flickr-0.3.2: Haskell binding to the Flickr API

MaintainerSigbjorn Finne <>



flickr.places API, locating photos by places and geo.



find :: String -> FM (PlaceQuery, [Place])Source

Return a list of place IDs for a query string. The flickr.places.find method is not a geocoder. It will round up to the nearest place type to which place IDs apply. For example, if you pass it a street level address it will return the city that contains the address rather than the street, or building, itself.

findByLatLon :: Latitude -> Longitude -> Maybe Accuracy -> FM (PlaceQuery, [Place])Source

Return a place ID for a latitude, longitude and accuracy triple.

The flickr.places.findByLatLon method is not meant to be a (reverse) geocoder in the traditional sense. It is designed to allow users to find photos for places and will round up to the nearest place type to which corresponding place IDs apply.

For example, if you pass it a street level coordinate it will return the city that contains the point rather than the street, or building, itself.

It will also truncate latitudes and longitudes to three decimal points.

getChildrenWithPhotosPublic :: Either PlaceID WhereOnEarthID -> FM (PlaceQuery, [Place])Source

Return a list of locations with public photos that are parented by a Where on Earth (WOE) or Places ID.

getInfoByUrl :: URLString -> FM LocationPlaceSource

Lookup information about a place, by its URL.

getInfo :: Either PlaceID WhereOnEarthID -> FM LocationPlaceSource

Get informations about a place.

placesForUser :: PlaceType -> Maybe WhereOnEarthID -> Maybe PlaceID -> Maybe Threshold -> FM [Place]Source

Return a list of the top 100 unique places clustered by a given placetype for a user.

resolvePlaceId :: PlaceID -> FM LocationPlaceSource

Find Flickr Places information by Place Id.

resolvePlaceURL :: URLString -> FM LocationPlaceSource

Find Flickr Places information by Place URL.