module Conversion where import Data.Maybe import Data.List (intercalate, partition, lookup) import Data.Char (toUpper) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP import Debug.Trace data HeaderItem = Preproc String | Comment String | Fun (String, String) [(String, String)] | Var (String, String) deriving Show readExtern = fmap Preproc $ (string "extern") >> manyTill get (char '\n') readExtern2 = fmap Preproc $ (char '}') >> manyTill get (char '\n') isWhiteSpace = (flip elem) " \t\n" isNameChar = not.(flip elem) " \t\n;,()" readPreproc = fmap Preproc $ (char '#') >> manyTill get (char '\n') readComment = fmap Comment $ (string "/*") >> manyTill get (string "*/") readOnelineComment = fmap Comment $ (string "//") >> manyTill get (char '\n') readTypeName = skipSpaces >> sepBy (munch1 (isNameChar)) (skipMany1 $ satisfy isWhiteSpace) >>= \ws -> case ws of [] -> return ("void", "") [a] -> return (a, "") a -> return ( intercalate " " (init a) ++ takeWhile (=='*') (last a) , dropWhile (=='*') (last a) ) readVar = readTypeName >>= \tn -> skipSpaces >> char ';' >> return (Var tn) readFun = readTypeName >>= \tn -> skipSpaces >> char '(' >> sepBy readTypeName (char ',') >>= \args -> char ')' >> skipSpaces >> char ';' >> return (Fun tn args) readHeaderItem = skipSpaces >> readExtern <++ readExtern2 <++ readPreproc <++ readComment <++ readOnelineComment <++ readFun <++ readVar readHeader fn = fmap (fst . head . (readP_to_S $ many readHeaderItem >>= \his -> skipSpaces >> eof >> return his)) $ readFile fn varTable = [ ("int", "Int") , ("float", "Float") , ("double", "Double") , ("char", "CChar") , ("unsigned char", "CUChar") , ("bool", "CBool") , ("void", "()") , ("int8_t" , "Int8") , ("int16_t", "Int16") , ("int32_t", "Int32") , ("int64_t", "Int64") , ("uint8_t" , "Word8") , ("uint16_t", "Word16") , ("uint32_t", "Word32") , ("uint64_t", "Word64") , ("size_t", "CSize") , ("FILE", "CFile") , ("cl_mem", "CLMem") , ("cl_command_queue", "CLCommandQueue") , ("CUdeviceptr", "DevicePtr ()") ] varTable2 = [ ("f32", "Float") , ("f64", "Double") , ("bool", "CBool") , ("i8" , "Int8") , ("i16", "Int16") , ("i32", "Int32") , ("i64", "Int64") , ("u8" , "Word8") , ("u16", "Word16") , ("u32", "Word32") , ("u64", "Word64") ] capitalize (c:cs) = toUpper c:cs wrapIfNotOneWord s = if elem ' ' s then "(" ++ s ++ ")" else s haskellType s = let pn = length $ dropWhile (/='*') s ts = dropWhile (=="const") $ words $ takeWhile (/='*') s in (intercalate "(" $ replicate pn "Ptr ") ++ (if head ts == "struct" then capitalize $ ts !! 1 else (case lookup (intercalate " " ts) varTable of Just s -> s; Nothing -> error $ "type \'" ++ s ++ "\' not found";)) ++ replicate (pn-1) ')' haskellDeclaration (Preproc s) = "" haskellDeclaration (Comment s) = intercalate "\n" $ map (("--"++).dropWhile (==' ')) $ filter (/="") $ lines s haskellDeclaration (Var (_, n)) = "data " ++ capitalize n haskellDeclaration (Fun (ot, name) args) = "foreign import ccall unsafe \"" ++ name ++ "\"\n " ++ drop 8 name ++ "\n :: " ++ intercalate "\n -> " ( (map haskellType $ filter (/="void") $ map fst args) ++ ["IO " ++ wrapIfNotOneWord (haskellType ot)] ) ++ "\n" rawImportString headerItems = intercalate "\n" $ map haskellDeclaration headerItems instanceDeclarations (Var (_, n)) = (if isObject then objectString else "") ++ (if isArray then arrayString else "") where cn = capitalize sn rn = capitalize n sn = drop 8 n isObject = take 7 sn /= "context" isArray = isObject && take 6 sn /= "opaque" dim = if isArray then read $ (:[]) $ last $ init sn else 0 element = if isArray then case lookup (takeWhile (/= '_') sn) varTable2 of (Just t) -> t Nothing -> error $ "ArrayType" ++ sn ++ " not found." else "" arrayString = "instance FutharkArray "++ cn ++ " Raw."++ rn ++ " M.Ix" ++ show dim ++ " " ++ element ++ " where\n" ++ " shapeFA = to" ++ show dim ++ "d Raw.shape_" ++ sn ++ "\n" ++ " newFA = from" ++ show dim ++ "d Raw.new_" ++ sn ++ "\n" ++ " valuesFA = Raw.values_" ++ sn ++ "\n" objectString = "\ndata " ++ cn ++ " c = " ++ cn ++ " (MV.MVar Int) (F.ForeignPtr Raw." ++ rn ++ ")\n" ++ "instance FutharkObject " ++ cn ++ " Raw." ++ rn ++ " where\n" ++ " wrapFO = " ++ cn ++ "\n" ++ " freeFO = Raw.free_" ++ sn ++ "\n" ++ " fromFO (" ++ cn ++ " rc fp) = (rc, fp)\n" nfdataString = "instance NFData (" ++ cn ++" c) where rnf = rwhnf" instanceDeclarations _ = "" instanceDeclarationString headerItems = concatMap instanceDeclarations headerItems haskellType' s = let pn = length $ dropWhile (/='*') s ts = dropWhile (=="const") $ words $ takeWhile (/='*') s in if head ts == "struct" then capitalize (drop 8 $ ts !! 1) ++ " c" else (case lookup (intercalate " " ts) varTable of Just s -> s; Nothing -> error $ (trace (show ts)) "type " ++ s ++ "not found";) entryCall (Fun (_, n) args) = if isEntry then "\n" ++ typeDeclaration ++ input ++ preCall ++ call ++ postCall else "" where sn = drop 8 n isEntry = take 5 sn == "entry" en = drop 6 sn isFO a = case lookup (takeWhile (/='*') $ last $ words $ fst a) varTable of Just _ -> False; Nothing -> True; (inArgs, outArgs) = partition ((=="in").take 2.snd) $ tail args typeDeclaration = en ++ "\n :: Monad m \n => " ++ concatMap (\i -> haskellType' (fst i) ++ "\n -> " ) inArgs ++ "FutT c m " ++ wrapIfNotOneWord (intercalate ", " $ map (\o -> haskellType' $ fst o) outArgs) ++ "\n" input = unwords (en : map snd inArgs) ++ "\n = Fut.unsafeLiftFromIO $ \\context\n -> " preCall = concat $ map (\i -> "T.withFO " ++ snd i ++ " $ \\" ++ snd i ++ "'\n -> ") (filter isFO inArgs) ++ map (\o -> "F.malloc >>= \\" ++ snd o ++ "\n -> ") outArgs call = "C.inContextWithError context (\\context'\n -> Raw." ++ sn ++ " context' " ++ unwords ((map snd $ outArgs) ++ (map (\i -> if isFO i then snd i ++ "'" else snd i) inArgs)) ++ ")\n >> " peek o = if isFO o then "U.peekFreeWrapIn context " else "U.peekFree " postCall = (if length outArgs > 1 then concatMap (\o -> peek o ++ snd o ++ " >>= \\" ++ snd o ++ "'\n -> ") outArgs ++ "return " ++ wrapIfNotOneWord (intercalate ", " $ map (\o -> snd o ++ "'") outArgs) else peek (head outArgs) ++ snd (head outArgs)) ++ "\n" entryCall _ = "" entryCallString headerItems = concatMap entryCall headerItems