{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances,
             FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

module FWGL.Graphics.Draw (
) where

import FWGL.Geometry
import FWGL.Graphics.Shapes
import FWGL.Graphics.Types
import FWGL.Graphics.Texture
import FWGL.Backend.IO
import FWGL.Internal.GL hiding (Texture, Program, UniformLocation)
import qualified FWGL.Internal.GL as GL
import FWGL.Internal.Resource
import FWGL.Shader.CPU
import FWGL.Shader.GLSL
import FWGL.Shader.Program hiding (program)
import FWGL.Vector

import Data.Bits ((.|.))
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as H
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word (Word)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.State

drawInit :: (BackendIO, GLES) => Int -> Int -> GL DrawState
drawInit w h = do enable gl_DEPTH_TEST
                  clearColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0
                  depthFunc gl_LESS
                  resize w h
                  return DrawState { program = Nothing
                                   , loadedProgram = Nothing
                                   , programs = newGLResMap
                                   , gpuMeshes = newGLResMap
                                   , uniforms = newGLResMap
                                   , textureImages = newGLResMap
                                   , textureLayers = [] }
        where newGLResMap :: (Hashable i, Resource i r GL) => ResMap i r
              newGLResMap = newResMap

execDraw :: Draw () -> DrawState -> GL DrawState
execDraw (Draw a) = execStateT a

resize :: GLES => Int -> Int -> GL ()
resize w h = viewport 0 0 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h)

drawBegin :: GLES => Draw ()
drawBegin = gl . clear $ gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT .|. gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT

drawEnd :: GLES => Draw ()
drawEnd = Draw get >>= mapM_ (gl . deleteTexture) . textureLayers

drawLayer :: (GLES, BackendIO) => Layer -> Draw ()
drawLayer (Layer prg obj) = setProgram prg >> drawObject obj

drawObject :: (GLES, BackendIO) => Object gs is -> Draw ()
drawObject ObjectEmpty = return ()
drawObject (ObjectMesh m) = drawMesh m
drawObject (ObjectGlobal g c o) = c >>= uniform g >> drawObject o
drawObject (ObjectAppend o o') = drawObject o >> drawObject o'

drawMesh :: GLES => Mesh is -> Draw ()
drawMesh Empty = return ()
drawMesh Cube = drawMesh (StaticGeom cubeGeometry)
drawMesh (StaticGeom g) = withRes_ (getGPUGeometry $ castGeometry g)
drawMesh (DynamicGeom _ _) = error "drawMesh DynamicGeom: unsupported"
-- drawMesh (DynamicGeom d g) = delete {- removeResource -} d >> drawMesh (StaticGeom g)

uniform :: (GLES, Typeable g, UniformCPU c g) => g -> c -> Draw ()
uniform g c = withRes_ (getUniform g)
                       $ \(UniformLocation l) -> gl $ setUniform l g c

textureUniform :: (GLES, BackendIO) => Texture -> Draw ActiveTexture
textureUniform tex = do withRes_ (getTexture tex)
                                 $ \(LoadedTexture _ _ wtex) ->
                                        gl $ do activeTexture gl_TEXTURE0
                                                bindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D wtex
                        return $ ActiveTexture 0

textureSize :: (GLES, BackendIO, Num a) => Texture -> Draw (a, a)
textureSize tex = withRes (getTexture tex) (return (0, 0))
                          $ \(LoadedTexture w h _) -> return ( fromIntegral w
                                                             , fromIntegral h)

setProgram :: GLES => Program g i -> Draw ()
setProgram p = do current <- program <$> Draw get
                  when (current /= Just (castProgram p)) $
                        withRes_ (getProgram $ castProgram p) $
                                \lp@(LoadedProgram glp _ _) -> do
                                   Draw . modify $ \s -> s {
                                           program = Just $ castProgram p,
                                           loadedProgram = Just lp
                                   gl $ useProgram glp

withRes_ :: Draw (ResStatus a) -> (a -> Draw ()) -> Draw ()
withRes_ drs = withRes drs $ return ()

withRes :: Draw (ResStatus a) -> Draw b -> (a -> Draw b) -> Draw b
withRes drs u l = drs >>= \rs -> case rs of
                                        Loaded r -> l r
                                        _ -> u

getUniform :: (Typeable a, GLES) => a -> Draw (ResStatus UniformLocation)
getUniform g = do mprg <- loadedProgram <$> Draw get
                  case mprg of
                          Just prg ->
                                  getDrawResource gl uniforms
                                                  (\ m s -> s { uniforms = m })
                                                  (prg, globalName g)
                          Nothing -> return $ Error "No loaded program."

getGPUGeometry :: GLES => Geometry '[] -> Draw (ResStatus GPUGeometry)
getGPUGeometry = getDrawResource gl gpuMeshes (\ m s -> s { gpuMeshes = m })

getTexture :: (GLES, BackendIO) => Texture -> Draw (ResStatus LoadedTexture)
getTexture (TextureLayer l w h) = do t <- renderTexture w h l
                                     return . Loaded $ LoadedTexture w h t
getTexture (TextureImage t) = getTextureImage t

getTextureImage :: (GLES, BackendIO) => TextureImage
                -> Draw (ResStatus LoadedTexture)
getTextureImage = getDrawResource gl textureImages
                                     (\ m s -> s { textureImages = m })

getProgram :: GLES => Program '[] '[] -> Draw (ResStatus LoadedProgram)
getProgram = getDrawResource gl programs (\ m s -> s { programs = m })

renderTexture :: GLES => GLSize -> GLSize -> Layer -> Draw GL.Texture
renderTexture w h layer = do
        t <- gl $ do fb <- createFramebuffer

                     t <- emptyTexture
                     arr <- liftIO $ noArray
                     bindTexture gl_TEXTURE_2D t
                     texImage2DBuffer gl_TEXTURE_2D 0 (fromIntegral gl_RGBA) w 
                                      h 0 gl_RGBA
                                      gl_UNSIGNED_BYTE arr

                     bindFramebuffer gl_FRAMEBUFFER fb
                     framebufferTexture2D gl_FRAMEBUFFER
                                          gl_TEXTURE_2D t 0
                     deleteFramebuffer fb

                     return t
        Draw . modify $ \s -> s { textureLayers = t : textureLayers s }
        return t

getDrawResource :: (Resource i r m, Hashable i)
                => (m (ResStatus r, ResMap i r)
                    -> Draw (ResStatus r, ResMap i r))
                -> (DrawState -> ResMap i r)
                -> (ResMap i r -> DrawState -> DrawState)
                -> i
                -> Draw (ResStatus r)
getDrawResource lft mg ms i = do
        s <- Draw get
        (r, map) <- lft . getResource i $ mg s
        Draw . put $ ms map s
        return r

drawGPUGeometry :: GLES => GPUGeometry -> Draw ()
drawGPUGeometry (GPUGeometry abs eb ec) =
        loadedProgram <$> Draw get >>= \mlp -> case mlp of
                Nothing -> return ()
                Just (LoadedProgram _ locs _) -> gl $ do
                        bindBuffer gl_ARRAY_BUFFER noBuffer
                        enabledLocs <- mapM (\(nm, buf, setAttr) ->
                                             let loc = locs H.! nm in
                                                  do bindBuffer gl_ARRAY_BUFFER
                                                     enableVertexAttribArray $
                                                             fromIntegral loc
                                                     setAttr $ fromIntegral loc
                                                     return loc
                                            ) abs

                        bindBuffer gl_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER eb
                        drawElements gl_TRIANGLES (fromIntegral ec)
                                     gl_UNSIGNED_SHORT nullGLPtr
                        bindBuffer gl_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER noBuffer

                        mapM_ (disableVertexAttribArray . fromIntegral)
                        bindBuffer gl_ARRAY_BUFFER noBuffer

instance GLES => Resource (LoadedProgram, String) UniformLocation GL where
        loadResource (LoadedProgram prg _ _, g) f =
                do loc <- getUniformLocation prg $ toGLString g
                   f . Right $ UniformLocation loc
        unloadResource _ _ = return ()

gl :: GL a -> Draw a
gl = Draw . lift