module Language.Fortran.Analysis.BBlocks
( analyseBBlocks, genBBlockMap, showBBGr, showAnalysedBBGr, showBBlocks, bbgrToDOT, BBlockMap
, genSuperBBGr, SuperBBGr, showSuperBBGr, superBBGrToDOT, superBBGrGraph, superBBGrClusters
, findLabeledBBlock )
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Operations
import Data.Data
import Data.Function hiding ((&))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Text.PrettyPrint.GenericPretty (pretty, Out)
import Language.Fortran.Analysis
import Language.Fortran.AST
import Language.Fortran.Util.Position
import qualified Data.IntSet as IS
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.IntMap as IM
import Data.Graph.Inductive
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import Data.List (foldl', intercalate)
import Data.Maybe
import Language.Fortran.Util.Position (SrcSpan(..), initPosition)
analyseBBlocks :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> ProgramFile (Analysis a)
analyseBBlocks pf = evalState (analyse pf) 1
analyse = labelBlocksInBBGr <=< return . trans toBBlocksPerPU <=< labelBlocks
trans :: Data a => TransFunc ProgramUnit ProgramFile a
trans = transformBi
type BBlockMap a = M.Map ProgramUnitName (BBGr a)
genBBlockMap :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> BBlockMap (Analysis a)
genBBlockMap pf = M.fromList [
(puName pu, gr) | pu <- getPUs pf, Just gr <- [bBlocks (getAnnotation pu)]
getPUs :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> [ProgramUnit (Analysis a)]
getPUs = universeBi
labelBlocksInBBGr :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> State Int (ProgramFile (Analysis a))
labelBlocksInBBGr pf = transform (nmapM' (mapM eachBlock)) pf
eachBlock :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> State Int (Block (Analysis a))
eachBlock b
| a@Analysis { insLabel = Nothing } <- getAnnotation b = do
n <- get
put $ n + 1
return . labelWithinBlocks $ setAnnotation (a { insLabel = Just n }) b
| otherwise = return b
transform :: Data a => (BBGr a -> State Int (BBGr a)) ->
ProgramFile a -> State Int (ProgramFile a)
transform = transformBiM
labelBlocks :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> State Int (ProgramFile (Analysis a))
labelBlocks gr = transform eachBlock gr
eachBlock :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> State Int (Block (Analysis a))
eachBlock b = do
n <- get
put $ (n + 1)
return . labelWithinBlocks $ setAnnotation ((getAnnotation b) { insLabel = Just n }) b
transform :: Data a => TransFuncM (State Int) Block ProgramFile a
transform = transformBiM
labelWithinBlocks :: forall a. Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> Block (Analysis a)
labelWithinBlocks = perBlock
perBlock :: Block (Analysis a) -> Block (Analysis a)
perBlock b =
case b of
BlStatement a s e st -> BlStatement a s (mfill i e) (fill i st)
BlIf a s e1 mn e2 bss el -> BlIf a s (mfill i e1) mn (mmfill i e2) bss el
BlCase a s e1 mn e2 is bss el -> BlCase a s (mfill i e1) mn (fill i e2) (mmfill i is) bss el
BlDo a s e1 mn tl e2 bs el -> BlDo a s (mfill i e1) mn tl (mfill i e2) bs el
BlDoWhile a s e1 n e2 bs el -> BlDoWhile a s (mfill i e1) n (fill i e2) bs el
_ -> b
where i = insLabel $ getAnnotation b
mfill i = fmap (fill i)
mmfill i = fmap (fmap (fill i))
fill :: forall f. (Data (f (Analysis a))) => Maybe Int -> f (Analysis a) -> f (Analysis a)
fill Nothing = id
fill (Just i) = transform perIndex
transform :: (Index (Analysis a) -> Index (Analysis a)) -> f (Analysis a) -> f (Analysis a)
transform = transformBi
perIndex :: (Index (Analysis a) -> Index (Analysis a))
perIndex x = setAnnotation ((getAnnotation x) { insLabel = Just i }) x
toBBlocksPerPU :: Data a => ProgramUnit (Analysis a) -> ProgramUnit (Analysis a)
toBBlocksPerPU pu
| null bs = pu
| otherwise = pu'
bs =
case pu of
PUMain _ _ _ bs _ -> bs;
PUSubroutine _ _ _ _ _ bs _ -> bs;
PUFunction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bs _ -> bs
_ -> []
bbs = execBBlocker (processBlocks bs)
fix = delEmptyBBlocks . delUnreachable . insExitEdges pu lm . delInvalidExits . insEntryEdges pu
gr = fix (insEdges (newEdges bbs) (bbGraph bbs))
pu' = setAnnotation ((getAnnotation pu) { bBlocks = Just gr }) pu
lm = labelMap bbs
insEntryEdges pu = insEdge (0, 1, ()) . insNode (0, bs)
bs = genInOutAssignments pu False
genInOutAssignments pu exit
| exit, PUFunction _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ _ <- pu = zipWith genAssign (genVar a noSrcSpan n:vs) [0..]
| otherwise = zipWith genAssign vs [1..]
pun = puName pu
name i = case pun of Named n -> n ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]"
(a, s, vs) = case pu of
PUFunction _ _ _ _ _ (Just (AList a s vs)) _ _ _ -> (a, s, vs)
PUSubroutine _ _ _ _ (Just (AList a s vs)) _ _ -> (a, s, vs)
PUFunction a s _ _ _ Nothing _ _ _ -> (a, s, [])
PUSubroutine a s _ _ Nothing _ _ -> (a, s, [])
_ -> (error "genInOutAssignments", error "genInOutAssignments", [])
genAssign v i = BlStatement a s Nothing (StExpressionAssign a s vl vr)
(vl, vr) = if exit then (v', v) else (v, v')
v' = case v of
ExpValue a' s (ValVariable _) -> genVar a' s (name i)
_ -> error $ "unhandled genAssign case: " ++ show (fmap (const ()) v)
delInvalidExits gr = flip delEdges gr $ do
n <- nodes gr
bs <- maybeToList $ lab gr n
guard $ isFinalBlockCtrlXfer bs
le <- out gr n
return $ toEdge le
insExitEdges pu lm gr = flip insEdges (insNode (1, bs) gr) $ do
n <- nodes gr
guard $ null (out gr n)
bs <- maybeToList $ lab gr n
n' <- examineFinalBlock lm bs
return (n, n', ())
bs = genInOutAssignments pu True
examineFinalBlock lm bs@(_:_)
| BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoUnconditional _ _ k) <- last bs = [lookupBBlock lm k]
| BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoAssigned _ _ _ ks) <- last bs = map (lookupBBlock lm) (aStrip ks)
| BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoComputed _ _ ks _) <- last bs = map (lookupBBlock lm) (aStrip ks)
| BlStatement _ _ _ (StReturn _ _ _) <- last bs = [1]
examineFinalBlock _ _ = [1]
isFinalBlockCtrlXfer bs@(_:_)
| BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoUnconditional {}) <- last bs = True
| BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoAssigned {}) <- last bs = True
| BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoComputed {}) <- last bs = True
| BlStatement _ _ _ (StReturn {}) <- last bs = True
isFinalBlockCtrlXfer _ = False
lookupBBlock lm (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l)) = (1) `fromMaybe` M.lookup l lm
delEmptyBBlocks gr
| (n, s, t, l):_ <- candidates = delEmptyBBlocks . insEdge (s, t, l) . delNode n $ gr
| otherwise = gr
candidates = do
let emptyBBs = filter (null . snd) (labNodes gr)
let adjs = map (\ (n, _) -> (n, inn gr n, out gr n)) emptyBBs
(n, [(s,_,l)], [(_,t,_)]) <- adjs
return (n, s, t, l)
delUnreachable gr = subgraph (reachable 0 gr) gr
data BBState a = BBS { bbGraph :: BBGr a
, curBB :: BB a
, curNode :: Node
, labelMap :: M.Map String Node
, nums :: [Int]
, tempNums :: [Int]
, newEdges :: [LEdge ()] }
bbs0 = BBS { bbGraph = empty, curBB = [], curNode = 1
, labelMap = M.empty, nums = [2..], tempNums = [0..]
, newEdges = [] }
type BBlocker a = State (BBState a)
execBBlocker :: BBlocker a b -> BBState a
execBBlocker = flip execState bbs0
processBlocks :: Data a => [Block (Analysis a)] -> BBlocker (Analysis a) (Node, Node)
processBlocks bs = do
startN <- gets curNode
mapM_ perBlock bs
endN <- gets curNode
modify $ \ st -> st { bbGraph = insNode (endN, reverse (curBB st)) (bbGraph st)
, curBB = [] }
return (startN, endN)
perBlock :: Data a => Block (Analysis a) -> BBlocker (Analysis a) ()
perBlock b@(BlIf _ _ _ _ exps bss _) = do
processLabel b
exps' <- forM (map fromJust . filter isJust $ exps) processFunctionCalls
addToBBlock $ stripNestedBlocks b
(ifN, _) <- closeBBlock
startEnds <- forM bss $ \ bs -> do
(thenN, endN) <- processBlocks bs
return (thenN, endN)
nxtN <- gets curNode
let es = startEnds >>= \ (thenN, endN) -> [(ifN, thenN, ()), (endN, nxtN, ())]
createEdges $ if any isNothing exps then es else (ifN, nxtN, ()):es
perBlock b@(BlStatement a ss _ (StIfLogical _ _ exp stm)) = do
processLabel b
exp' <- processFunctionCalls exp
addToBBlock $ stripNestedBlocks b
(ifN, thenN) <- closeBBlock
processBlocks [BlStatement a ss Nothing stm]
endN <- gets curNode
nxtN <- genBBlock
createEdges [(ifN, thenN, ()), (ifN, nxtN, ()), (thenN, nxtN, ())]
perBlock b@(BlStatement _ _ _ (StIfArithmetic {})) = error "BBlocks: StIfArithmetic unsupported"
perBlock b@(BlDo _ _ mlab _ _ (Just spec) bs _) = do
let DoSpecification _ _ (StExpressionAssign _ _ _ e1) e2 me3 = spec
e1' <- processFunctionCalls e1
e2' <- processFunctionCalls e2
me3' <- case me3 of Just e3 -> Just `fmap` processFunctionCalls e3; Nothing -> return Nothing
perDoBlock Nothing b bs
perBlock b@(BlDo _ _ _ _ _ Nothing bs _) = perDoBlock Nothing b bs
perBlock b@(BlDoWhile _ _ _ _ exp bs _) = perDoBlock (Just exp) b bs
perBlock b@(BlStatement _ _ _ (StReturn {})) =
processLabel b >> addToBBlock b >> closeBBlock_
perBlock b@(BlStatement _ _ _ (StGotoUnconditional {})) =
processLabel b >> addToBBlock b >> closeBBlock_
perBlock b@(BlStatement a s l (StCall a' s' cn@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable {})) Nothing)) = do
(prevN, callN) <- closeBBlock
addToBBlock b
(_, nextN) <- closeBBlock
createEdges [ (prevN, callN, ()), (callN, nextN, ()) ]
perBlock b@(BlStatement a s l (StCall a' s' cn@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable {})) (Just aargs))) = do
let exps = map extractExp . aStrip $ aargs
(prevN, formalN) <- closeBBlock
case l of
Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l)) -> insertLabel l formalN
_ -> return ()
let name i = varName cn ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]"
let formal (ExpValue a s (ValVariable _)) i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable (name i))
formal e i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable (name i))
where a = getAnnotation e; s = getSpan e
forM_ (zip exps [1..]) $ \ (e, i) -> do
e' <- processFunctionCalls e
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StExpressionAssign a' s' (formal e' i) e')
(_, dummyCallN) <- closeBBlock
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StCall a' s' cn Nothing)
(_, returnedN) <- closeBBlock
forM_ (zip exps [1..]) $ \ (e, i) ->
if isLExpr e then
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StExpressionAssign a' s' e (formal e i))
else return ()
(_, nextN) <- closeBBlock
createEdges [ (prevN, formalN, ()), (formalN, dummyCallN, ())
, (dummyCallN, returnedN, ()), (returnedN, nextN, ()) ]
perBlock b = do
processLabel b
b' <- descendBiM processFunctionCalls b
addToBBlock b'
perDoBlock :: Data a => Maybe (Expression (Analysis a)) -> Block (Analysis a) -> [Block (Analysis a)] -> BBlocker (Analysis a) ()
perDoBlock repeatExpr b bs = do
(n, doN) <- closeBBlock
case getLabel b of
Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l)) -> insertLabel l doN
_ -> return ()
case repeatExpr of Just e -> processFunctionCalls e >> return (); Nothing -> return ()
addToBBlock $ stripNestedBlocks b
(startN, endN) <- processBlocks bs
n' <- genBBlock
createEdges [(n, doN, ()), (doN, n', ()), (doN, startN, ()), (endN, doN, ())]
processLabel :: Block a -> BBlocker a ()
processLabel b | Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l)) <- getLabel b = do
(n, n') <- closeBBlock
insertLabel l n'
createEdges [(n, n', ())]
processLabel _ = return ()
insertLabel l n = modify $ \ st -> st { labelMap = M.insert l n (labelMap st) }
addToBBlock :: Block a -> BBlocker a ()
addToBBlock b = modify $ \ st -> st { curBB = b:curBB st }
closeBBlock :: BBlocker a (Node, Node)
closeBBlock = do
n <- gets curNode
modify $ \ st -> st { bbGraph = insNode (n, reverse (curBB st)) (bbGraph st), curBB = [] }
n' <- genBBlock
return (n, n')
closeBBlock_ = closeBBlock >> return ()
genBBlock :: BBlocker a Int
genBBlock = do
n' <- gen
modify $ \ st -> st { curNode = n', curBB = [] }
return n'
createEdges es = modify $ \ st -> st { newEdges = es ++ newEdges st }
gen :: BBlocker a Int
gen = do
n:ns <- gets nums
modify $ \ s -> s { nums = ns }
return n
genTemp :: String -> BBlocker a String
genTemp str = do
n:ns <- gets tempNums
modify $ \ s -> s { tempNums = ns }
return $ "_" ++ str ++ "_t#" ++ show n
stripNestedBlocks (BlDo a s l mn tl ds _ el) = BlDo a s l mn tl ds [] el
stripNestedBlocks (BlDoWhile a s l n e _ el) = BlDoWhile a s l n e [] el
stripNestedBlocks (BlIf a s l mn exps _ el) = BlIf a s l mn exps [] el
stripNestedBlocks (BlStatement a s l
(StIfLogical a' s' e _)) = BlStatement a s l (StIfLogical a' s' e (StEndif a' s' Nothing))
stripNestedBlocks b = b
processFunctionCalls :: Data a => Expression (Analysis a) -> BBlocker (Analysis a) (Expression (Analysis a))
processFunctionCalls = transformBiM processFunctionCall
processFunctionCall :: Expression (Analysis a) -> BBlocker (Analysis a) (Expression (Analysis a))
processFunctionCall (ExpFunctionCall a s fn@(ExpValue a' s' (ValVariable _)) aargs) = do
(prevN, formalN) <- closeBBlock
let exps = map extractExp (fromMaybe [] (aStrip <$> aargs))
let name i = varName fn ++ "[" ++ show i ++ "]"
let formal (ExpValue a s (ValVariable _)) i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable (name i))
formal e i = ExpValue a s (ValVariable (name i))
where a = getAnnotation e; s = getSpan e
forM_ (zip exps [1..]) $ \ (e, i) -> do
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StExpressionAssign a' s' (formal e i) e)
(_, dummyCallN) <- closeBBlock
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StCall a' s' (genVar a' s' (varName fn)) Nothing)
(_, returnedN) <- closeBBlock
forM_ (zip exps [1..]) $ \ (e, i) ->
if isLExpr e then
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing (StExpressionAssign a' s' e (formal e i))
else return ()
temp <- (ExpValue a s . ValVariable) `fmap` genTemp (varName fn)
addToBBlock $ BlStatement a s Nothing
(StExpressionAssign a' s' temp (ExpValue a s (ValVariable (name 0))))
(_, nextN) <- closeBBlock
createEdges [ (prevN, formalN, ()), (formalN, dummyCallN, ())
, (dummyCallN, returnedN, ()), (returnedN, nextN, ()) ]
return temp
processFunctionCall e = return e
extractExp (Argument _ _ _ exp) = exp
data SuperBBGr a = SuperBBGr { graph :: BBGr a, clusters :: IM.IntMap ProgramUnitName }
superBBGrGraph :: SuperBBGr a -> BBGr a
superBBGrGraph = graph
superBBGrClusters :: SuperBBGr a -> IM.IntMap ProgramUnitName
superBBGrClusters = clusters
type SuperNode = Node
type SuperEdge = (SuperNode, SuperNode, ELabel)
type PUName = ProgramUnitName
type NLabel a = BB (Analysis a)
type ELabel = ()
genSuperBBGr :: forall a. Data a => BBlockMap (Analysis a) -> SuperBBGr (Analysis a)
genSuperBBGr bbm = SuperBBGr { graph = superGraph'', clusters = cmap }
namedNodes :: [((PUName, Node), NLabel a)]
namedNodes = [ ((name, n), bs) | (name, gr) <- M.toList bbm, (n, bs) <- labNodes gr ]
namedEdges :: [((PUName, Node), (PUName, Node), ELabel)]
namedEdges = [ ((name, n), (name, m), l) | (name, gr) <- M.toList bbm, (n, m, l) <- labEdges gr ]
superNodeMap :: M.Map (PUName, Node) SuperNode
superNodeMap = M.fromList $ zip (map fst namedNodes) [1..]
getSuperNode :: (PUName, Node) -> SuperNode
getSuperNode = fromJustMsg "UNDEFINED SUPERNODE" . flip M.lookup superNodeMap
superNodes :: [(SuperNode, NLabel a)]
superNodes = [ (getSuperNode n, bs) | (n, bs) <- namedNodes ]
superEdges :: [(SuperNode, SuperNode, ELabel)]
superEdges = [ (getSuperNode n, getSuperNode m, l) | (n, m, l) <- namedEdges ]
superGraph :: Gr (NLabel a) ELabel
superGraph = mkGraph superNodes superEdges
entryMap :: M.Map PUName SuperNode
entryMap = M.fromList [ (name, n') | ((name, n), n') <- M.toList superNodeMap, n == 0 ]
exitMap :: M.Map PUName SuperNode
exitMap = M.fromList [ (name, n') | ((name, n), n') <- M.toList superNodeMap, n == 1 ]
stCalls :: [(SuperNode, String)]
stCalls = [ (getSuperNode n, sub) | (n, [BlStatement _ _ _ (StCall _ _ e Nothing)]) <- namedNodes
, v@(ExpValue _ _ (ValVariable _)) <- [e]
, let sub = varName v
, Named sub `M.member` entryMap && Named sub `M.member` exitMap ]
stCallCtxts :: [([SuperEdge], SuperNode, String, [SuperEdge])]
stCallCtxts = [ (inn superGraph n, n, sub, out superGraph n) | (n, sub) <- stCalls ]
stCallEdges :: [SuperEdge]
stCallEdges = concat [ [ (m, nEn, l) | (m, _, l) <- inEdges ] ++
[ (nEx, m, l) | (_, m, l) <- outEdges ]
| (inEdges, _, sub, outEdges) <- stCallCtxts
, let nEn = fromJustMsg ("UNDEFINED: " ++ sub) (M.lookup (Named sub) entryMap)
, let nEx = fromJustMsg ("UNDEFINED: " ++ sub) (M.lookup (Named sub) exitMap) ]
superGraph' :: Gr (NLabel a) ELabel
superGraph' = insEdges stCallEdges . delNodes (map fst stCalls) $ superGraph
cmap :: IM.IntMap PUName
cmap = IM.fromList [ (n, name) | ((name, _), n) <- M.toList superNodeMap ]
mainEntry :: SuperNode
mainEntry:_ = [ n | (n, _) <- labNodes superGraph', null (pre superGraph' n) ]
superGraph'' :: Gr (NLabel a) ELabel
superGraph'' = delNode mainEntry .
insEdges [ (0, m, l) | (_, m, l) <- out superGraph' mainEntry ] .
insNode (0, []) $ superGraph'
fromJustMsg _ (Just x) = x
fromJustMsg msg _ = error msg
findLabeledBBlock :: String -> BBGr a -> Maybe Node
findLabeledBBlock lab gr =
listToMaybe [ n | (n, bs) <- labNodes gr, b <- bs
, ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger lab') <- maybeToList (getLabel b)
, lab == lab' ]
showBBGr :: (Out a, Show a) => BBGr a -> String
showBBGr gr = execWriter . forM (labNodes gr) $ \ (n, bs) -> do
let b = "BBLOCK " ++ show n ++ " -> " ++ show (map (\ (_, m, _) -> m) $ out gr n)
tell $ "\n\n" ++ b
tell $ "\n" ++ replicate (length b) '-' ++ "\n"
tell (((++"\n") . pretty) =<< bs)
showAnalysedBBGr :: (Out a, Show a) => BBGr (Analysis a) -> String
showAnalysedBBGr = showBBGr . nmap strip
strip = map (fmap insLabel)
showSuperBBGr :: (Out a, Show a) => SuperBBGr (Analysis a) -> String
showSuperBBGr = showAnalysedBBGr . graph
showBBlocks :: (Data a, Out a, Show a) => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> String
showBBlocks pf = perPU =<< getPUs pf
perPU pu | Analysis { bBlocks = Just gr } <- getAnnotation pu =
dashes ++ "\n" ++ p ++ "\n" ++ dashes ++ "\n" ++ showBBGr (nmap strip gr) ++ "\n\n"
where p = "| Program Unit " ++ show (puName pu) ++ " |"
dashes = replicate (length p) '-'
perPU _ = ""
strip = map (fmap insLabel)
getPUs :: Data a => ProgramFile (Analysis a) -> [ProgramUnit (Analysis a)]
getPUs = universeBi
bbgrToDOT :: BBGr a -> String
bbgrToDOT = bbgrToDOT' IM.empty
superBBGrToDOT :: SuperBBGr a -> String
superBBGrToDOT sgr = bbgrToDOT' (clusters sgr) (graph sgr)
bbgrToDOT' :: IM.IntMap ProgramUnitName -> BBGr a -> String
bbgrToDOT' clusters gr = execWriter $ do
tell "strict digraph {\n"
tell "node [shape=box,fontname=\"Courier New\"]\n"
let entryNodes = filter (\ n -> null (pre gr n)) (nodes gr)
let nodes = bfsn entryNodes gr
forM nodes $ \ n -> do
let Just bs = lab gr n
let mname = IM.lookup n clusters
case mname of Just name -> do tell $ "subgraph \"cluster " ++ showPUName name ++ "\" {\n"
tell $ "label=\"" ++ showPUName name ++ "\"\n"
tell $ "fontname=\"Courier New\"\nfontsize=24\n"
_ -> return ()
tell $ "bb" ++ show n ++ "[label=\"" ++ show n ++ "\\l" ++ (concatMap showBlock bs) ++ "\"]\n"
when (null bs) . tell $ "bb" ++ show n ++ "[shape=circle]"
tell $ "bb" ++ show n ++ " -> {"
forM (suc gr n) $ \ m -> tell (" bb" ++ show m)
tell "}\n"
when (isJust mname) $ tell "}\n"
tell "}\n"
showPUName (Named n) = n
showPUName (NamelessBlockData) = ".blockdata."
showPUName (NamelessMain) = ".main."
showBlock (BlStatement _ _ mlab st)
| null (str :: String) = ""
| otherwise = showLab mlab ++ str ++ "\\l"
str =
case st of
StExpressionAssign _ _ e1 e2 -> showExpr e1 ++ " <- " ++ showExpr e2
StIfLogical _ _ e1 _ -> "if " ++ showExpr e1
StWrite _ _ _ (Just aexps) -> "write " ++ aIntercalate ", " showExpr aexps
StPrint _ _ _ (Just aexps) -> "print " ++ aIntercalate ", " showExpr aexps
StCall _ _ cn _ -> "call " ++ showExpr cn
StDeclaration _ _ ty Nothing adecls ->
showType ty ++ " " ++ aIntercalate ", " showDecl adecls
StDeclaration _ _ ty (Just aattrs) adecls ->
showType ty ++ " " ++
aIntercalate ", " showAttr aattrs ++
aIntercalate ", " showDecl adecls
StDimension _ _ adecls -> "dimension " ++ aIntercalate ", " showDecl adecls
_ -> ""
showBlock (BlIf _ _ mlab _ (Just e1:_) _ _) = showLab mlab ++ "if " ++ showExpr e1 ++ "\\l"
showBlock (BlDo _ _ mlab _ _ (Just spec) _ _) =
showLab mlab ++ "do " ++ showExpr e1 ++ " <- " ++
showExpr e2 ++ ", " ++
showExpr e3 ++ ", " ++
maybe "1" showExpr me4 ++ "\\l"
where DoSpecification _ _ (StExpressionAssign _ _ e1 e2) e3 me4 = spec
showBlock (BlDo _ _ _ _ _ Nothing _ _) = "do"
showBlock _ = ""
showAttr (AttrParameter _ _) = "parameter"
showAttr (AttrPublic _ _) = "public"
showAttr (AttrPrivate _ _) = "private"
showAttr (AttrAllocatable _ _) = "allocatable"
showAttr (AttrDimension _ _ aDimDecs) =
"dimension ( " ++ aIntercalate ", " showDim aDimDecs ++ " )"
showAttr (AttrExternal _ _) = "external"
showAttr (AttrIntent _ _ In) = "intent (in)"
showAttr (AttrIntent _ _ Out) = "intent (out)"
showAttr (AttrIntent _ _ InOut) = "intent (inout)"
showAttr (AttrIntrinsic _ _) = "intrinsic"
showAttr (AttrOptional _ _) = "optional"
showAttr (AttrPointer _ _) = "pointer"
showAttr (AttrSave _ _) = "save"
showAttr (AttrTarget _ _) = "target"
showLab Nothing = replicate 6 ' '
showLab (Just (ExpValue _ _ (ValInteger l))) = ' ':l ++ replicate (5 length l) ' '
showValue (ValVariable v) = v
showValue (ValInteger v) = v
showValue (ValReal v) = v
showValue (ValComplex e1 e2) = "( " ++ showExpr e1 ++ " , " ++ showExpr e2 ++ " )"
showValue _ = ""
showExpr (ExpValue _ _ v) = showValue v
showExpr (ExpBinary _ _ op e1 e2) = "(" ++ showExpr e1 ++ showOp op ++ showExpr e2 ++ ")"
showExpr (ExpUnary _ _ op e) = "(" ++ showUOp op ++ showExpr e ++ ")"
showExpr (ExpSubscript _ _ e1 aexps) = showExpr e1 ++ "[" ++
aIntercalate ", " showIndex aexps ++ "]"
showExpr _ = ""
showIndex (IxSingle _ _ _ i) = showExpr i
showIndex (IxRange _ _ l u s) =
maybe "" showExpr l ++
':' : maybe "" showExpr u ++
maybe "" (\u -> ':' : showExpr u) s
showUOp Plus = "+"
showUOp Minus = "-"
showUOp Not = "!"
showOp Addition = " + "
showOp Multiplication = " * "
showOp Subtraction = " - "
showOp Division = " / "
showOp op = " ." ++ show op ++ ". "
showType (TypeSpec _ _ TypeInteger Nothing) = "integer"
showType (TypeSpec _ _ TypeReal Nothing) = "real"
showType (TypeSpec _ _ TypeDoublePrecision Nothing) = "double"
showType (TypeSpec _ _ TypeComplex Nothing) = "complex"
showType (TypeSpec _ _ TypeDoubleComplex Nothing) = "doublecomplex"
showType (TypeSpec _ _ TypeLogical Nothing) = "logical"
showType (TypeSpec _ _ TypeCharacter Nothing) = "character"
showDecl (DeclArray _ _ e adims length initial) =
showExpr e ++
"(" ++ aIntercalate "," showDim adims ++ ")" ++
maybe "" (\e -> "*" ++ showExpr e) length ++
maybe "" (\e -> " = " ++ showExpr e) initial
showDecl (DeclVariable _ _ e length initial) =
showExpr e ++
maybe "" (\e -> "*" ++ showExpr e) length ++
maybe "" (\e -> " = " ++ showExpr e) initial
showDim (DimensionDeclarator _ _ me1 me2) = maybe "" ((++":") . showExpr) me1 ++ maybe "" showExpr me2
aIntercalate sep f = intercalate sep . map f . aStrip
noSrcSpan = SrcSpan initPosition initPosition
ufoldM' :: (Graph gr, Monad m) => (Context a b -> c -> m c) -> c -> gr a b -> m c
ufoldM' f u g
| isEmpty g = return u
| otherwise = f c =<< (ufoldM' f u g')
(c,g') = matchAny g
gmapM' :: (DynGraph gr, Monad m) => (Context a b -> m (Context c d)) -> gr a b -> m (gr c d)
gmapM' f = ufoldM' (\ c g -> f c >>= \ c' -> return (c' & g)) empty
nmapM' :: (DynGraph gr, Monad m) => (a -> m c) -> gr a b -> m (gr c b)
nmapM' f = gmapM' (\ (p,v,l,s) -> f l >>= \ l' -> return (p,v,l',s))