// Start of scalar_f16.h. // Half-precision is emulated if needed (e.g. in straight C) with the // native type used if possible. The emulation works by typedef'ing // 'float' to 'f16', and then implementing all operations on single // precision. To cut down on duplication, we use the same code for // those Futhark functions that require just operators or casts. The // in-memory representation for arrays will still be 16 bits even // under emulation, so the compiler will have to be careful when // generating reads or writes. #if !defined(cl_khr_fp16) && !(defined(__CUDA_ARCH__) && __CUDA_ARCH__ >= 600) && !(defined(ISPC)) #define EMULATE_F16 #endif #if !defined(EMULATE_F16) && defined(__OPENCL_VERSION__) #pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : enable #endif #ifdef EMULATE_F16 // Note that the half-precision storage format is still 16 bits - the // compiler will have to be real careful! typedef float f16; #elif ISPC typedef float16 f16; #else #ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__ #include #endif typedef half f16; #endif // Some of these functions convert to single precision because half // precision versions are not available. static inline f16 fadd16(f16 x, f16 y) { return x + y; } static inline f16 fsub16(f16 x, f16 y) { return x - y; } static inline f16 fmul16(f16 x, f16 y) { return x * y; } static inline bool cmplt16(f16 x, f16 y) { return x < y; } static inline bool cmple16(f16 x, f16 y) { return x <= y; } static inline f16 sitofp_i8_f16(int8_t x) { return (f16) x; } static inline f16 sitofp_i16_f16(int16_t x) { return (f16) x; } static inline f16 sitofp_i32_f16(int32_t x) { return (f16) x; } static inline f16 sitofp_i64_f16(int64_t x) { return (f16) x; } static inline f16 uitofp_i8_f16(uint8_t x) { return (f16) x; } static inline f16 uitofp_i16_f16(uint16_t x) { return (f16) x; } static inline f16 uitofp_i32_f16(uint32_t x) { return (f16) x; } static inline f16 uitofp_i64_f16(uint64_t x) { return (f16) x; } static inline int8_t fptosi_f16_i8(f16 x) { return (int8_t) (float) x; } static inline int16_t fptosi_f16_i16(f16 x) { return (int16_t) x; } static inline int32_t fptosi_f16_i32(f16 x) { return (int32_t) x; } static inline int64_t fptosi_f16_i64(f16 x) { return (int64_t) x; } static inline uint8_t fptoui_f16_i8(f16 x) { return (uint8_t) (float) x; } static inline uint16_t fptoui_f16_i16(f16 x) { return (uint16_t) x; } static inline uint32_t fptoui_f16_i32(f16 x) { return (uint32_t) x; } static inline uint64_t fptoui_f16_i64(f16 x) { return (uint64_t) x; } static inline bool ftob_f16_bool(f16 x) { return x != (f16)0; } static inline f16 btof_bool_f16(bool x) { return x ? 1 : 0; } #ifndef EMULATE_F16 static inline bool futrts_isnan16(f16 x) { return isnan((float)x); } #ifdef __OPENCL_VERSION__ static inline f16 fabs16(f16 x) { return fabs(x); } static inline f16 fmax16(f16 x, f16 y) { return fmax(x, y); } static inline f16 fmin16(f16 x, f16 y) { return fmin(x, y); } static inline f16 fpow16(f16 x, f16 y) { return pow(x, y); } #elif ISPC static inline f16 fabs16(f16 x) { return abs(x); } static inline f16 fmax16(f16 x, f16 y) { return futrts_isnan16(x) ? y : futrts_isnan16(y) ? x : max(x, y); } static inline f16 fmin16(f16 x, f16 y) { return futrts_isnan16(x) ? y : futrts_isnan16(y) ? x : min(x, y); } static inline f16 fpow16(f16 x, f16 y) { return pow(x, y); } #else // Assuming CUDA. static inline f16 fabs16(f16 x) { return fabsf(x); } static inline f16 fmax16(f16 x, f16 y) { return fmaxf(x, y); } static inline f16 fmin16(f16 x, f16 y) { return fminf(x, y); } static inline f16 fpow16(f16 x, f16 y) { return powf(x, y); } #endif #if ISPC static inline bool futrts_isinf16(float x) { return !futrts_isnan16(x) && futrts_isnan16(x - x); } static inline bool futrts_isfinite16(float x) { return !futrts_isnan16(x) && !futrts_isinf16(x); } #else static inline bool futrts_isinf16(f16 x) { return isinf((float)x); } #endif #ifdef __OPENCL_VERSION__ static inline f16 futrts_log16(f16 x) { return log(x); } static inline f16 futrts_log2_16(f16 x) { return log2(x); } static inline f16 futrts_log10_16(f16 x) { return log10(x); } static inline f16 futrts_sqrt16(f16 x) { return sqrt(x); } static inline f16 futrts_cbrt16(f16 x) { return cbrt(x); } static inline f16 futrts_exp16(f16 x) { return exp(x); } static inline f16 futrts_cos16(f16 x) { return cos(x); } static inline f16 futrts_sin16(f16 x) { return sin(x); } static inline f16 futrts_tan16(f16 x) { return tan(x); } static inline f16 futrts_acos16(f16 x) { return acos(x); } static inline f16 futrts_asin16(f16 x) { return asin(x); } static inline f16 futrts_atan16(f16 x) { return atan(x); } static inline f16 futrts_cosh16(f16 x) { return cosh(x); } static inline f16 futrts_sinh16(f16 x) { return sinh(x); } static inline f16 futrts_tanh16(f16 x) { return tanh(x); } static inline f16 futrts_acosh16(f16 x) { return acosh(x); } static inline f16 futrts_asinh16(f16 x) { return asinh(x); } static inline f16 futrts_atanh16(f16 x) { return atanh(x); } static inline f16 futrts_atan2_16(f16 x, f16 y) { return atan2(x, y); } static inline f16 futrts_hypot16(f16 x, f16 y) { return hypot(x, y); } static inline f16 futrts_gamma16(f16 x) { return tgamma(x); } static inline f16 futrts_lgamma16(f16 x) { return lgamma(x); } static inline f16 futrts_erf16(f16 x) { return erf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_erfc16(f16 x) { return erfc(x); } static inline f16 fmod16(f16 x, f16 y) { return fmod(x, y); } static inline f16 futrts_round16(f16 x) { return rint(x); } static inline f16 futrts_floor16(f16 x) { return floor(x); } static inline f16 futrts_ceil16(f16 x) { return ceil(x); } static inline f16 futrts_lerp16(f16 v0, f16 v1, f16 t) { return mix(v0, v1, t); } static inline f16 futrts_mad16(f16 a, f16 b, f16 c) { return mad(a, b, c); } static inline f16 futrts_fma16(f16 a, f16 b, f16 c) { return fma(a, b, c); } #elif ISPC static inline f16 futrts_log16(f16 x) { return futrts_isfinite16(x) || (futrts_isinf16(x) && x < 0) ? log(x) : x; } static inline f16 futrts_log2_16(f16 x) { return futrts_log16(x) / log(2.0f16); } static inline f16 futrts_log10_16(f16 x) { return futrts_log16(x) / log(10.0f16); } static inline f16 futrts_sqrt16(f16 x) { return (float16)sqrt((float)x); } static inline f16 futrts_exp16(f16 x) { return exp(x); } static inline f16 futrts_cos16(f16 x) { return (float16)cos((float)x); } static inline f16 futrts_sin16(f16 x) { return (float16)sin((float)x); } static inline f16 futrts_tan16(f16 x) { return (float16)tan((float)x); } static inline f16 futrts_acos16(f16 x) { return (float16)acos((float)x); } static inline f16 futrts_asin16(f16 x) { return (float16)asin((float)x); } static inline f16 futrts_atan16(f16 x) { return (float16)atan((float)x); } static inline f16 futrts_cosh16(f16 x) { return (exp(x)+exp(-x)) / 2.0f16; } static inline f16 futrts_sinh16(f16 x) { return (exp(x)-exp(-x)) / 2.0f16; } static inline f16 futrts_tanh16(f16 x) { return futrts_sinh16(x)/futrts_cosh16(x); } static inline f16 futrts_acosh16(f16 x) { float16 f = x+(float16)sqrt((float)(x*x-1)); if(futrts_isfinite16(f)) return log(f); return f; } static inline f16 futrts_asinh16(f16 x) { float16 f = x+(float16)sqrt((float)(x*x+1)); if(futrts_isfinite16(f)) return log(f); return f; } static inline f16 futrts_atanh16(f16 x) { float16 f = (1+x)/(1-x); if(futrts_isfinite16(f)) return log(f)/2.0f16; return f; } static inline f16 futrts_atan2_16(f16 x, f16 y) { return (float16)atan2((float)x, (float)y); } static inline f16 futrts_hypot16(f16 x, f16 y) { return (float16)futrts_hypot32((float)x, (float)y); } extern "C" unmasked uniform float tgammaf(uniform float x); static inline f16 futrts_gamma16(f16 x) { f16 res; foreach_active (i) { uniform f16 r = (f16)tgammaf(extract((float)x, i)); res = insert(res, i, r); } return res; } extern "C" unmasked uniform float lgammaf(uniform float x); static inline f16 futrts_lgamma16(f16 x) { f16 res; foreach_active (i) { uniform f16 r = (f16)lgammaf(extract((float)x, i)); res = insert(res, i, r); } return res; } static inline f16 futrts_cbrt16(f16 x) { f16 res = (f16)futrts_cbrt32((float)x); return res; } static inline f16 futrts_erf16(f16 x) { f16 res = (f16)futrts_erf32((float)x); return res; } static inline f16 futrts_erfc16(f16 x) { f16 res = (f16)futrts_erfc32((float)x); return res; } static inline f16 fmod16(f16 x, f16 y) { return x - y * (float16)trunc((float) (x/y)); } static inline f16 futrts_round16(f16 x) { return (float16)round((float)x); } static inline f16 futrts_floor16(f16 x) { return (float16)floor((float)x); } static inline f16 futrts_ceil16(f16 x) { return (float16)ceil((float)x); } static inline f16 futrts_lerp16(f16 v0, f16 v1, f16 t) { return v0 + (v1 - v0) * t; } static inline f16 futrts_mad16(f16 a, f16 b, f16 c) { return a * b + c; } static inline f16 futrts_fma16(f16 a, f16 b, f16 c) { return a * b + c; } #else // Assume CUDA. static inline f16 futrts_log16(f16 x) { return hlog(x); } static inline f16 futrts_log2_16(f16 x) { return hlog2(x); } static inline f16 futrts_log10_16(f16 x) { return hlog10(x); } static inline f16 futrts_sqrt16(f16 x) { return hsqrt(x); } static inline f16 futrts_cbrt16(f16 x) { return cbrtf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_exp16(f16 x) { return hexp(x); } static inline f16 futrts_cos16(f16 x) { return hcos(x); } static inline f16 futrts_sin16(f16 x) { return hsin(x); } static inline f16 futrts_tan16(f16 x) { return tanf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_acos16(f16 x) { return acosf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_asin16(f16 x) { return asinf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_atan16(f16 x) { return atanf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_cosh16(f16 x) { return coshf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_sinh16(f16 x) { return sinhf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_tanh16(f16 x) { return tanhf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_acosh16(f16 x) { return acoshf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_asinh16(f16 x) { return asinhf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_atanh16(f16 x) { return atanhf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_atan2_16(f16 x, f16 y) { return atan2f(x, y); } static inline f16 futrts_hypot16(f16 x, f16 y) { return hypotf(x, y); } static inline f16 futrts_gamma16(f16 x) { return tgammaf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_lgamma16(f16 x) { return lgammaf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_erf16(f16 x) { return erff(x); } static inline f16 futrts_erfc16(f16 x) { return erfcf(x); } static inline f16 fmod16(f16 x, f16 y) { return fmodf(x, y); } static inline f16 futrts_round16(f16 x) { return rintf(x); } static inline f16 futrts_floor16(f16 x) { return hfloor(x); } static inline f16 futrts_ceil16(f16 x) { return hceil(x); } static inline f16 futrts_lerp16(f16 v0, f16 v1, f16 t) { return v0 + (v1 - v0) * t; } static inline f16 futrts_mad16(f16 a, f16 b, f16 c) { return a * b + c; } static inline f16 futrts_fma16(f16 a, f16 b, f16 c) { return fmaf(a, b, c); } #endif // The CUDA __half type cannot be put in unions for some reason, so we // use bespoke conversion functions instead. #ifdef __CUDA_ARCH__ static inline int16_t futrts_to_bits16(f16 x) { return __half_as_ushort(x); } static inline f16 futrts_from_bits16(int16_t x) { return __ushort_as_half(x); } #elif ISPC static inline int16_t futrts_to_bits16(f16 x) { varying int16_t y = *((varying int16_t * uniform)&x); return y; } static inline f16 futrts_from_bits16(int16_t x) { varying f16 y = *((varying f16 * uniform)&x); return y; } #else static inline int16_t futrts_to_bits16(f16 x) { union { f16 f; int16_t t; } p; p.f = x; return p.t; } static inline f16 futrts_from_bits16(int16_t x) { union { int16_t f; f16 t; } p; p.f = x; return p.t; } #endif #else // No native f16 - emulate. static inline f16 fabs16(f16 x) { return fabs32(x); } static inline f16 fmax16(f16 x, f16 y) { return fmax32(x, y); } static inline f16 fmin16(f16 x, f16 y) { return fmin32(x, y); } static inline f16 fpow16(f16 x, f16 y) { return fpow32(x, y); } static inline bool futrts_isnan16(f16 x) { return futrts_isnan32(x); } static inline bool futrts_isinf16(f16 x) { return futrts_isinf32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_log16(f16 x) { return futrts_log32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_log2_16(f16 x) { return futrts_log2_32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_log10_16(f16 x) { return futrts_log10_32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_sqrt16(f16 x) { return futrts_sqrt32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_cbrt16(f16 x) { return futrts_cbrt32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_exp16(f16 x) { return futrts_exp32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_cos16(f16 x) { return futrts_cos32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_sin16(f16 x) { return futrts_sin32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_tan16(f16 x) { return futrts_tan32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_acos16(f16 x) { return futrts_acos32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_asin16(f16 x) { return futrts_asin32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_atan16(f16 x) { return futrts_atan32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_cosh16(f16 x) { return futrts_cosh32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_sinh16(f16 x) { return futrts_sinh32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_tanh16(f16 x) { return futrts_tanh32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_acosh16(f16 x) { return futrts_acosh32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_asinh16(f16 x) { return futrts_asinh32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_atanh16(f16 x) { return futrts_atanh32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_atan2_16(f16 x, f16 y) { return futrts_atan2_32(x, y); } static inline f16 futrts_hypot16(f16 x, f16 y) { return futrts_hypot32(x, y); } static inline f16 futrts_gamma16(f16 x) { return futrts_gamma32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_lgamma16(f16 x) { return futrts_lgamma32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_erf16(f16 x) { return futrts_erf32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_erfc16(f16 x) { return futrts_erfc32(x); } static inline f16 fmod16(f16 x, f16 y) { return fmod32(x, y); } static inline f16 futrts_round16(f16 x) { return futrts_round32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_floor16(f16 x) { return futrts_floor32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_ceil16(f16 x) { return futrts_ceil32(x); } static inline f16 futrts_lerp16(f16 v0, f16 v1, f16 t) { return futrts_lerp32(v0, v1, t); } static inline f16 futrts_mad16(f16 a, f16 b, f16 c) { return futrts_mad32(a, b, c); } static inline f16 futrts_fma16(f16 a, f16 b, f16 c) { return futrts_fma32(a, b, c); } // Even when we are using an OpenCL that does not support cl_khr_fp16, // it must still support vload_half for actually creating a // half-precision number, which can then be efficiently converted to a // float. Similarly for vstore_half. #ifdef __OPENCL_VERSION__ static inline int16_t futrts_to_bits16(f16 x) { int16_t y; // Violating strict aliasing here. vstore_half((float)x, 0, (half*)&y); return y; } static inline f16 futrts_from_bits16(int16_t x) { return (f16)vload_half(0, (half*)&x); } #else static inline int16_t futrts_to_bits16(f16 x) { return (int16_t)float2halfbits(x); } static inline f16 futrts_from_bits16(int16_t x) { return halfbits2float((uint16_t)x); } static inline f16 fsignum16(f16 x) { return futrts_isnan16(x) ? x : (x > 0 ? 1 : 0) - (x < 0 ? 1 : 0); } #endif #endif static inline float fpconv_f16_f16(f16 x) { return x; } static inline float fpconv_f16_f32(f16 x) { return x; } static inline f16 fpconv_f32_f16(float x) { return (f16) x; } #ifdef FUTHARK_F64_ENABLED static inline double fpconv_f16_f64(f16 x) { return (double) x; } #if ISPC static inline f16 fpconv_f64_f16(double x) { return (f16) ((float)x); } #else static inline f16 fpconv_f64_f16(double x) { return (f16) x; } #endif #endif // End of scalar_f16.h.