{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Flight.Types
( Fix(..)
, LLA(..)
, LatLngAlt(..)
, FixMark(..)
, Seconds(..)
, Latitude(..)
, Longitude(..)
, Altitude(..)
, MarkedFixes(..)
, mkPosition
) where
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON(..), FromJSON(..))
import Data.Via.Scientific
( DefaultDecimalPlaces(..)
, deriveDecimalPlaces, toSci, showSci, dpDegree
-- | Latitude in degress.
newtype Latitude = Latitude Rational
deriving (Eq, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-- | Longitude in degress.
newtype Longitude = Longitude Rational
deriving (Eq, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-- | Altitude in metres.
newtype Altitude = Altitude Integer
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving newtype Num
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-- | The number of seconds offset from the time of the first fix.
newtype Seconds = Seconds Integer
deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)
deriving newtype Num
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
deriveDecimalPlaces dpDegree ''Latitude
deriveDecimalPlaces dpDegree ''Longitude
deriveDecimalPlaces dpDegree ''Altitude
deriveDecimalPlaces dpDegree ''Seconds
instance Show Latitude where
show x@(Latitude lat') =
showSci dp (toSci dp lat') ++ "°"
dp = defdp x
instance Show Longitude where
show x@(Longitude lng') =
showSci dp (toSci dp lng') ++ "°"
dp = defdp x
instance Show Altitude where
show (Altitude alt) = show alt ++ "m"
instance Show Seconds where
show (Seconds sec) = show sec ++ "s"
-- | Latitude, longitude and GPS altitude. Use 'mkPosition' to construct a 'LLA'.
data LLA =
{ llaLat :: Latitude
, llaLng :: Longitude
, llaAltGps :: Altitude
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-- | Constructs a 'LLA' from its parts.
-- >>> mkPosition (Latitude (-33.65073300), Longitude 147.56036700, Altitude 214)
-- LLA {llaLat = -33.65073300°, llaLng = 147.56036700°, llaAltGps = 214m}
mkPosition :: (Latitude, Longitude, Altitude) -> LLA
mkPosition (lat', lng', alt') = LLA lat' lng' alt'
-- | Latitude, longitude and GPS altitude with a relative time offset in
-- seconds and possibly a barometric pressure altitude.
data Fix =
{ fixMark :: Seconds
-- ^ A mark in time, seconds offset from the first fix.
, fix :: LLA
-- ^ The coordinates of the fix, latitude, longitude and altitude.
, fixAltBaro :: Maybe Altitude
-- ^ The barometric pressure altitude of the fix.
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)
deriving anyclass (ToJSON, FromJSON)
-- | Class for a fix made up of latitude, longitude and GPS altitude.
class LatLngAlt a where
lat :: a -> Latitude
lng :: a -> Longitude
altGps :: a -> Altitude
instance LatLngAlt LLA where
lat LLA{llaLat} = llaLat
lng LLA{llaLng} = llaLng
altGps LLA{llaAltGps} = llaAltGps
instance LatLngAlt Fix where
lat Fix{fix} = lat fix
lng Fix{fix} = lng fix
altGps Fix{fix} = altGps fix
-- | Class for a tracklog relative fix, offset in seconds, with an optional
-- barometric pressure altitude.
class LatLngAlt a => FixMark a where
-- | Seconds offset from first fix.
mark :: a -> Seconds
-- | Barometric pressure altitude.
altBaro :: a -> Maybe Altitude
instance FixMark Fix where
mark Fix{fixMark} = fixMark
altBaro Fix{fixAltBaro} = fixAltBaro
-- | A tracklog is a list of fixes along with the UTC time of the first fix.
data MarkedFixes =
{ mark0 :: UTCTime -- ^ The UTC time of the first fix.
, fixes :: [Fix] -- ^ The fixes of the track log.
deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, ToJSON, FromJSON)