fst- Finite state transducers

Safe HaskellNone



fstStudio takes a program consisting of regular relations that denotes the relation between two regular languages and constructs a transducer. If a regular expression, not a relation, is given, then it is interpreted as the identity relation. The syntax is very similar to Xerox's finite state transducer syntax with two fundamental differences: a distinction is made between functions (definitions) and strings, and fststudio allows functional definitions.

A symbol. Example: ["b"] denotes the language {"b"}.
A variable. A symbol without quotes is a variable.
Describes a relation between the symbol a and b. This relation is ordered and a is said to be a part of the /upper language and b is said to be part of the lower language/. Example: ["a":"b"] denotes the relation {("a","b")}.
Epsilon symbol. The epsilon symbol denotes the string with no symbols. Example: [0] denotes the language {""}.
All symbol. The all symbol denotes the union of all symbols in the alphabet. Example: [?] and an alphabet {a,b,c} denotes the language {"a","b","c"}.
quotes cancel every special meaning of the symbols. Example: ["? 0"] denotes the language {"? 0"}.
@] brackets are used to change the precedence of a regular relation.
parenthesis expresses optionality, and has the same meaning as [A|0].
Concatenation of the expressions or relations A and B. Example: [[a b] [c d]] denotes the language {"ac", "ad", "bc", "bd"}
Concatenation of A n times. A^0 is defined as the empty string. Example: [a]^3 describes the language {"aaa"}.
Union of the languages or relations A and B. Example: [a|b] describes the language {"a","b"}.
A & B
Intersection of the languages A and B. Example: [a b] & [a] describes the language {"a"}.
A - B
Minus of the languages A and B, and has the same meaning as [A & B]. Example: [a b] - [a] describes the language {"b"}.
Describes the complement of an expression, and has the same meaning as [?* - A]. Note that complement is always defined over an alphabet. The expression [A] is only unambiguous with respect to an alphabet. Example: [a] denotes the language that doesn't contain the string "a". If the alphabet is {"a","b"} then [a] denotes the language {"","b","aa","ba",...}.
Repetition (Kleenes plus). A concatenated with itself an arbitrary number of times, including zero times. Example: [a]+ denotes the infinite language {"a","aa","aaa",...}
Kleene’s star: [A+ | 0]. Example: [a]* denotes the infinite language {"","a","aa",...}
Containment. The set of strings where A appear at least once as a substring. Containment is the same thing as [?* A ?*].
A .x. B
Cross product of the languages A and B. Example: [[a b] .x. c] describes the relations {("a","c"), ("b","c")}.
A .o. B
Composition of the relations A and B. Example: [a:b c:d] .o. [d:e] describes the relation {("c","e")}.

The precedence of the operators is as follows, where 4 is the highest precedence:

  1. .x. .o.
  2. & -
  3. Concatenation
  4. ~ ^ * + $

A file containing a program must end with .fst, and an input file mustend with .dat. A program is a collection of functions defining regular relations. A function with zero arguments is called a definition or a macro. A definition, or a macro, can for example look like this:

<digits> ::= "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" |
             "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" | "0" ;

and a function can look like this:

<swap,a,b> ::= b a ;

Note that strings are marked with quotes, and variables have no quotes. Every program must contain a <main> definition (a program without one will result in a parse error).

<main> ::= ... ;

The alphabet of a program is the symbols in the regular relation defined in the program.

Example program

<nickel>  ::= ["n" .x. "c"^5];
<dime>    ::= ["d" .x. "c"^10];
<quarter> ::= ["q" .x. "c"^25];
<cent>    ::= ["c" .x. "c"];
<money>   ::= [ <nickel> | <dime> | <quarter> | <cent>]*;
<drink>   ::= ["c"^65 .x. "PLONK"];
<main>    ::= [ <money> .o. <drink> ];

Batch mode

Usage: fst FILE [Options]. FILE must end with .fst, which defines an FstStudio program, or .net, which defines a saved transducer. If no options are given, then input is taken from standard input, the transducer is applied down, and the output, if any, is produced on standard output.

Apply the transducer up
Apply the transducer down
Take input from FILE
Write output to FILE

Interactive mode - list of commands

Read a regular relation from standard input. If a regular expression is typed, then it is interpreted as the identity relation.
Build an epsilon-free, deterministic, minimal transducer from a loaded/typed regular relation.
Build an epsilon-free, possibly non-deterministic, non-minimal transducer from a load/typed regular relation.
Minimize a built transducer.
Determinize a built transducer.
Save to FILE. If FILE ends with .net, then the built transducer is saved. Any other suffix saves the produced output in the system to FILE, if any.
Load from FILE. FILE must end with .fst, .net or .dat. If FILE ends with .fst, then a FstStudio program is loaded into FstStudio. If FILE ends with .net, then a transducer is loaded into FstStudio. If FILE ends with .dat, then input is loaded into FstStudio.
l a | b
Load and union two transducers. a and b must either be a file ending with .net or the symbol *, which refers to the interior transducer. The produced transducer is possibly non-deterministic and non-minimal.
l a b
Load and concatenate two transducers. a and b must either be ale ending with .net or the symbol *, which refers to the interior transducer. The produced transducer is possibly non-deterministicand non-minimal.
l a*
Load and apply Kleene’s star on a transducer. a must either be a file ending with .net or the symbol *, which refers to the interior transducer. The produced transducer is possibly non-deterministicand non-minimal.
l a .o. b
Load and compose two transducers. a and b must either be a file ending with .net or the symbol *, which refers to the interior transducer. The produced transducer is possibly non-deterministic andnon-minimal.
View loaded/built transducer.
View loaded/typed regular relation.
View loaded input.
View produced output.
Apply transducer down with loaded input.
Apply transducer up with loaded input.
Apply tranducer down with SYMBOLS.
Apply transducer up with SYMBOLS.
Clear memory.
List commands.
End session.