{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} -- | Compile a 'KernelsMem' program to imperative code with kernels. -- This is mostly (but not entirely) the same process no matter if we -- are targeting OpenCL or CUDA. The important distinctions (the host -- level code) are introduced later. module Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels ( compileProgOpenCL, compileProgCUDA, Warnings, ) where import Control.Monad.Except import Data.Bifunctor (second) import Data.List (foldl') import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.Kernels (bytes) import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpCode.Kernels as Imp import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen hiding (compileProg) import qualified Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels.Base import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels.SegHist import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels.SegMap import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels.SegRed import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels.SegScan import Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.Kernels.Transpose import Futhark.CodeGen.SetDefaultSpace import Futhark.Error import Futhark.IR.KernelsMem import qualified Futhark.IR.Mem.IxFun as IxFun import Futhark.MonadFreshNames import Futhark.Util.IntegralExp (IntegralExp, divUp, quot, rem) import Prelude hiding (quot, rem) callKernelOperations :: Operations KernelsMem HostEnv Imp.HostOp callKernelOperations = Operations { opsExpCompiler = expCompiler, opsCopyCompiler = callKernelCopy, opsOpCompiler = opCompiler, opsStmsCompiler = defCompileStms, opsAllocCompilers = mempty } openclAtomics, cudaAtomics :: AtomicBinOp (openclAtomics, cudaAtomics) = (flip lookup opencl, flip lookup cuda) where opencl64 = [ (Add Int64 OverflowUndef, Imp.AtomicAdd Int64), (SMax Int64, Imp.AtomicSMax Int64), (SMin Int64, Imp.AtomicSMin Int64), (UMax Int64, Imp.AtomicUMax Int64), (UMin Int64, Imp.AtomicUMin Int64), (And Int64, Imp.AtomicAnd Int64), (Or Int64, Imp.AtomicOr Int64), (Xor Int64, Imp.AtomicXor Int64) ] opencl32 = [ (Add Int32 OverflowUndef, Imp.AtomicAdd Int32), (SMax Int32, Imp.AtomicSMax Int32), (SMin Int32, Imp.AtomicSMin Int32), (UMax Int32, Imp.AtomicUMax Int32), (UMin Int32, Imp.AtomicUMin Int32), (And Int32, Imp.AtomicAnd Int32), (Or Int32, Imp.AtomicOr Int32), (Xor Int32, Imp.AtomicXor Int32) ] opencl = opencl32 ++ opencl64 cuda = opencl ++ [ (FAdd Float32, Imp.AtomicFAdd Float32), (FAdd Float64, Imp.AtomicFAdd Float64) ] compileProg :: MonadFreshNames m => HostEnv -> Prog KernelsMem -> m (Warnings, Imp.Program) compileProg env prog = second (setDefaultSpace (Imp.Space "device")) <$> Futhark.CodeGen.ImpGen.compileProg env callKernelOperations (Imp.Space "device") prog -- | Compile a 'KernelsMem' program to low-level parallel code, with -- either CUDA or OpenCL characteristics. compileProgOpenCL, compileProgCUDA :: MonadFreshNames m => Prog KernelsMem -> m (Warnings, Imp.Program) compileProgOpenCL = compileProg $ HostEnv openclAtomics OpenCL compileProgCUDA = compileProg $ HostEnv cudaAtomics CUDA opCompiler :: Pattern KernelsMem -> Op KernelsMem -> CallKernelGen () opCompiler dest (Alloc e space) = compileAlloc dest e space opCompiler (Pattern _ [pe]) (Inner (SizeOp (GetSize key size_class))) = do fname <- askFunction sOp $ Imp.GetSize (patElemName pe) (keyWithEntryPoint fname key) $ sizeClassWithEntryPoint fname size_class opCompiler (Pattern _ [pe]) (Inner (SizeOp (CmpSizeLe key size_class x))) = do fname <- askFunction let size_class' = sizeClassWithEntryPoint fname size_class sOp . Imp.CmpSizeLe (patElemName pe) (keyWithEntryPoint fname key) size_class' =<< toExp x opCompiler (Pattern _ [pe]) (Inner (SizeOp (GetSizeMax size_class))) = sOp $ Imp.GetSizeMax (patElemName pe) size_class opCompiler (Pattern _ [pe]) (Inner (SizeOp (CalcNumGroups w64 max_num_groups_key group_size))) = do fname <- askFunction max_num_groups :: TV Int32 <- dPrim "max_num_groups" int32 sOp $ Imp.GetSize (tvVar max_num_groups) (keyWithEntryPoint fname max_num_groups_key) $ sizeClassWithEntryPoint fname SizeNumGroups -- If 'w' is small, we launch fewer groups than we normally would. -- We don't want any idle groups. -- -- The calculations are done with 64-bit integers to avoid overflow -- issues. let num_groups_maybe_zero = sMin64 (toInt64Exp w64 `divUp` toInt64Exp group_size) $ sExt64 (tvExp max_num_groups) -- We also don't want zero groups. let num_groups = sMax64 1 num_groups_maybe_zero mkTV (patElemName pe) int32 <-- sExt32 num_groups opCompiler dest (Inner (SegOp op)) = segOpCompiler dest op opCompiler pat e = compilerBugS $ "opCompiler: Invalid pattern\n " ++ pretty pat ++ "\nfor expression\n " ++ pretty e sizeClassWithEntryPoint :: Maybe Name -> Imp.SizeClass -> Imp.SizeClass sizeClassWithEntryPoint fname (Imp.SizeThreshold path def) = Imp.SizeThreshold (map f path) def where f (name, x) = (keyWithEntryPoint fname name, x) sizeClassWithEntryPoint _ size_class = size_class segOpCompiler :: Pattern KernelsMem -> SegOp SegLevel KernelsMem -> CallKernelGen () segOpCompiler pat (SegMap lvl space _ kbody) = compileSegMap pat lvl space kbody segOpCompiler pat (SegRed lvl@SegThread {} space reds _ kbody) = compileSegRed pat lvl space reds kbody segOpCompiler pat (SegScan lvl@SegThread {} space scans _ kbody) = compileSegScan pat lvl space scans kbody segOpCompiler pat (SegHist (SegThread num_groups group_size _) space ops _ kbody) = compileSegHist pat num_groups group_size space ops kbody segOpCompiler pat segop = compilerBugS $ "segOpCompiler: unexpected " ++ pretty (segLevel segop) ++ " for rhs of pattern " ++ pretty pat -- Create boolean expression that checks whether all kernels in the -- enclosed code do not use more local memory than we have available. -- We look at *all* the kernels here, even those that might be -- otherwise protected by their own multi-versioning branches deeper -- down. Currently the compiler will not generate multi-versioning -- that makes this a problem, but it might in the future. checkLocalMemoryReqs :: Imp.Code -> CallKernelGen (Maybe (Imp.TExp Bool)) checkLocalMemoryReqs code = do scope <- askScope let alloc_sizes = map (sum . map alignedSize . localAllocSizes . Imp.kernelBody) $ getKernels code -- If any of the sizes involve a variable that is not known at this -- point, then we cannot check the requirements. if any (`M.notMember` scope) (namesToList $ freeIn alloc_sizes) then return Nothing else do local_memory_capacity :: TV Int32 <- dPrim "local_memory_capacity" int32 sOp $ Imp.GetSizeMax (tvVar local_memory_capacity) SizeLocalMemory let local_memory_capacity_64 = sExt64 $ tvExp local_memory_capacity fits size = unCount size .<=. local_memory_capacity_64 return $ Just $ foldl' (.&&.) true (map fits alloc_sizes) where getKernels = foldMap getKernel getKernel (Imp.CallKernel k) = [k] getKernel _ = [] localAllocSizes = foldMap localAllocSize localAllocSize (Imp.LocalAlloc _ size) = [size] localAllocSize _ = [] -- These allocations will actually be padded to an 8-byte aligned -- size, so we should take that into account when checking whether -- they fit. alignedSize x = x + ((8 - (x `rem` 8)) `rem` 8) expCompiler :: ExpCompiler KernelsMem HostEnv Imp.HostOp -- We generate a simple kernel for itoa and replicate. expCompiler (Pattern _ [pe]) (BasicOp (Iota n x s et)) = do x' <- toExp x s' <- toExp s sIota (patElemName pe) (toInt64Exp n) x' s' et expCompiler (Pattern _ [pe]) (BasicOp (Replicate _ se)) = sReplicate (patElemName pe) se -- Allocation in the "local" space is just a placeholder. expCompiler _ (Op (Alloc _ (Space "local"))) = return () -- This is a multi-versioning If created by incremental flattening. -- We need to augment the conditional with a check that any local -- memory requirements in tbranch are compatible with the hardware. -- We do not check anything for fbranch, as we assume that it will -- always be safe (and what would we do if none of the branches would -- work?). expCompiler dest (If cond tbranch fbranch (IfDec _ IfEquiv)) = do tcode <- collect $ compileBody dest tbranch fcode <- collect $ compileBody dest fbranch check <- checkLocalMemoryReqs tcode emit $ case check of Nothing -> fcode Just ok -> Imp.If (ok .&&. toBoolExp cond) tcode fcode expCompiler dest e = defCompileExp dest e callKernelCopy :: CopyCompiler KernelsMem HostEnv Imp.HostOp callKernelCopy bt destloc@(MemLocation destmem _ destIxFun) destslice srcloc@(MemLocation srcmem srcshape srcIxFun) srcslice | Just ( destoffset, srcoffset, num_arrays, size_x, size_y ) <- isMapTransposeCopy bt destloc destslice srcloc srcslice = do fname <- mapTransposeForType bt emit $ Imp.Call [] fname [ Imp.MemArg destmem, Imp.ExpArg $ untyped destoffset, Imp.MemArg srcmem, Imp.ExpArg $ untyped srcoffset, Imp.ExpArg $ untyped num_arrays, Imp.ExpArg $ untyped size_x, Imp.ExpArg $ untyped size_y ] | bt_size <- primByteSize bt, Just destoffset <- IxFun.linearWithOffset (IxFun.slice destIxFun destslice) bt_size, Just srcoffset <- IxFun.linearWithOffset (IxFun.slice srcIxFun srcslice) bt_size = do let num_elems = Imp.elements $ product $ map toInt64Exp srcshape srcspace <- entryMemSpace <$> lookupMemory srcmem destspace <- entryMemSpace <$> lookupMemory destmem emit $ Imp.Copy destmem (bytes $ sExt64 destoffset) destspace srcmem (bytes $ sExt64 srcoffset) srcspace $ num_elems `Imp.withElemType` bt | otherwise = sCopy bt destloc destslice srcloc srcslice mapTransposeForType :: PrimType -> CallKernelGen Name mapTransposeForType bt = do let fname = nameFromString $ "builtin#" <> mapTransposeName bt exists <- hasFunction fname unless exists $ emitFunction fname $ mapTransposeFunction bt return fname mapTransposeName :: PrimType -> String mapTransposeName bt = "gpu_map_transpose_" ++ pretty bt mapTransposeFunction :: PrimType -> Imp.Function mapTransposeFunction bt = Imp.Function False [] params transpose_code [] [] where params = [ memparam destmem, intparam destoffset, memparam srcmem, intparam srcoffset, intparam num_arrays, intparam x, intparam y ] space = Space "device" memparam v = Imp.MemParam v space intparam v = Imp.ScalarParam v $ IntType Int32 [ destmem, destoffset, srcmem, srcoffset, num_arrays, x, y, mulx, muly, block ] = zipWith (VName . nameFromString) [ "destmem", "destoffset", "srcmem", "srcoffset", "num_arrays", "x_elems", "y_elems", -- The following is only used for low width/height -- transpose kernels "mulx", "muly", "block" ] [0 ..] block_dim_int = 16 block_dim :: IntegralExp a => a block_dim = 16 -- When an input array has either width==1 or height==1, performing a -- transpose will be the same as performing a copy. can_use_copy = let onearr = Imp.vi32 num_arrays .==. 1 height_is_one = Imp.vi32 y .==. 1 width_is_one = Imp.vi32 x .==. 1 in onearr .&&. (width_is_one .||. height_is_one) transpose_code = Imp.If input_is_empty mempty $ mconcat [ Imp.DeclareScalar muly Imp.Nonvolatile (IntType Int32), Imp.SetScalar muly $ untyped $ block_dim `quot` Imp.vi32 x, Imp.DeclareScalar mulx Imp.Nonvolatile (IntType Int32), Imp.SetScalar mulx $ untyped $ block_dim `quot` Imp.vi32 y, Imp.If can_use_copy copy_code $ Imp.If should_use_lowwidth (callTransposeKernel TransposeLowWidth) $ Imp.If should_use_lowheight (callTransposeKernel TransposeLowHeight) $ Imp.If should_use_small (callTransposeKernel TransposeSmall) $ callTransposeKernel TransposeNormal ] input_is_empty = Imp.vi32 num_arrays .==. 0 .||. Imp.vi32 x .==. 0 .||. Imp.vi32 y .==. 0 should_use_small = Imp.vi32 x .<=. (block_dim `quot` 2) .&&. Imp.vi32 y .<=. (block_dim `quot` 2) should_use_lowwidth = Imp.vi32 x .<=. (block_dim `quot` 2) .&&. block_dim .<. Imp.vi32 y should_use_lowheight = Imp.vi32 y .<=. (block_dim `quot` 2) .&&. block_dim .<. Imp.vi32 x copy_code = let num_bytes = sExt64 $ Imp.vi32 x * Imp.vi32 y * isInt32 (Imp.LeafExp (Imp.SizeOf bt) (IntType Int32)) in Imp.Copy destmem (Imp.Count $ sExt64 $ Imp.vi32 destoffset) space srcmem (Imp.Count $ sExt64 $ Imp.vi32 srcoffset) space (Imp.Count num_bytes) callTransposeKernel = Imp.Op . Imp.CallKernel . mapTransposeKernel (mapTransposeName bt) block_dim_int ( destmem, Imp.vi32 destoffset, srcmem, Imp.vi32 srcoffset, Imp.vi32 x, Imp.vi32 y, Imp.vi32 mulx, Imp.vi32 muly, Imp.vi32 num_arrays, block ) bt