# freq ## About This is a simple cryptanalytic frequency analysis tool that uses [english character digrams](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigram) as a probabilistic model for scoring ByteStrings according to their randomness (0..1, 0 being the most random, 1 being the least random). ## Uses I currently use this to validate domain names, and so the training data available consists of about 6.5 Megabytes of Public Domain 19th and 20th century English novels. You can feed any training data you wish to 'freq' to achieve different results. ## Improvements To improve further on the accuracy of this approach, I will experiment with a generalised dynamic n-gram approach, which will sacrifice slightly in performance for a potentially large gain in accuracy. ## Further See my implementation of the [Linear Hadamard Spectral Test](https://github.com/chessai/lhst) for a different approach to a similar problem with much higher variance in the potentially random data, where a trained approach might be less accurate.