module Pages (input_page, help_page) where import Text.XHtml import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import Paths (relativeURLOf) -- The hackage URL of a package hackage :: String -> URL hackage pkgName = "" ++ pkgName -- Link text to url at :: (HTML a) => a -> URL -> HotLink text `at` url = hotlink url << text page_template title_text content = thehtml << [ header << [ thetitle << title_text , thelink ! [rel "stylesheet", thetype "text/css", href (relativeURLOf "style.css")] << "" ] , body << [ thediv ! [identifier "header"] << [ h1 << "Haskell" , h2 << title_text ] , thediv ! [identifier "content"] << content ] ] input_page :: [(String, String)] -> Html -> Html input_page inputs additionalContent = let title_text = "Automatic generation of free theorems" in page_template title_text << [ p ! [identifier "help"] << "Help" `at` "?help" , thediv << [ p << ("This tool allows to generate free theorems for sublanguages of Haskell as described " +++ "here" `at` "?help" +++ ".") , p << ("The source code of the underlying library and a shell-based application using it is available " +++ "here" `at` hackage "free-theorems" +++ " and " +++ "here" `at` hackage "ftshell" +++ ".") , p << ("You may also want to try the following related tools:" +++ ulist << [ li << "Automatically Generating Counterexamples to Naive Free Theorems" `at` "" , li << "Taming Selective Strictness" `at` "" ]) ] , thediv << form ! [method "POST", theclass "float-container"] << [ thediv << [ p << "Please enter a (polymorphic) type, e.g. \"(a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]\" or simply \"filter\":" , p << textfield' "type" ! [theclass "type", size "50", maxlength 1024] , p << "Please choose a sublanguage of Haskell:" , p << (check radioOption' { o_name = "model", o_value = "basic", o_label = "no bottoms (hence no general recursion and no selective strictness)" }) , p << ( radioOption' { o_name = "model", o_value = "fix" , o_label = "general recursion but no selective strictness" }) , p << ( radioOption' { o_name = "model", o_value = "seq" , o_label = "general recursion and selective strictness" }) , p << "Please choose a theorem style (without effect in the sublanguage with no bottoms):" , p << (check radioOption' { o_name = "style", o_value = "eq" , o_label = "equational" }) , p << ( radioOption' { o_name = "style", o_value = "ineq" , o_label = "inequational" }) ] , thediv << [ p << "If you need additional declarations you can enter them here:" , p << textarea' "xtraSrc" ] , thediv ! [theclass "clear"] << [ submit "" "Generate" , thespan << yesNoOption' { o_name = "hideTypeInstantiations", o_value = "yes", o_label = "hide type instantiations", o_title = "Hide type instantiations in theorems for better readability." } , thespan << [ check radioOption' { o_name = "format", o_value = "html+png" , o_label = "PNG" , o_title = "Show result with graphical formulae" } , radioOption' { o_name = "format", o_value = "html+text", o_label = "Plain", o_title = "Show result with plain text formulae" } , radioOption' { o_name = "format", o_value = "tex" , o_label = "TeX" , o_title = "Export as TeX" } , radioOption' { o_name = "format", o_value = "pdf" , o_label = "PDF" , o_title = "Export as PDF" } ] +++ " " +++ ("?" `at` "?help#format" ! [title "Help on output formats"]) ] ] , additionalContent ] where -- Define versions of all used input elements which -- implicitly use the values from the "inputs" parameter. -- This causes input elements to keep their values after form submission, -- provided the result from getInputs is passed to this function. radioOption' = radioOption { o_inputs = inputs } yesNoOption' = yesNoOption { o_inputs = inputs } textfield' name_ = (! [value $ fromMaybe "" $ lookup name_ inputs]) textfield name_ textarea' name_ = textarea ! [name name_] << (fromMaybe "" $ lookup name_ inputs) data Option = Option { o_type :: String, o_name :: String, o_value :: String, o_label :: String, o_title :: String, o_checked :: Bool, o_inputs :: [(String, String)] } check :: Option -> Option check opt = opt { o_checked = True } instance HTML Option where toHtml (Option tp n v l t c inputs) = toHtml (input ! attributes +++ label ! [thefor input_id] << l) where attributes = [thetype tp, name n, value v, title t, identifier input_id] ++ if maybe c (v==) (lookup n inputs) then [checked] else [] input_id = n ++ "_" ++ v yesNoOption = Option "checkbox" "" "" "" "" False [] radioOption = Option "radio" "" "" "" "" False [] help_page :: Html -> Html help_page additionalContent = let title_text = "Help on: Automatic generation of free theorems" in page_template title_text << [ thediv << ("This is the help page for the " +++ "Free Theorem Generator" `at` "?" +++ ".") , thediv << [ h3 << "Free Theorems" , p << ("Free Theorems were first described in the paper " +++ "\"Theorems for free!\"" `at` "" +++ " by Philip Wadler. " +++ "Their special property is that they can be derived solely from the type of a function. The key idea is to interpret types as relations. " +++ "To reflect the structure of types, a relational action, which maps relations to a relation, is defined for every type constructor. " +++ "Using relational actions, a relation can be constructed for every type, and, by applying the definitions of these relational actions, free theorems are obtained.") , p << ("General recursion and selective strictness weaken free theorems. " +++ "To show the influences caused by adding these constructs, several sublanguages of Haskell are supported in this tool. " +++ "The theoretical foundations are described in the paper " +++ "\"Free theorems in the presence of seq\"" `at` "" +++ " by Patricia Johann and Janis Voigtländer. " +++ "As motivated there, it is possible to derive both equational and inequational free theorems.") ] , thediv << [ h3 << "Types" , p << [ thespan << "Types can be entered in two ways, either with a name or without one. Examples would be " , pre << "g :: forall b . (Int -> b -> b) -> b -> b" , thespan << " or " , pre << "[a] -> [a]" ] , p << "It is also possible to simply enter the name of a predefined Haskell function (see the list given below). The tool knows about standard Haskell data types, type synonyms, and type classes (again, see the lists below)." , p << "Additionally, T0 to T9 may be used as placeholders for arbitrary but fixed types." ] , anchor ! [ identifier "format" ] << "" , thediv << [ h3 << "Output formats" , p << "The following output formats can be selected:" , defList [ ("PNG", "Result is displayed on webpage, formulae are rendered as PNG images — " +++ emphasize << "This is the default.") , ("Plain", stringToHtml "Result is displayed on webpage, formulae are rendered as plain text.") , ("TeX", "A TeX file is generated. You need " +++ "lambdaTeX.tex" `at` relativeURLOf "lambdaTeX.tex" +++ " (adapted from Patryk Zadarnowski) and pdflatex to get the same result as by selecting the 'PDF' option.") , ("PDF", stringToHtml "A PDF file is generated.") ] ] , additionalContent ]