is gs
emptyGroup = Empty

-- | Set a global uniform for a 'Group'.
globalGroup :: UniformCPU c g => Global g -> Group gs is -> Group (g ': gs) is
globalGroup = Global

-- | An empty object.
nothing :: Object '[] '[]
nothing = NoMesh

-- | An object with a specified 'Geometry'.
geom :: Geometry i -> Object '[] i
geom = Mesh

class MemberGlobal g gs where
        -- | Modify the global of an 'Object'.
        (~~>) :: (UniformCPU c g)
              => (Draw c -> Global g)   -- ^ Changing function
              -> Object gs is
              -> Object gs is

instance MemberGlobal g (g ': gs) where
        f ~~> (g := c :~> o) = f (uniformCastCPU (g undefined) c) :~> o

instance ((g == g1) ~ False, MemberGlobal g gs) =>
         MemberGlobal g (g1 ': gs) where
        f ~~> (g :~> o) = g :~> (f ~~> o)

-- I could avoid unsafeCoerce by replacing the functional dependency in
-- UniformCPU with a type family, but in that case it wouldn't be possible to
-- automatically derive the instance for the shader variables, that are
-- newtypes.
uniformCastCPU :: (UniformCPU c g, UniformCPU c' g) => g -> k c -> k c'
uniformCastCPU _ = unsafeCoerce

infixr 2 ~~>

class RemoveGlobal g gs gs' where
        -- | Remove a global from an 'Object'.
        (*~>) :: (a -> g) -> Object gs is -> Object gs' is

instance RemoveGlobal g (g ': gs) gs where
        _ *~> (_ :~> o) = o

instance ((g == g1) ~ False, RemoveGlobal g gs gs') =>
         RemoveGlobal g (g1 ': gs) (g1 ': gs') where
        r *~> (g :~> o) = g :~> (r *~> o)

infixr 2 *~>

-- | Modify the geometry of an 'Object'.
modifyGeometry :: (Empty is ~ False)
               => (Geometry is -> Geometry is')
               -> Object gs is -> Object gs is'
modifyGeometry fg (g :~> o) = g :~> modifyGeometry fg o
modifyGeometry fg (Mesh g) = Mesh $ fg g

-- | Create a 'Global' from a pure value. The first argument is ignored,
-- it just provides the type (you can use the constructor of the GPU type).
(-=) :: (Typeable g, UniformCPU c g) => (a -> g) -> c -> Global g
g -= c = g := return c

infixr 4 -=

-- | Create a 'Global' of CPU type 'ActiveTexture' using a 'Texture'.
globalTexture :: (BackendIO, Typeable g, UniformCPU ActiveTexture g)
              => (a -> g) -> Texture -> Global g
globalTexture g c = g := textureUniform c

-- | Create a 'Global' using the size of a 'Texture'.
globalTexSize :: (BackendIO, Typeable g, UniformCPU c g) => (a -> g) -> Texture
              -> ((Int, Int) -> c) -> Global g
globalTexSize g t fc = g := (fc <$> textureSize t)

-- | Create a 'Global' using the size of the framebuffer.
globalFramebufferSize :: (BackendIO, Typeable g, UniformCPU c g) => (a -> g)
                      -> (Vec2 -> c) -> Global g
globalFramebufferSize g fc = g := (fc . tupleToVec <$>
                                            (viewportSize <$> drawState))
        where tupleToVec (x, y) = Vec2 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)

-- | Create a 'Group' from a list of 'Object's.
group :: (Set is, Set gs) => [Object is gs] -> Group is gs
group = foldr (\obj grp -> grp ~~ Object obj) emptyGroup

-- | Join two groups.
(~~) :: (Equal gs gs', Equal is is')
     => Group gs is -> Group gs' is'
     -> Group (Union gs gs') (Union is is')
(~~) = Append

-- | Join two groups, even if they don't provide the same variables.
unsafeJoin :: Group gs is -> Group gs' is'
           -> Group (Union gs gs') (Union is is')
unsafeJoin = Append

-- | Associate a group with a program.
layer :: (Subset progAttr grpAttr, Subset progUni grpUni)
      => Program progUni progAttr -> Group grpUni grpAttr -> Layer
layer = Layer

-- | Combine some layers.
combineLayers :: [Layer] -> Layer
combineLayers = MultiLayer

-- | Generate a 1x1 texture.
colorTex :: GLES => Color -> Texture
colorTex c = mkTexture 1 1 [ c ]

-- | Use a 'Layer' as a 'Texture' on another. Based on 'renderColor'.
subLayer :: Int                         -- ^ Texture width.
         -> Int                         -- ^ Texture height.
         -> Layer                       -- ^ Layer to draw on a 'Texture'.
         -> (Texture -> [Layer])        -- ^ Layers using the texture.
         -> Layer
subLayer w h l = subRenderLayer . renderColor w h l

-- | Use a 'Layer' as a depth 'Texture' on another. Based on 'renderDepth'.
depthSubLayer :: Int                         -- ^ Texture width.
              -> Int                         -- ^ Texture height.
              -> Layer                       -- ^ Layer to draw on a
                                             -- depth 'Texture'.
              -> (Texture -> [Layer])        -- ^ Layers using the texture.
              -> Layer
depthSubLayer w h l = subRenderLayer . renderDepth w h l

-- | Generalized version of 'subLayer' and 'depthSubLayer'.
subRenderLayer :: RenderLayer [Layer] -> Layer
subRenderLayer = SubLayer

-- | Render a 'Layer' in a 'Texture'.
renderColor :: Int                         -- ^ Texture width.
            -> Int                         -- ^ Texture height.
            -> Layer                       -- ^ Layer to draw on a 'Texture'.
            -> (Texture -> a)              -- ^ Function using the texture.
            -> RenderLayer a
renderColor w h l f = RenderLayer [ColorLayer, DepthLayer] w h 0 0 0 0
                                  False False l $ \[t, _] _ _ -> f t

-- | Render a 'Layer' in a depth 'Texture'
renderDepth :: Int              -- ^ Texture width.
            -> Int              -- ^ Texture height.
            -> Layer            -- ^ Layer to draw on a depth 'Texture'.
            -> (Texture -> a)   -- ^ Function using the texture.
            -> RenderLayer a
renderDepth w h l f = RenderLayer [DepthLayer] w h 0 0 0 0 False False l $
                                  \[t] _ _ -> f t

-- | Combination of 'renderColor' and 'renderDepth'.
renderColorDepth :: Int                         -- ^ Texture width.
                 -> Int                         -- ^ Texture height.
                 -> Layer                       -- ^ Layer to draw on a 'Texture'
                 -> (Texture -> Texture -> a)   -- ^ Color, depth.
                 -> RenderLayer a
renderColorDepth w h l f =
        RenderLayer [ColorLayer, DepthLayer] w h 0 0 0 0 False False l $
                    \[ct, dt] _ _ -> f ct dt

-- | Render a 'Layer' in a 'Texture', reading the content of the texture.
        :: Int                          -- ^ Texture width.
        -> Int                          -- ^ Texture height.
        -> Layer                        -- ^ Layer to draw on a 'Texture'.
        -> Int                          -- ^ First pixel to read X
        -> Int                          -- ^ First pixel to read Y
        -> Int                          -- ^ Width of the rectangle to read
        -> Int                          -- ^ Height of the rectangle to read
        -> (Texture -> [Color] -> a)    -- ^ Function using the texture.
        -> RenderLayer a
renderColorInspect w h l rx ry rw rh f =
        RenderLayer [ColorLayer, DepthLayer] w h rx ry rw rh True False l $
                    \[t, _] (Just c) _ -> f t c

-- | Render a 'Layer' in a depth 'Texture', reading the content of the texture.
-- Not supported on WebGL.
        :: Int                          -- ^ Texture width.
        -> Int                          -- ^ Texture height.
        -> Layer                        -- ^ Layer to draw on a depth 'Texture'.
        -> Int                          -- ^ First pixel to read X
        -> Int                          -- ^ First pixel to read Y
        -> Int                          -- ^ Width of the rectangle to read
        -> Int                          -- ^ Height of the rectangle to read
        -> (Texture -> [Word8] -> a)    -- ^ Layers using the texture.
        -> RenderLayer a
renderDepthInspect w h l rx ry rw rh f =
        RenderLayer [DepthLayer] w h rx ry rw rh False True l $
                    \[t] _ (Just d) -> f t d

-- | Combination of 'renderColorInspect' and 'renderDepthInspect'. Not supported
-- on WebGL.
        :: Int         -- ^ Texture width.
        -> Int         -- ^ Texture height.
        -> Layer       -- ^ Layer to draw on a 'Texture'
        -> Int         -- ^ First pixel to read X
        -> Int         -- ^ First pixel to read Y
        -> Int         -- ^ Width of the rectangle to read
        -> Int         -- ^ Height of the rectangle to read
        -> (Texture -> Texture -> [Color] -> [Word8] -> a)  -- ^ Layers using
                                                            -- the texture.
        -> RenderLayer a
renderColorDepthInspect w h l rx ry rw rh f =
        RenderLayer [ColorLayer, DepthLayer] w h rx ry rw rh True True l $
                    \[ct, dt] (Just c) (Just d) -> f ct dt c d