{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Test.Foundation.String ( testStringRefs ) where import Control.Monad (replicateM) import Foundation import Foundation.String import Foundation.String.ASCII (AsciiString) import Control.Exception import Data.Either import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Data.Unicode import Test.Data.ASCII import Test.Data.List import Test.Foundation.Collection import Test.Foundation.Encoding testStringRefs :: TestTree testStringRefs = testGroup "String" [ testGroup "UTF8" $ [ testCollection "Sequential" (Proxy :: Proxy String) genUnicodeChar ] <> testStringCases <> [ testGroup "Encoding Sample0" (testEncodings sample0) , testGroup "Encoding Sample1" (testEncodings sample1) , testGroup "Encoding Sample2" (testEncodings sample2) ] , testGroup "ASCII" $ [ testCollection "Sequential" (Proxy :: Proxy AsciiString) genAsciiChar ] <> testAsciiStringCases ] testStringCases :: [TestTree] testStringCases = [ testGroup "Validation" [ testProperty "fromBytes . toBytes == valid" $ \(LUString l) -> let s = fromList l in (fromBytes UTF8 $ toBytes UTF8 s) === (s, Nothing, mempty) , testProperty "Streaming" $ \(LUString l, randomInts) -> let wholeS = fromList l wholeBA = toBytes UTF8 wholeS reconstruct (prevBa, errs, acc) ba = let ba' = prevBa `mappend` ba (s, merr, nextBa) = fromBytes UTF8 ba' in (nextBa, merr : errs, s : acc) (remainingBa, allErrs, chunkS) = foldl' reconstruct (mempty, [], []) $ chunks randomInts wholeBA in (catMaybes allErrs === []) .&&. (remainingBa === mempty) .&&. (mconcat (reverse chunkS) === wholeS) ] , testGroup "replace" [ testCase "indices '' 'bb' should raise an error" $ do res <- try (evaluate $ indices "" "bb") case res of (Left (_ :: SomeException)) -> return () Right _ -> fail "Expecting an error to be thrown, but it did not." , testCase "indices 'aa' 'bb' == []" $ do indices "aa" "bb" @?= [] , testCase "indices 'aa' 'aabbccabbccEEaaaaabb' is correct" $ do indices "aa" "aabbccabbccEEaaaaabb" @?= [Offset 0,Offset 13,Offset 15] , testCase "indices 'aa' 'aaccaadd' is correct" $ do indices "aa" "aaccaadd" @?= [Offset 0,Offset 4] , testCase "replace '' 'bb' 'foo' raises an error" $ do (res :: Either SomeException String) <- try (evaluate $ replace "" "bb" "foo") assertBool "Expecting an error to be thrown, but it did not." (isLeft res) , testCase "replace 'aa' 'bb' '' == ''" $ do replace "aa" "bb" "" @?= "" , testCase "replace 'aa' '' 'aabbcc' == 'aabbcc'" $ do replace "aa" "" "aabbcc" @?= "bbcc" , testCase "replace 'aa' 'bb' 'aa' == 'bb'" $ do replace "aa" "bb" "aa" @?= "bb" , testCase "replace 'aa' 'bb' 'aabb' == 'bbbb'" $ do replace "aa" "bb" "aabb" @?= "bbbb" , testCase "replace 'aa' 'bb' 'aaccaadd' == 'bbccbbdd'" $ do replace "aa" "bb" "aaccaadd" @?= "bbccbbdd" , testCase "replace 'aa' 'LongLong' 'aaccaadd' == 'LongLongccLongLongdd'" $ do replace "aa" "LongLong" "aaccaadd" @?= "LongLongccLongLongdd" , testCase "replace 'aa' 'bb' 'aabbccabbccEEaaaaabb' == 'bbbbccabbccEEbbbbabb'" $ do replace "aa" "bb" "aabbccabbccEEaaaaabb" @?= "bbbbccabbccEEbbbbabb" , testCase "replace 'å' 'ä' 'ååññ' == 'ääññ'" $ do replace "å" "ä" "ååññ" @?= "ääññ" ] , testGroup "Cases" [ testGroup "Invalid-UTF8" [ testCase "ff" $ expectFromBytesErr UTF8 ("", Just InvalidHeader, 0) (fromList [0xff]) , testCase "80" $ expectFromBytesErr UTF8 ("", Just InvalidHeader, 0) (fromList [0x80]) , testCase "E2 82 0C" $ expectFromBytesErr UTF8 ("", Just InvalidContinuation, 0) (fromList [0xE2,0x82,0x0c]) , testCase "30 31 E2 82 0C" $ expectFromBytesErr UTF8 ("01", Just InvalidContinuation, 2) (fromList [0x30,0x31,0xE2,0x82,0x0c]) ] ] , testGroup "Lines" [ testCase "HelloFoundation" $ (breakLine "Hello\nFoundation" @?= Right ("Hello", "Foundation")) , testCase "HelloFoundation" $ (breakLine "Hello\r\nFoundation" @?= Right ("Hello", "Foundation")) , testCase "HelloFoundation" $ (breakLine (drop 5 "Hello\nFoundation\nSomething") @?= Right ("", "Foundation\nSomething")) , testCase "Hello" $ (breakLine "Hello\r" @?= Left True) , testCase "CR" $ (breakLine "\r" @?= Left True) , testCase "LF" $ (breakLine "\n" @?= Right ("", "")) , testCase "empty" $ (breakLine "" @?= Left False) ] ] testAsciiStringCases :: [TestTree] testAsciiStringCases = [ testGroup "Validation-ASCII7" [ testProperty "fromBytes . toBytes == valid" $ \l -> let s = fromList . fromLStringASCII $ l in (fromBytes ASCII7 $ toBytes ASCII7 s) === (s, Nothing, mempty) , testProperty "Streaming" $ \(l, randomInts) -> let wholeS = fromList . fromLStringASCII $ l wholeBA = toBytes ASCII7 wholeS reconstruct (prevBa, errs, acc) ba = let ba' = prevBa `mappend` ba (s, merr, nextBa) = fromBytes ASCII7 ba' in (nextBa, merr : errs, s : acc) (remainingBa, allErrs, chunkS) = foldl' reconstruct (mempty, [], []) $ chunks randomInts wholeBA in (catMaybes allErrs === []) .&&. (remainingBa === mempty) .&&. (mconcat (reverse chunkS) === wholeS) ] , testGroup "Cases" [ testGroup "Invalid-ASCII7" [ testCase "ff" $ expectFromBytesErr ASCII7 ("", Just BuildingFailure, 0) (fromList [0xff]) ] ] ] expectFromBytesErr :: Encoding -> ([Char], Maybe ValidationFailure, CountOf Word8) -> UArray Word8 -> IO () expectFromBytesErr enc (expectedString,expectedErr,positionErr) ba = do let x = fromBytes enc ba (s', merr, ba') = x assertEqual "error" expectedErr merr assertEqual "remaining" (drop positionErr ba) ba' assertEqual "string" expectedString (toList s') chunks :: Sequential c => RandomList -> c -> [c] chunks (RandomList randomInts) = loop (randomInts <> [1..]) where loop rx c | null c = [] | otherwise = case rx of r:rs -> let (c1,c2) = splitAt (CountOf r) c in c1 : loop rs c2 [] -> loop randomInts c newtype LStringASCII = LStringASCII { fromLStringASCII :: LString } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord) instance Arbitrary LStringASCII where arbitrary = do n <- choose (0,200) LStringASCII <$> replicateM n (toEnum <$> choose (1, 127))