{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} module Main (main) where import Control.Exception (throwIO) import Control.Monad import Data.Bool (bool) import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..)) import Data.List (intercalate, sort) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, mapMaybe) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Data.Version (showVersion) import Development.GitRev import Options.Applicative import Ormolu import Ormolu.Config import Ormolu.Diff.Text (diffText, printTextDiff) import Ormolu.Parser (manualExts) import Ormolu.Terminal import Ormolu.Utils (showOutputable) import Ormolu.Utils.Extensions (getCabalExtensionDynOptions) import Ormolu.Utils.IO import Paths_fourmolu (version) import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory) import System.Exit (ExitCode (..), exitWith) import qualified System.FilePath as FP import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) -- | Entry point of the program. main :: IO () main = do opts@Opts {..} <- execParser optsParserInfo cfg <- case optInputFiles of [] -> mkConfigFromCWD opts ["-"] -> mkConfigFromCWD opts file : _ -> mkConfig file opts let formatOne' = formatOne optCabalDefaultExtensions optMode optSourceType cfg exitCode <- case optInputFiles of [] -> formatOne' Nothing ["-"] -> formatOne' Nothing [x] -> formatOne' (Just x) xs -> do let selectFailure = \case ExitSuccess -> Nothing ExitFailure n -> Just n errorCodes <- mapMaybe selectFailure <$> mapM (formatOne' . Just) (sort xs) return $ if null errorCodes then ExitSuccess else ExitFailure $ if all (== 100) errorCodes then 100 else 102 exitWith exitCode -- | Format a single input. formatOne :: -- | Whether to respect default-extensions from .cabal files CabalDefaultExtensionsOpts -> -- | Mode of operation Mode -> -- | The 'SourceType' requested by the user Maybe SourceType -> -- | Configuration Config RegionIndices -> -- | File to format or stdin as 'Nothing' Maybe FilePath -> IO ExitCode formatOne CabalDefaultExtensionsOpts {..} mode reqSourceType rawConfig mpath = withPrettyOrmoluExceptions (cfgColorMode rawConfig) $ do case FP.normalise <$> mpath of -- input source = STDIN Nothing -> do resultConfig <- patchConfig Nothing <$> if optUseCabalDefaultExtensions then case optStdinInputFile of Just stdinInputFile -> getCabalExtensionDynOptions stdinInputFile Nothing -> throwIO OrmoluMissingStdinInputFile else pure [] case mode of Stdout -> do ormoluStdin resultConfig >>= TIO.putStr return ExitSuccess InPlace -> do hPutStrLn stderr "In place editing is not supported when input comes from stdin." -- 101 is different from all the other exit codes we already use. return (ExitFailure 101) Check -> do -- ormoluStdin is not used because we need the originalInput originalInput <- getContentsUtf8 let stdinRepr = "" formattedInput <- ormolu resultConfig stdinRepr (T.unpack originalInput) handleDiff originalInput formattedInput stdinRepr -- input source = a file Just inputFile -> do resultConfig <- patchConfig (Just (detectSourceType inputFile)) <$> if optUseCabalDefaultExtensions then getCabalExtensionDynOptions inputFile else pure [] case mode of Stdout -> do ormoluFile resultConfig inputFile >>= TIO.putStr return ExitSuccess InPlace -> do -- ormoluFile is not used because we need originalInput originalInput <- readFileUtf8 inputFile formattedInput <- ormolu resultConfig inputFile (T.unpack originalInput) when (formattedInput /= originalInput) $ writeFileUtf8 inputFile formattedInput return ExitSuccess Check -> do -- ormoluFile is not used because we need originalInput originalInput <- readFileUtf8 inputFile formattedInput <- ormolu resultConfig inputFile (T.unpack originalInput) handleDiff originalInput formattedInput inputFile where patchConfig mdetectedSourceType dynOpts = rawConfig { cfgDynOptions = cfgDynOptions rawConfig ++ dynOpts, cfgSourceType = fromMaybe ModuleSource (reqSourceType <|> mdetectedSourceType) } handleDiff originalInput formattedInput fileRepr = case diffText originalInput formattedInput fileRepr of Nothing -> return ExitSuccess Just diff -> do runTerm (printTextDiff diff) (cfgColorMode rawConfig) stderr -- 100 is different to all the other exit code that are emitted -- either from an 'OrmoluException' or from 'error' and -- 'notImplemented'. return (ExitFailure 100) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Command line options parsing data Opts = Opts { -- | Mode of operation optMode :: !Mode, -- | Ormolu 'Config' optConfig :: !(Config RegionIndices), -- | Options for respecting default-extensions from .cabal files optCabalDefaultExtensions :: CabalDefaultExtensionsOpts, -- | Source type option, where 'Nothing' means autodetection optSourceType :: !(Maybe SourceType), -- | Fourmolu-specific options optPrinterOpts :: !PrinterOptsPartial, -- | Haskell source files to format or stdin (when the list is empty) optInputFiles :: ![FilePath] } -- | Mode of operation. data Mode = -- | Output formatted source code to stdout Stdout | -- | Overwrite original file InPlace | -- | Exit with non-zero status code if -- source is not already formatted Check deriving (Eq, Show, Bounded, Enum) -- | Configuration for how to account for default-extension -- from .cabal files data CabalDefaultExtensionsOpts = CabalDefaultExtensionsOpts { -- | Account for default-extensions from .cabal files optUseCabalDefaultExtensions :: Bool, -- | Optional path to a file which will be used to -- find a .cabal file when using input from stdin optStdinInputFile :: Maybe FilePath } deriving (Show) optsParserInfo :: ParserInfo Opts optsParserInfo = info (helper <*> ver <*> exts <*> optsParser) . mconcat $ [fullDesc] where ver :: Parser (a -> a) ver = infoOption verStr . mconcat $ [ long "version", short 'v', help "Print version of the program" ] verStr = intercalate "\n" [ unwords [ "fourmolu", showVersion version, $gitBranch, $gitHash ], "using ghc-lib-parser " ++ VERSION_ghc_lib_parser ] exts :: Parser (a -> a) exts = infoOption displayExts . mconcat $ [ long "manual-exts", help "Display extensions that need to be enabled manually" ] displayExts = unlines $ sort (showOutputable <$> manualExts) optsParser :: Parser Opts optsParser = Opts <$> ( (fmap (bool Stdout InPlace) . switch . mconcat) [ short 'i', help "A shortcut for --mode inplace" ] <|> (option parseBoundedEnum . mconcat) [ long "mode", short 'm', metavar "MODE", value Stdout, help "Mode of operation: 'stdout' (the default), 'inplace', or 'check'" ] ) <*> configParser <*> cabalDefaultExtensionsParser <*> sourceTypeParser <*> printerOptsParser <*> (many . strArgument . mconcat) [ metavar "FILE", help "Haskell source files to format or stdin (the default)" ] cabalDefaultExtensionsParser :: Parser CabalDefaultExtensionsOpts cabalDefaultExtensionsParser = CabalDefaultExtensionsOpts <$> (switch . mconcat) [ short 'e', long "cabal-default-extensions", help "Account for default-extensions from .cabal files" ] <*> (optional . strOption . mconcat) [ long "stdin-input-file", help "Path which will be used to find the .cabal file when using input from stdin" ] configParser :: Parser (Config RegionIndices) configParser = Config <$> (fmap (fmap DynOption) . many . strOption . mconcat) [ long "ghc-opt", short 'o', metavar "OPT", help "GHC options to enable (e.g. language extensions)" ] <*> (switch . mconcat) [ long "unsafe", short 'u', help "Do formatting faster but without automatic detection of defects" ] <*> (switch . mconcat) [ long "debug", short 'd', help "Output information useful for debugging" ] <*> (switch . mconcat) [ long "check-idempotence", short 'c', help "Fail if formatting is not idempotent" ] -- We cannot parse the source type here, because we might need to do -- autodection based on the input file extension (not available here) -- before storing the resolved value in the config struct. <*> pure ModuleSource <*> (option parseBoundedEnum . mconcat) [ long "color", metavar "WHEN", value Auto, help "Colorize the output; WHEN can be 'never', 'always', or 'auto' (the default)" ] <*> ( RegionIndices <$> (optional . option auto . mconcat) [ long "start-line", metavar "START", help "Start line of the region to format (starts from 1)" ] <*> (optional . option auto . mconcat) [ long "end-line", metavar "END", help "End line of the region to format (inclusive)" ] ) <*> pure defaultPrinterOpts printerOptsParser :: Parser PrinterOptsPartial printerOptsParser = do poIndentation <- (optional . option auto . mconcat) [ long "indentation", metavar "WIDTH", help $ "Number of spaces per indentation step" <> showDefaultValue poIndentation ] poCommaStyle <- (optional . option parseBoundedEnum . mconcat) [ long "comma-style", metavar "STYLE", help $ "How to place commas in multi-line lists, records etc: " <> showAllValues @CommaStyle <> showDefaultValue poCommaStyle ] poIndentWheres <- (optional . option parseBoundedEnum . mconcat) [ long "indent-wheres", metavar "BOOL", help $ "Whether to indent 'where' bindings past the preceding body" <> " (rather than half-indenting the 'where' keyword)" <> showDefaultValue poIndentWheres ] poRecordBraceSpace <- (optional . option parseBoundedEnum . mconcat) [ long "record-brace-space", metavar "BOOL", help $ "Whether to leave a space before an opening record brace" <> showDefaultValue poRecordBraceSpace ] poDiffFriendlyImportExport <- (optional . option parseBoundedEnum . mconcat) [ long "diff-friendly-import-export", metavar "BOOL", help $ "Whether to make use of extra commas in import/export lists" <> " (as opposed to Ormolu's style)" <> showDefaultValue poDiffFriendlyImportExport ] poRespectful <- (optional . option parseBoundedEnum . mconcat) [ long "respectful", metavar "BOOL", help $ "Give the programmer more choice on where to insert blank lines" <> showDefaultValue poRespectful ] poHaddockStyle <- (optional . option parseBoundedEnum . mconcat) [ long "haddock-style", metavar "STYLE", help $ "How to print Haddock comments: " <> showAllValues @HaddockPrintStyle <> showDefaultValue poHaddockStyle ] poNewlinesBetweenDecls <- (optional . option auto . mconcat) [ long "newlines-between-decls", metavar "HEIGHT", help $ "Number of spaces between top-level declarations" <> showDefaultValue poNewlinesBetweenDecls ] pure PrinterOpts {..} sourceTypeParser :: Parser (Maybe SourceType) sourceTypeParser = (option parseSourceType . mconcat) [ long "source-type", short 't', metavar "TYPE", value Nothing, help "Set the type of source; TYPE can be 'module', 'sig', or 'auto' (the default)" ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers -- | A standard parser of CLI option arguments, applicable to arguments that -- have a finite (preferably small) number of possible values. (Basically an -- inverse of 'toCLIArgument'.) parseBoundedEnum :: forall a. (Enum a, Bounded a, ToCLIArgument a) => ReadM a parseBoundedEnum = eitherReader ( \s -> case lookup s argumentToValue of Just v -> Right v Nothing -> Left $ "unknown value: '" <> s <> "'\nValid values are: " <> showAllValues @a <> "." ) where argumentToValue = map (\x -> (toCLIArgument x, x)) [minBound ..] -- | Values that appear as arguments of CLI options and thus have -- a corresponding textual representation. class ToCLIArgument a where -- | Convert a value to its representation as a CLI option argument. toCLIArgument :: a -> String -- | Convert a value to its representation as a CLI option argument wrapped -- in apostrophes. toCLIArgument' :: a -> String toCLIArgument' x = "'" <> toCLIArgument x <> "'" instance ToCLIArgument Bool where toCLIArgument True = "true" toCLIArgument False = "false" instance ToCLIArgument CommaStyle where toCLIArgument Leading = "leading" toCLIArgument Trailing = "trailing" instance ToCLIArgument Int where toCLIArgument = show instance ToCLIArgument HaddockPrintStyle where toCLIArgument HaddockSingleLine = "single-line" toCLIArgument HaddockMultiLine = "multi-line" instance ToCLIArgument Mode where toCLIArgument Stdout = "stdout" toCLIArgument InPlace = "inplace" toCLIArgument Check = "check" instance ToCLIArgument ColorMode where toCLIArgument Never = "never" toCLIArgument Always = "always" toCLIArgument Auto = "auto" showAllValues :: forall a. (Enum a, Bounded a, ToCLIArgument a) => String showAllValues = format (map toCLIArgument' [(minBound :: a) ..]) where format [] = [] format [x] = x format [x1, x2] = x1 <> " or " <> x2 format (x : xs) = x <> ", " <> format xs -- | CLI representation of the default value of an option, formatted for -- inclusion in the help text. showDefaultValue :: ToCLIArgument a => (PrinterOptsTotal -> Identity a) -> String showDefaultValue = (" (default " <>) . (<> ")") . toCLIArgument' . runIdentity . ($ defaultPrinterOpts) -- | Build the full config, by adding 'PrinterOpts' from a file, if found. mkConfig :: FilePath -> Opts -> IO (Config RegionIndices) mkConfig path Opts {..} = do filePrinterOpts <- loadConfigFile path >>= \case ConfigLoaded f po -> do hPutStrLn stderr $ "Loaded config from: " <> f printDebug $ show po return $ Just po ConfigParseError f (_pos, err) -> do -- we ignore '_pos' due to the note on 'Data.YAML.Aeson.decode1' hPutStrLn stderr $ unlines [ "Failed to load " <> f <> ":", " " <> err ] exitWith $ ExitFailure 400 ConfigNotFound searchDirs -> do printDebug . unlines $ ("No " ++ show configFileName ++ " found in any of:") : map (" " ++) searchDirs return Nothing return $ optConfig { cfgPrinterOpts = fillMissingPrinterOpts (optPrinterOpts <> fromMaybe mempty filePrinterOpts) (cfgPrinterOpts optConfig) } where printDebug = when (cfgDebug optConfig) . hPutStrLn stderr mkConfigFromCWD :: Opts -> IO (Config RegionIndices) mkConfigFromCWD opts = do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory mkConfig cwd opts -- | Parse the 'SourceType'. 'Nothing' means that autodetection based on -- file extension is requested. parseSourceType :: ReadM (Maybe SourceType) parseSourceType = eitherReader $ \case "module" -> Right (Just ModuleSource) "sig" -> Right (Just SignatureSource) "auto" -> Right Nothing s -> Left $ "unknown source type: " ++ s