{-# LANGUAGE PatternSignatures ,MultiParamTypeClasses ,FunctionalDependencies ,FlexibleInstances ,FlexibleContexts #-} {- This file is part of funsat. funsat is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. funsat is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with funsat. If not, see . Copyright 2008 Denis Bueno -} {-| Generic utilities that happen to be used in the SAT solver. In pretty much every case, these functions will be useful for any number of manipulations, and are not SAT-solver specific. -} module Funsat.Utils where import Control.Monad.ST.Strict import Control.Monad.State.Lazy hiding ( (>=>), forM_ ) import Data.Array.ST import Data.Array.Unboxed import Data.Foldable hiding ( sequence_ ) import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph( DynGraph, Graph ) import Data.List( foldl1' ) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Set (Set) import Debug.Trace( trace ) import Funsat.Types import Prelude hiding ( sum, concatMap, elem, foldr, foldl, any, maximum ) import System.IO.Unsafe( unsafePerformIO ) import System.IO( hPutStr, stderr ) import qualified Data.Foldable as Fl import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as Graph import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Query.DFS as DFS import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set -- | `True' if and only if the object is undefined in the model. isUndefUnder :: Model a m => a -> m -> Bool isUndefUnder x m = isUndef $ x `statusUnder` m where isUndef (Left ()) = True isUndef _ = False -- | `True' if and only if the object is true in the model. isTrueUnder :: Model a m => a -> m -> Bool isTrueUnder x m = isTrue $ x `statusUnder` m where isTrue (Right True) = True isTrue _ = False -- | `True' if and only if the object is false in the model. isFalseUnder :: Model a m => a -> m -> Bool isFalseUnder x m = isFalse $ x `statusUnder` m where isFalse (Right False) = True isFalse _ = False -- * Helpers -- isUnitUnder c m | trace ("isUnitUnder " ++ show c ++ " " ++ showAssignment m) $ False = undefined -- | Whether all the elements of the model in the list are false but one, and -- none is true, under the model. isUnitUnder :: (Model a m) => [a] -> m -> Bool {-# SPECIALISE INLINE isUnitUnder :: Clause -> IAssignment -> Bool #-} isUnitUnder c m = isSingle (filter (not . (`isFalseUnder` m)) c) && not (Fl.any (`isTrueUnder` m) c) -- Precondition: clause is unit. -- getUnit :: (Model a m, Show a, Show m) => [a] -> m -> a -- getUnit c m | trace ("getUnit " ++ show c ++ " " ++ showAssignment m) $ False = undefined -- | Get the element of the list which is not false under the model. If no -- such element, throws an error. getUnit :: (Model a m, Show a) => [a] -> m -> a {-# SPECIALISE INLINE getUnit :: Clause -> IAssignment -> Lit #-} getUnit c m = case filter (not . (`isFalseUnder` m)) c of [u] -> u xs -> error $ "getUnit: not unit: " ++ show xs {-# INLINE mytrace #-} mytrace msg expr = unsafePerformIO $ do hPutStr stderr msg return expr outputConflict fn g x = unsafePerformIO $ do writeFile fn g return x -- | /O(1)/ Whether a list contains a single element. isSingle :: [a] -> Bool {-# INLINE isSingle #-} isSingle [_] = True isSingle _ = False -- | Modify a value inside the state. modifySlot :: (MonadState s m) => (s -> a) -> (s -> a -> s) -> m () {-# INLINE modifySlot #-} modifySlot slot f = modify $ \s -> f s (slot s) -- | @modifyArray arr i f@ applies the function @f@ to the index @i@ and the -- current value of the array at index @i@, then writes the result into @i@ in -- the array. modifyArray :: (Monad m, MArray a e m, Ix i) => a i e -> i -> (i -> e -> e) -> m () {-# INLINE modifyArray #-} modifyArray arr i f = readArray arr i >>= writeArray arr i . (f i) -- | Same as @newArray@, but helping along the type checker. newSTUArray :: (MArray (STUArray s) e (ST s), Ix i) => (i, i) -> e -> ST s (STUArray s i e) newSTUArray = newArray newSTArray :: (MArray (STArray s) e (ST s), Ix i) => (i, i) -> e -> ST s (STArray s i e) newSTArray = newArray -- | Count the number of elements in the list that satisfy the predicate. count :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Int count p = foldl' f 0 where f x y | p y = x + 1 | otherwise = x -- | /O(1)/ @argmin f x y@ is the argument whose image is least under @f@; if -- the images are equal, returns the first. argmin :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> a argmin f x y = if f x <= f y then x else y -- | /O(length xs)/ @argminimum f xs@ returns the value in @xs@ whose image -- is least under @f@; if @xs@ is empty, throws an error. argminimum :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> a argminimum f = foldl1' (argmin f) -- | Show the value with trace, then return it. Useful because you can wrap -- it around any subexpression to print it when it is forced. tracing :: (Show a) => a -> a tracing x = trace (show x) x -- | Returns a predicate which holds exactly when both of the given predicates -- hold. p .&&. q = \x -> p x && q x -- | Generate a cut using the given UIP node. The cut generated contains -- exactly the (transitively) implied nodes starting with (but not including) -- the UIP on the conflict side, with the rest of the nodes on the reason -- side. uipCut :: (Graph gr) => [Lit] -- ^ decision literals -> FrozenLevelArray -> gr a b -- ^ conflict graph -> Graph.Node -- ^ unassigned, implied conflicting node -> Graph.Node -- ^ a UIP in the conflict graph -> Cut Set gr a b uipCut dlits levelArr conflGraph conflNode uip = Cut { reasonSide = Set.filter (\i -> levelArr!(V $ abs i) > 0) $ allNodes Set.\\ impliedByUIP , conflictSide = impliedByUIP , cutUIP = uip , cutGraph = conflGraph } where -- Transitively implied, and not including the UIP. impliedByUIP = Set.insert extraNode $ Set.fromList $ tail $ DFS.reachable uip conflGraph -- The UIP may not imply the assigned conflict variable which needs to -- be on the conflict side, unless it's a decision variable or the UIP -- itself. extraNode = if L (negate conflNode) `elem` dlits || negate conflNode == uip then conflNode -- idempotent addition else negate conflNode allNodes = Set.fromList $ Graph.nodes conflGraph -- | Generate a learned clause from a cut of the graph. Returns a pair of the -- learned clause and the decision level to which to backtrack. cutLearn :: (Graph gr, Foldable f) => IAssignment -> FrozenLevelArray -> Cut f gr a b -> (Clause, Int) cutLearn a levelArr cut = ( clause -- The new decision level is the max level of all variables in the -- clause, excluding the uip (which is always at the current decision -- level). , maximum0 (map (levelArr!) . (`without` V (abs $ cutUIP cut)) . map var $ clause) ) where -- The clause is composed of the variables on the reason side which have -- at least one successor on the conflict side. The value of the variable -- is the negation of its value under the current assignment. clause = foldl' (\ls i -> if any (`elem` conflictSide cut) (Graph.suc (cutGraph cut) i) then L (negate $ a!(V $ abs i)):ls else ls) [] (reasonSide cut) maximum0 [] = 0 -- maximum0 has 0 as its max for the empty list maximum0 xs = maximum xs -- | Creates the conflict graph, where each node is labeled by its literal and -- level. -- -- Useful for getting pretty graphviz output of a conflict. mkConflGraph :: DynGraph gr => IAssignment -> FrozenLevelArray -> Map Var Clause -> [Lit] -- ^ decision lits, in rev. chron. order -> (Lit, Clause) -- ^ conflict info -> gr CGNodeAnnot () mkConflGraph mFr lev reasonMap _dlits (cLit, confl) = Graph.mkGraph nodes' edges' where -- we pick out all the variables from the conflict graph, specially adding -- both literals of the conflict variable, so that that variable has two -- nodes in the graph. nodes' = ((0, CGNA (L 0) (-1)) :) $ -- lambda node ((unLit cLit, CGNA cLit (-1)) :) $ ((negate (unLit cLit), CGNA (negate cLit) (lev!(var cLit))) :) $ -- annotate each node with its literal and level map (\v -> (unVar v, CGNA (varToLit v) (lev!v))) $ filter (\v -> v /= var cLit) $ toList nodeSet' -- node set includes all variables reachable from conflict. This node set -- construction needs a `seen' set because it might infinite loop -- otherwise. (nodeSet', edges') = mkGr Set.empty (Set.empty, [ (unLit cLit, 0, ()) , ((negate . unLit) cLit, 0, ()) ]) [negate cLit, cLit] varToLit v = (if v `isTrueUnder` mFr then id else negate) $ L (unVar v) -- seed with both conflicting literals mkGr _ ne [] = ne mkGr (seen :: Set Graph.Node) ne@(nodes, edges) (lit:lits) = if haveSeen then mkGr seen ne lits else newNodes `seq` newEdges `seq` mkGr seen' (newNodes, newEdges) (lits ++ pred) where haveSeen = seen `contains` litNode lit newNodes = var lit `Set.insert` nodes newEdges = [ ( litNode (negate x) -- unimplied lits from reasons are -- complemented , litNode lit, () ) | x <- pred ] ++ edges pred = filterReason $ if lit == cLit then confl else Map.findWithDefault [] (var lit) reasonMap `without` lit filterReason = filter ( ((var lit /=) . var) .&&. ((<= litLevel lit) . litLevel) ) seen' = seen `with` litNode lit litLevel l = if l == cLit then length _dlits else lev!(var l) litNode l = -- lit to node if var l == var cLit -- preserve sign of conflicting lit then unLit l else (abs . unLit) l