{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} {- HLINT ignore "Reduce duplication" -} module FlatBuffers.AlignmentSpec where import Control.Monad.State.Strict import qualified Data.Binary.Get as G import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL import Data.ByteString.Lazy ( ByteString ) import Data.Coerce import Data.Foldable ( fold, foldrM ) import Data.Int import qualified Data.List as List import Data.Monoid ( Sum(..) ) import Data.Semigroup ( Max(..) ) import Data.Text ( Text ) import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import Data.Word import Examples import FlatBuffers.Internal.FileIdentifier ( unsafeFileIdentifier ) import FlatBuffers.Internal.Types ( Alignment(..), IsStruct(..) ) import FlatBuffers.Internal.Write import qualified FlatBuffers.Vector as Vec import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Gen import qualified Hedgehog.Range as Range import TestImports spec :: Spec spec = describe "alignment" $ do describe "Int8 are aligned to 1 byte" $ do it "in table fields" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment 1 1 (writeInt8TableField maxBound) it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment 1 1 (maxBound @Int8) describe "Int16 are aligned to 2 bytes" $ do it "in table fields" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment 2 2 (writeInt16TableField maxBound) it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment 2 2 (maxBound @Int16) describe "Int32 are aligned to 4 bytes" $ do it "in table fields" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment 4 4 (writeInt32TableField maxBound) it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment 4 4 (maxBound @Int32) describe "Int64 are aligned to 8 bytes" $ do it "in table fields" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment 8 8 (writeInt64TableField maxBound) it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment 8 8 (maxBound @Int64) describe "Word8 are aligned to 1 byte" $ do it "in table fields" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment 1 1 (writeWord8TableField maxBound) it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment 1 1 (maxBound @Word8) describe "Word16 are aligned to 2 bytes" $ do it "in table fields" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment 2 2 (writeWord16TableField maxBound) it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment 2 2 (maxBound @Word16) describe "Word32 are aligned to 4 bytes" $ do it "in table fields" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment 4 4 (writeWord32TableField maxBound) it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment 4 4 (maxBound @Word32) describe "Word64 are aligned to 8 bytes" $ do it "in table fields" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment 8 8 (writeWord64TableField maxBound) it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment 8 8 (maxBound @Word64) describe "Float are aligned to 4 bytes" $ do it "in table fields" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment 4 4 (writeFloatTableField 999.5) it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment 4 4 (999.5 :: Float) describe "Double are aligned to 8 bytes" $ do it "in table fields" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment 8 8 (writeDoubleTableField 999.5) it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment 8 8 (999.5 :: Double) describe "Bool are aligned to 1 byte" $ do it "in table fields" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment 1 1 (writeBoolTableField maxBound) it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment 1 1 (maxBound @Bool) describe "structs are aligned to the specified alignment" $ do describe "in table fields" $ do it "Struct1" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment (fromIntegral (structSizeOf @Struct1)) (structAlignmentOf @Struct1) (writeStructTableField (struct1 1 2 3)) it "Struct2" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment (fromIntegral (structSizeOf @Struct2)) (structAlignmentOf @Struct2) (writeStructTableField (struct2 9)) it "Struct3" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment (fromIntegral (structSizeOf @Struct3)) (structAlignmentOf @Struct3) (writeStructTableField (struct3 (struct2 99) 2 3)) it "Struct4" $ require $ prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment (fromIntegral (structSizeOf @Struct4)) (structAlignmentOf @Struct4) (writeStructTableField (struct4 (struct2 99) 11 22 True)) describe "in vectors" $ do it "Struct1" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment (fromIntegral (structSizeOf @Struct1)) (structAlignmentOf @Struct1) (struct1 maxBound maxBound maxBound) it "Struct2" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment (fromIntegral (structSizeOf @Struct2)) (structAlignmentOf @Struct2) (struct2 maxBound) it "Struct3" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment (fromIntegral (structSizeOf @Struct3)) (structAlignmentOf @Struct3) (struct3 (struct2 maxBound) maxBound maxBound) it "Struct4" $ require $ prop_inlineVectorAlignment (fromIntegral (structSizeOf @Struct4)) (structAlignmentOf @Struct4) (struct4 (struct2 maxBound) maxBound maxBound True) describe "Text are aligned to 4 bytes" $ do it "in table fields" $ require prop_textTableFieldAlignment it "in vectors" $ require prop_textVectorAlignment describe "Tables are properly aligned" $ do it "in table fields" $ require prop_tableTableFieldAlignment it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_tableVectorAlignment $ \(byteFieldsList :: [[Word8]]) -> writeVectorTableTableField (Vec.fromList' (writeTable . fmap writeWord8TableField <$> byteFieldsList)) describe "Unions tables are properly aligned" $ it "in vectors" $ require $ prop_tableVectorAlignment $ \(byteFieldsList :: [[Word8]]) -> writeUnionValuesVectorTableField (Vec.fromList' (writeUnion 1 . writeTable . fmap writeWord8TableField <$> byteFieldsList)) it "Root is aligned to `maxAlign`" $ require prop_rootAlignment it "Root with file identifier is aligned to `maxAlign`" $ require prop_rootWithFileIdentifierAlignment prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment :: Int32 -> Alignment -> WriteTableField -> Property prop_inlineTableFieldAlignment size alignment tableField = property $ do initialState <- forAllWith printFBState genInitialState let (f, interimState) = runState (unWriteTableField tableField) initialState let finalState = f interimState testBufferSizeIntegrity finalState testMaxAlign initialState finalState alignment -- At most (alignment - 1) bytes can be added to the buffer as padding let padding = coerce bufferSize finalState - coerce bufferSize initialState - size padding `isLessThan` fromIntegral alignment -- The buffer is aligned to `alignment` bytes bufferSize finalState `isAlignedTo` fromIntegral alignment prop_inlineVectorAlignment :: WriteVectorElement a => Coercible (WriteVector a) WriteTableField => Int32 -> Alignment -> a -> Property prop_inlineVectorAlignment elemSize elemAlignment sampleElem = property $ do initialState <- forAllWith printFBState genInitialState vectorLength <- forAll $ Gen.int (Range.linear 0 5) let vec = Vec.fromList' (List.replicate vectorLength sampleElem) let (writeUOffset, finalState) = runState (unWriteTableField (coerce vec)) initialState testBufferSizeIntegrity finalState testMaxAlign initialState finalState (elemAlignment `max` 4) testUOffsetAlignment writeUOffset -- The entire vector, with the size prefix, is aligned to 4 bytes bufferSize finalState `isAlignedTo` 4 -- The vector, without the size prefix, is aligned to `elemAlignment` bytes (bufferSize finalState - 4) `isAlignedTo` fromIntegral elemAlignment -- At most `n` bytes can be added to the buffer as padding, -- `n` being the biggest thing we're aligning to: the vector's elements or the size prefix. let vectorByteCount = 4 + elemSize * fromIntegral vectorLength let padding = coerce bufferSize finalState - coerce bufferSize initialState - vectorByteCount padding `isLessThan` (fromIntegral elemAlignment `max` 4) prop_textTableFieldAlignment :: Property prop_textTableFieldAlignment = property $ do initialState <- forAllWith printFBState genInitialState text <- forAll $ Gen.text (Range.linear 0 30) Gen.unicode let (writeUOffset, finalState) = runState (unWriteTableField (writeTextTableField text)) initialState testBufferSizeIntegrity finalState testMaxAlign initialState finalState 4 testUOffsetAlignment writeUOffset bufferSize finalState `isAlignedTo` 4 -- At most 4 bytes can be added to the buffer as padding let textByteCount = BS.length (T.encodeUtf8 text) + 1 let padding = bufferSize finalState - bufferSize initialState - fromIntegral textByteCount - 4 padding `isLessThan` 4 prop_textVectorAlignment :: Property prop_textVectorAlignment = property $ do initialState <- forAllWith printFBState genInitialState texts <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 5) (Gen.text (Range.linear 0 30) Gen.unicode) let (writeUOffset, finalState) = runState (unWriteTableField (writeVectorTextTableField (Vec.fromList' texts))) initialState testBufferSizeIntegrity finalState testMaxAlign initialState finalState 4 testUOffsetAlignment writeUOffset bufferSize finalState `isAlignedTo` 4 let initialBuffer = B.toLazyByteString (builder initialState) let finalBuffer = B.toLazyByteString (builder finalState) let jumpToTextAtIndex :: Int -> ByteString jumpToTextAtIndex index = flip G.runGet finalBuffer $ do G.skip (4 + index * 4) offset <- G.getInt32le G.skip (fromIntegral offset - 4) G.getRemainingLazyByteString let checkTextAlignment :: (Text, Int) -> ByteString -> PropertyT IO ByteString checkTextAlignment (text, index) previousBuffer = do let bufferWithText = jumpToTextAtIndex index BSL.length bufferWithText `isAlignedTo` 4 let textByteCount = BS.length (T.encodeUtf8 text) + 1 let padding = BSL.length bufferWithText - BSL.length previousBuffer - fromIntegral textByteCount - 4 padding `isLessThan` 4 pure bufferWithText -- Cycle through every text, right to left, see if it has been properly padded/aligned -- relative to the bytestring that follows it. -- When we're done, `bufferWithTexts` will point to the position where the texts begin. bufferWithTexts <- foldrM checkTextAlignment initialBuffer (texts `zip` [0..]) -- At most 4 bytes can be added to the buffer as padding, -- between the vector of offsets and the texts. let padding = BSL.length finalBuffer - BSL.length bufferWithTexts - (4 + 4 * fromIntegral (List.length texts)) padding `isLessThan` 4 prop_tableTableFieldAlignment :: Property prop_tableTableFieldAlignment = property $ do initialState <- forAllWith printFBState genInitialState byteFields <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 20) (Gen.word8 Range.linearBounded) let table = writeTable (writeWord8TableField <$> byteFields) let (writeUOffset, finalState) = runState (unWriteTableField (writeTableTableField table)) initialState testBufferSizeIntegrity finalState testMaxAlign initialState finalState 4 testUOffsetAlignment writeUOffset let bufferWithVTable = B.toLazyByteString (builder finalState) let bufferWithUOffset = B.toLazyByteString (builder (writeUOffset finalState)) let bufferWithTable = flip G.runGet bufferWithUOffset $ do uoffset <- G.getInt32le G.skip (fromIntegral uoffset - 4) G.getRemainingLazyByteString BSL.length bufferWithVTable `isAlignedTo` 2 BSL.length bufferWithTable `isAlignedTo` 4 let tablePadding = BSL.length bufferWithTable - fromIntegral (bufferSize initialState) - 4 - fromIntegral (List.length byteFields) let vtablePadding = BSL.length bufferWithVTable - BSL.length bufferWithTable - 2 - 2 - fromIntegral (2 * List.length byteFields) tablePadding `isLessThan` 4 vtablePadding === 0 prop_tableVectorAlignment :: ([[Word8]] -> WriteTableField) -> Property prop_tableVectorAlignment toVectorOfTables = property $ do initialState <- forAllWith printFBState genInitialState byteFieldsList <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 20) (Gen.list (Range.linear 0 20) (Gen.word8 Range.linearBounded)) let (writeUOffset, finalState) = runState (unWriteTableField (toVectorOfTables byteFieldsList)) initialState testBufferSizeIntegrity finalState testMaxAlign initialState finalState 4 testUOffsetAlignment writeUOffset bufferSize finalState `isAlignedTo` 4 let initialBuffer = B.toLazyByteString (builder initialState) let finalBuffer = B.toLazyByteString (builder finalState) let jumpToTableAtIndex :: Int -> (ByteString, Maybe ByteString) jumpToTableAtIndex index = flip G.runGet finalBuffer $ do G.skip (4 + index * 4) offset <- G.getInt32le G.skip (fromIntegral offset - 4) soffset <- G.getInt32le let table = BSL.drop (4 + (fromIntegral index * 4) + fromIntegral offset) finalBuffer let vtableMaybe = if soffset < 0 then Nothing -- used a cached vtable, so there's no need to do any further checking else Just $ BSL.drop (4 + (fromIntegral index * 4) + fromIntegral offset - fromIntegral soffset) finalBuffer pure (table, vtableMaybe) let checkTableAlignment :: ([Word8], Int) -> ByteString -> PropertyT IO ByteString checkTableAlignment (fields, index) previousBuffer = do let (bufferWithTable, bufferWithVtableMaybe) = jumpToTableAtIndex index BSL.length bufferWithTable `isAlignedTo` 4 let tablePadding = BSL.length bufferWithTable - BSL.length previousBuffer - 4 - fromIntegral (List.length fields) tablePadding `isLessThan` 4 case bufferWithVtableMaybe of Nothing -> pure bufferWithTable Just bufferWithVtable -> do BSL.length bufferWithVtable `isAlignedTo` 2 let vtablePadding = BSL.length bufferWithVtable - BSL.length bufferWithTable - 2 - 2 - fromIntegral (2 * List.length fields) vtablePadding === 0 pure bufferWithVtable bufferWithTable <- foldrM checkTableAlignment initialBuffer (byteFieldsList `zip` [0..]) -- At most 4 bytes can be added to the buffer as padding, -- between the vector of offsets and the tables. let padding = BSL.length finalBuffer - BSL.length bufferWithTable - (4 + 4 * fromIntegral (List.length byteFieldsList)) padding `isLessThan` 4 prop_rootAlignment :: Property prop_rootAlignment = property $ do initialState <- forAllWith printFBState genInitialState byteFields <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 20) (Gen.word8 Range.linearBounded) let finalBuffer = encodeState initialState $ writeTable (writeWord8TableField <$> byteFields) let bufferWithVtable = flip G.runGet finalBuffer $ do uoffset <- G.getInt32le G.skip (fromIntegral uoffset - 4) soffset <- G.getInt32le pure $ BSL.drop (fromIntegral (uoffset - soffset)) finalBuffer BSL.length finalBuffer `isAlignedTo` (fromIntegral (getMax (maxAlign initialState)) `max` 4) -- At most 14 bytes can be used as padding. -- E.g. If the buffer contains 30 bytes and we need to align to 16 bytes, -- we need to write 14 zeroes + 4 bytes for the root uoffste -- (and end up with a buffer with 48 bytes, a multiple of 16). -- -- Note that the buffer cannot possibly contain 29 or 31 bytes because the last thing to be written -- is a table or a vtable (aligned to 2 or 4 bytes). -- If the buffer had 28 bytes, we wouldn't need to pad it. -- If the buffer had 32 bytes, we'd pad it with 12 zeroes. let padding = BSL.length finalBuffer - BSL.length bufferWithVtable - 4 padding `isLessThan` 15 prop_rootWithFileIdentifierAlignment :: Property prop_rootWithFileIdentifierAlignment = property $ do initialState <- forAllWith printFBState genInitialState byteFields <- forAll $ Gen.list (Range.linear 0 20) (Gen.word8 Range.linearBounded) let finalBuffer = encodeStateWithFileIdentifier initialState (unsafeFileIdentifier "ABCD") $ writeTable (writeWord8TableField <$> byteFields) let bufferWithVtable = flip G.runGet finalBuffer $ do uoffset <- G.getInt32le G.skip (fromIntegral uoffset - 4) soffset <- G.getInt32le pure $ BSL.drop (fromIntegral (uoffset - soffset)) finalBuffer BSL.length finalBuffer `isAlignedTo` (fromIntegral (getMax (maxAlign initialState)) `max` 4) -- At most 14 bytes can be used as padding. -- E.g. If the buffer contains 26 bytes and we need to align to 16 bytes, -- we need to write 14 zeroes + 4 bytes for the file identifier + 4 bytes for the root uoffset -- (and end up with a buffer with 48 bytes, a multiple of 16). let padding = BSL.length finalBuffer - BSL.length bufferWithVtable - 4 - 4 padding `isLessThan` 15 testUOffsetAlignment :: (FBState -> FBState) -> PropertyT IO () testUOffsetAlignment writeUOffset = do initialState <- forAllWith printFBState genInitialState let finalState = writeUOffset initialState testBufferSizeIntegrity finalState testMaxAlign initialState finalState 4 bufferSize finalState `isAlignedTo` 4 -- At most 4 bytes can be added to the buffer as padding let padding = bufferSize finalState - bufferSize initialState - 4 padding `isLessThan` 4 -- | `bufferSize` should always be equal to the size of the bytestring produced by the builder testBufferSizeIntegrity :: FBState -> PropertyT IO () testBufferSizeIntegrity state = bufferSize state === fromIntegral (BSL.length (B.toLazyByteString (builder state))) -- | `maxAlign` is either the previous `maxAlign` or the alignment of the last thing we wrote -- to the buffer, whichever's greatest testMaxAlign :: FBState -> FBState -> Alignment -> PropertyT IO () testMaxAlign initialState finalState alignment = maxAlign finalState === maxAlign initialState `max` coerce alignment isAlignedTo :: Integral bufferSize => bufferSize -> Int32 -> PropertyT IO () isAlignedTo size alignment = fromIntegral size `mod` alignment === 0 isLessThan :: (HasCallStack, MonadTest m, Show a, Num a, Ord a) => a -> a -> m () isLessThan x upper = do diff x (>=) 0 diff x (<) upper genInitialState :: Gen FBState genInitialState = do bytes <- Gen.bytes (Range.linear 0 50) maxAlign <- Gen.element [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] pure $ FBState { builder = B.byteString bytes , bufferSize = fromIntegral $ BS.length bytes , maxAlign = maxAlign , cache = mempty } printFBState :: FBState -> String printFBState (FBState builder bufferSize maxAlign cache) = fold [ "FBState" , "\n { builder = " , "\n[ " <> showBuffer (B.toLazyByteString builder) <> " ]" , "\n , bufferSize = " <> show bufferSize , "\n , maxAlign = " <> show maxAlign , "\n , cache = " <> show cache , "\n }" ] deriving instance Real a => Real (Sum a) deriving instance Enum a => Enum (Sum a) deriving instance Integral a => Integral (Sum a)