#ifndef FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_H # define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_H #ifdef _WIN32 #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_WINDOWS //define something for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit, this part is common) #ifdef _WIN64 #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_WINDOWS_64 //define something for Windows (64-bit only) #else #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_WINDOWS_32 //define something for Windows (32-bit only) #endif #elif __APPLE__ #include "TargetConditionals.h" #include "Availability.h" #if TARGET_OS_MAC #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_UNIX #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_MACOS #if !defined(__MAC_10_12) || __MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < __MAC_10_12 #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_API_NO_CLOCK #endif // Other kinds of Mac OS #else # error "foundation: system: Unknown Apple platform" #endif #elif __linux__ #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_UNIX #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_LINUX // linux #elif defined(__FreeBSD__) #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_UNIX #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_BSD #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_FREEBSD // freeBSD #elif defined(__NetBSD__) #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_UNIX #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_BSD #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_NETBSD // NetBSD #elif defined(__OpenBSD__) #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_UNIX #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_BSD #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_OPENBSD // OpenBSD #elif __unix__ // all unices not caught above #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_UNIX // Unix #elif defined(_POSIX_VERSION) #define FOUNDATION_SYSTEM_UNIX // POSIX #else # error "foundation: system: Unknown compiler" #endif #endif