{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {- | Provides an effect to delimit backtracking in a given nondeterministic context. This effect is used in concert with 'Control.Effect.NonDet.NonDet'. Computations that signal failure with 'cutfail' prevent backtracking within the nearest enclosing 'call'. Predefined carriers: * "Control.Carrier.Cut.Church" @since -} module Control.Effect.Cut ( -- * Cut effect Cut(..) , cutfail , call , cut -- * Re-exports , Algebra , Has , run ) where import Control.Algebra import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..)) -- | 'Cut' effects are used with 'Control.Effect.Choose' to provide control over backtracking. -- -- @since data Cut m k where Cutfail :: Cut m a Call :: m a -> Cut m a -- | Fail the current branch, and prevent backtracking within the nearest enclosing 'call' (if any). -- -- Contrast with 'empty', which fails the current branch but allows backtracking. -- -- @ -- 'cutfail' '>>=' k = 'cutfail' -- @ -- @ -- 'cutfail' '<|>' m = 'cutfail' -- @ -- -- @since cutfail :: Has Cut sig m => m a cutfail = send Cutfail {-# INLINE cutfail #-} -- | Delimit the effect of 'cutfail's, allowing backtracking to resume. -- -- @ -- 'call' 'cutfail' '<|>' m = m -- @ -- -- @since call :: Has Cut sig m => m a -> m a call m = send (Call m) {-# INLINE call #-} -- | Commit to the current branch, preventing backtracking within the nearest enclosing 'call' (if any) on failure. -- -- @ -- 'cut' '>>' 'empty' = 'cutfail' -- @ -- -- @since cut :: (Alternative m, Has Cut sig m) => m () cut = pure () <|> cutfail {-# INLINE cut #-}