{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- | Configuration options used by the tool. module Ormolu.Config ( Config (..), ColorMode (..), RegionIndices (..), RegionDeltas (..), SourceType (..), defaultConfig, regionIndicesToDeltas, DynOption (..), dynOptionToLocatedStr, -- * Fourmolu configuration PrinterOpts (..), PrinterOptsPartial, PrinterOptsTotal, defaultPrinterOpts, fillMissingPrinterOpts, CommaStyle (..), HaddockPrintStyle (..), HaddockPrintStyleModule (..), ImportExportStyle (..), LetStyle (..), InStyle (..), -- ** Loading Fourmolu configuration loadConfigFile, configFileName, FourmoluConfig (..), emptyConfig, ConfigFileLoadResult (..), -- ** Utilities PrinterOptsFieldMeta (..), PrinterOptsFieldType (..), printerOptsMeta, overFields, overFieldsM, ) where import Control.Monad (forM) import Data.Aeson ((.!=), (.:?)) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..)) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.String (fromString) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml import GHC.Generics (Generic) import qualified GHC.Types.SrcLoc as GHC import Ormolu.Config.TH import Ormolu.Config.Types import Ormolu.Fixity (FixityMap) import Ormolu.Fixity.Parser (parseFixityDeclaration) import Ormolu.Terminal (ColorMode (..)) import System.Directory ( XdgDirectory (XdgConfig), findFile, getXdgDirectory, makeAbsolute, ) import System.FilePath (splitPath, ()) import Text.Megaparsec (errorBundlePretty) import Text.Printf (printf) import Text.Read (readEither) -- | Type of sources that can be formatted by Ormolu. data SourceType = -- | Consider the input as a regular Haskell module ModuleSource | -- | Consider the input as a Backpack module signature SignatureSource deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Ormolu configuration. data Config region = Config { -- | Dynamic options to pass to GHC parser cfgDynOptions :: ![DynOption], -- | Fixity overrides cfgFixityOverrides :: FixityMap, -- | Known dependencies, if any cfgDependencies :: !(Set String), -- | Do formatting faster but without automatic detection of defects cfgUnsafe :: !Bool, -- | Output information useful for debugging cfgDebug :: !Bool, -- | Checks if re-formatting the result is idempotent cfgCheckIdempotence :: !Bool, -- | How to parse the input (regular haskell module or Backpack file) cfgSourceType :: !SourceType, -- | Whether to use colors and other features of ANSI terminals cfgColorMode :: !ColorMode, -- | Region selection cfgRegion :: !region, cfgPrinterOpts :: !PrinterOptsTotal } deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Generic) -- | Region selection as the combination of start and end line numbers. data RegionIndices = RegionIndices { -- | Start line of the region to format regionStartLine :: !(Maybe Int), -- | End line of the region to format regionEndLine :: !(Maybe Int) } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Region selection as the length of the literal prefix and the literal -- suffix. data RegionDeltas = RegionDeltas { -- | Prefix length in number of lines regionPrefixLength :: !Int, -- | Suffix length in number of lines regionSuffixLength :: !Int } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Default @'Config' 'RegionIndices'@. defaultConfig :: Config RegionIndices defaultConfig = Config { cfgDynOptions = [], cfgFixityOverrides = Map.empty, cfgDependencies = Set.empty, cfgUnsafe = False, cfgDebug = False, cfgCheckIdempotence = False, cfgSourceType = ModuleSource, cfgColorMode = Auto, cfgRegion = RegionIndices { regionStartLine = Nothing, regionEndLine = Nothing }, cfgPrinterOpts = defaultPrinterOpts } -- | Convert 'RegionIndices' into 'RegionDeltas'. regionIndicesToDeltas :: -- | Total number of lines in the input Int -> -- | Region indices RegionIndices -> -- | Region deltas RegionDeltas regionIndicesToDeltas total RegionIndices {..} = RegionDeltas { regionPrefixLength = maybe 0 (subtract 1) regionStartLine, regionSuffixLength = maybe 0 (total -) regionEndLine } -- | A wrapper for dynamic options. newtype DynOption = DynOption { unDynOption :: String } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) -- | Convert 'DynOption' to @'GHC.Located' 'String'@. dynOptionToLocatedStr :: DynOption -> GHC.Located String dynOptionToLocatedStr (DynOption o) = GHC.L GHC.noSrcSpan o ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Fourmolu configuration -- | A version of 'PrinterOpts' where any field can be empty. -- This corresponds to the information in a config file or in CLI options. type PrinterOptsPartial = PrinterOpts Maybe deriving instance Eq PrinterOptsPartial deriving instance Show PrinterOptsPartial instance Semigroup PrinterOptsPartial where (<>) = fillMissingPrinterOpts instance Monoid PrinterOptsPartial where mempty = $(allNothing 'PrinterOpts) instance Aeson.FromJSON PrinterOptsPartial where parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "PrinterOpts" $ \o -> overFieldsM (parseField o) printerOptsMeta where parseField :: Aeson.Object -> PrinterOptsFieldMeta a -> Aeson.Parser (Maybe a) parseField o PrinterOptsFieldMeta {metaName} = do let key = fromString metaName mValue <- o Aeson..:? key forM mValue $ \value -> parseJSON value Aeson. Aeson.Key key -- | A version of 'PrinterOpts' without empty fields. type PrinterOptsTotal = PrinterOpts Identity deriving instance Eq PrinterOptsTotal deriving instance Show PrinterOptsTotal overFields :: (forall a. f a -> g a) -> PrinterOpts f -> PrinterOpts g overFields f = runIdentity . overFieldsM (Identity . f) overFieldsM :: Applicative m => (forall a. f a -> m (g a)) -> PrinterOpts f -> m (PrinterOpts g) overFieldsM f $(unpackFieldsWithSuffix 'PrinterOpts "0") = do poIndentation <- f poIndentation0 poFunctionArrows <- f poFunctionArrows0 poCommaStyle <- f poCommaStyle0 poImportExportStyle <- f poImportExportStyle0 poIndentWheres <- f poIndentWheres0 poRecordBraceSpace <- f poRecordBraceSpace0 poNewlinesBetweenDecls <- f poNewlinesBetweenDecls0 poHaddockStyle <- f poHaddockStyle0 poHaddockStyleModule <- f poHaddockStyleModule0 poLetStyle <- f poLetStyle0 poInStyle <- f poInStyle0 poUnicode <- f poUnicode0 poRespectful <- f poRespectful0 return PrinterOpts {..} defaultPrinterOpts :: PrinterOptsTotal defaultPrinterOpts = overFields (Identity . metaDefault) printerOptsMeta -- | Fill the field values that are 'Nothing' in the first argument -- with the values of the corresponding fields of the second argument. fillMissingPrinterOpts :: forall f. Applicative f => PrinterOptsPartial -> PrinterOpts f -> PrinterOpts f fillMissingPrinterOpts p1 p2 = overFields fillField printerOptsMeta where fillField :: PrinterOptsFieldMeta a -> f a fillField meta = maybe (metaGetField meta p2) pure (metaGetField meta p1) -- | Source of truth for how PrinterOpts is parsed from configuration sources. data PrinterOptsFieldMeta a where PrinterOptsFieldMeta :: PrinterOptsFieldType a => { metaName :: String, -- In future versions of GHC, this could be replaced with a -- `metaProxyField = Proxy @"poIndentation"` field using `HasField` -- https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/-/issues/20989 metaGetField :: forall f. PrinterOpts f -> f a, metaPlaceholder :: String, metaHelp :: String, metaDefault :: a } -> PrinterOptsFieldMeta a printerOptsMeta :: PrinterOpts PrinterOptsFieldMeta printerOptsMeta = PrinterOpts { poIndentation = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "indentation", metaGetField = poIndentation, metaPlaceholder = "WIDTH", metaHelp = "Number of spaces per indentation step", metaDefault = 4 }, poFunctionArrows = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "function-arrows", metaGetField = poFunctionArrows, metaPlaceholder = "STYLE", metaHelp = "Styling of arrows in type signatures", metaDefault = TrailingArrows }, poCommaStyle = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "comma-style", metaGetField = poCommaStyle, metaPlaceholder = "STYLE", metaHelp = printf "How to place commas in multi-line lists, records, etc. (choices: %s)" (showAllValues commaStyleMap), metaDefault = Leading }, poImportExportStyle = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "import-export-style", metaGetField = poImportExportStyle, metaPlaceholder = "STYLE", metaHelp = printf "Styling of import/export lists (choices: %s)" (showAllValues importExportStyleMap), metaDefault = ImportExportDiffFriendly }, poIndentWheres = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "indent-wheres", metaGetField = poIndentWheres, metaPlaceholder = "BOOL", metaHelp = unwords [ "Whether to indent 'where' bindings past the preceding body", "(rather than half-indenting the 'where' keyword)" ], metaDefault = False }, poRecordBraceSpace = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "record-brace-space", metaGetField = poRecordBraceSpace, metaPlaceholder = "BOOL", metaHelp = "Whether to leave a space before an opening record brace", metaDefault = False }, poNewlinesBetweenDecls = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "newlines-between-decls", metaGetField = poNewlinesBetweenDecls, metaPlaceholder = "HEIGHT", metaHelp = "Number of spaces between top-level declarations", metaDefault = 1 }, poHaddockStyle = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "haddock-style", metaGetField = poHaddockStyle, metaPlaceholder = "STYLE", metaHelp = printf "How to print Haddock comments (choices: %s)" (showAllValues haddockPrintStyleMap), metaDefault = HaddockMultiLine }, poHaddockStyleModule = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "haddock-style-module", metaGetField = poHaddockStyleModule, metaPlaceholder = "STYLE", metaHelp = "How to print module docstring", metaDefault = PrintStyleInherit }, poLetStyle = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "let-style", metaGetField = poLetStyle, metaPlaceholder = "STYLE", metaHelp = printf "Styling of let blocks (choices: %s)" (showAllValues letStyleMap), metaDefault = LetAuto }, poInStyle = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "in-style", metaGetField = poInStyle, metaPlaceholder = "STYLE", metaHelp = "How to align the 'in' keyword with respect to the 'let' keyword", metaDefault = InRightAlign }, poUnicode = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "unicode", metaGetField = poUnicode, metaPlaceholder = "UNICODE", metaHelp = printf "Output Unicode syntax (choices: %s)" (showAllValues unicodePreferenceMap), metaDefault = UnicodeNever }, poRespectful = PrinterOptsFieldMeta { metaName = "respectful", metaGetField = poRespectful, metaPlaceholder = "BOOL", metaHelp = "Give the programmer more choice on where to insert blank lines", metaDefault = True } } class PrinterOptsFieldType a where parseJSON :: Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Parser a default parseJSON :: Aeson.FromJSON a => Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Parser a parseJSON = Aeson.parseJSON parseText :: String -> Either String a default parseText :: Read a => String -> Either String a parseText = readEither showText :: a -> String default showText :: Show a => a -> String showText = show instance PrinterOptsFieldType Int instance PrinterOptsFieldType Bool where parseText = \case "false" -> Right False "true" -> Right True unknown -> Left . unlines $ [ "unknown value: " <> show unknown, "Valid values are: \"false\" or \"true\"" ] commaStyleMap :: BijectiveMap CommaStyle commaStyleMap = $( mkBijectiveMap [ ('Leading, "leading"), ('Trailing, "trailing") ] ) functionArrowsStyleMap :: BijectiveMap FunctionArrowsStyle functionArrowsStyleMap = $( mkBijectiveMap [ ('TrailingArrows, "trailing"), ('LeadingArrows, "leading"), ('LeadingArgsArrows, "leading-args") ] ) haddockPrintStyleMap :: BijectiveMap HaddockPrintStyle haddockPrintStyleMap = $( mkBijectiveMap [ ('HaddockSingleLine, "single-line"), ('HaddockMultiLine, "multi-line"), ('HaddockMultiLineCompact, "multi-line-compact") ] ) importExportStyleMap :: BijectiveMap ImportExportStyle importExportStyleMap = $( mkBijectiveMap [ ('ImportExportLeading, "leading"), ('ImportExportTrailing, "trailing"), ('ImportExportDiffFriendly, "diff-friendly") ] ) letStyleMap :: BijectiveMap LetStyle letStyleMap = $( mkBijectiveMap [ ('LetAuto, "auto"), ('LetInline, "inline"), ('LetNewline, "newline"), ('LetMixed, "mixed") ] ) inStyleMap :: BijectiveMap InStyle inStyleMap = $( mkBijectiveMap [ ('InLeftAlign, "left-align"), ('InRightAlign, "right-align") ] ) unicodePreferenceMap :: BijectiveMap Unicode unicodePreferenceMap = $( mkBijectiveMap [ ('UnicodeDetect, "detect"), ('UnicodeAlways, "always"), ('UnicodeNever, "never") ] ) instance PrinterOptsFieldType CommaStyle where parseJSON = parseJSONWith commaStyleMap "CommaStyle" parseText = parseTextWith commaStyleMap showText = show . showTextWith commaStyleMap instance PrinterOptsFieldType FunctionArrowsStyle where parseJSON = parseJSONWith functionArrowsStyleMap "FunctionArrowStyle" parseText = parseTextWith functionArrowsStyleMap showText = show . showTextWith functionArrowsStyleMap instance PrinterOptsFieldType HaddockPrintStyle where parseJSON = parseJSONWith haddockPrintStyleMap "HaddockPrintStyle" parseText = parseTextWith haddockPrintStyleMap showText = show . showTextWith haddockPrintStyleMap instance PrinterOptsFieldType HaddockPrintStyleModule where parseJSON = \case Aeson.Null -> pure PrintStyleInherit Aeson.String "" -> pure PrintStyleInherit v -> PrintStyleOverride <$> parseJSON v parseText = \case "" -> pure PrintStyleInherit s -> PrintStyleOverride <$> parseText s showText = \case PrintStyleInherit -> "same as 'haddock-style'" PrintStyleOverride x -> showText x instance PrinterOptsFieldType ImportExportStyle where parseJSON = parseJSONWith importExportStyleMap "ImportExportStyle" parseText = parseTextWith importExportStyleMap showText = show . showTextWith importExportStyleMap instance PrinterOptsFieldType LetStyle where parseJSON = parseJSONWith letStyleMap "LetStyle" parseText = parseTextWith letStyleMap showText = show . showTextWith letStyleMap instance PrinterOptsFieldType InStyle where parseJSON = parseJSONWith inStyleMap "InStyle" parseText = parseTextWith inStyleMap showText = show . showTextWith inStyleMap instance PrinterOptsFieldType Unicode where parseJSON = parseJSONWith unicodePreferenceMap "UnicodePreference" parseText = parseTextWith unicodePreferenceMap showText = show . showTextWith unicodePreferenceMap ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- BijectiveMap helpers parseJSONWith :: BijectiveMap a -> String -> Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Parser a parseJSONWith mapping name = Aeson.withText name (fromEither . parseTextWith mapping . Text.unpack) where fromEither = either Aeson.parseFail pure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Loading Fourmolu configuration data FourmoluConfig = FourmoluConfig { cfgFilePrinterOpts :: PrinterOptsPartial, cfgFileFixities :: FixityMap } deriving (Eq, Show) instance Aeson.FromJSON FourmoluConfig where parseJSON = Aeson.withObject "FourmoluConfig" $ \o -> do cfgFilePrinterOpts <- Aeson.parseJSON (Aeson.Object o) rawFixities <- o .:? "fixities" .!= [] cfgFileFixities <- case mapM parseFixityDeclaration rawFixities of Right fixities -> return . Map.fromList . concat $ fixities Left e -> fail $ errorBundlePretty e return FourmoluConfig {..} emptyConfig :: FourmoluConfig emptyConfig = FourmoluConfig { cfgFilePrinterOpts = mempty, cfgFileFixities = mempty } -- | Read options from a config file, if found. -- Looks recursively in parent folders, then in 'XdgConfig', -- for a file named /fourmolu.yaml/. loadConfigFile :: FilePath -> IO ConfigFileLoadResult loadConfigFile path = do root <- makeAbsolute path xdg <- getXdgDirectory XdgConfig "" let dirs = reverse $ xdg : scanl1 () (splitPath root) findFile dirs configFileName >>= \case Nothing -> return $ ConfigNotFound dirs Just file -> either (ConfigParseError file) (ConfigLoaded file) <$> Yaml.decodeFileEither file -- | The result of calling 'loadConfigFile'. data ConfigFileLoadResult = ConfigLoaded FilePath FourmoluConfig | ConfigParseError FilePath Yaml.ParseException | ConfigNotFound [FilePath] deriving (Show) -- | Expected file name for YAML config. configFileName :: FilePath configFileName = "fourmolu.yaml"