{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-} -- | Non-Futhark-specific utilities. If you find yourself writing -- general functions on generic data structures, consider putting them -- here. -- -- Sometimes it is also preferable to copy a small function rather -- than introducing a large dependency. In this case, make sure to -- note where you got it from (and make sure that the license is -- compatible). module Futhark.Util ( nubOrd, mapAccumLM, maxinum, chunk, chunks, dropAt, takeLast, dropLast, mapEither, maybeNth, maybeHead, splitFromEnd, splitAt3, focusNth, hashIntText, unixEnvironment, isEnvVarAtLeast, fancyTerminal, runProgramWithExitCode, directoryContents, roundFloat, ceilFloat, floorFloat, roundDouble, ceilDouble, floorDouble, lgamma, lgammaf, tgamma, tgammaf, fromPOSIX, toPOSIX, trim, pmapIO, readFileSafely, UserString, EncodedString, zEncodeString, ) where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import Data.Char import Data.Either import Data.List (foldl', genericDrop, genericSplitAt, sort) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Numeric import qualified System.Directory.Tree as Dir import System.Environment import System.Exit import qualified System.FilePath as Native import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as Posix import System.IO (hIsTerminalDevice, stdout) import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError) import System.IO.Unsafe import System.Process.ByteString import Text.Printf import Text.Read (readMaybe) -- | Like 'nub', but without the quadratic runtime. nubOrd :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] nubOrd = map NE.head . NE.group . sort -- | Like 'Data.Traversable.mapAccumL', but monadic. mapAccumLM :: Monad m => (acc -> x -> m (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> m (acc, [y]) mapAccumLM _ acc [] = return (acc, []) mapAccumLM f acc (x : xs) = do (acc', x') <- f acc x (acc'', xs') <- mapAccumLM f acc' xs return (acc'', x' : xs') -- | @chunk n a@ splits @a@ into @n@-size-chunks. If the length of -- @a@ is not divisible by @n@, the last chunk will have fewer than -- @n@ elements (but it will never be empty). chunk :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]] chunk _ [] = [] chunk n xs = let (bef, aft) = splitAt n xs in bef : chunk n aft -- | @chunks ns a@ splits @a@ into chunks determined by the elements -- of @ns@. It must hold that @sum ns == length a@, or the resulting -- list may contain too few chunks, or not all elements of @a@. chunks :: [Int] -> [a] -> [[a]] chunks [] _ = [] chunks (n : ns) xs = let (bef, aft) = splitAt n xs in bef : chunks ns aft -- | Like 'maximum', but returns zero for an empty list. maxinum :: (Num a, Ord a, Foldable f) => f a -> a maxinum = foldl' max 0 -- | @dropAt i n@ drops @n@ elements starting at element @i@. dropAt :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a] dropAt i n xs = take i xs ++ drop (i + n) xs -- | @takeLast n l@ takes the last @n@ elements of @l@. takeLast :: Int -> [a] -> [a] takeLast n = reverse . take n . reverse -- | @dropLast n l@ drops the last @n@ elements of @l@. dropLast :: Int -> [a] -> [a] dropLast n = reverse . drop n . reverse -- | A combination of 'map' and 'partitionEithers'. mapEither :: (a -> Either b c) -> [a] -> ([b], [c]) mapEither f l = partitionEithers $ map f l -- | Return the list element at the given index, if the index is valid. maybeNth :: Integral int => int -> [a] -> Maybe a maybeNth i l | i >= 0, v : _ <- genericDrop i l = Just v | otherwise = Nothing -- | Return the first element of the list, if it exists. maybeHead :: [a] -> Maybe a maybeHead [] = Nothing maybeHead (x : _) = Just x -- | Like 'splitAt', but from the end. splitFromEnd :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) splitFromEnd i l = splitAt (length l - i) l -- | Like 'splitAt', but produces three lists. splitAt3 :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a], [a]) splitAt3 n m l = let (xs, l') = splitAt n l (ys, zs) = splitAt m l' in (xs, ys, zs) -- | Return the list element at the given index, if the index is -- valid, along with the elements before and after. focusNth :: Integral int => int -> [a] -> Maybe ([a], a, [a]) focusNth i xs | (bef, x : aft) <- genericSplitAt i xs = Just (bef, x, aft) | otherwise = Nothing -- | Convert the given integer (implied to be a hash digest) to a -- hexadecimal non-negative number. hashIntText :: Int -> T.Text hashIntText x = T.pack $ printf "%x" (fromIntegral x :: Word) {-# NOINLINE unixEnvironment #-} -- | The Unix environment when the Futhark compiler started. unixEnvironment :: [(String, String)] unixEnvironment = unsafePerformIO getEnvironment -- | True if the environment variable, viewed as an integer, has at -- least this numeric value. Returns False if variable is unset or -- not numeric. isEnvVarAtLeast :: String -> Int -> Bool isEnvVarAtLeast s x = case readMaybe =<< lookup s unixEnvironment of Just y -> y >= x _ -> False {-# NOINLINE fancyTerminal #-} -- | Are we running in a terminal capable of fancy commands and -- visualisation? fancyTerminal :: Bool fancyTerminal = unsafePerformIO $ do isTTY <- hIsTerminalDevice stdout isDumb <- (Just "dumb" ==) <$> lookupEnv "TERM" return $ isTTY && not isDumb -- | Like 'readProcessWithExitCode', but also wraps exceptions when -- the indicated binary cannot be launched, or some other exception is -- thrown. Also does shenanigans to handle improperly encoded outputs. runProgramWithExitCode :: FilePath -> [String] -> BS.ByteString -> IO (Either IOException (ExitCode, String, String)) runProgramWithExitCode exe args inp = (Right . postprocess <$> readProcessWithExitCode exe args inp) `catch` \e -> return (Left e) where decode = T.unpack . T.decodeUtf8With T.lenientDecode postprocess (code, out, err) = (code, decode out, decode err) -- | Every non-directory file contained in a directory tree. directoryContents :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] directoryContents dir = do _ Dir.:/ tree <- Dir.readDirectoryWith return dir case Dir.failures tree of Dir.Failed _ err : _ -> throw err _ -> return $ mapMaybe isFile $ Dir.flattenDir tree where isFile (Dir.File _ path) = Just path isFile _ = Nothing foreign import ccall "nearbyint" c_nearbyint :: Double -> Double foreign import ccall "nearbyintf" c_nearbyintf :: Float -> Float foreign import ccall "ceil" c_ceil :: Double -> Double foreign import ccall "ceilf" c_ceilf :: Float -> Float foreign import ccall "floor" c_floor :: Double -> Double foreign import ccall "floorf" c_floorf :: Float -> Float -- | Round a single-precision floating point number correctly. roundFloat :: Float -> Float roundFloat = c_nearbyintf -- | Round a single-precision floating point number upwards correctly. ceilFloat :: Float -> Float ceilFloat = c_ceilf -- | Round a single-precision floating point number downwards correctly. floorFloat :: Float -> Float floorFloat = c_floorf -- | Round a double-precision floating point number correctly. roundDouble :: Double -> Double roundDouble = c_nearbyint -- | Round a double-precision floating point number upwards correctly. ceilDouble :: Double -> Double ceilDouble = c_ceil -- | Round a double-precision floating point number downwards correctly. floorDouble :: Double -> Double floorDouble = c_floor foreign import ccall "lgamma" c_lgamma :: Double -> Double foreign import ccall "lgammaf" c_lgammaf :: Float -> Float foreign import ccall "tgamma" c_tgamma :: Double -> Double foreign import ccall "tgammaf" c_tgammaf :: Float -> Float -- | The system-level @lgamma()@ function. lgamma :: Double -> Double lgamma = c_lgamma -- | The system-level @lgammaf()@ function. lgammaf :: Float -> Float lgammaf = c_lgammaf -- | The system-level @tgamma()@ function. tgamma :: Double -> Double tgamma = c_tgamma -- | The system-level @tgammaf()@ function. tgammaf :: Float -> Float tgammaf = c_tgammaf -- | Turn a POSIX filepath into a filepath for the native system. toPOSIX :: Native.FilePath -> Posix.FilePath toPOSIX = Posix.joinPath . Native.splitDirectories -- | Some bad operating systems do not use forward slash as -- directory separator - this is where we convert Futhark includes -- (which always use forward slash) to native paths. fromPOSIX :: Posix.FilePath -> Native.FilePath fromPOSIX = Native.joinPath . Posix.splitDirectories -- | Remove leading and trailing whitespace from a string. Not an -- efficient implementation! trim :: String -> String trim = reverse . dropWhile isSpace . reverse . dropWhile isSpace -- | Run various 'IO' actions concurrently, possibly with a bound on -- the number of threads. The list must be finite. The ordering of -- the result list is not deterministic - add your own sorting if -- needed. If any of the actions throw an exception, then that -- exception is propagated to this function. pmapIO :: Maybe Int -> (a -> IO b) -> [a] -> IO [b] pmapIO concurrency f elems = do tasks <- newMVar elems results <- newEmptyMVar num_threads <- maybe getNumCapabilities pure concurrency replicateM_ num_threads $ forkIO $ worker tasks results replicateM (length elems) $ getResult results where worker tasks results = do task <- modifyMVar tasks getTask case task of Nothing -> pure () Just x -> do y <- (Right <$> f x) `catch` (pure . Left) putMVar results y worker tasks results getTask [] = pure ([], Nothing) getTask (task : tasks) = pure (tasks, Just task) getResult results = do res <- takeMVar results case res of Left err -> throw (err :: SomeException) Right v -> pure v -- | Read a file, returning 'Nothing' if the file does not exist, and -- 'Left' if some other error occurs. readFileSafely :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Either String T.Text)) readFileSafely filepath = (Just . Right <$> T.readFile filepath) `catch` couldNotRead where couldNotRead e | isDoesNotExistError e = return Nothing | otherwise = return $ Just $ Left $ show e -- Z-encoding from https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Commentary/Compiler/SymbolNames -- -- Slightly simplified as we do not need it to deal with tuples and -- the like. -- -- (c) The University of Glasgow, 1997-2006 -- | As the user typed it. type UserString = String -- | Encoded form. type EncodedString = String -- | Z-encode a string using a slightly simplified variant of GHC -- Z-encoding. The encoded string is a valid identifier in most -- programming languages. zEncodeString :: UserString -> EncodedString zEncodeString "" = "" zEncodeString (c : cs) = encodeDigitChar c ++ concatMap encodeChar cs unencodedChar :: Char -> Bool -- True for chars that don't need encoding unencodedChar 'Z' = False unencodedChar 'z' = False unencodedChar '_' = True unencodedChar c = isAsciiLower c || isAsciiUpper c || isDigit c -- If a digit is at the start of a symbol then we need to encode it. -- Otherwise names like 9pH-0.1 give linker errors. encodeDigitChar :: Char -> EncodedString encodeDigitChar c | isDigit c = encodeAsUnicodeCharar c | otherwise = encodeChar c encodeChar :: Char -> EncodedString encodeChar c | unencodedChar c = [c] -- Common case first -- Constructors encodeChar '(' = "ZL" -- Needed for things like (,), and (->) encodeChar ')' = "ZR" -- For symmetry with ( encodeChar '[' = "ZM" encodeChar ']' = "ZN" encodeChar ':' = "ZC" encodeChar 'Z' = "ZZ" -- Variables encodeChar 'z' = "zz" encodeChar '&' = "za" encodeChar '|' = "zb" encodeChar '^' = "zc" encodeChar '$' = "zd" encodeChar '=' = "ze" encodeChar '>' = "zg" encodeChar '#' = "zh" encodeChar '.' = "zi" encodeChar '<' = "zl" encodeChar '-' = "zm" encodeChar '!' = "zn" encodeChar '+' = "zp" encodeChar '\'' = "zq" encodeChar '\\' = "zr" encodeChar '/' = "zs" encodeChar '*' = "zt" encodeChar '_' = "zu" encodeChar '%' = "zv" encodeChar c = encodeAsUnicodeCharar c encodeAsUnicodeCharar :: Char -> EncodedString encodeAsUnicodeCharar c = 'z' : if isDigit (head hex_str) then hex_str else '0' : hex_str where hex_str = showHex (ord c) "U"