{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} module Numeric.Floating.IEEE.Internal.Rounding.Common where import Control.Exception (assert) import Data.Bits import Data.Functor.Product import Data.Int import GHC.Float (expt) import Math.NumberTheory.Logarithms (integerLog2') import MyPrelude import Numeric.Floating.IEEE.Internal.IntegerInternals default () class Functor f => RoundingStrategy f where exact :: a -> f a inexact :: Ordering -- ^ LT -> toward-zero is the nearest, EQ -> midpoint, GT -> away-from-zero is the nearest -> Bool -- ^ negative (True -> negative, False -> positive) -> Int -- ^ parity (even -> toward-zero is even, odd -> toward-zero is odd) -> a -- ^ toward zero -> a -- ^ away from zero -> f a doRound :: Bool -- ^ exactness; if True, the Ordering must be LT -> Ordering -- ^ LT -> toward-zero is the nearest, EQ -> midpoint, GT -> away-from-zero is the nearest -> Bool -- ^ negative (True -> negative, False -> positive) -> Int -- ^ parity (even -> toward-zero is even, odd -> toward-zero is odd) -> a -- ^ toward zero -> a -- ^ away from zero -> f a exact x = doRound True LT False 0 x x inexact o neg parity zero away = doRound False o neg parity zero away newtype RoundTiesToEven a = RoundTiesToEven { roundTiesToEven :: a } deriving (Functor) instance RoundingStrategy RoundTiesToEven where exact = RoundTiesToEven inexact o _neg parity zero away = RoundTiesToEven $ case o of LT -> zero EQ | even parity -> zero | otherwise -> away GT -> away doRound _ex o _neg parity zero away = RoundTiesToEven $ case o of LT -> zero EQ | even parity -> zero | otherwise -> away GT -> away {-# INLINE exact #-} {-# INLINE inexact #-} {-# INLINE doRound #-} newtype RoundTiesToAway a = RoundTiesToAway { roundTiesToAway :: a } deriving (Functor) instance RoundingStrategy RoundTiesToAway where exact = RoundTiesToAway inexact o _neg _parity zero away = RoundTiesToAway $ case o of LT -> zero EQ -> away GT -> away doRound _ex o _neg _parity zero away = RoundTiesToAway $ case o of LT -> zero EQ -> away GT -> away {-# INLINE exact #-} {-# INLINE inexact #-} {-# INLINE doRound #-} newtype RoundTowardPositive a = RoundTowardPositive { roundTowardPositive :: a } deriving (Functor) instance RoundingStrategy RoundTowardPositive where exact = RoundTowardPositive inexact _o neg _parity zero away | neg = RoundTowardPositive zero | otherwise = RoundTowardPositive away doRound ex _o neg _parity zero away | ex || neg = RoundTowardPositive zero | otherwise = RoundTowardPositive away {-# INLINE exact #-} {-# INLINE inexact #-} {-# INLINE doRound #-} newtype RoundTowardNegative a = RoundTowardNegative { roundTowardNegative :: a } deriving (Functor) instance RoundingStrategy RoundTowardNegative where exact = RoundTowardNegative inexact _o neg _parity zero away | neg = RoundTowardNegative away | otherwise = RoundTowardNegative zero doRound ex _o neg _parity zero away | not ex && neg = RoundTowardNegative away | otherwise = RoundTowardNegative zero {-# INLINE exact #-} {-# INLINE inexact #-} {-# INLINE doRound #-} newtype RoundTowardZero a = RoundTowardZero { roundTowardZero :: a } deriving (Functor) instance RoundingStrategy RoundTowardZero where exact = RoundTowardZero inexact _o _neg _parity zero _away = RoundTowardZero zero doRound _ex _o _neg _parity zero _away = RoundTowardZero zero {-# INLINE exact #-} {-# INLINE inexact #-} {-# INLINE doRound #-} instance (RoundingStrategy f, RoundingStrategy g) => RoundingStrategy (Product f g) where exact x = Pair (exact x) (exact x) inexact o neg parity zero away = Pair (inexact o neg parity zero away) (inexact o neg parity zero away) doRound ex o neg parity zero away = Pair (doRound ex o neg parity zero away) (doRound ex o neg parity zero away) {-# INLINE exact #-} {-# INLINE inexact #-} {-# INLINE doRound #-} {- from GHC.Float: expt :: Integer -> Int -> Integer expt base n = base ^ n -} quotRemByExpt :: Integer -- ^ the dividend @x@ -> Integer -- ^ base -> Int -- ^ the exponent @e@ (must be non-negative) -> (Integer, Integer) -- ^ @x \`'quotRem'\` (base ^ e)@ quotRemByExpt x 2 n = assert (n >= 0) (x `unsafeShiftRInteger` n, x .&. (bit n - 1)) quotRemByExpt x base n = x `quotRem` expt base n {-# INLINE quotRemByExpt #-} multiplyByExpt :: Integer -- ^ the multiplicand @x@ -> Integer -- ^ base -> Int -- ^ the exponent @e@ (must be non-negative) -> Integer -- ^ @x * base ^ e@ multiplyByExpt x 2 n = assert (n >= 0) (x `unsafeShiftLInteger` n) multiplyByExpt x base n = x * expt base n {-# INLINE multiplyByExpt #-} isDivisibleByExpt :: Integer -- ^ the dividend @x@ -> Integer -- ^ the base -> Int -- ^ the exponent @e@ (must be non-negative) -> Integer -- ^ the remainder @r@ (must be @x \`'rem'\` (base ^ e)@) -> Bool -- ^ @r == 0@ isDivisibleByExpt x 2 e r = assert (r == x `rem` (2 ^ e)) $ x == 0 || Numeric.Floating.IEEE.Internal.IntegerInternals.countTrailingZerosInteger x >= e isDivisibleByExpt x base e r = assert (r == x `rem` (base ^ e)) (r == 0) {-# INLINE isDivisibleByExpt #-} -- | -- Assumption: @n >= 0@, @e >= 0@, and @r == n \`'rem'\` base^(e+1)@ -- -- Returns @compare r (base^e)@. compareWithExpt :: Integer -- ^ base -> Integer -- ^ the number @n@ (must be non-negative) -> Integer -- ^ the remainder @r@ (must be @n \`'rem'\' base^(e+1)@) -> Int -- ^ the exponent @e@ (must be non-negative) -> Ordering compareWithExpt 2 n r e = assert (r == n `rem` expt 2 (e+1)) $ if n == 0 || integerLog2' n < e then -- If integerLog2 n < e (i.e. n < 2^e), it is trivial LT else -- In this branch, n > 0 && integerLog2' n >= e let result = Numeric.Floating.IEEE.Internal.IntegerInternals.roundingMode n e !_ = assert (result == compare r (expt 2 e)) () in result compareWithExpt base n r e = assert (r == n `rem` expt base (e+1)) $ compare r (expt base e) {-# INLINE compareWithExpt #-}