#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
module Control.Comonad.Cofree
( Cofree(..)
, ComonadCofree(..)
, section
, coiter
, unfold
, _extract
, _unwrap
, telescoped
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Class
import Control.Comonad.Cofree.Class
import Control.Comonad.Env.Class
import Control.Comonad.Store.Class as Class
import Control.Comonad.Traced.Class
import Control.Category
import Control.Monad(ap)
import Control.Monad.Zip
import Data.Functor.Bind
import Data.Functor.Extend
import Data.Data
import Data.Distributive
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Traversable
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup.Traversable
import Prelude hiding (id,(.))
import Prelude.Extras
infixr 5 :<
data Cofree f a = a :< f (Cofree f a)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
deriving (Typeable)
coiter :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> a -> Cofree f a
coiter psi a = a :< (coiter psi <$> psi a)
unfold :: Functor f => (b -> (a, f b)) -> b -> Cofree f a
unfold f c = case f c of
(x, d) -> x :< fmap (unfold f) d
instance Functor f => ComonadCofree f (Cofree f) where
unwrap (_ :< as) = as
instance Distributive f => Distributive (Cofree f) where
distribute w = fmap extract w :< fmap distribute (collect unwrap w)
instance Functor f => Functor (Cofree f) where
fmap f (a :< as) = f a :< fmap (fmap f) as
b <$ (_ :< as) = b :< fmap (b <$) as
instance Functor f => Extend (Cofree f) where
extended = extend
duplicated = duplicate
instance Functor f => Comonad (Cofree f) where
extend f w = f w :< fmap (extend f) (unwrap w)
duplicate w = w :< fmap duplicate (unwrap w)
extract (a :< _) = a
instance ComonadTrans Cofree where
lower (_ :< as) = fmap extract as
instance Alternative f => Monad (Cofree f) where
return x = x :< empty
(a :< m) >>= k = case k a of
b :< n -> b :< (n <|> fmap (>>= k) m)
instance (Alternative f, MonadZip f) => MonadZip (Cofree f) where
mzip (a :< as) (b :< bs) = (a, b) :< fmap (uncurry mzip) (mzip as bs)
section :: Comonad f => f a -> Cofree f a
section as = extract as :< extend section as
instance Apply f => Apply (Cofree f) where
(f :< fs) <.> (a :< as) = f a :< ((<.>) <$> fs <.> as)
(f :< fs) <. (_ :< as) = f :< ((<. ) <$> fs <.> as)
(_ :< fs) .> (a :< as) = a :< (( .>) <$> fs <.> as)
instance ComonadApply f => ComonadApply (Cofree f) where
(f :< fs) <@> (a :< as) = f a :< ((<@>) <$> fs <@> as)
(f :< fs) <@ (_ :< as) = f :< ((<@ ) <$> fs <@> as)
(_ :< fs) @> (a :< as) = a :< (( @>) <$> fs <@> as)
instance Alternative f => Applicative (Cofree f) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
instance (Functor f, Show1 f) => Show1 (Cofree f) where
showsPrec1 d (a :< as) = showParen (d > 5) $
showsPrec 6 a . showString " :< " . showsPrec1 5 (fmap Lift1 as)
instance (Show (f (Cofree f a)), Show a) => Show (Cofree f a) where
showsPrec d (a :< as) = showParen (d > 5) $
showsPrec 6 a . showString " :< " . showsPrec 5 as
instance (Functor f, Read1 f) => Read1 (Cofree f) where
readsPrec1 d r = readParen (d > 5)
(\r' -> [(u :< fmap lower1 v,w) |
(u, s) <- readsPrec 6 r',
(":<", t) <- lex s,
(v, w) <- readsPrec1 5 t]) r
instance (Read (f (Cofree f a)), Read a) => Read (Cofree f a) where
readsPrec d r = readParen (d > 5)
(\r' -> [(u :< v,w) |
(u, s) <- readsPrec 6 r',
(":<", t) <- lex s,
(v, w) <- readsPrec 5 t]) r
instance (Eq (f (Cofree f a)), Eq a) => Eq (Cofree f a) where
#ifndef HLINT
a :< as == b :< bs = a == b && as == bs
instance (Functor f, Eq1 f) => Eq1 (Cofree f) where
#ifndef HLINT
a :< as ==# b :< bs = a == b && fmap Lift1 as ==# fmap Lift1 bs
instance (Ord (f (Cofree f a)), Ord a) => Ord (Cofree f a) where
compare (a :< as) (b :< bs) = case compare a b of
LT -> LT
EQ -> compare as bs
GT -> GT
instance (Functor f, Ord1 f) => Ord1 (Cofree f) where
compare1 (a :< as) (b :< bs) = case compare a b of
LT -> LT
EQ -> compare1 (fmap Lift1 as) (fmap Lift1 bs)
GT -> GT
instance Foldable f => Foldable (Cofree f) where
foldMap f = go where
go (a :< as) = f a `mappend` foldMap go as
instance Foldable1 f => Foldable1 (Cofree f) where
foldMap1 f = go where
go (a :< as) = f a <> foldMap1 go as
instance Traversable f => Traversable (Cofree f) where
traverse f = go where
go (a :< as) = (:<) <$> f a <*> traverse go as
instance Traversable1 f => Traversable1 (Cofree f) where
traverse1 f = go where
go (a :< as) = (:<) <$> f a <.> traverse1 go as
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 707
instance (Typeable1 f) => Typeable1 (Cofree f) where
typeOf1 dfa = mkTyConApp cofreeTyCon [typeOf1 (f dfa)]
f :: Cofree f a -> f a
f = undefined
instance (Typeable1 f, Typeable a) => Typeable (Cofree f a) where
typeOf = typeOfDefault
cofreeTyCon :: TyCon
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 704
cofreeTyCon = mkTyCon "Control.Comonad.Cofree.Cofree"
cofreeTyCon = mkTyCon3 "free" "Control.Comonad.Cofree" "Cofree"
( Typeable1 f
, Data (f (Cofree f a))
, Data a
) => Data (Cofree f a) where
gfoldl f z (a :< as) = z (:<) `f` a `f` as
toConstr _ = cofreeConstr
gunfold k z c = case constrIndex c of
1 -> k (k (z (:<)))
_ -> error "gunfold"
dataTypeOf _ = cofreeDataType
dataCast1 f = gcast1 f
cofreeConstr :: Constr
cofreeConstr = mkConstr cofreeDataType ":<" [] Infix
cofreeDataType :: DataType
cofreeDataType = mkDataType "Control.Comonad.Cofree.Cofree" [cofreeConstr]
instance ComonadEnv e w => ComonadEnv e (Cofree w) where
ask = ask . lower
instance ComonadStore s w => ComonadStore s (Cofree w) where
pos (_ :< as) = Class.pos as
peek s (_ :< as) = extract (Class.peek s as)
instance ComonadTraced m w => ComonadTraced m (Cofree w) where
trace m = trace m . lower
_extract :: Functor f => (a -> f a) -> Cofree g a -> f (Cofree g a)
_extract f (a :< as) = (:< as) <$> f a
_unwrap :: Functor f => (g (Cofree g a) -> f (g (Cofree g a))) -> Cofree g a -> f (Cofree g a)
_unwrap f (a :< as) = (a :<) <$> f as
telescoped :: (Functor f, Functor g) =>
[(Cofree g a -> f (Cofree g a)) -> g (Cofree g a) -> f (g (Cofree g a))] ->
(a -> f a) -> Cofree g a -> f (Cofree g a)
telescoped = Prelude.foldr (\l r -> _unwrap . l . r) _extract