// start of scheduler.h // First, the API that the generated code will access. In principle, // we could then compile the scheduler separately and link an object // file with the generated code. In practice, we will embed all of // this in the generated code. // Scheduler handle. struct scheduler; // Initialise a scheduler (and start worker threads). static int scheduler_init(struct scheduler *scheduler, int num_workers, double kappa); // Shut down a scheduler (and destroy worker threads). static int scheduler_destroy(struct scheduler *scheduler); // Figure out the smallest amount of work that amortises task // creation. static int determine_kappa(double *kappa); // How a segop should be scheduled. enum scheduling { DYNAMIC, STATIC }; // How a given task should be executed. Filled out by the scheduler // and passed to the segop function struct scheduler_info { int64_t iter_pr_subtask; int64_t remainder; int nsubtasks; enum scheduling sched; int wake_up_threads; int64_t *task_time; int64_t *task_iter; }; // A segop function. This is what you hand the scheduler for // execution. typedef int (*segop_fn)(void* args, int64_t iterations, int tid, struct scheduler_info info); // A task for the scheduler to execute. struct scheduler_segop { void *args; segop_fn top_level_fn; segop_fn nested_fn; int64_t iterations; enum scheduling sched; // Pointers to timer and iter associated with the task int64_t *task_time; int64_t *task_iter; // For debugging const char* name; }; static inline int scheduler_prepare_task(struct scheduler *scheduler, struct scheduler_segop *task); typedef int (*parloop_fn)(void* args, int64_t start, int64_t end, int subtask_id, int tid); // A parallel parloop task. struct scheduler_parloop { void* args; parloop_fn fn; int64_t iterations; struct scheduler_info info; // For debugging const char* name; }; static inline int scheduler_execute_task(struct scheduler *scheduler, struct scheduler_parloop *task); // Then the API implementation. #include #if defined(_WIN32) #include #elif defined(__APPLE__) #include // For getting cpu usage of threads #include #include #elif defined(__linux__) #include #include #include #endif /* Multicore Utility functions */ /* A wrapper for getting rusage on Linux and MacOS */ /* TODO maybe figure out this for windows */ static inline int getrusage_thread(struct rusage *rusage) { int err = -1; #if defined(__APPLE__) thread_basic_info_data_t info = { 0 }; mach_msg_type_number_t info_count = THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT; kern_return_t kern_err; kern_err = thread_info(mach_thread_self(), THREAD_BASIC_INFO, (thread_info_t)&info, &info_count); if (kern_err == KERN_SUCCESS) { memset(rusage, 0, sizeof(struct rusage)); rusage->ru_utime.tv_sec = info.user_time.seconds; rusage->ru_utime.tv_usec = info.user_time.microseconds; rusage->ru_stime.tv_sec = info.system_time.seconds; rusage->ru_stime.tv_usec = info.system_time.microseconds; err = 0; } else { errno = EINVAL; } #elif defined(__linux__) err = getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD, rusage); #endif return err; } /* returns the number of logical cores */ static int num_processors() { #if defined(_WIN32) /* https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/sysinfoapi/ns-sysinfoapi-system_info */ SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo; GetSystemInfo(&sysinfo); int ncores = sysinfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; fprintf(stderr, "Found %d cores on your Windows machine\n Is that correct?\n", ncores); return ncores; #elif defined(__APPLE__) int ncores; size_t ncores_size = sizeof(ncores); CHECK_ERRNO(sysctlbyname("hw.logicalcpu", &ncores, &ncores_size, NULL, 0), "sysctlbyname (hw.logicalcpu)"); return ncores; #elif defined(__linux__) return get_nprocs(); #else fprintf(stderr, "operating system not recognised\n"); return -1; #endif } static unsigned int g_seed; // Used to seed the generator. static inline void fast_srand(unsigned int seed) { g_seed = seed; } // Compute a pseudorandom integer. // Output value in range [0, 32767] static inline unsigned int fast_rand(void) { g_seed = (214013*g_seed+2531011); return (g_seed>>16)&0x7FFF; } struct subtask_queue { int capacity; // Size of the buffer. int first; // Index of the start of the ring buffer. int num_used; // Number of used elements in the buffer. struct subtask **buffer; pthread_mutex_t mutex; // Mutex used for synchronisation. pthread_cond_t cond; // Condition variable used for synchronisation. int dead; #if defined(MCPROFILE) /* Profiling fields */ uint64_t time_enqueue; uint64_t time_dequeue; uint64_t n_dequeues; uint64_t n_enqueues; #endif }; /* A subtask that can be executed by a worker */ struct subtask { /* The parloop function */ parloop_fn fn; /* Execution parameters */ void* args; int64_t start, end; int id; /* Dynamic scheduling parameters */ int chunkable; int64_t chunk_size; /* Shared variables across subtasks */ volatile int *counter; // Counter for ongoing subtasks // Shared task timers and iterators int64_t *task_time; int64_t *task_iter; /* For debugging */ const char *name; }; struct worker { pthread_t thread; struct scheduler *scheduler; /* Reference to the scheduler struct the worker belongs to*/ struct subtask_queue q; int dead; int tid; /* Just a thread id */ /* "thread local" time fields used for online algorithm */ uint64_t timer; uint64_t total; int nested; /* How nested the current computation is */ // Profiling fields int output_usage; /* Whether to dump thread usage */ uint64_t time_spent_working; /* Time spent in parloop functions */ }; static inline void output_worker_usage(struct worker *worker) { struct rusage usage; CHECK_ERRNO(getrusage_thread(&usage), "getrusage_thread"); struct timeval user_cpu_time = usage.ru_utime; struct timeval sys_cpu_time = usage.ru_stime; fprintf(stderr, "tid: %2d - work time %10llu us - user time: %10llu us - sys: %10llu us\n", worker->tid, (long long unsigned)worker->time_spent_working / 1000, (long long unsigned)(user_cpu_time.tv_sec * 1000000 + user_cpu_time.tv_usec), (long long unsigned)(sys_cpu_time.tv_sec * 1000000 + sys_cpu_time.tv_usec)); } /* Doubles the size of the queue */ static inline int subtask_queue_grow_queue(struct subtask_queue *subtask_queue) { int new_capacity = 2 * subtask_queue->capacity; #ifdef MCDEBUG fprintf(stderr, "Growing queue to %d\n", subtask_queue->capacity * 2); #endif struct subtask **new_buffer = calloc(new_capacity, sizeof(struct subtask*)); for (int i = 0; i < subtask_queue->num_used; i++) { new_buffer[i] = subtask_queue->buffer[(subtask_queue->first + i) % subtask_queue->capacity]; } free(subtask_queue->buffer); subtask_queue->buffer = new_buffer; subtask_queue->capacity = new_capacity; subtask_queue->first = 0; return 0; } // Initialise a job queue with the given capacity. The queue starts out // empty. Returns non-zero on error. static inline int subtask_queue_init(struct subtask_queue *subtask_queue, int capacity) { assert(subtask_queue != NULL); memset(subtask_queue, 0, sizeof(struct subtask_queue)); subtask_queue->capacity = capacity; subtask_queue->buffer = calloc(capacity, sizeof(struct subtask*)); if (subtask_queue->buffer == NULL) { return -1; } CHECK_ERRNO(pthread_mutex_init(&subtask_queue->mutex, NULL), "pthread_mutex_init"); CHECK_ERRNO(pthread_cond_init(&subtask_queue->cond, NULL), "pthread_cond_init"); return 0; } // Destroy the job queue. Blocks until the queue is empty before it // is destroyed. static inline int subtask_queue_destroy(struct subtask_queue *subtask_queue) { assert(subtask_queue != NULL); CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_lock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_lock"); while (subtask_queue->num_used != 0) { CHECK_ERR(pthread_cond_wait(&subtask_queue->cond, &subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_cond_wait"); } // Queue is now empty. Let's kill it! subtask_queue->dead = 1; free(subtask_queue->buffer); CHECK_ERR(pthread_cond_broadcast(&subtask_queue->cond), "pthread_cond_broadcast"); CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_unlock"); return 0; } static inline void dump_queue(struct worker *worker) { struct subtask_queue *subtask_queue = &worker->q; CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_lock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_lock"); for (int i = 0; i < subtask_queue->num_used; i++) { struct subtask * subtask = subtask_queue->buffer[(subtask_queue->first + i) % subtask_queue->capacity]; printf("queue tid %d with %d task %s\n", worker->tid, i, subtask->name); } CHECK_ERR(pthread_cond_broadcast(&subtask_queue->cond), "pthread_cond_broadcast"); CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_unlock"); } // Push an element onto the end of the job queue. Blocks if the // subtask_queue is full (its size is equal to its capacity). Returns // non-zero on error. It is an error to push a job onto a queue that // has been destroyed. static inline int subtask_queue_enqueue(struct worker *worker, struct subtask *subtask ) { assert(worker != NULL); struct subtask_queue *subtask_queue = &worker->q; #ifdef MCPROFILE uint64_t start = get_wall_time(); #endif CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_lock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_lock"); // Wait until there is room in the subtask_queue. while (subtask_queue->num_used == subtask_queue->capacity && !subtask_queue->dead) { if (subtask_queue->num_used == subtask_queue->capacity) { CHECK_ERR(subtask_queue_grow_queue(subtask_queue), "subtask_queue_grow_queue"); continue; } CHECK_ERR(pthread_cond_wait(&subtask_queue->cond, &subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_cond_wait"); } if (subtask_queue->dead) { CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_unlock"); return -1; } // If we made it past the loop, there is room in the subtask_queue. subtask_queue->buffer[(subtask_queue->first + subtask_queue->num_used) % subtask_queue->capacity] = subtask; subtask_queue->num_used++; #ifdef MCPROFILE uint64_t end = get_wall_time(); subtask_queue->time_enqueue += (end - start); subtask_queue->n_enqueues++; #endif // Broadcast a reader (if any) that there is now an element. CHECK_ERR(pthread_cond_broadcast(&subtask_queue->cond), "pthread_cond_broadcast"); CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_unlock"); return 0; } /* Like subtask_queue_dequeue, but with two differences: 1) the subtask is stolen from the __front__ of the queue 2) returns immediately if there is no subtasks queued, as we dont' want to block on another workers queue and */ static inline int subtask_queue_steal(struct worker *worker, struct subtask **subtask) { struct subtask_queue *subtask_queue = &worker->q; assert(subtask_queue != NULL); #ifdef MCPROFILE uint64_t start = get_wall_time(); #endif CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_lock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_lock"); if (subtask_queue->num_used == 0) { CHECK_ERR(pthread_cond_broadcast(&subtask_queue->cond), "pthread_cond_broadcast"); CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_unlock"); return 1; } if (subtask_queue->dead) { CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_unlock"); return -1; } // Tasks gets stolen from the "front" struct subtask *cur_back = subtask_queue->buffer[subtask_queue->first]; struct subtask *new_subtask = NULL; int remaining_iter = cur_back->end - cur_back->start; // If subtask is chunkable, we steal half of the iterations if (cur_back->chunkable && remaining_iter > 1) { int64_t half = remaining_iter / 2; new_subtask = malloc(sizeof(struct subtask)); *new_subtask = *cur_back; new_subtask->start = cur_back->end - half; cur_back->end = new_subtask->start; __atomic_fetch_add(cur_back->counter, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } else { new_subtask = cur_back; subtask_queue->num_used--; subtask_queue->first = (subtask_queue->first + 1) % subtask_queue->capacity; } *subtask = new_subtask; if (*subtask == NULL) { CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthred_mutex_unlock"); return 1; } #ifdef MCPROFILE uint64_t end = get_wall_time(); subtask_queue->time_dequeue += (end - start); subtask_queue->n_dequeues++; #endif // Broadcast a writer (if any) that there is now room for more. CHECK_ERR(pthread_cond_broadcast(&subtask_queue->cond), "pthread_cond_broadcast"); CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_unlock"); return 0; } // Pop an element from the back of the job queue. // Optional argument can be provided to block or not static inline int subtask_queue_dequeue(struct worker *worker, struct subtask **subtask, int blocking) { assert(worker != NULL); struct subtask_queue *subtask_queue = &worker->q; #ifdef MCPROFILE uint64_t start = get_wall_time(); #endif CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_lock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_lock"); if (subtask_queue->num_used == 0 && !blocking) { CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_unlock"); return 1; } // Try to steal some work while the subtask_queue is empty while (subtask_queue->num_used == 0 && !subtask_queue->dead) { pthread_cond_wait(&subtask_queue->cond, &subtask_queue->mutex); } if (subtask_queue->dead) { CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_unlock"); return -1; } // dequeue pops from the back *subtask = subtask_queue->buffer[(subtask_queue->first + subtask_queue->num_used - 1) % subtask_queue->capacity]; subtask_queue->num_used--; if (*subtask == NULL) { assert(!"got NULL ptr"); CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthred_mutex_unlock"); return -1; } #ifdef MCPROFILE uint64_t end = get_wall_time(); subtask_queue->time_dequeue += (end - start); subtask_queue->n_dequeues++; #endif // Broadcast a writer (if any) that there is now room for more. CHECK_ERR(pthread_cond_broadcast(&subtask_queue->cond), "pthread_cond_broadcast"); CHECK_ERR(pthread_mutex_unlock(&subtask_queue->mutex), "pthread_mutex_unlock"); return 0; } static inline int subtask_queue_is_empty(struct subtask_queue *subtask_queue) { return subtask_queue->num_used == 0; } /* Scheduler definitions */ struct scheduler { struct worker *workers; int num_threads; // If there is work to steal => active_work > 0 volatile int active_work; // Only one error can be returned at the time now. Maybe we can // provide a stack like structure for pushing errors onto if we wish // to backpropagte multiple errors volatile int error; // kappa time unit in nanoseconds double kappa; }; // Thread local variable worker struct // Note that, accesses to tls variables are expensive // Minimize direct references to this variable __thread struct worker* worker_local = NULL; static int64_t total_now(int64_t total, int64_t time) { return total + (get_wall_time_ns() - time); } static int random_other_worker(struct scheduler *scheduler, int my_id) { int my_num_workers = scheduler->num_threads; assert(my_num_workers != 1); int i = fast_rand() % (my_num_workers - 1); if (i >= my_id) { i++; } #ifdef MCDEBUG assert(i >= 0); assert(i < my_num_workers); assert(i != my_id); #endif return i; } static inline int64_t compute_chunk_size(double kappa, struct subtask* subtask) { double C = (double)*subtask->task_time / (double)*subtask->task_iter; if (C == 0.0F) C += DBL_EPSILON; return smax64((int64_t)(kappa / C), 1); } /* Takes a chunk from subtask and enqueues the remaining iterations onto the worker's queue */ /* A no-op if the subtask is not chunkable */ static inline struct subtask* chunk_subtask(struct worker* worker, struct subtask *subtask) { if (subtask->chunkable) { // Do we have information from previous runs avaliable if (*subtask->task_iter > 0) { subtask->chunk_size = compute_chunk_size(worker->scheduler->kappa, subtask); assert(subtask->chunk_size > 0); } int64_t remaining_iter = subtask->end - subtask->start; assert(remaining_iter > 0); if (remaining_iter > subtask->chunk_size) { struct subtask *new_subtask = malloc(sizeof(struct subtask)); *new_subtask = *subtask; // increment the subtask join counter to account for new subtask __atomic_fetch_add(subtask->counter, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); // Update range parameters subtask->end = subtask->start + subtask->chunk_size; new_subtask->start = subtask->end; subtask_queue_enqueue(worker, new_subtask); } } return subtask; } static inline int run_subtask(struct worker* worker, struct subtask* subtask) { assert(subtask != NULL); assert(worker != NULL); subtask = chunk_subtask(worker, subtask); worker->total = 0; worker->timer = get_wall_time_ns(); #if defined(MCPROFILE) int64_t start = worker->timer; #endif worker->nested++; int err = subtask->fn(subtask->args, subtask->start, subtask->end, subtask->chunkable ? worker->tid : subtask->id, worker->tid); worker->nested--; // Some error occured during some other subtask // so we just clean-up and return if (worker->scheduler->error != 0) { // Even a failed task counts as finished. __atomic_fetch_sub(subtask->counter, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); free(subtask); return 0; } if (err != 0) { __atomic_store_n(&worker->scheduler->error, err, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } // Total sequential time spent int64_t time_elapsed = total_now(worker->total, worker->timer); #if defined(MCPROFILE) worker->time_spent_working += get_wall_time_ns() - start; #endif int64_t iter = subtask->end - subtask->start; // report measurements // These updates should really be done using a single atomic CAS operation __atomic_fetch_add(subtask->task_time, time_elapsed, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); __atomic_fetch_add(subtask->task_iter, iter, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); // We need a fence here, since if the counter is decremented before either // of the two above are updated bad things can happen, e.g. if they are stack-allocated __atomic_thread_fence(__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); __atomic_fetch_sub(subtask->counter, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); free(subtask); return 0; } static inline int is_small(struct scheduler_segop *task, struct scheduler *scheduler, int *nsubtasks) { int64_t time = *task->task_time; int64_t iter = *task->task_iter; if (task->sched == DYNAMIC || iter == 0) { *nsubtasks = scheduler->num_threads; return 0; } // Estimate the constant C double C = (double)time / (double)iter; double cur_task_iter = (double) task->iterations; // Returns true if the task is small i.e. // if the number of iterations times C is smaller // than the overhead of subtask creation if (C == 0.0F || C * cur_task_iter < scheduler->kappa) { *nsubtasks = 1; return 1; } // Else compute how many subtasks this tasks should create int64_t min_iter_pr_subtask = smax64(scheduler->kappa / C, 1); *nsubtasks = smin64(smax64(task->iterations / min_iter_pr_subtask, 1), scheduler->num_threads); return 0; } // TODO make this prettier static inline struct subtask* create_subtask(parloop_fn fn, void* args, const char* name, volatile int* counter, int64_t *timer, int64_t *iter, int64_t start, int64_t end, int chunkable, int64_t chunk_size, int id) { struct subtask* subtask = malloc(sizeof(struct subtask)); if (subtask == NULL) { assert(!"malloc failed in create_subtask"); return NULL; } subtask->fn = fn; subtask->args = args; subtask->counter = counter; subtask->task_time = timer; subtask->task_iter = iter; subtask->start = start; subtask->end = end; subtask->id = id; subtask->chunkable = chunkable; subtask->chunk_size = chunk_size; subtask->name = name; return subtask; } static int dummy_counter = 0; static int64_t dummy_timer = 0; static int64_t dummy_iter = 0; static int dummy_fn(void *args, int64_t start, int64_t end, int subtask_id, int tid) { (void)args; (void)start; (void)end; (void)subtask_id; (void)tid; return 0; } // Wake up threads, who are blocking by pushing a dummy task // onto their queue static inline void wake_up_threads(struct scheduler *scheduler, int start_tid, int end_tid) { #if defined(MCDEBUG) assert(start_tid >= 1); assert(end_tid <= scheduler->num_threads); #endif for (int i = start_tid; i < end_tid; i++) { struct subtask *subtask = create_subtask(dummy_fn, NULL, "dummy_fn", &dummy_counter, &dummy_timer, &dummy_iter, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); CHECK_ERR(subtask_queue_enqueue(&scheduler->workers[i], subtask), "subtask_queue_enqueue"); } } static inline int is_finished(struct worker *worker) { return worker->dead && subtask_queue_is_empty(&worker->q); } // Try to steal from a random queue static inline int steal_from_random_worker(struct worker* worker) { int my_id = worker->tid; struct scheduler* scheduler = worker->scheduler; int k = random_other_worker(scheduler, my_id); struct worker *worker_k = &scheduler->workers[k]; struct subtask* subtask = NULL; int retval = subtask_queue_steal(worker_k, &subtask); if (retval == 0) { subtask_queue_enqueue(worker, subtask); return 1; } return 0; } static inline void *scheduler_worker(void* args) { struct worker *worker = (struct worker*) args; struct scheduler *scheduler = worker->scheduler; worker_local = worker; struct subtask *subtask = NULL; while(!is_finished(worker)) { if (!subtask_queue_is_empty(&worker->q)) { int retval = subtask_queue_dequeue(worker, &subtask, 0); if (retval == 0) { assert(subtask != NULL); CHECK_ERR(run_subtask(worker, subtask), "run_subtask"); } // else someone stole our work } else if (scheduler->active_work) { /* steal */ while (!is_finished(worker) && scheduler->active_work) { if (steal_from_random_worker(worker)) { break; } } } else { /* go back to sleep and wait for work */ int retval = subtask_queue_dequeue(worker, &subtask, 1); if (retval == 0) { assert(subtask != NULL); CHECK_ERR(run_subtask(worker, subtask), "run_subtask"); } } } assert(subtask_queue_is_empty(&worker->q)); #if defined(MCPROFILE) if (worker->output_usage) output_worker_usage(worker); #endif return NULL; } static inline int scheduler_execute_parloop(struct scheduler *scheduler, struct scheduler_parloop *task, int64_t *timer) { struct worker *worker = worker_local; struct scheduler_info info = task->info; int64_t iter_pr_subtask = info.iter_pr_subtask; int64_t remainder = info.remainder; int nsubtasks = info.nsubtasks; volatile int join_counter = nsubtasks; // Shared timer used to sum up all // sequential work from each subtask int64_t task_timer = 0; int64_t task_iter = 0; enum scheduling sched = info.sched; /* If each subtasks should be processed in chunks */ int chunkable = sched == STATIC ? 0 : 1; int64_t chunk_size = 1; // The initial chunk size when no info is avaliable if (info.wake_up_threads || sched == DYNAMIC) __atomic_add_fetch(&scheduler->active_work, nsubtasks, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); int64_t start = 0; int64_t end = iter_pr_subtask + (int64_t)(remainder != 0); for (int subtask_id = 0; subtask_id < nsubtasks; subtask_id++) { struct subtask *subtask = create_subtask(task->fn, task->args, task->name, &join_counter, &task_timer, &task_iter, start, end, chunkable, chunk_size, subtask_id); assert(subtask != NULL); // In most cases we will never have more subtasks than workers, // but there can be exceptions (e.g. the kappa tuning function). struct worker *subtask_worker = worker->nested ? &scheduler->workers[worker->tid] : &scheduler->workers[subtask_id % scheduler->num_threads]; CHECK_ERR(subtask_queue_enqueue(subtask_worker, subtask), "subtask_queue_enqueue"); // Update range params start = end; end += iter_pr_subtask + ((subtask_id + 1) < remainder); } if (info.wake_up_threads) { wake_up_threads(scheduler, nsubtasks, scheduler->num_threads); } // Join (wait for subtasks to finish) while(join_counter != 0) { if (!subtask_queue_is_empty(&worker->q)) { struct subtask *subtask = NULL; int err = subtask_queue_dequeue(worker, &subtask, 0); if (err == 0 ) { CHECK_ERR(run_subtask(worker, subtask), "run_subtask"); } } else { if (steal_from_random_worker(worker)) { struct subtask *subtask = NULL; int err = subtask_queue_dequeue(worker, &subtask, 0); if (err == 0) { CHECK_ERR(run_subtask(worker, subtask), "run_subtask"); } } } } if (info.wake_up_threads || sched == DYNAMIC) { __atomic_sub_fetch(&scheduler->active_work, nsubtasks, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } // Write back timing results of all sequential work (*timer) += task_timer; return scheduler->error; } static inline int scheduler_execute_task(struct scheduler *scheduler, struct scheduler_parloop *task) { struct worker *worker = worker_local; int err = 0; if (task->iterations == 0) { return err; } // How much sequential work was performed by the task int64_t task_timer = 0; /* Execute task sequential or parallel based on decision made earlier */ if (task->info.nsubtasks == 1) { int64_t start = get_wall_time_ns(); err = task->fn(task->args, 0, task->iterations, 0, worker->tid); int64_t end = get_wall_time_ns(); task_timer = end - start; worker->time_spent_working += task_timer; // Report time measurements // TODO the update of both of these should really be a single atomic!! __atomic_fetch_add(task->info.task_time, task_timer, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); __atomic_fetch_add(task->info.task_iter, task->iterations, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } else { // Add "before" time if we already are inside a task int64_t time_before = 0; if (worker->nested > 0) { time_before = total_now(worker->total, worker->timer); } err = scheduler_execute_parloop(scheduler, task, &task_timer); // Report time measurements // TODO the update of both of these should really be a single atomic!! __atomic_fetch_add(task->info.task_time, task_timer, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); __atomic_fetch_add(task->info.task_iter, task->iterations, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); // Update timers to account for new timings worker->total = time_before + task_timer; worker->timer = get_wall_time_ns(); } return err; } /* Decide on how schedule the incoming task i.e. how many subtasks and to run sequential or (potentially nested) parallel code body */ static inline int scheduler_prepare_task(struct scheduler* scheduler, struct scheduler_segop *task) { assert(task != NULL); struct worker *worker = worker_local; struct scheduler_info info; info.task_time = task->task_time; info.task_iter = task->task_iter; int nsubtasks; // Decide if task should be scheduled sequentially if (is_small(task, scheduler, &nsubtasks)) { info.iter_pr_subtask = task->iterations; info.remainder = 0; info.nsubtasks = nsubtasks; return task->top_level_fn(task->args, task->iterations, worker->tid, info); } else { info.iter_pr_subtask = task->iterations / nsubtasks; info.remainder = task->iterations % nsubtasks; info.sched = task->sched; switch (task->sched) { case STATIC: info.nsubtasks = info.iter_pr_subtask == 0 ? info.remainder : ((task->iterations - info.remainder) / info.iter_pr_subtask); break; case DYNAMIC: // As any thread can take any subtasks, we are being safe with using // an upper bound on the number of tasks such that the task allocate enough memory info.nsubtasks = info.iter_pr_subtask == 0 ? info.remainder : nsubtasks; break; default: assert(!"Got unknown scheduling"); } } info.wake_up_threads = 0; // We only use the nested parallel segop function if we can't exchaust all cores // using the outer most level if (task->nested_fn != NULL && info.nsubtasks < scheduler->num_threads && info.nsubtasks == task->iterations) { if (worker->nested == 0) info.wake_up_threads = 1; return task->nested_fn(task->args, task->iterations, worker->tid, info); } return task->top_level_fn(task->args, task->iterations, worker->tid, info); } // Now some code for finding the proper value of kappa on a given // machine (the smallest amount of work that amortises the cost of // task creation). struct tuning_struct { int32_t *free_tuning_res; int32_t *array; }; // Reduction function over an integer array static int tuning_loop(void *args, int64_t start, int64_t end, int flat_tid, int tid) { (void)flat_tid; (void)tid; int err = 0; struct tuning_struct *tuning_struct = (struct tuning_struct *) args; int32_t *array = tuning_struct->array; int32_t *tuning_res = tuning_struct->free_tuning_res; int32_t sum = 0; for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { int32_t y = array[i]; sum = add32(sum, y); } *tuning_res = sum; return err; } // The main entry point for the tuning process. Sets the provided // variable ``kappa``. static int determine_kappa(double *kappa) { int err = 0; int64_t iterations = 100000000; int64_t tuning_time = 0; int64_t tuning_iter = 0; int32_t *array = malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * iterations); for (int64_t i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { array[i] = fast_rand(); } int64_t start_tuning = get_wall_time_ns(); /* **************************** */ /* Run sequential reduce first' */ /* **************************** */ int64_t tuning_sequentiual_start = get_wall_time_ns(); struct tuning_struct tuning_struct; int32_t tuning_res; tuning_struct.free_tuning_res = &tuning_res; tuning_struct.array = array; err = tuning_loop(&tuning_struct, 0, iterations, 0, 0); int64_t tuning_sequentiual_end = get_wall_time_ns(); int64_t sequential_elapsed = tuning_sequentiual_end - tuning_sequentiual_start; double C = (double)sequential_elapsed / (double)iterations; fprintf(stderr, " Time for sequential run is %lld - Found C %f\n", (long long)sequential_elapsed, C); /* ********************** */ /* Now run tuning process */ /* ********************** */ // Setup a scheduler with a single worker struct scheduler scheduler; scheduler.num_threads = 1; scheduler.workers = malloc(sizeof(struct worker)); worker_local = &scheduler.workers[0]; worker_local->tid = 0; CHECK_ERR(subtask_queue_init(&scheduler.workers[0].q, 1024), "failed to init queue for worker %d\n", 0); // Start tuning for kappa double kappa_tune = 1000; // Initial kappa is 1 us double ratio; int64_t time_elapsed; while(1) { int64_t min_iter_pr_subtask = (int64_t) (kappa_tune / C) == 0 ? 1 : (kappa_tune / C); int nsubtasks = iterations / min_iter_pr_subtask; struct scheduler_info info; info.iter_pr_subtask = min_iter_pr_subtask; info.nsubtasks = iterations / min_iter_pr_subtask; info.remainder = iterations % min_iter_pr_subtask; info.task_time = &tuning_time; info.task_iter = &tuning_iter; info.sched = STATIC; struct scheduler_parloop parloop; parloop.name = "tuning_loop"; parloop.fn = tuning_loop; parloop.args = &tuning_struct; parloop.iterations = iterations; parloop.info = info; int64_t tuning_chunked_start = get_wall_time_ns(); int determine_kappa_err = scheduler_execute_task(&scheduler, &parloop); assert(determine_kappa_err == 0); int64_t tuning_chunked_end = get_wall_time_ns(); time_elapsed = tuning_chunked_end - tuning_chunked_start; ratio = (double)time_elapsed / (double)sequential_elapsed; if (ratio < 1.055) { break; } kappa_tune += 100; // Increase by 100 ns at the time fprintf(stderr, "nsubtask %d - kappa %f - ratio %f\n", nsubtasks, kappa_tune, ratio); } int64_t end_tuning = get_wall_time_ns(); fprintf(stderr, "tuning took %lld ns and found kappa %f - time %lld - ratio %f\n", (long long)end_tuning - start_tuning, kappa_tune, (long long)time_elapsed, ratio); *kappa = kappa_tune; // Clean-up CHECK_ERR(subtask_queue_destroy(&scheduler.workers[0].q), "failed to destroy queue"); free(array); free(scheduler.workers); return err; } static int scheduler_init(struct scheduler *scheduler, int num_workers, double kappa) { assert(num_workers > 0); scheduler->kappa = kappa; scheduler->num_threads = num_workers; scheduler->active_work = 0; scheduler->error = 0; scheduler->workers = calloc(num_workers, sizeof(struct worker)); const int queue_capacity = 1024; worker_local = &scheduler->workers[0]; worker_local->tid = 0; worker_local->scheduler = scheduler; CHECK_ERR(subtask_queue_init(&worker_local->q, queue_capacity), "failed to init queue for worker %d\n", 0); for (int i = 1; i < num_workers; i++) { struct worker *cur_worker = &scheduler->workers[i]; memset(cur_worker, 0, sizeof(struct worker)); cur_worker->tid = i; cur_worker->output_usage = 0; cur_worker->scheduler = scheduler; CHECK_ERR(subtask_queue_init(&cur_worker->q, queue_capacity), "failed to init queue for worker %d\n", i); CHECK_ERR(pthread_create(&cur_worker->thread, NULL, &scheduler_worker, cur_worker), "Failed to create worker %d\n", i); } return 0; } static int scheduler_destroy(struct scheduler *scheduler) { // First mark them all as dead. for (int i = 1; i < scheduler->num_threads; i++) { struct worker *cur_worker = &scheduler->workers[i]; cur_worker->dead = 1; } // Then destroy their task queues (this will wake up the threads and // make them do their shutdown). for (int i = 1; i < scheduler->num_threads; i++) { struct worker *cur_worker = &scheduler->workers[i]; subtask_queue_destroy(&cur_worker->q); } // Then actually wait for them to stop. for (int i = 1; i < scheduler->num_threads; i++) { struct worker *cur_worker = &scheduler->workers[i]; CHECK_ERR(pthread_join(scheduler->workers[i].thread, NULL), "pthread_join"); } free(scheduler->workers); return 0; } // End of scheduler.h