module Vision.Image.Filter.Internal (
Filterable (..), Filter (..)
, BoxFilter, BoxFilter1, SeparableFilter, SeparableFilter1
, KernelAnchor (..)
, Kernel (..)
, SeparableKernel (..), SeparatelyFiltrable (..)
, FilterFold (..), FilterFold1 (..)
, BorderInterpolate (..)
, kernelAnchor, borderInterpolate
, Morphological, dilate, erode
, Blur, blur, gaussianBlur
, Derivative, DerivativeType (..), scharr, sobel
, Mean, mean
) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Word
import Data.List
import Data.Ratio
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import Vision.Image.Class (MaskedImage (..), Image (..), FromFunction (..), (!))
import Vision.Image.Type (Manifest, Delayed)
import Vision.Primitive (Z (..), (:.) (..), DIM1, Point, Size, ix1, ix2)
class Filterable src res f where
apply :: f -> src -> res
data Filter src kernel init fold acc res = Filter {
fKernelSize :: !Size
, fKernelCenter :: !KernelAnchor
, fKernel :: !kernel
, fInit :: !(Point -> src -> init)
, fFold :: !fold
, fPost :: !(Point -> src -> init -> acc -> res)
, fInterpol :: !(BorderInterpolate src)
type BoxFilter src init acc res = Filter src (Kernel src init acc) init
(FilterFold acc) acc res
type BoxFilter1 src init res = Filter src (Kernel src init src) init
FilterFold1 src res
type SeparableFilter src init acc res = Filter src
(SeparableKernel src init acc)
init (FilterFold acc) acc res
type SeparableFilter1 src init res = Filter src
(SeparableKernel src init src)
init FilterFold1 src res
data KernelAnchor = KernelAnchor !Point | KernelAnchorCenter
newtype Kernel src init acc = Kernel (init -> Point -> src -> acc -> acc)
data SeparableKernel src init acc = SeparableKernel {
skVertical :: !(init -> DIM1 -> src -> acc -> acc)
, skHorizontal :: !(init -> DIM1 -> acc -> acc -> acc)
class ( Image (SeparableFilterAccumulator src res acc)
, ImagePixel (SeparableFilterAccumulator src res acc) ~ acc
, FromFunction (SeparableFilterAccumulator src res acc)
, FromFunctionPixel (SeparableFilterAccumulator src res acc) ~ acc)
=> SeparatelyFiltrable src res acc where
type SeparableFilterAccumulator src res acc
instance Storable acc => SeparatelyFiltrable src (Manifest p) acc where
type SeparableFilterAccumulator src (Manifest p) acc = Manifest acc
instance Storable acc => SeparatelyFiltrable src (Delayed p) acc where
type SeparableFilterAccumulator src (Delayed p) acc = Delayed acc
data FilterFold acc = FilterFold (Point -> acc)
data FilterFold1 = FilterFold1
data BorderInterpolate a =
| BorderReflect
| BorderWrap
| BorderConstant !a
instance (Image src, FromFunction res, src_pix ~ ImagePixel src
, res_pix ~ FromFunctionPixel res)
=> Filterable src res (BoxFilter src_pix init acc res_pix) where
apply !(Filter ksize anchor (Kernel kernel) initF fold post interpol) !img =
let !(FilterFold fAcc) = fold
in fromFunction size $ \(!pt@(Z :. iy :. ix)) ->
let pix = img ! pt
!ini = initF pt pix
!acc = fAcc pt
!iy0 = iy kcy
!ix0 = ix kcx
!safe = iy0 >= 0 && iy0 + kh <= ih
&& ix0 >= 0 && ix0 + kw <= iw
in post pt pix ini $!
if safe then goColumnSafe ini (iy0 * iw) ix0 0 acc
else goColumn ini iy0 ix0 0 acc
!size@(Z :. ih :. iw) = shape img
!(Z :. kh :. kw) = ksize
!(Z :. kcy :. kcx) = kernelAnchor anchor ksize
goColumn !ini !iy !ix !ky !acc
| ky < kh = case borderInterpolate interpol ih iy of
Left iy' -> goLine ini iy (iy' * iw) ix ix ky 0 acc
Right val -> goLineConst ini iy ix ky 0 val acc
| otherwise = acc
goColumnSafe !ini !linearIY !ix !ky !acc
| ky < kh = goLineSafe ini linearIY ix ix ky 0 acc
| otherwise = acc
goLine !ini !iy !linearIY !ix0 !ix !ky !kx !acc
| kx < kw =
let !val = case borderInterpolate interpol iw ix of
Left ix' -> img `linearIndex` (linearIY + ix')
Right val' -> val'
!acc' = kernel ini (ix2 ky kx) val acc
in goLine ini iy linearIY ix0 (ix + 1) ky (kx + 1) acc'
| otherwise = goColumn ini (iy + 1) ix0 (ky + 1) acc
goLineSafe !ini !linearIY !ix0 !ix !ky !kx !acc
| kx < kw =
let !val = img `linearIndex` (linearIY + ix)
!acc' = kernel ini (ix2 ky kx) val acc
in goLineSafe ini linearIY ix0 (ix + 1) ky (kx + 1) acc'
| otherwise = goColumnSafe ini (linearIY + iw) ix0 (ky + 1) acc
goLineConst !ini !iy !ix !ky !kx !val !acc
| kx < kw = let !acc' = kernel ini (ix2 ky kx) val acc
in goLineConst ini iy ix ky (kx + 1) val acc'
| otherwise = goColumn ini (iy + 1) ix (ky + 1) acc
instance (Image src, FromFunction res, src_pix ~ ImagePixel src
, res_pix ~ FromFunctionPixel res)
=> Filterable src res (BoxFilter1 src_pix init res_pix) where
apply !(Filter ksize anchor (Kernel kernel) initF _ post interpol) !img
| kh == 0 || kw == 0 =
error "Using FilterFold1 with an empty kernel."
| otherwise =
fromFunction size $ \(!pt@(Z :. iy :. ix)) ->
let pix = img ! pt
!ini = initF pt pix
!iy0 = iy kcy
!ix0 = ix kcx
!safe = iy0 >= 0 && iy0 + kh <= ih
&& ix0 >= 0 && ix0 + kw <= iw
in post pt pix ini $! if safe then goColumn1Safe ini iy0 ix0
else goColumn1 ini iy0 ix0
!size@(Z :. ih :. iw) = shape img
!(Z :. kh :. kw) = ksize
!(Z :. kcy :. kcx) = kernelAnchor anchor ksize
goColumn1 !ini !iy !ix =
case borderInterpolate interpol ih iy of
Left iy' ->
let !linearIY = iy' * iw
!acc = safeIndex linearIY ix
in goLine ini iy linearIY ix (ix + 1) 0 1 acc
Right val -> goLineConst ini iy ix 0 1 val val
goColumn1Safe !ini !iy !ix =
let !linearIY = iy * iw
!acc = img `linearIndex` (linearIY + ix)
in goLineSafe ini linearIY ix (ix + 1) 0 1 acc
goColumn !ini !iy !ix !ky !acc
| ky < kh = case borderInterpolate interpol ih iy of
Left iy' -> goLine ini iy (iy' * iw) ix ix ky 0 acc
Right val -> goLineConst ini iy ix ky 0 val acc
| otherwise = acc
goColumnSafe !ini !linearIY !ix !ky !acc
| ky < kh = goLineSafe ini linearIY ix ix ky 0 acc
| otherwise = acc
goLine !ini !iy !linearIY !ix0 !ix !ky !kx !acc
| kx < kw =
let !val = safeIndex linearIY ix
!acc' = kernel ini (ix2 ky kx) val acc
in goLine ini iy linearIY ix0 (ix + 1) ky (kx + 1) acc'
| otherwise = goColumn ini (iy + 1) ix0 (ky + 1) acc
goLineSafe !ini !linearIY !ix0 !ix !ky !kx !acc
| kx < kw =
let !val = img `linearIndex` (linearIY + ix)
!acc' = kernel ini (ix2 ky kx) val acc
in goLineSafe ini linearIY ix0 (ix + 1) ky (kx + 1) acc'
| otherwise = goColumnSafe ini (linearIY + iw) ix0 (ky + 1) acc
goLineConst !ini !iy !ix !ky !kx !val !acc
| kx < kw = let !acc' = kernel ini (ix2 ky kx) val acc
in goLineConst ini iy ix ky (kx + 1) val acc'
| otherwise = goColumn ini (iy + 1) ix (ky + 1) acc
safeIndex !linearIY !ix =
case borderInterpolate interpol iw ix of
Left ix' -> img `linearIndex` (linearIY + ix')
Right val -> val
instance ( Image src, FromFunction res
, src_pix ~ ImagePixel src
, res_pix ~ FromFunctionPixel res
, SeparatelyFiltrable src res acc)
=> Filterable src res (SeparableFilter src_pix init acc res_pix)
apply !f !img =
fst $! wrapper img f
wrapper :: (Image src, FromFunction res)
=> src
-> SeparableFilter (ImagePixel src) init acc (FromFunctionPixel res)
-> (res, SeparableFilterAccumulator src res acc)
wrapper !src !(Filter ksize anchor kernel initF fold post interpol) =
(res, tmp)
!size@(Z :. ih :. iw) = shape src
!(Z :. kh :. kw) = ksize
!(Z :. kcy :. kcx) = kernelAnchor anchor ksize
!(SeparableKernel vert horiz) = kernel
!(FilterFold fAcc) = fold
!tmp = fromFunction size $ \(!pt@(Z :. iy :. ix)) ->
let pix = src ! pt
!ini = initF pt pix
!acc0 = fAcc pt
!iy0 = iy kcy
in if iy0 >= 0 && iy0 + kh <= ih
then goColumnSafe ini iy0 ix 0 acc0
else goColumn ini iy0 ix 0 acc0
!res = fromFunction size $ \(!pt@(Z :. iy :. ix)) ->
let pix = src ! pt
!ini = initF pt pix
!acc0 = fAcc pt
!ix0 = ix kcx
in post pt pix ini $!
if ix0 >= 0 && ix0 + kw <= iw
then goLineSafe ini (iy * iw) ix0 0 acc0
else goLine ini acc0 (iy * iw) ix0 0
goColumn !ini !iy !ix !ky !acc
| ky < kh =
let !val = case borderInterpolate interpol ih iy of
Left iy' -> src ! ix2 iy' ix
Right val' -> val'
!acc' = vert ini (ix1 ky) val acc
in goColumn ini (iy + 1) ix (ky + 1) acc'
| otherwise = acc
goColumnSafe !ini !iy !ix !ky !acc
| ky < kh =
let !val = src ! ix2 iy ix
!acc' = vert ini (ix1 ky) val acc
in goColumnSafe ini (iy + 1) ix (ky + 1) acc'
| otherwise = acc
goLine !ini !acc0 !linearIY !ix !kx !acc
| kx < kw =
let !val =
case borderInterpolate interpol iw ix of
Left ix' -> tmp `linearIndex` (linearIY + ix')
Right val' -> constCol ini acc0 val'
!acc' = horiz ini (ix1 kx) val acc
in goLine ini acc0 linearIY (ix + 1) (kx + 1) acc'
| otherwise = acc
goLineSafe !ini !linearIY !ix !kx !acc
| kx < kw =
let !val = tmp `linearIndex` (linearIY + ix)
!acc' = horiz ini (ix1 kx) val acc
in goLineSafe ini linearIY (ix + 1) (kx + 1) acc'
| otherwise = acc
constCol !ini !acc0 !constVal =
foldl' (\acc ky -> vert ini (ix1 ky) constVal acc) acc0
instance ( Image src, FromFunction res
, src_pix ~ ImagePixel src
, res_pix ~ FromFunctionPixel res
, SeparatelyFiltrable src res src_pix)
=> Filterable src res (SeparableFilter1 src_pix init res_pix)
apply !f !img =
fst $! wrapper img f
wrapper :: (Image src, FromFunction res, acc ~ ImagePixel src
, FromFunction (SeparableFilterAccumulator src res acc)
, FromFunctionPixel (SeparableFilterAccumulator src res acc) ~ acc
, Image (SeparableFilterAccumulator src res acc)
, ImagePixel (SeparableFilterAccumulator src res acc) ~ acc)
=> src
-> SeparableFilter1 (ImagePixel src) init (FromFunctionPixel res)
-> (res, SeparableFilterAccumulator src res acc)
wrapper !src !(Filter ksize anchor kernel initF _ post interpol)
| kh == 0 || kw == 0 =
error "Using FilterFold1 with an empty kernel."
| otherwise =
(res, tmp)
!size@(Z :. ih :. iw) = shape src
!(Z :. kh :. kw) = ksize
!(Z :. kcy :. kcx) = kernelAnchor anchor ksize
!(SeparableKernel vert horiz) = kernel
!tmp = fromFunction size $ \(!pt@(Z :. iy :. ix)) ->
let pix = src ! pt
!ini = initF pt pix
!iy0 = iy kcy
in if iy0 >= 0 && iy0 + kh <= ih
then goColumn1Safe ini iy0 ix
else goColumn1 ini iy0 ix
!res = fromFunction size $ \(!pt@(Z :. iy :. ix)) ->
let pix = src ! pt
!ini = initF pt pix
!ix0 = ix kcx
in post pt pix ini $!
if ix0 >= 0 && ix0 + kw <= iw
then goLine1Safe ini (iy * iw) ix0
else goLine1 ini (iy * iw) ix0
goColumn1 !ini !iy !ix =
case borderInterpolate interpol ih iy of
Left iy' ->
let !acc = src ! ix2 iy' ix
in goColumn ini (iy + 1) ix 1 acc
Right val ->
goColumn ini (iy + 1) ix 1 val
goColumn1Safe !ini !iy !ix =
let !linearIY = iy * iw
!acc = src `linearIndex` (linearIY + ix)
in goColumnSafe ini (linearIY + iw) ix 1 acc
goColumn !ini !iy !ix !ky !acc
| ky < kh =
let !val = case borderInterpolate interpol ih iy of
Left iy' -> src ! ix2 iy' ix
Right val' -> val'
!acc' = vert ini (ix1 ky) val acc
in goColumn ini (iy + 1) ix (ky + 1) acc'
| otherwise = acc
goColumnSafe !ini !linearIY !ix !ky !acc
| ky < kh =
let !val = src `linearIndex` (linearIY + ix)
!acc' = vert ini (ix1 ky) val acc
in goColumnSafe ini (linearIY + iw) ix (ky + 1) acc'
| otherwise = acc
goLine1 !ini !linearIY !ix =
let !acc =
case borderInterpolate interpol iw ix of
Left ix' -> tmp `linearIndex` (linearIY + ix')
Right val -> columnConst ini val
in goLine ini linearIY (ix + 1) 1 acc
goLine1Safe !ini !linearIY !ix =
let !linearIX = linearIY + ix
!acc = tmp `linearIndex` linearIX
in goLineSafe ini (linearIX + 1) 1 acc
goLine !ini !linearIY !ix !kx !acc
| kx < kw =
let !val =
case borderInterpolate interpol iw ix of
Left ix' -> tmp `linearIndex` (linearIY + ix')
Right val' -> columnConst ini val'
!acc' = horiz ini (ix1 kx) val acc
in goLine ini linearIY (ix + 1) (kx + 1) acc'
| otherwise = acc
goLineSafe !ini !linearIX !kx !acc
| kx < kw =
let !val = tmp `linearIndex` linearIX
!acc' = horiz ini (ix1 kx) val acc
in goLineSafe ini (linearIX + 1) (kx + 1) acc'
| otherwise = acc
columnConst !ini !constVal = goColumnConst ini 1 constVal constVal
goColumnConst !ini !ky !constVal !acc
| ky < kh = goColumnConst ini (ky + 1) constVal
(vert ini (ix1 ky) acc constVal)
| otherwise = acc
kernelAnchor :: KernelAnchor -> Size -> Point
kernelAnchor (KernelAnchor ix) _ = ix
kernelAnchor (KernelAnchorCenter) (Z :. kh :. kw) = ix2 (round $ (kh 1) % 2)
(round $ (kw 1) % 2)
borderInterpolate :: BorderInterpolate a
-> Int
-> Int
-> Either Int a
borderInterpolate !interpol !len !ix
| word ix < word len = Left ix
| otherwise =
case interpol of
BorderReplicate | ix < 0 -> Left 0
| otherwise -> Left $! len 1
BorderReflect -> Left $! goReflect ix
BorderWrap -> Left $! ix `mod` len
BorderConstant i -> Right i
goReflect !ix' | ix' < 0 = goReflect (ix' 1)
| ix' >= len = goReflect ((len 1) (ix' len))
| otherwise = ix'
type Morphological pix = SeparableFilter1 pix () pix
dilate :: Ord pix => Int -> Morphological pix
dilate radius =
Filter (ix2 size size) KernelAnchorCenter (SeparableKernel kernel kernel)
(\_ _ -> ()) FilterFold1 (\_ _ _ !acc -> acc) BorderReplicate
!size = radius * 2 + 1
kernel _ _ = max
erode :: Ord pix => Int -> Morphological pix
erode radius =
Filter (ix2 size size) KernelAnchorCenter (SeparableKernel kernel kernel)
(\_ _ -> ()) FilterFold1 (\_ _ _ !acc -> acc) BorderReplicate
!size = radius * 2 + 1
kernel _ _ = min
type Blur src acc res = SeparableFilter src () acc res
blur :: (Integral src, Integral acc, Num res)
=> Int
-> Blur src acc res
blur radius =
Filter (ix2 size size) KernelAnchorCenter (SeparableKernel vert horiz)
(\_ _ -> ()) (FilterFold (const 0)) post BorderReplicate
!size = radius * 2 + 1
!nPixs = fromIntegral $ square size
vert _ _ !val !acc = acc + fromIntegral val
horiz _ _ !acc' !acc = acc + acc'
post _ _ _ !acc = fromIntegral $ acc `div` nPixs
gaussianBlur :: (Integral src, Floating acc, RealFrac acc, Storable acc
, Integral res)
=> Int
-> Maybe acc
-> Blur src acc res
gaussianBlur !radius !mSig =
Filter (ix2 size size) KernelAnchorCenter (SeparableKernel vert horiz)
(\_ _ -> ()) (FilterFold (const 0)) (\_ _ _ !acc -> round acc)
!size = radius * 2 + 1
!sig = case mSig of Just s -> s
Nothing -> (0.5 + fromIntegral radius) / 3
vert _ !(Z :. y) !val !acc = let !coeff = kernelVec V.! y
in acc + fromIntegral val * coeff
horiz _ !(Z :. x) !val !acc = let !coeff = kernelVec V.! x
in acc + val * coeff
!kernelVec =
let !unormalized = V.generate size $ \x ->
gaussian $! fromIntegral $! abs $! x radius
!kernelSum = V.sum unormalized
in (/ kernelSum) unormalized
gaussian !x = invSigSqrt2Pi * exp (inv2xSig2 * square x)
!invSigSqrt2Pi = 1 / (sig * sqrt (2 * pi))
!inv2xSig2 = 1 / (2 * square sig)
type Derivative src res = SeparableFilter src () res res
data DerivativeType = DerivativeX | DerivativeY
scharr :: (Integral src, Integral res)
=> DerivativeType -> Derivative src res
scharr der =
let !kernel =
case der of
DerivativeX -> SeparableKernel kernel1 kernel2
DerivativeY -> SeparableKernel kernel2 kernel1
in Filter (ix2 3 3) KernelAnchorCenter kernel (\_ _ -> ())
(FilterFold (const 0)) (\_ _ _ !acc -> acc) BorderReplicate
kernel1 _ !(Z :. 1) !val !acc = acc + 10 * fromIntegral val
kernel1 _ !(Z :. _) !val !acc = acc + 3 * fromIntegral val
kernel2 _ !(Z :. 0) !val !acc = acc fromIntegral val
kernel2 _ !(Z :. 1) !_ !acc = acc
kernel2 _ !(Z :. ~2) !val !acc = acc + fromIntegral val
sobel :: (Integral src, Integral res, Storable res)
=> Int
-> DerivativeType
-> Derivative src res
sobel radius der =
Filter (ix2 size size) KernelAnchorCenter (SeparableKernel vert horiz)
(\_ _ -> ()) (FilterFold (const 0)) (\_ _ _ !acc -> acc)
!size = radius * 2 + 1
vert _ !(Z :. x) !val !acc = let !coeff = vec1 V.! x
in acc + fromIntegral val * coeff
horiz _ !(Z :. x) !val !acc = let !coeff = vec2 V.! x
in acc + fromIntegral val * coeff
!radius' = fromIntegral radius
(!vec1, !vec2) = case der of DerivativeX -> (vec1', vec2')
DerivativeY -> (vec2', vec1')
!vec1' = let pows = [ 2^i | i <- [0..radius'] ]
in V.fromList $ pows ++ (tail (reverse pows))
!vec2' = V.fromList $ map negate [1..radius'] ++ [0] ++ [1..radius']
type Mean src acc res = SeparableFilter src () acc res
mean :: (Integral src, Integral acc, Fractional res)
=> Size -> SeparableFilter src () acc res
mean size@(Z :. h :. w) =
Filter size KernelAnchorCenter (SeparableKernel vert horiz) (\_ _ -> ())
(FilterFold (const 0)) post BorderReplicate
vert _ _ !val !acc = acc + fromIntegral val
horiz _ _ !acc' !acc = acc + acc'
!nPixsFactor = 1 / (fromIntegral $! h * w)
post _ _ _ !acc = fromIntegral acc * nPixsFactor
square :: Num a => a -> a
square a = a * a
word :: Integral a => a -> Word
word = fromIntegral