{ {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Futhark parser written with Happy. module Language.Futhark.Parser.Parser ( prog , expression , modExpression , futharkType , anyValue , anyValues , ParserMonad , parse , ParseError(..) , parseDecOrExpIncrM ) where import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import Control.Monad.Except import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Monad.Trans.State import Control.Arrow import Data.Array import qualified Data.Text as T import Codec.Binary.UTF8.String (encode) import Data.Char (ord) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, fromJust) import Data.Loc hiding (L) -- Lexer has replacements. import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Monoid import Language.Futhark.Syntax hiding (ID) import Language.Futhark.Attributes import Language.Futhark.Pretty import Language.Futhark.Parser.Lexer } %name prog Prog %name futharkType TypeExp %name expression Exp %name modExpression ModExp %name declaration Dec %name anyValue Value %name anyValues CatValues %tokentype { L Token } %error { parseError } %monad { ParserMonad } %lexer { lexer } { L _ EOF } %token if { L $$ IF } then { L $$ THEN } else { L $$ ELSE } let { L $$ LET } loop { L $$ LOOP } in { L $$ IN } match { L $$ MATCH } case { L $$ CASE } id { L _ (ID _) } 'id[' { L _ (INDEXING _) } 'qid[' { L _ (QUALINDEXING _ _) } 'qid.(' { L _ (QUALPAREN _ _) } unop { L _ (UNOP _) } qunop { L _ (QUALUNOP _ _) } constructor { L _ (CONSTRUCTOR _) } '.field' { L _ (PROJ_FIELD _) } '.[' { L _ PROJ_INDEX } intlit { L _ (INTLIT _) } i8lit { L _ (I8LIT _) } i16lit { L _ (I16LIT _) } i32lit { L _ (I32LIT _) } i64lit { L _ (I64LIT _) } u8lit { L _ (U8LIT _) } u16lit { L _ (U16LIT _) } u32lit { L _ (U32LIT _) } u64lit { L _ (U64LIT _) } floatlit { L _ (FLOATLIT _) } f32lit { L _ (F32LIT _) } f64lit { L _ (F64LIT _) } stringlit { L _ (STRINGLIT _) } charlit { L _ (CHARLIT _) } '..' { L $$ TWO_DOTS } '...' { L $$ THREE_DOTS } '..<' { L $$ TWO_DOTS_LT } '..>' { L $$ TWO_DOTS_GT } '=' { L $$ EQU } '*' { L $$ ASTERISK } '-' { L $$ NEGATE } '<' { L $$ LTH } '^' { L $$ HAT } '|' { L $$ PIPE } '+...' { L _ (SYMBOL Plus _ _) } '-...' { L _ (SYMBOL Minus _ _) } '*...' { L _ (SYMBOL Times _ _) } '/...' { L _ (SYMBOL Divide _ _) } '%...' { L _ (SYMBOL Mod _ _) } '//...' { L _ (SYMBOL Quot _ _) } '%%...' { L _ (SYMBOL Rem _ _) } '==...' { L _ (SYMBOL Equal _ _) } '!=...' { L _ (SYMBOL NotEqual _ _) } '<...' { L _ (SYMBOL Less _ _) } '>...' { L _ (SYMBOL Greater _ _) } '<=...' { L _ (SYMBOL Leq _ _) } '>=...' { L _ (SYMBOL Geq _ _) } '**...' { L _ (SYMBOL Pow _ _) } '<<...' { L _ (SYMBOL ShiftL _ _) } '>>...' { L _ (SYMBOL ShiftR _ _) } '|>...' { L _ (SYMBOL PipeRight _ _) } '<|...' { L _ (SYMBOL PipeLeft _ _) } '|...' { L _ (SYMBOL Bor _ _) } '&...' { L _ (SYMBOL Band _ _) } '^...' { L _ (SYMBOL Xor _ _) } '||...' { L _ (SYMBOL LogOr _ _) } '&&...' { L _ (SYMBOL LogAnd _ _) } '(' { L $$ LPAR } ')' { L $$ RPAR } ')[' { L $$ RPAR_THEN_LBRACKET } '{' { L $$ LCURLY } '}' { L $$ RCURLY } '[' { L $$ LBRACKET } ']' { L $$ RBRACKET } ',' { L $$ COMMA } '_' { L $$ UNDERSCORE } '\\' { L $$ BACKSLASH } '\'' { L $$ APOSTROPHE } '\'^' { L $$ APOSTROPHE_THEN_HAT } '`' { L $$ BACKTICK } entry { L $$ ENTRY } '->' { L $$ RIGHT_ARROW } ':' { L $$ COLON } for { L $$ FOR } do { L $$ DO } with { L $$ WITH } unsafe { L $$ UNSAFE } assert { L $$ ASSERT } true { L $$ TRUE } false { L $$ FALSE } while { L $$ WHILE } include { L $$ INCLUDE } import { L $$ IMPORT } type { L $$ TYPE } module { L $$ MODULE } val { L $$ VAL } open { L $$ OPEN } local { L $$ LOCAL } doc { L _ (DOC _) } %left bottom %left ifprec letprec unsafe caseprec typeprec enumprec %left ',' case %left ':' %right '...' '..<' '..>' '..' %left '`' %right '->' %left with %left '=' %left '|>...' %right '<|...' %left '||...' %left '&&...' %left '<=...' '>=...' '>...' '<' '<...' '==...' '!=...' %left '&...' '^...' '^' '|...' '|' %left '<<...' '>>...' %left '+...' '-...' '-' %left '*...' '*' '/...' '%...' '//...' '%%...' %left '**...' %left juxtprec %left indexprec %% -- The main parser. Doc :: { DocComment } : doc { let L loc (DOC s) = $1 in DocComment s loc } -- Four cases to avoid ambiguities. Prog :: { UncheckedProg } -- File begins with a file comment, followed by a Dec with a comment. : Doc Doc Dec_ Decs { Prog (Just $1) (addDoc $2 $3 : $4) } -- File begins with a file comment, followed by a Dec with no comment. | Doc Dec_ Decs { Prog (Just $1) ($2 : $3) } -- File begins with a dec with no comment. | Dec_ Decs { Prog Nothing ($1 : $2) } -- File is empty. | { Prog Nothing [] } ; Dec :: { UncheckedDec } : Dec_ { $1 } | Doc Dec_ { addDoc $1 $2 } Decs :: { [UncheckedDec] } : { [] } | Dec Decs { $1 : $2 } Dec_ :: { UncheckedDec } : Val { ValDec $1 } | TypeAbbr { TypeDec $1 } | SigBind { SigDec $1 } | ModBind { ModDec $1 } | open ModExp { OpenDec $2 $1 } | import stringlit { let L _ (STRINGLIT s) = $2 in ImportDec s NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | local Dec { LocalDec $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } ; SigExp :: { UncheckedSigExp } : QualName { let (v, loc) = $1 in SigVar v loc } | '{' Specs '}' { SigSpecs $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | SigExp with TypeRef { SigWith $1 $3 (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' SigExp ')' { SigParens $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' id ':' SigExp ')' '->' SigExp { let L _ (ID name) = $2 in SigArrow (Just name) $4 $7 (srcspan $1 $>) } | SigExp '->' SigExp { SigArrow Nothing $1 $3 (srcspan $1 $>) } TypeRef :: { TypeRefBase NoInfo Name } : QualName TypeParams '=' TypeExpTerm { TypeRef (fst $1) $2 (TypeDecl $4 NoInfo) (srcspan (snd $1) $>) } SigBind :: { SigBindBase NoInfo Name } : module type id '=' SigExp { let L _ (ID name) = $3 in SigBind name $5 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } ModExp :: { UncheckedModExp } : ModExp ':' SigExp { ModAscript $1 $3 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '\\' ModParam maybeAscription(SimpleSigExp) '->' ModExp { ModLambda $2 (fmap (,NoInfo) $3) $5 (srcspan $1 $>) } | import stringlit { let L _ (STRINGLIT s) = $2 in ModImport s NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | ModExpApply { $1 } | ModExpAtom { $1 } ModExpApply :: { UncheckedModExp } : ModExpAtom ModExpAtom %prec juxtprec { ModApply $1 $2 NoInfo NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | ModExpApply ModExpAtom %prec juxtprec { ModApply $1 $2 NoInfo NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } ModExpAtom :: { UncheckedModExp } : '(' ModExp ')' { ModParens $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | QualName { let (v, loc) = $1 in ModVar v loc } | '{' Decs '}' { ModDecs $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } SimpleSigExp :: { UncheckedSigExp } : QualName { let (v, loc) = $1 in SigVar v loc } | '(' SigExp ')' { $2 } ModBind :: { ModBindBase NoInfo Name } : module id ModParams maybeAscription(SigExp) '=' ModExp { let L floc (ID fname) = $2; in ModBind fname $3 (fmap (,NoInfo) $4) $6 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } ModParam :: { ModParamBase NoInfo Name } : '(' id ':' SigExp ')' { let L _ (ID name) = $2 in ModParam name $4 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } ModParams :: { [ModParamBase NoInfo Name] } : ModParam ModParams { $1 : $2 } | { [] } Spec :: { SpecBase NoInfo Name } : val id TypeParams ':' TypeExpDecl { let L loc (ID name) = $2 in ValSpec name $3 $5 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | val BindingBinOp TypeParams ':' TypeExpDecl { ValSpec $2 $3 $5 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | val BindingUnOp TypeParams ':' TypeExpDecl { ValSpec $2 $3 $5 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | TypeAbbr { TypeAbbrSpec $1 } | type id TypeParams { let L _ (ID name) = $2 in TypeSpec Unlifted name $3 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | type 'id[' id ']' TypeParams { let L _ (INDEXING name) = $2; L ploc (ID pname) = $3 in TypeSpec Unlifted name (TypeParamDim pname ploc : $5) Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | type '^' id TypeParams { let L _ (ID name) = $3 in TypeSpec Lifted name $4 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | type '^' 'id[' id ']' TypeParams { let L _ (INDEXING name) = $3; L ploc (ID pname) = $4 in TypeSpec Lifted name (TypeParamDim pname ploc : $6) Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | module id ':' SigExp { let L _ (ID name) = $2 in ModSpec name $4 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | include SigExp { IncludeSpec $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | Doc Spec { addDocSpec $1 $2 } Specs :: { [SpecBase NoInfo Name] } : Spec Specs { $1 : $2 } | { [] } TypeParam :: { TypeParamBase Name } : '[' id ']' { let L _ (ID name) = $2 in TypeParamDim name (srcspan $1 $>) } | '\'' id { let L _ (ID name) = $2 in TypeParamType Unlifted name (srcspan $1 $>) } | '\'^' id { let L _ (ID name) = $2 in TypeParamType Lifted name (srcspan $1 $>) } TypeParams :: { [TypeParamBase Name] } : TypeParam TypeParams { $1 : $2 } | { [] } TypeParams1 :: { (TypeParamBase Name, [TypeParamBase Name]) } : TypeParam TypeParams { ($1, $2) } UnOp :: { (QualName Name, SrcLoc) } : qunop { let L loc (QUALUNOP qs v) = $1 in (QualName qs v, loc) } | unop { let L loc (UNOP v) = $1 in (qualName v, loc) } -- Note that this production does not include Minus, but does include -- operator sections. BinOp :: { QualName Name } : '+...' { binOpName $1 } | '-...' { binOpName $1 } | '*...' { binOpName $1 } | '*' { qualName (nameFromString "*") } | '/...' { binOpName $1 } | '%...' { binOpName $1 } | '//...' { binOpName $1 } | '%%...' { binOpName $1 } | '==...' { binOpName $1 } | '!=...' { binOpName $1 } | '<...' { binOpName $1 } | '<=...' { binOpName $1 } | '>...' { binOpName $1 } | '>=...' { binOpName $1 } | '&&...' { binOpName $1 } | '||...' { binOpName $1 } | '**...' { binOpName $1 } | '^...' { binOpName $1 } | '^' { qualName (nameFromString "^") } | '&...' { binOpName $1 } | '|...' { binOpName $1 } | '|' { qualName (nameFromString "|") } | '>>...' { binOpName $1 } | '<<...' { binOpName $1 } | '<|...' { binOpName $1 } | '|>...' { binOpName $1 } | '<' { qualName (nameFromString "<") } | '`' QualName '`' { fst $2 } BindingUnOp :: { Name } : UnOp {% let (QualName qs name, _) = $1 in do unless (null qs) $ fail "Cannot use a qualified name in binding position." return name } BindingBinOp :: { Name } : BinOp {% let QualName qs name = $1 in do unless (null qs) $ fail "Cannot use a qualified name in binding position." return name } | '-' { nameFromString "-" } BindingId :: { (Name, SrcLoc) } : id { let L loc (ID name) = $1 in (name, loc) } | '(' BindingBinOp ')' { ($2, $1) } | '(' BindingUnOp ')' { ($2, $1) } Val :: { ValBindBase NoInfo Name } Val : let BindingId TypeParams FunParams maybeAscription(TypeExpDecl) '=' Exp { let (name, _) = $2 in ValBind (name==defaultEntryPoint) name (fmap declaredType $5) NoInfo $3 $4 $7 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | entry BindingId TypeParams FunParams maybeAscription(TypeExpDecl) '=' Exp { let (name, loc) = $2 in ValBind True name (fmap declaredType $5) NoInfo $3 $4 $7 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | let FunParam BindingBinOp FunParam maybeAscription(TypeExpDecl) '=' Exp { ValBind False $3 (fmap declaredType $5) NoInfo [] [$2,$4] $7 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | let BindingUnOp TypeParams FunParams maybeAscription(TypeExpDecl) '=' Exp { let name = $2 in ValBind (name==defaultEntryPoint) name (fmap declaredType $5) NoInfo $3 $4 $7 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } TypeExpDecl :: { TypeDeclBase NoInfo Name } : TypeExp %prec bottom { TypeDecl $1 NoInfo } TypeAbbr :: { TypeBindBase NoInfo Name } TypeAbbr : type id TypeParams '=' TypeExpDecl { let L _ (ID name) = $2 in TypeBind name $3 $5 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } | type 'id[' id ']' TypeParams '=' TypeExpDecl { let L loc (INDEXING name) = $2; L ploc (ID pname) = $3 in TypeBind name (TypeParamDim pname ploc:$5) $7 Nothing (srcspan $1 $>) } TypeExp :: { UncheckedTypeExp } : '(' id ':' TypeExp ')' '->' TypeExp { let L _ (ID v) = $2 in TEArrow (Just v) $4 $7 (srcspan $1 $>) } | TypeExpTerm '->' TypeExp { TEArrow Nothing $1 $3 (srcspan $1 $>) } | TypeExpTerm %prec typeprec { $1 } TypeExpTerm :: { UncheckedTypeExp } : '*' TypeExpTerm { TEUnique $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | '[' DimDecl ']' TypeExpTerm %prec indexprec { TEArray $4 (fst $2) (srcspan $1 $>) } | '[' ']' TypeExpTerm %prec indexprec { TEArray $3 AnyDim (srcspan $1 $>) } | TypeExpApply { $1 } -- Errors | '[' DimDecl ']' %prec bottom {% parseErrorAt (srcspan $1 $>) $ Just $ unlines ["missing array row type.", "Did you mean []" ++ pretty (fst $2) ++ "?"] } TypeExpApply :: { UncheckedTypeExp } : TypeExpApply TypeArg { TEApply $1 $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | 'id[' DimDecl ']' { let L loc (INDEXING v) = $1 in TEApply (TEVar (qualName v) loc) (TypeArgExpDim (fst $2) loc) (srcspan $1 $>) } | 'qid[' DimDecl ']' { let L loc (QUALINDEXING qs v) = $1 in TEApply (TEVar (QualName qs v) loc) (TypeArgExpDim (fst $2) loc) (srcspan $1 $>) } | TypeExpAtom { $1 } TypeExpAtom :: { UncheckedTypeExp } : '(' TypeExp ')' { $2 } | '(' ')' { TETuple [] (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' TypeExp ',' TupleTypes ')' { TETuple ($2:$4) (srcspan $1 $>) } | '{' '}' { TERecord [] (srcspan $1 $>) } | '{' FieldTypes1 '}' { TERecord $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | QualName { TEVar (fst $1) (snd $1) } | Enum { TEEnum (fst $1) (snd $1)} Enum :: { ([Name], SrcLoc) } : VConstr0 %prec enumprec { ([fst $1], snd $1) } | VConstr0 '|' Enum { let names = fst $1 : fst $3; loc = srcspan (snd $1) (snd $3) in (names, loc) } VConstr0 :: { (Name, SrcLoc) } : constructor { let L _ (CONSTRUCTOR c) = $1 in (c, srclocOf $1) } TypeArg :: { TypeArgExp Name } : '[' DimDecl ']' { TypeArgExpDim (fst $2) (srcspan $1 $>) } | '[' ']' { TypeArgExpDim AnyDim (srcspan $1 $>) } | TypeExpAtom { TypeArgExpType $1 } FieldType :: { (Name, UncheckedTypeExp) } FieldType : FieldId ':' TypeExp { (fst $1, $3) } FieldTypes1 :: { [(Name, UncheckedTypeExp)] } FieldTypes1 : FieldType { [$1] } | FieldType ',' FieldTypes1 { $1 : $3 } TupleTypes :: { [UncheckedTypeExp] } : TypeExp { [$1] } | TypeExp ',' TupleTypes { $1 : $3 } DimDecl :: { (DimDecl Name, SrcLoc) } : QualName { (NamedDim (fst $1), snd $1) } | intlit { let L loc (INTLIT n) = $1 in (ConstDim (fromIntegral n), loc) } FunParam :: { PatternBase NoInfo Name } FunParam : InnerPattern { $1 } FunParams1 :: { (PatternBase NoInfo Name, [PatternBase NoInfo Name]) } FunParams1 : FunParam { ($1, []) } | FunParam FunParams1 { ($1, fst $2 : snd $2) } FunParams :: { [PatternBase NoInfo Name] } FunParams : { [] } | FunParam FunParams { $1 : $2 } QualName :: { (QualName Name, SrcLoc) } : id FieldAccesses { let L vloc (ID v) = $1 in foldl (\(QualName qs v', loc) (y, yloc) -> (QualName (qs ++ [v']) y, srcspan loc yloc)) (qualName v, vloc) $2 } -- Expressions are divided into several layers. The first distinction -- (between Exp and Exp2) is to factor out ascription, which we do not -- permit inside array indices operations (there is an ambiguity with -- array slices). Exp :: { UncheckedExp } : Exp ':' TypeExpDecl { Ascript $1 $3 (srcspan $1 $>) } | Exp2 %prec ':' { $1 } Exp2 :: { UncheckedExp } : if Exp then Exp else Exp %prec ifprec { If $2 $4 $6 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | loop TypeParams Pattern LoopForm do Exp %prec ifprec {% fmap (\t -> DoLoop $2 $3 t $4 $6 (srcspan $1 $>)) (patternExp $3) } | loop TypeParams Pattern '=' Exp LoopForm do Exp %prec ifprec { DoLoop $2 $3 $5 $6 $8 (srcspan $1 $>) } | LetExp %prec letprec { $1 } | MatchExp { $1 } | unsafe Exp2 { Unsafe $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | assert Atom Atom { Assert $2 $3 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | Exp2 '+...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '-...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '-' Exp2 { binOp $1 (L $2 (SYMBOL Minus [] (nameFromString "-"))) $3 } | Exp2 '*...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '*' Exp2 { binOp $1 (L $2 (SYMBOL Times [] (nameFromString "*"))) $3 } | Exp2 '/...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '%...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '//...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '%%...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '**...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '>>...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '<<...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '&...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '|...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '|' Exp2 { binOp $1 (L $2 (SYMBOL Bor [] (nameFromString "|"))) $3 } | Exp2 '&&...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '||...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '^...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '^' Exp2 { binOp $1 (L $2 (SYMBOL Xor [] (nameFromString "^"))) $3 } | Exp2 '==...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '!=...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '<...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '<=...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '>...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '>=...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '|>...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '<|...' Exp2 { binOp $1 $2 $3 } | Exp2 '<' Exp2 { binOp $1 (L $2 (SYMBOL Less [] (nameFromString "<"))) $3 } | Exp2 '`' QualName '`' Exp2 { BinOp (fst $3) NoInfo ($1, NoInfo) ($5, NoInfo) NoInfo (srclocOf $1) } | Exp2 '...' Exp2 { Range $1 Nothing (ToInclusive $3) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | Exp2 '..<' Exp2 { Range $1 Nothing (UpToExclusive $3) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | Exp2 '..>' Exp2 { Range $1 Nothing (DownToExclusive $3) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | Exp2 '..' Exp2 '...' Exp2 { Range $1 (Just $3) (ToInclusive $5) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | Exp2 '..' Exp2 '..<' Exp2 { Range $1 (Just $3) (UpToExclusive $5) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | Exp2 '..' Exp2 '..>' Exp2 { Range $1 (Just $3) (DownToExclusive $5) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | Exp2 '..' Atom {% twoDotsRange $2 } | Atom '..' Exp2 {% twoDotsRange $2 } | '-' Exp2 { Negate $2 $1 } | Exp2 with '[' DimIndices ']' '=' Exp2 { Update $1 $4 $7 (srcspan $1 $>) } | Exp2 with FieldAccesses_ '=' Exp2 { RecordUpdate $1 (map fst $3) $5 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '\\' TypeParams FunParams1 maybeAscription(TypeExpTerm) '->' Exp { Lambda $2 (fst $3 : snd $3) $6 (fmap (flip TypeDecl NoInfo) $4) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | Apply { $1 } Apply :: { UncheckedExp } : Apply Atom %prec juxtprec { Apply $1 $2 NoInfo NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | UnOp Atom %prec juxtprec { Apply (Var (fst $1) NoInfo (snd $1)) $2 NoInfo NoInfo (srcspan (snd $1) $>) } | Atom %prec juxtprec { $1 } Atom :: { UncheckedExp } Atom : PrimLit { Literal (fst $1) (snd $1) } | VConstr0 { VConstr0 (fst $1) NoInfo (snd $1) } | intlit { let L loc (INTLIT x) = $1 in IntLit x NoInfo loc } | floatlit { let L loc (FLOATLIT x) = $1 in FloatLit x NoInfo loc } | stringlit { let L loc (STRINGLIT s) = $1 in ArrayLit (map (flip Literal loc . UnsignedValue . Int8Value . fromIntegral) $ encode s) NoInfo loc } | '(' Exp ')' FieldAccesses { foldl (\x (y, _) -> Project y x NoInfo (srclocOf x)) (Parens $2 (srcspan $1 $3)) $4 } | '(' Exp ')[' DimIndices ']' { Index (Parens $2 $1) $4 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' Exp ',' Exps1 ')' { TupLit ($2 : fst $4 : snd $4) (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' ')' { TupLit [] (srcspan $1 $>) } | '[' Exps1 ']' { ArrayLit (fst $2:snd $2) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '[' ']' { ArrayLit [] NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | QualVarSlice FieldAccesses { let (v,slice,loc) = $1 in foldl (\x (y, _) -> Project y x NoInfo (srclocOf x)) (Index (Var v NoInfo loc) slice NoInfo loc) $2 } | QualName { Var (fst $1) NoInfo (snd $1) } | '{' Fields '}' { RecordLit $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | 'qid.(' Exp ')' { let L loc (QUALPAREN qs name) = $1 in QualParens (QualName qs name) $2 loc } -- Operator sections. | '(' UnOp ')' { Var (fst $2) NoInfo (srcspan (snd $2) $>) } | '(' '-' ')' { OpSection (qualName (nameFromString "-")) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' Exp2 '-' ')' { OpSectionLeft (qualName (nameFromString "-")) NoInfo $2 (NoInfo, NoInfo) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' BinOp Exp2 ')' { OpSectionRight $2 NoInfo $3 (NoInfo, NoInfo) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' Exp2 BinOp ')' { OpSectionLeft $3 NoInfo $2 (NoInfo, NoInfo) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' BinOp ')' { OpSection $2 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' FieldAccess FieldAccesses ')' { ProjectSection (map fst ($2:$3)) NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' '.[' DimIndices ']' ')' { IndexSection $3 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } PrimLit :: { (PrimValue, SrcLoc) } : true { (BoolValue True, $1) } | false { (BoolValue False, $1) } | i8lit { let L loc (I8LIT num) = $1 in (SignedValue $ Int8Value num, loc) } | i16lit { let L loc (I16LIT num) = $1 in (SignedValue $ Int16Value num, loc) } | i32lit { let L loc (I32LIT num) = $1 in (SignedValue $ Int32Value num, loc) } | i64lit { let L loc (I64LIT num) = $1 in (SignedValue $ Int64Value num, loc) } | u8lit { let L loc (U8LIT num) = $1 in (UnsignedValue $ Int8Value $ fromIntegral num, loc) } | u16lit { let L loc (U16LIT num) = $1 in (UnsignedValue $ Int16Value $ fromIntegral num, loc) } | u32lit { let L loc (U32LIT num) = $1 in (UnsignedValue $ Int32Value $ fromIntegral num, loc) } | u64lit { let L loc (U64LIT num) = $1 in (UnsignedValue $ Int64Value $ fromIntegral num, loc) } | f32lit { let L loc (F32LIT num) = $1 in (FloatValue $ Float32Value num, loc) } | f64lit { let L loc (F64LIT num) = $1 in (FloatValue $ Float64Value num, loc) } | charlit { let L loc (CHARLIT char) = $1 in (SignedValue $ Int32Value $ fromIntegral $ ord char, loc) } Exps1 :: { (UncheckedExp, [UncheckedExp]) } : Exps1_ { case reverse (snd $1 : fst $1) of [] -> (snd $1, []) y:ys -> (y, ys) } Exps1_ :: { ([UncheckedExp], UncheckedExp) } : Exps1_ ',' Exp { (snd $1 : fst $1, $3) } | Exp { ([], $1) } FieldAccess :: { (Name, SrcLoc) } : '.field' { let L loc (PROJ_FIELD f) = $1 in (f, loc) } FieldAccesses :: { [(Name, SrcLoc)] } : FieldAccess FieldAccesses { $1 : $2 } | { [] } FieldAccesses_ :: { [(Name, SrcLoc)] } : FieldId FieldAccesses { (fst $1, snd $1) : $2 } Field :: { FieldBase NoInfo Name } : FieldId '=' Exp { RecordFieldExplicit (fst $1) $3 (srcspan (snd $1) $>) } | id { let L loc (ID s) = $1 in RecordFieldImplicit s NoInfo loc } Fields :: { [FieldBase NoInfo Name] } : Fields1 { $1 } | { [] } Fields1 :: { [FieldBase NoInfo Name] } : Field ',' Fields1 { $1 : $3 } | Field { [$1] } LetExp :: { UncheckedExp } : let Pattern '=' Exp LetBody { LetPat [] $2 $4 $5 (srcspan $1 $>) } | let TypeParams1 Pattern '=' Exp LetBody { LetPat (fst $2 : snd $2) $3 $5 $6 (srcspan $1 $>) } | let id TypeParams FunParams1 maybeAscription(TypeExpDecl) '=' Exp LetBody { let L _ (ID name) = $2 in LetFun name ($3, fst $4 : snd $4, (fmap declaredType $5), NoInfo, $7) $8 (srcspan $1 $>) } | let VarSlice '=' Exp LetBody { let (v,slice,loc) = $2; ident = Ident v NoInfo loc in LetWith ident ident slice $4 $5 (srcspan $1 $>) } LetBody :: { UncheckedExp } : in Exp %prec letprec { $2 } | LetExp %prec letprec { $1 } MatchExp :: { UncheckedExp } : match Exp Cases { let loc = srcspan $1 $> in Match $2 $> NoInfo loc } Cases :: { [CaseBase NoInfo Name] } : Case %prec caseprec { [$1] } | Case Cases { $1 : $2 } Case :: { CaseBase NoInfo Name } : case CPattern '->' Exp { let loc = srcspan $1 $> in CasePat $2 $> loc } CPattern :: { PatternBase NoInfo Name } : CInnerPattern ':' TypeExpDecl { PatternAscription $1 $3 (srcspan $1 $>) } | CInnerPattern { $1 } CPatterns1 :: { [PatternBase NoInfo Name] } : CPattern { [$1] } | CPattern ',' CPatterns1 { $1 : $3 } CInnerPattern :: { PatternBase NoInfo Name } : id { let L loc (ID name) = $1 in Id name NoInfo loc } | '(' BindingBinOp ')' { Id $2 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' BindingUnOp ')' { Id $2 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '_' { Wildcard NoInfo $1 } | '(' ')' { TuplePattern [] (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' CPattern ')' { PatternParens $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' CPattern ',' CPatterns1 ')' { TuplePattern ($2:$4) (srcspan $1 $>) } | '{' CFieldPatterns '}' { RecordPattern $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | CaseLiteral { PatternLit (fst $1) NoInfo (snd $1) } CFieldPattern :: { (Name, PatternBase NoInfo Name) } : FieldId '=' CPattern { (fst $1, $3) } | FieldId ':' TypeExpDecl { (fst $1, PatternAscription (Id (fst $1) NoInfo (snd $1)) $3 (srcspan (snd $1) $>)) } | FieldId { (fst $1, Id (fst $1) NoInfo (snd $1)) } CFieldPatterns :: { [(Name, PatternBase NoInfo Name)] } : CFieldPatterns1 { $1 } | { [] } CFieldPatterns1 :: { [(Name, PatternBase NoInfo Name)] } : CFieldPattern ',' CFieldPatterns1 { $1 : $3 } | CFieldPattern { [$1] } CaseLiteral :: { (UncheckedExp, SrcLoc) } : PrimLit { (Literal (fst $1) (snd $1), snd $1) } | intlit { let L loc (INTLIT x) = $1 in (IntLit x NoInfo loc, loc) } | floatlit { let L loc (FLOATLIT x) = $1 in (FloatLit x NoInfo loc, loc) } | stringlit { let L loc (STRINGLIT s) = $1 in (ArrayLit (map (flip Literal loc . UnsignedValue . Int8Value . fromIntegral) $ encode s) NoInfo loc, loc) } | VConstr0 { (VConstr0 (fst $1) NoInfo (snd $1), snd $1) } LoopForm :: { LoopFormBase NoInfo Name } LoopForm : for VarId '<' Exp { For $2 $4 } | for Pattern in Exp { ForIn $2 $4 } | while Exp { While $2 } VarSlice :: { (Name, [UncheckedDimIndex], SrcLoc) } : 'id[' DimIndices ']' { let L _ (INDEXING v) = $1 in (v, $2, srcspan $1 $>) } QualVarSlice :: { (QualName Name, [UncheckedDimIndex], SrcLoc) } : VarSlice { let (x, y, z) = $1 in (qualName x, y, z) } | 'qid[' DimIndices ']' { let L _ (QUALINDEXING qs v) = $1 in (QualName qs v, $2, srcspan $1 $>) } DimIndex :: { UncheckedDimIndex } : Exp2 { DimFix $1 } | Exp2 ':' Exp2 { DimSlice (Just $1) (Just $3) Nothing } | Exp2 ':' { DimSlice (Just $1) Nothing Nothing } | ':' Exp2 { DimSlice Nothing (Just $2) Nothing } | ':' { DimSlice Nothing Nothing Nothing } | Exp2 ':' Exp2 ':' Exp2 { DimSlice (Just $1) (Just $3) (Just $5) } | ':' Exp2 ':' Exp2 { DimSlice Nothing (Just $2) (Just $4) } | Exp2 ':' ':' Exp2 { DimSlice (Just $1) Nothing (Just $4) } | ':' ':' Exp2 { DimSlice Nothing Nothing (Just $3) } DimIndices :: { [UncheckedDimIndex] } : { [] } | DimIndices1 { fst $1 : snd $1 } DimIndices1 :: { (UncheckedDimIndex, [UncheckedDimIndex]) } : DimIndex { ($1, []) } | DimIndex ',' DimIndices1 { ($1, fst $3 : snd $3) } VarId :: { IdentBase NoInfo Name } VarId : id { let L loc (ID name) = $1 in Ident name NoInfo loc } FieldId :: { (Name, SrcLoc) } : id { let L loc (ID name) = $1 in (name, loc) } | intlit { let L loc (INTLIT n) = $1 in (nameFromString (show n), loc) } Pattern :: { PatternBase NoInfo Name } Pattern : InnerPattern ':' TypeExpDecl { PatternAscription $1 $3 (srcspan $1 $>) } | InnerPattern { $1 } Patterns1 :: { [PatternBase NoInfo Name] } : Pattern { [$1] } | Pattern ',' Patterns1 { $1 : $3 } InnerPattern :: { PatternBase NoInfo Name } InnerPattern : id { let L loc (ID name) = $1 in Id name NoInfo loc } | '(' BindingBinOp ')' { Id $2 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' BindingUnOp ')' { Id $2 NoInfo (srcspan $1 $>) } | '_' { Wildcard NoInfo $1 } | '(' ')' { TuplePattern [] (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' Pattern ')' { PatternParens $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } | '(' Pattern ',' Patterns1 ')' { TuplePattern ($2:$4) (srcspan $1 $>) } | '{' FieldPatterns '}' { RecordPattern $2 (srcspan $1 $>) } FieldPattern :: { (Name, PatternBase NoInfo Name) } : FieldId '=' Pattern { (fst $1, $3) } | FieldId ':' TypeExpDecl { (fst $1, PatternAscription (Id (fst $1) NoInfo (snd $1)) $3 (srcspan (snd $1) $>)) } | FieldId { (fst $1, Id (fst $1) NoInfo (snd $1)) } FieldPatterns :: { [(Name, PatternBase NoInfo Name)] } : FieldPatterns1 { $1 } | { [] } FieldPatterns1 :: { [(Name, PatternBase NoInfo Name)] } : FieldPattern ',' FieldPatterns1 { $1 : $3 } | FieldPattern { [$1] } maybeAscription(p) : ':' p { Just $2 } | { Nothing } Value :: { Value } Value : IntValue { $1 } | FloatValue { $1 } | StringValue { $1 } | BoolValue { $1 } | ArrayValue { $1 } CatValues :: { [Value] } CatValues : Value CatValues { $1 : $2 } | { [] } PrimType :: { PrimType } : id {% let L _ (ID s) = $1 in primTypeFromName s } IntValue :: { Value } : SignedLit { PrimValue (SignedValue (fst $1)) } | '-' SignedLit { PrimValue (SignedValue (intNegate (fst $2))) } | UnsignedLit { PrimValue (UnsignedValue (fst $1)) } FloatValue :: { Value } : FloatLit { PrimValue (FloatValue (fst $1)) } | '-' FloatLit { PrimValue (FloatValue (floatNegate (fst $2))) } StringValue :: { Value } StringValue : stringlit { let L pos (STRINGLIT s) = $1 in ArrayValue (arrayFromList $ map (PrimValue . UnsignedValue . Int8Value . fromIntegral) $ encode s) $ Prim $ Signed Int32 } BoolValue :: { Value } BoolValue : true { PrimValue $ BoolValue True } | false { PrimValue $ BoolValue False } SignedLit :: { (IntValue, SrcLoc) } : i8lit { let L loc (I8LIT num) = $1 in (Int8Value num, loc) } | i16lit { let L loc (I16LIT num) = $1 in (Int16Value num, loc) } | i32lit { let L loc (I32LIT num) = $1 in (Int32Value num, loc) } | i64lit { let L loc (I64LIT num) = $1 in (Int64Value num, loc) } | intlit { let L loc (INTLIT num) = $1 in (Int32Value $ fromInteger num, loc) } | charlit { let L loc (CHARLIT char) = $1 in (Int32Value $ fromIntegral $ ord char, loc) } UnsignedLit :: { (IntValue, SrcLoc) } : u8lit { let L pos (U8LIT num) = $1 in (Int8Value $ fromIntegral num, pos) } | u16lit { let L pos (U16LIT num) = $1 in (Int16Value $ fromIntegral num, pos) } | u32lit { let L pos (U32LIT num) = $1 in (Int32Value $ fromIntegral num, pos) } | u64lit { let L pos (U64LIT num) = $1 in (Int64Value $ fromIntegral num, pos) } FloatLit :: { (FloatValue, SrcLoc) } : f32lit { let L loc (F32LIT num) = $1 in (Float32Value num, loc) } | f64lit { let L loc (F64LIT num) = $1 in (Float64Value num, loc) } | QualName {% let (qn, loc) = $1 in case qn of QualName ["f32"] "inf" -> return (Float32Value (1/0), loc) QualName ["f32"] "nan" -> return (Float32Value (0/0), loc) QualName ["f64"] "inf" -> return (Float64Value (1/0), loc) QualName ["f64"] "nan" -> return (Float64Value (0/0), loc) _ -> parseErrorAt (snd $1) Nothing } | floatlit { let L loc (FLOATLIT num) = $1 in (Float64Value num, loc) } ArrayValue :: { Value } ArrayValue : '[' Value ']' {% return $ ArrayValue (arrayFromList [$2]) $ toStruct $ valueType $2 } | '[' Value ',' Values ']' {% case combArrayElements $2 $4 of Left e -> throwError e Right v -> return $ ArrayValue (arrayFromList $ $2:$4) $ valueType v } | id '(' PrimType ')' {% ($1 `mustBe` "empty") >> return (ArrayValue (listArray (0,-1) []) (Prim $3)) } | id '(' RowType ')' {% ($1 `mustBe` "empty") >> return (ArrayValue (listArray (0,-1) []) $3) } -- Errors | '[' ']' {% emptyArrayError $1 } RowType :: { TypeBase () () } RowType : '[' ']' RowType { fromJust $ arrayOf $3 (rank 1) Nonunique } | '[' ']' PrimType { fromJust $ arrayOf (Prim $3) (rank 1) Nonunique } Values :: { [Value] } Values : Value ',' Values { $1 : $3 } | Value { [$1] } | { [] } { addDoc :: DocComment -> UncheckedDec -> UncheckedDec addDoc doc (ValDec val) = ValDec (val { valBindDoc = Just doc }) addDoc doc (TypeDec tp) = TypeDec (tp { typeDoc = Just doc }) addDoc doc (SigDec sig) = SigDec (sig { sigDoc = Just doc }) addDoc doc (ModDec mod) = ModDec (mod { modDoc = Just doc }) addDoc _ dec = dec addDocSpec :: DocComment -> SpecBase NoInfo Name -> SpecBase NoInfo Name addDocSpec doc (TypeAbbrSpec tpsig) = TypeAbbrSpec (tpsig { typeDoc = Just doc }) addDocSpec doc val@(ValSpec {}) = val { specDoc = Just doc } addDocSpec doc (TypeSpec l name ps _ loc) = TypeSpec l name ps (Just doc) loc addDocSpec doc (ModSpec name se _ loc) = ModSpec name se (Just doc) loc addDocSpec _ spec = spec reverseNonempty :: (a, [a]) -> (a, [a]) reverseNonempty (x, l) = case reverse (x:l) of x':rest -> (x', rest) [] -> (x, []) mustBe (L loc (ID got)) expected | nameToString got == expected = return () mustBe (L loc _) expected = parseErrorAt loc $ Just $ "Only the keyword '" ++ expected ++ "' may appear here." data ParserEnv = ParserEnv { parserFile :: FilePath } type ParserMonad a = ExceptT String ( StateT ParserEnv ( StateT ([L Token], Pos) ReadLineMonad)) a data ReadLineMonad a = Value a | GetLine (Maybe T.Text -> ReadLineMonad a) readLineFromMonad :: ReadLineMonad (Maybe T.Text) readLineFromMonad = GetLine Value instance Monad ReadLineMonad where return = Value Value x >>= f = f x GetLine g >>= f = GetLine $ \s -> g s >>= f instance Functor ReadLineMonad where f `fmap` m = do x <- m return $ f x instance Applicative ReadLineMonad where (<*>) = ap getLinesFromM :: Monad m => m T.Text -> ReadLineMonad a -> m a getLinesFromM _ (Value x) = return x getLinesFromM fetch (GetLine f) = do s <- fetch getLinesFromM fetch $ f $ Just s getLinesFromTexts :: [T.Text] -> ReadLineMonad a -> Either String a getLinesFromTexts _ (Value x) = Right x getLinesFromTexts (x : xs) (GetLine f) = getLinesFromTexts xs $ f $ Just x getLinesFromTexts [] (GetLine f) = getLinesFromTexts [] $ f Nothing getNoLines :: ReadLineMonad a -> Either String a getNoLines (Value x) = Right x getNoLines (GetLine f) = getNoLines $ f Nothing combArrayElements :: Value -> [Value] -> Either String Value combArrayElements t ts = foldM comb t ts where comb x y | valueType x == valueType y = Right x | otherwise = Left $ "Elements " ++ pretty x ++ " and " ++ pretty y ++ " cannot exist in same array." arrayFromList :: [a] -> Array Int a arrayFromList l = listArray (0, length l-1) l patternExp :: UncheckedPattern -> ParserMonad UncheckedExp patternExp (Id v _ loc) = return $ Var (qualName v) NoInfo loc patternExp (TuplePattern pats loc) = TupLit <$> (mapM patternExp pats) <*> return loc patternExp (Wildcard _ loc) = parseErrorAt loc $ Just "cannot have wildcard here." patternExp (PatternAscription pat _ _) = patternExp pat patternExp (PatternParens pat _) = patternExp pat patternExp (RecordPattern fs loc) = RecordLit <$> mapM field fs <*> pure loc where field (name, pat) = RecordFieldExplicit name <$> patternExp pat <*> pure loc eof :: Pos -> L Token eof pos = L (SrcLoc $ Loc pos pos) EOF binOpName (L _ (SYMBOL _ qs op)) = QualName qs op binOp x (L _ (SYMBOL _ qs op)) y = BinOp (QualName qs op) NoInfo (x, NoInfo) (y, NoInfo) NoInfo $ srcspan x y getTokens :: ParserMonad ([L Token], Pos) getTokens = lift $ lift get putTokens :: ([L Token], Pos) -> ParserMonad () putTokens = lift . lift . put primTypeFromName :: Name -> ParserMonad PrimType primTypeFromName s = maybe boom return $ M.lookup s namesToPrimTypes where boom = fail $ "No type named " ++ nameToString s getFilename :: ParserMonad FilePath getFilename = lift $ gets parserFile intNegate :: IntValue -> IntValue intNegate (Int8Value v) = Int8Value (-v) intNegate (Int16Value v) = Int16Value (-v) intNegate (Int32Value v) = Int32Value (-v) intNegate (Int64Value v) = Int64Value (-v) floatNegate :: FloatValue -> FloatValue floatNegate (Float32Value v) = Float32Value (-v) floatNegate (Float64Value v) = Float64Value (-v) readLine :: ParserMonad (Maybe T.Text) readLine = lift $ lift $ lift readLineFromMonad lexer :: (L Token -> ParserMonad a) -> ParserMonad a lexer cont = do (ts, pos) <- getTokens case ts of [] -> do ended <- lift $ runExceptT $ cont $ eof pos case ended of Right x -> return x Left parse_e -> do line <- readLine ts' <- case line of Nothing -> throwError parse_e Just line' -> return $ scanTokensText (advancePos pos '\n') line' (ts'', pos') <- case ts' of Right x -> return x Left lex_e -> throwError lex_e case ts'' of [] -> cont $ eof pos xs -> do putTokens (xs, pos') lexer cont (x : xs) -> do putTokens (xs, pos) cont x parseError :: L Token -> ParserMonad a parseError (L loc EOF) = parseErrorAt (srclocOf loc) $ Just "unexpected end of file." parseError (L loc DOC{}) = parseErrorAt (srclocOf loc) $ Just "documentation comments ('-- |') are only permitted when preceding declarations." parseError tok = parseErrorAt (srclocOf tok) Nothing parseErrorAt :: SrcLoc -> Maybe String -> ParserMonad a parseErrorAt loc Nothing = throwError $ "Error at " ++ locStr loc ++ ": Parse error." parseErrorAt loc (Just s) = throwError $ "Error at " ++ locStr loc ++ ": " ++ s emptyArrayError :: SrcLoc -> ParserMonad a emptyArrayError loc = parseErrorAt loc $ Just "write empty arrays as 'empty(t)', for element type 't'.\n" twoDotsRange :: SrcLoc -> ParserMonad a twoDotsRange loc = parseErrorAt loc $ Just "use '...' for ranges, not '..'.\n" --- Now for the parser interface. -- | A parse error. Use 'show' to get a human-readable description. data ParseError = ParseError String instance Show ParseError where show (ParseError s) = s parseInMonad :: ParserMonad a -> FilePath -> T.Text -> ReadLineMonad (Either ParseError a) parseInMonad p file program = either (Left . ParseError) Right <$> either (return . Left) (evalStateT (evalStateT (runExceptT p) env)) (scanTokensText (Pos file 1 1 0) program) where env = ParserEnv file parseIncremental :: ParserMonad a -> FilePath -> T.Text -> Either ParseError a parseIncremental p file program = either (Left . ParseError) id $ getLinesFromTexts (T.lines program) $ parseInMonad p file mempty parse :: ParserMonad a -> FilePath -> T.Text -> Either ParseError a parse p file program = either (Left . ParseError) id $ getNoLines $ parseInMonad p file program -- | Parse an Futhark expression incrementally from monadic actions, using the -- 'FilePath' as the source name for error messages. parseExpIncrM :: Monad m => m T.Text -> FilePath -> T.Text -> m (Either ParseError UncheckedExp) parseExpIncrM fetch file program = getLinesFromM fetch $ parseInMonad expression file program -- | Parse either an expression or a declaration incrementally; -- favouring declarations in case of ambiguity. parseDecOrExpIncrM :: Monad m => m T.Text -> FilePath -> T.Text -> m (Either ParseError (Either UncheckedDec UncheckedExp)) parseDecOrExpIncrM fetch file input = case parseInMonad declaration file input of Value Left{} -> fmap Right <$> parseExpIncrM fetch file input Value (Right d) -> return $ Right $ Left d GetLine c -> do l <- fetch parseDecOrExpIncrM fetch file $ input <> "\n" <> l }