{- Copyright 2016, Dominic Orchard, Andrew Rice, Mistral Contrastin, Matthew Danish Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-| Format of Camfort precompiled files with information about Fortran modules. The 'ModuleMap' stores information important to the renamer. The other data is up to you. One typical usage might look like: > let modFile1 = genModFile programFile > let modFile2 = alterModFileData (const (Just ...)) "mydata" modFile1 > let bytes = encodeModFile modFile1 > ... > case decodeModFile bytes of > Left error -> print error > Right modFile3 -> ... > where > moduleMap = combinedModuleMap (modFile3:otherModuleFiles) > myData = lookupModFileData "mydata" modFile3 > renamedPF = analyseRenamesWithModuleMap moduleMap programFile -} module Language.Fortran.Util.ModFile ( modFileSuffix, ModFile, ModFiles, emptyModFile, emptyModFiles , lookupModFileData, getLabelsModFileData, alterModFileData -- , alterModFileDataF , genModFile, regenModFile, encodeModFile, decodeModFile , DeclMap, DeclContext(..), extractModuleMap, extractDeclMap , moduleFilename, combinedDeclMap, combinedModuleMap, combinedTypeEnv , genUniqNameToFilenameMap ) where import Data.Data import Data.Maybe import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Binary import GHC.Generics (Generic) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LB import qualified Language.Fortran.Util.Position as P import qualified Language.Fortran.AST as F import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis as FA import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Renaming as FAR import qualified Language.Fortran.Analysis.Types as FAT -------------------------------------------------- -- | Standard ending of fortran-src-format "mod files" modFileSuffix :: String modFileSuffix = ".fsmod" -- | Context of a declaration: the ProgramUnit where it was declared. data DeclContext = DCMain | DCBlockData | DCModule F.ProgramUnitName | DCFunction (F.ProgramUnitName, F.ProgramUnitName) -- ^ (uniqName, srcName) | DCSubroutine (F.ProgramUnitName, F.ProgramUnitName) -- ^ (uniqName, srcName) deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance Binary DeclContext -- | Map of unique variable name to the unique name of the program -- unit where it was defined, and the corresponding SrcSpan. type DeclMap = M.Map F.Name (DeclContext, P.SrcSpan) -- | The data stored in the "mod files" data ModFile = ModFile { mfFilename :: String , mfModuleMap :: FAR.ModuleMap , mfDeclMap :: DeclMap , mfTypeEnv :: FAT.TypeEnv , mfOtherData :: M.Map String B.ByteString } deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Data, Typeable, Generic) instance Binary ModFile -- | A set of decoded mod files. type ModFiles = [ModFile] -- | Empty set of mod files. (future proof: may not always be a list) emptyModFiles :: ModFiles emptyModFiles = [] -- | Starting point. emptyModFile :: ModFile emptyModFile = ModFile "" M.empty M.empty M.empty M.empty -- | Extracts the module map, declaration map and type analysis from -- an analysed and renamed ProgramFile, then inserts it into the -- ModFile. regenModFile :: forall a. Data a => F.ProgramFile (FA.Analysis a) -> ModFile -> ModFile regenModFile pf mf = mf { mfModuleMap = extractModuleMap pf , mfDeclMap = extractDeclMap pf , mfTypeEnv = FAT.extractTypeEnv pf , mfFilename = F.pfGetFilename pf } -- | Generate a fresh ModFile from the module map, declaration map and -- type analysis of a given analysed and renamed ProgramFile. genModFile :: forall a. Data a => F.ProgramFile (FA.Analysis a) -> ModFile genModFile = flip regenModFile emptyModFile -- | Looks up the raw "other data" that may be stored in a ModFile by -- applications that make use of fortran-src. lookupModFileData :: String -> ModFile -> Maybe B.ByteString lookupModFileData k = M.lookup k . mfOtherData -- | Get a list of the labels present in the "other data" of a -- ModFile. More of a meta-programming / debugging feature. getLabelsModFileData :: ModFile -> [String] getLabelsModFileData = M.keys . mfOtherData -- | Allows modification/insertion/deletion of "other data" that may -- be stored in a ModFile by applications that make use of -- fortran-src. See 'Data.Map.Strict.alter' for more information about -- the interface of this function. alterModFileData :: (Maybe B.ByteString -> Maybe B.ByteString) -> String -> ModFile -> ModFile alterModFileData f k mf = mf { mfOtherData = M.alter f k . mfOtherData $ mf } -- For when stackage gets containers- -- alterModFileDataF :: Functor f => (Maybe B.ByteString -> f (Maybe B.ByteString)) -> String -> ModFile -> f ModFile -- alterModFileDataF f k mf = (\ od -> mf { mfOtherData = od }) <$> M.alterF f k (mfOtherData mf) -- | Convert ModFile to a strict ByteString for writing to file. encodeModFile :: ModFile -> B.ByteString encodeModFile = LB.toStrict . encode -- | Convert a strict ByteString to a ModFile, if possible decodeModFile :: Binary a => B.ByteString -> Either String a decodeModFile bs = case decodeOrFail (LB.fromStrict bs) of Left (_, _, s) -> Left s Right (_, _, mf) -> Right mf -- | Extract the combined module map from a set of ModFiles. Useful -- for parsing a Fortran file in a large context of other modules. combinedModuleMap :: ModFiles -> FAR.ModuleMap combinedModuleMap = M.unions . map mfModuleMap -- | Extract the combined module map from a set of ModFiles. Useful -- for parsing a Fortran file in a large context of other modules. combinedTypeEnv :: ModFiles -> FAT.TypeEnv combinedTypeEnv = M.unions . map mfTypeEnv -- | Extract the combined declaration map from a set of -- ModFiles. Useful for parsing a Fortran file in a large context of -- other modules. combinedDeclMap :: ModFiles -> DeclMap combinedDeclMap = M.unions . map mfDeclMap -- | Get the associated Fortran filename that was used to compile the -- ModFile. moduleFilename :: ModFile -> String moduleFilename = mfFilename -------------------------------------------------- -- | Create a map that links all unique variable/function names in the -- ModFiles to their corresponding filename. genUniqNameToFilenameMap :: ModFiles -> M.Map F.Name String genUniqNameToFilenameMap = M.unions . map perMF where perMF mf = M.fromList [ (n, fname) | modEnv <- M.elems (mfModuleMap mf) , (n, _) <- M.elems modEnv ] where fname = mfFilename mf -------------------------------------------------- -- | Extract all module maps (name -> environment) by collecting all -- of the stored module maps within the PUModule annotation. extractModuleMap :: forall a. Data a => F.ProgramFile (FA.Analysis a) -> FAR.ModuleMap extractModuleMap pf = M.fromList [ (n, env) | pu@(F.PUModule {}) <- universeBi pf :: [F.ProgramUnit (FA.Analysis a)] , let a = F.getAnnotation pu , let n = F.getName pu , env <- maybeToList (FA.moduleEnv a) ] -- | Extract map of declared variables with their associated program -- unit and source span. extractDeclMap :: forall a. Data a => F.ProgramFile (FA.Analysis a) -> DeclMap extractDeclMap pf = M.fromList . concatMap (blockDecls . nameAndBlocks) $ universeBi pf where -- Extract variable names, source spans from declarations (and -- from function return variable if present) blockDecls :: (DeclContext, Maybe (F.Name, P.SrcSpan), [F.Block (FA.Analysis a)]) -> [(F.Name, (DeclContext, P.SrcSpan))] blockDecls (dc, mret, bs) | Nothing <- mret = map decls (universeBi bs) | Just (ret, ss) <- mret = (ret, (dc, ss)):map decls (universeBi bs) where decls d = let (v, ss) = declVarName d in (v, (dc, ss)) -- Extract variable name and source span from declaration declVarName :: F.Declarator (FA.Analysis a) -> (F.Name, P.SrcSpan) declVarName (F.DeclVariable _ _ e _ _) = (FA.varName e, P.getSpan e) declVarName (F.DeclArray _ _ e _ _ _) = (FA.varName e, P.getSpan e) -- Extract context identifier, a function return value (+ source -- span) if present, and a list of contained blocks nameAndBlocks :: F.ProgramUnit (FA.Analysis a) -> (DeclContext, Maybe (F.Name, P.SrcSpan), [F.Block (FA.Analysis a)]) nameAndBlocks pu = case pu of F.PUMain _ _ _ b _ -> (DCMain, Nothing, b) F.PUModule _ _ _ b _ -> (DCModule $ FA.puName pu, Nothing, b) F.PUSubroutine _ _ _ _ _ b _ -> (DCSubroutine (FA.puName pu, FA.puSrcName pu), Nothing, b) F.PUFunction _ _ _ _ _ _ mret b _ | Nothing <- mret , F.Named n <- FA.puName pu -> (DCFunction (FA.puName pu, FA.puSrcName pu), Just (n, P.getSpan pu), b) | Just ret <- mret -> (DCFunction (FA.puName pu, FA.puSrcName pu), Just (FA.varName ret, P.getSpan ret), b) | otherwise -> error $ "nameAndBlocks: un-named function with no return value! " ++ show (FA.puName pu) ++ " at source-span " ++ show (P.getSpan pu) F.PUBlockData _ _ _ b -> (DCBlockData, Nothing, b) F.PUComment {} -> (DCBlockData, Nothing, []) -- no decls inside of comments, so ignore it