{-# LANGUAGE BinaryLiterals #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-# LANGUAGE NegativeLiterals #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} -- | Tests for the flat module module Main where import Control.Monad import Data.Bits import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as SBS import Data.Char import Data.Either import Data.FloatCast import Data.Int import Data.Proxy import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.String (fromString) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Arbitrary import Data.Word import Flat import Flat.Bits import Flat.Decoder import qualified Flat.Encoder as E import qualified Flat.Encoder.Prim as E import qualified Flat.Encoder.Strict as E import Flat.Endian import Numeric.Natural import System.Exit import Test.Data import Test.Data.Arbitrary () import Test.Data.Flat import Test.Data.Values hiding (lbs, ns) import Test.E import Test.E.Arbitrary () import Test.E.Flat import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck as QC hiding (getSize) -- import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary import qualified Data.Complex as B import qualified Data.IntMap.Lazy as CL import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as CS import qualified Data.Map as C import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as CL import qualified Data.Map.Strict as CS import qualified Data.Ratio as B -- import Data.List -- import Data.Ord #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as BI #endif instance Arbitrary UTF8Text where arbitrary = UTF8Text <$> arbitrary shrink t = UTF8Text <$> shrink (unUTF8 t) #if! defined (ETA_VERSION) instance Arbitrary UTF16Text where arbitrary = UTF16Text <$> arbitrary shrink t = UTF16Text <$> shrink (unUTF16 t) #endif -- instance Flat [Int16] -- instance Flat [Word8] -- instance Flat [Bool] main = do -- printInfo -- print $ flat asciiStrT mainTest -- print $ flatRaw 18446744073709551615::Word64 -- print $ B.unpack . flat $ (True,0::Word64,18446744073709551615::Word64) -- print (2^56::Word64,fromIntegral (1::Word8) `shiftL` 56 :: Word64,(18446744073709551615::Word64) `shiftR` 1) -- mainShow -- eWord64E id 0b mainShow = do mapM_ (\_ -> generate (arbitrary :: Gen Int) >>= print) [1 .. 10] exitFailure mainTest = defaultMain tests tests :: TestTree tests = testGroup "Tests" [testPrimitives, testEncDec, testFlat] testPrimitives = testGroup "conversion/memory primitives" [testEndian, testFloatingConvert,testShifts ] testEncDec = testGroup "encode/decode primitives" [ testEncodingPrim , testDecodingPrim #ifdef TEST_DECBITS , testDecBits #endif ] testFlat = testGroup "flat/unflat" [testSize, testLargeEnum, testContainers, flatUnflatRT, flatTests] -- Flat.Endian tests (to run, need to modify imports and cabal file) testEndian = testGroup "Endian" [ convBE toBE16 (2 ^ 10 + 3) (2 ^ 9 + 2 ^ 8 + 4) , convBE toBE32 (2 ^ 18 + 3) 50332672 , convBE toBE64 (2 ^ 34 + 3) 216172782180892672 , convBE toBE16 0x1234 0x3412 , convBE toBE32 0x11223344 0x44332211 , convBE toBE64 0x0123456789ABCDEF 0xEFCDAB8967452301] testFloatingConvert = testGroup "Floating conversions" [ conv floatToWord (-0.15625) 3189768192 , conv wordToFloat 3189768192 (-0.15625) , conv doubleToWord (-0.15625) 13818169556679524352 , conv wordToDouble 13818169556679524352 (-0.15625) , rt "floatToWord" (prop_float_conv :: RT Float) , rt "doubleToWord" (prop_double_conv :: RT Double)] convBE f v littleEndianE = let e = if isBigEndian then v else littleEndianE in testCase (unwords ["conv BigEndian", sshow v, "to", sshow e]) $ f v @?= e conv f v e = testCase (unwords ["conv", sshow v, showB . flat $ v, "to", sshow e]) $ f v @?= e testShifts = testGroup "Shifts" $ map tst [0 .. 33] where tst n = testCase ("shiftR " ++ show n) $ let val = 4294967295 :: Word32 s = val `shift` (-n) r = val `shiftR` n in r @?= s -- shR = shiftR -- shR = unsafeShiftR shR val 0 = val shR val n = shift val (-n) testEncodingPrim = testGroup "Encoding Primitives" [ encRawWith 1 E.eTrueF [0b10000001] , encRawWith 3 (E.eTrueF >=> E.eFalseF >=> E.eTrueF) [0b10100001] -- Depends on endianess --,encRawWith 32 (E.eWord32E id $ 2^18 + 3) [3,0,4,0,1] -- ,encRawWith 64 (E.eWord64E id $ 0x1122334455667788) [0x88,0x77,0x66,0x55,0x44,0x33,0x22,0x11,1] --,encRawWith 65 (E.eTrueF >=> E.eWord64E id (2^34 + 3)) [1,0,0,0,2,0,0,128,129] --,encRawWith 65 (E.eFalseF >=> E.eWord64E id (2^34 + 3)) [1,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,129] -- Big Endian , encRawWith 32 (E.eWord32BEF $ 2 ^ 18 + 3) [0, 4, 0, 3, 1] , encRawWith 64 (E.eWord64BEF $ 2 ^ 34 + 3) [0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1] , encRawWith 65 (E.eTrueF >=> E.eWord64BEF (2 ^ 34 + 3)) [128, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 129] , encRawWith 65 (E.eFalseF >=> E.eWord64BEF (2 ^ 34 + 3)) [0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 129]] where encRawWith sz enc exp = testCase (unwords ["encode raw with size", show sz]) $ flatRawWith sz enc @?= exp testDecodingPrim = testGroup "Decoding Primitives" [ dec ((,,,) <$> dropBits 13 <*> dBool <*> dBool <*> dBool) [0b10111110, 0b10011010] ((), False, True, False) , dec ((,,,) <$> dropBits 1 <*> dBE16 <*> dBool <*> dropBits 6) [0b11000000, 0b00000001, 0b01000000] ((), 2 ^ 15 + 2, True, ()) , dec ((,,,) <$> dropBits 1 <*> dBE32 <*> dBool <*> dropBits 6) [0b11000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000000, 0b00000001, 0b01000000] ((), 2 ^ 31 + 2, True, ()) , dec dBE64 [ 0b10000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000010] (2 ^ 63 + 2) , dec ((,,,) <$> dropBits 1 <*> dBE64 <*> dBool <*> dropBits 6) [ 0b11000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000000 , 0b00000001 , 0b01000000] ((), 2 ^ 63 + 2, True, ())] where dec decOp v e = testCase (unwords ["decode", sshow v]) $ unflatRawWith decOp (B.pack v) @?= Right e testDecBits = testGroup "Decode Bits" $ concat [ decBitsN dBEBits8 , decBitsN dBEBits16 , decBitsN dBEBits32 , decBitsN dBEBits64] -- Test dBEBits8/16/32/64, extraction of up to 8/16/32/bits from various positions where decBitsN :: forall a. (Num a, FiniteBits a, Show a, Flat a) => (Int -> Get a) -> [TestTree] decBitsN dec = let s = finiteBitSize (undefined :: a) in [decBits_ dec val numBitsToTake pre | numBitsToTake <- [0 .. s] , val <- [ 0 :: a , 1 + 2 ^ (s - 2) + 2 ^ (s - 5) , fromIntegral $ (2 ^ s :: Integer) - 1] , pre <- [0, 1, 7]] decBits_ :: forall a. (FiniteBits a, Show a, Flat a) => (Int -> Get a) -> a -> Int -> Int -> TestTree decBits_ deco val numBitsToTake pre = -- a sequence composed by pre zero bits followed by the val and zero bits till the next byte boundary let vs = B.pack . asBytes . fromBools $ replicate pre False ++ toBools (asBits val) len = B.length vs sz = finiteBitSize (undefined :: a) dec :: Get a dec = do dropBits pre r <- deco numBitsToTake dropBits (len * 8 - numBitsToTake - pre) return r -- we expect the first numBitsToTake bits of the value expectedD@(Right expected) :: Decoded a = Right $ val `shR` (sz - numBitsToTake) actualD@(Right actual) :: Decoded a = unflatRawWith dec vs in testCase (unwords [ "take" , show numBitsToTake , "bits from" , show val , "of size" , show sz , "with prefix" , show pre , "sequence" , showB vs , show expected , show actual , show $ val == actual , show $ expected == actual , show $ expected /= actual , show $ show expected == show actual , show $ flat expected == flat actual]) $ actualD @?= expectedD testSize = testGroup "Size" $ concat [ sz () 0 , sz True 1 , sz One 2 , sz Two 2 , sz Three 2 , sz Four 3 , sz Five 3 , sz 'a' 8 , sz 'à' 16 , sz '经' 24 , sz (0 :: Word8) 8 , sz (1 :: Word8) 8 , concatMap (uncurry sz) ns , concatMap (uncurry sz) nsI , concatMap (uncurry sz) nsII , sz (1.1 :: Float) 32 , sz (1.1 :: Double) 64 , sz "" 1 , sz "abc" (4 + 3 * 8) , sz ((), (), Unit) 0 , sz (True, False, One, Five) 7 , sz map1 7 , sz bs (4 + 3 * 8) , sz stBS bsSize , sz lzBS bsSize , sz shBS bsSize , sz tx utf8Size , sz (UTF8Text tx) utf8Size #if ! defined (ETA_VERSION) , sz (UTF16Text tx) utf16Size #endif ] where tx = T.pack "txt" #if MIN_VERSION_text(2,0,0) utf8Size = 8 + 8 + (3 * 8) + 8 #else utf8Size = 8 + 8 + (3 * 3 * 8) + 8 #endif utf16Size = 8 + 8 + 3 * 16 + 8 bsSize = 8 + 8 + 3 * 8 + 8 sz v e = let calculated = getSize v actual = B.length (flat v) * 8 - 1 -- FIX in [testCase (unwords ["size of", sshow v]) $ calculated @?= e -- ,testCase (unwords ["calculated size <= actual", sshow v]) $ actual <= calculated @? unwords ["calculated size",show calculated,"actual",show actual] ] -- E258_256 = 11111110 _257 = 111111110 _258 = 111111111 testLargeEnum = testGroup "test enum with more than 256 constructors" $ concat [ #ifdef ENUM_LARGE sz E258_256 8 , sz E258_257 9 , sz E258_258 9 -- As encodes are inlined, this is going to take for ever if this is compiled with -O1 or -O2 -- , encRaw (E258_256) [0b11111110] -- , encRaw (E258_257) [0b11111111,0b00000000] -- , encRaw (E258_258) [0b11111111,0b10000000] -- , encRaw (E258_256,E258_257,E258_258) [0b11111110,0b11111111,0b01111111,0b11000000] , map trip [E258_1, E258_256, E258_257, E258_258] , map trip [E256_1, E256_134, E256_256] #endif ] testContainers = testGroup "containers" [trip longSeq, trip dataMap, trip listMap] -- , trip intMap flatUnflatRT = testGroup "unflat (flat v) == v" [ rt "()" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT ()) , rt "Bool" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT Bool) , rt "Char" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT Char) , rt "Complex" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT (B.Complex Float)) , rt "Either N Bool" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT (Either N Bool)) , rt "Either Int Char" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT (Either Int Char)) , rt "Int8" (prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip :: RTL Int8) , rt "Int16" (prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip :: RTL Int16) , rt "Int32" (prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip :: RTL Int32) , rt "Int64" (prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip :: RTL Int64) , rt "Int" (prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip :: RTL Int) , rt "[Int16]" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT [Int16]) , rt "String" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT String) #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) , rt "NonEmpty" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT (BI.NonEmpty Bool)) #endif , rt "Maybe N" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT (Maybe N)) , rt "Ratio" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT (B.Ratio Int32)) , rt "Word8" (prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip :: RTL Word8) , rt "Word16" (prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip :: RTL Word16) , rt "Word32" (prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip :: RTL Word32) , rt "Word64" (prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip :: RTL Word64) , rt "Word" (prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip :: RTL Word) , rt "Natural" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT Natural) , rt "Integer" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT Integer) , rt "Float" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT Float) , rt "Double" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT Double) , rt "Text" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT T.Text) , rt "UTF8 Text" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT UTF8Text) #if! defined (ETA_VERSION) , rt "UTF16 Text" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT UTF16Text) #endif , rt "ByteString" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT B.ByteString) , rt "Lazy ByteString" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT L.ByteString) , rt "Short ByteString" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT SBS.ShortByteString) , rt "Map.Strict" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT (CS.Map Int Bool)) , rt "Map.Lazy" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT (CL.Map Int Bool)) , rt "IntMap.Strict" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT (CS.IntMap Bool)) , rt "IntMap.Lazy" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT (CL.IntMap Bool)) , rt "Unit" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT Unit) , rt "Un" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT Un) , rt "N" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT N) , rt "E2" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT E2) , rt "E3" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT E3) , rt "E4" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT E4) , rt "E8" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT E8) , rt "E16" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT E16) , rt "E17" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT E17) , rt "E32" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT E32) , rt "A" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT A) , rt "B" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT B) -- ,rt "Tree Bool" (prop_Flat_roundtrip:: RT (Tree Bool)) -- ,rt "Tree N" (prop_Flat_roundtrip:: RT (Tree N)) , rt "List N" (prop_Flat_roundtrip :: RT (List N))] rt n = QC.testProperty (unwords ["round trip", n]) flatTests = testGroup "flat/unflat Unit tests" $ concat [ -- Expected errors errDec (Proxy :: Proxy Bool) [] -- no data , errDec (Proxy :: Proxy Bool) [128] -- no filler , errDec (Proxy :: Proxy Bool) [128 + 1, 1, 2, 4, 8] -- additional bytes , errDec (Proxy :: Proxy Text) (B.unpack (flat ((fromString "\x80") :: B.ByteString))) -- invalid UTF-8 , encRaw () [] , encRaw ((), (), Unit) [] , encRaw (Unit, 'a', Unit, 'a', Unit, 'a', Unit) [97, 97, 97] , a () [1] , a True [128 + 1] , a (True, True) [128 + 64 + 1] , a (True, False, True) [128 + 32 + 1] , a (True, False, True, True) [128 + 32 + 16 + 1] , a (True, False, True, True, True) [128 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 1] , a (True, False, True, True, True, True) [128 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 1] , a (True, False, True, True, True, True, True) [128 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1] , a (True, False, True, True, (True, True, True, True)) [128 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1, 1] , encRaw (True, False, True, True) [128 + 32 + 16] , encRaw ( (True, True, False, True, False) , (False, False, True, False, True, True)) [128 + 64 + 16 + 1, 64 + 32] , encRaw ('\0', '\1', '\127') [0, 1, 127] , encRaw (33 :: Word32, 44 :: Word32) [33, 44] --,s (Elem True) [64] --,s (NECons True (NECons False (Elem True))) [128+64+32+4] , encRaw (0 :: Word8) [0] , encRaw (1 :: Word8) [1] , encRaw (255 :: Word8) [255] , encRaw (0 :: Word16) [0] , encRaw (1 :: Word16) [1] , encRaw (255 :: Word16) [255, 1] , encRaw (256 :: Word16) [128, 2] , encRaw (65535 :: Word16) [255, 255, 3] , encRaw (127 :: Word32) [127] , encRaw (128 :: Word32) [128, 1] , encRaw (129 :: Word32) [129, 1] , encRaw (255 :: Word32) [255, 1] , encRaw (16383 :: Word32) [255, 127] , encRaw (16384 :: Word32) [128, 128, 1] , encRaw (16385 :: Word32) [129, 128, 1] , encRaw (32767 :: Word32) [255, 255, 1] , encRaw (32768 :: Word32) [128, 128, 2] , encRaw (32769 :: Word32) [129, 128, 2] , encRaw (65535 :: Word32) [255, 255, 3] , encRaw (2097151 :: Word32) [255, 255, 127] , encRaw (2097152 :: Word32) [128, 128, 128, 1] , encRaw (2097153 :: Word32) [129, 128, 128, 1] , encRaw (4294967295 :: Word32) [255, 255, 255, 255, 15] , encRaw (255 :: Word64) [255, 1] , encRaw (65535 :: Word64) [255, 255, 3] , encRaw (4294967295 :: Word64) [255, 255, 255, 255, 15] , encRaw (18446744073709551615 :: Word64) [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1] , encRaw (False, 18446744073709551615 :: Word64) [127, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 128, 128] , encRaw (255 :: Word) [255, 1] , encRaw (65535 :: Word) [255, 255, 3] , encRaw (4294967295 :: Word) [255, 255, 255, 255, 15] , tstI [0 :: Int8, 2, -2] , encRaw (127 :: Int8) [254] , encRaw (-128 :: Int8) [255] , tstI [0 :: Int16, 2, -2, 127, -128] , tstI [0 :: Int32, 2, -2, 127, -128] , tstI [0 :: Int64, 2, -2, 127, -128] , encRaw (-1024 :: Int64) [255, 15] , encRaw (maxBound :: Word8) [255] , encRaw (True, maxBound :: Word8) [255, 128] , encRaw (maxBound :: Word16) [255, 255, 3] , encRaw (True, maxBound :: Word16) [255, 255, 129, 128] , encRaw (maxBound :: Word32) [255, 255, 255, 255, 15] , encRaw (True, maxBound :: Word32) [255, 255, 255, 255, 135, 128] , encRaw (maxBound :: Word64) [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1] , encRaw (True, maxBound :: Word64) [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 128, 128] , encRaw (minBound :: Int64) [255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1] , encRaw (maxBound :: Int64) [254, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 1] , tstI [0 :: Int, 2, -2, 127, -128] , tstI [0 :: Integer, 2, -2, 127, -128, -256, -512] , encRaw (-1024 :: Integer) [255, 15] , encRaw (0 :: Float) [0, 0, 0, 0] , encRaw (-2 :: Float) [0b11000000, 0, 0, 0] , encRaw (0.085 :: Float) [0b00111101, 0b10101110, 0b00010100, 0b01111011] , encRaw (0 :: Double) [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] , encRaw (-2 :: Double) [0b11000000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] , encRaw (23 :: Double) [0b01000000, 0b00110111, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] , encRaw (-0.15625 :: Float) [0b10111110, 0b00100000, 0, 0] , encRaw (-0.15625 :: Double) [0b10111111, 0b11000100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] , encRaw (-123.2325E-23 :: Double) [ 0b10111011 , 0b10010111 , 0b01000111 , 0b00101000 , 0b01110101 , 0b01111011 , 0b01000111 , 0b10111010] , encRaw (Left True :: Either Bool (Double, Double)) [0b01000000] , encRaw (-2.1234E15 :: Double) [195, 30, 44, 226, 90, 221, 64, 0] , encRaw (1.1234E-22 :: Double) [59, 96, 249, 241, 120, 219, 249, 174] , encRaw ((False, -2.1234E15) :: (Bool, Double)) [97, 143, 22, 113, 45, 110, 160, 0, 0] , encRaw ((True, -2.1234E15) :: (Bool, Double)) [225, 143, 22, 113, 45, 110, 160, 0, 0] , encRaw ((-2.1234E15, 1.1234E-22) :: (Double, Double)) $ [0b11000011, 30, 44, 226, 90, 221, 64, 0] ++ [59, 96, 249, 241, 120, 219, 249, 174] , encRaw ((True, -2.1234E15, 1.1234E-22) :: (Bool, Double, Double)) [ 0b11100001 , 143 , 22 , 113 , 45 , 110 , 160 , 0 , 29 , 176 , 124 , 248 , 188 , 109 , 252 , 215 , 0] , encRaw (Right (-2.1234E15, 1.1234E-22) :: Either Bool (Double, Double)) [ 0b11100001 , 143 , 22 , 113 , 45 , 110 , 160 , 0 , 29 , 176 , 124 , 248 , 188 , 109 , 252 , 215 , 0] , encRaw (Left True :: Either Bool Direction) [0b01000000] , encRaw (Right West :: Either Bool Direction) [0b11110000] , map trip [minBound, maxBound :: Word8] , map trip [minBound, maxBound :: Word16] , map trip [minBound, maxBound :: Word32] , map trip [minBound, maxBound :: Word64] , map trip [minBound :: Int8, maxBound :: Int8] , map trip [minBound :: Int16, maxBound :: Int16] , map trip [minBound :: Int32, maxBound :: Int32] , map trip [minBound :: Int64, maxBound :: Int64] , map tripShow [0 :: Float, -0 :: Float, 0 / 0 :: Float, 1 / 0 :: Float] , map tripShow [0 :: Double, -0 :: Double, 0 / 0 :: Double, 1 / 0 :: Double] , encRaw '\0' [0] , encRaw '\1' [1] , encRaw '\127' [127] , encRaw 'a' [97] , encRaw 'à' [224, 1] , encRaw '经' [207, 253, 1] , [trip [chr 0x10FFFF]] , encRaw Unit [] , encRaw (Un False) [0] , encRaw (One, Two, Three) [16 + 8] , encRaw (Five, Five, Five) [255, 128] --,s (NECons True (Elem True)) [128+64+16] , encRaw "" [0] #ifdef LIST_BIT , encRaw "abc" [176, 216, 172, 96] , encRaw [False, True, False, True] [128 + 32 + 16 + 8 + 2 + 1, 0] #elif defined(LIST_BYTE) , s "abc" s3 , s (cs 600) s600 #endif -- Aligned structures --,s (T.pack "") [1,0] --,s (Just $ T.pack "abc") [128+1,3,97,98,99,0] --,s (T.pack "abc") (al s3) --,s (T.pack $ cs 600) (al s600) , encRaw map1 [0b10111000] , encRaw (B.pack $ csb 3) (bsl c3) , encRaw (B.pack $ csb 600) (bsl s600) , encRaw (L.pack $ csb 3) (bsl c3) -- Long LazyStrings can have internal sections shorter than 255 --,s (L.pack $ csb 600) (bsl s600) , [trip [1 .. 100 :: Int16]] -- See https://github.com/typelead/eta/issues/901 #ifndef ETA_VERSION , [trip longAsciiStrT] , [trip longBoolListT] #endif , [trip asciiTextT] , [trip english] , [trip "维护和平正"] , [trip (T.pack "abc")] , [trip unicodeText] , [trip unicodeTextUTF8T] , [trip chineseTextUTF8T] #if ! defined (ETA_VERSION) , [trip chineseTextUTF16T] , [trip unicodeTextUTF16T] #endif , [trip longBS, trip longLBS] , [trip longSBS] ] --al = (1:) -- prealign where bsl = id -- noalign tstI = map ti ti v | v >= 0 = testCase (unwords ["Int", show v]) $ teq v (2 * fromIntegral v :: Word64) | otherwise = testCase (unwords ["Int", show v]) $ teq v (2 * fromIntegral (-v) - 1 :: Word64) teq a b = ser a @?= ser b --,testCase (unwords ["unflat raw",sshow v]) $ desRaw e @?= Right v] -- Aligned values unflat to the original value, modulo the added filler. a v e = [ testCase (unwords ["flat", sshow v]) $ ser v @?= e , testCase (unwords ["unflat", sshow v]) $ let Right v' = des e in v @?= v'] -- a v e = [testCase (unwords ["flat postAligned",show v]) $ ser (postAligned v) @?= e -- ,testCase (unwords ["unflat postAligned",show v]) $ let Right (PostAligned v' _) = des e in v @?= v'] encRaw :: forall a. (Show a, Flat a) => a -> [Word8] -> [TestTree] encRaw v e = [ testCase (unwords ["flat raw", sshow v, show . B.unpack . flat $ v]) $ serRaw v @?= e] trip :: forall a. (Show a, Flat a, Eq a) => a -> TestTree trip v = testCase (unwords ["roundtrip", sshow v]) $ -- direct comparison (unflat (flat v :: B.ByteString) :: Decoded a) @?= (Right v :: Decoded a) tripShow :: forall a. (Show a, Flat a, Eq a) => a -> TestTree tripShow v = testCase (unwords ["roundtrip", sshow v]) $ -- we use show to get Right NaN == Right NaN show (unflat (flat v :: B.ByteString) :: Decoded a) @?= show (Right v :: Decoded a) -- Test Data lzBS = L.pack bs stBS = B.pack bs bs = [32, 32, 32 :: Word8] s3 = [3, 97, 98, 99, 0] c3a = [3, 99, 99, 99, 0] -- Array Word8 c3 = pre c3a s600 = pre s600a pre = (1:) s600a = concat [[255], csb 255, [255], csb 255, [90], csb 90, [0]] s600B = concat [[55], csb 55, [255], csb 255, [90], csb 90, [200], csb 200, [0]] longSeq :: Seq.Seq Word8 longSeq = Seq.fromList lbs longBS = B.pack lbs longLBS = L.concat $ concat $ replicate 10 [L.pack lbs] lbs = concat $ replicate 100 [234, 123, 255, 0] cs n = replicate n 'c' -- take n $ cycle ['a'..'z'] csb = map (fromIntegral . ord) . cs map1 = C.fromList [(False, True), (True, False)] ns :: [(Word64, Int)] ns = [((-) (2 ^ (i * 7)) 1, fromIntegral (8 * i)) | i <- [1 .. 10]] nsI :: [(Int64, Int)] nsI = nsI_ nsII :: [(Integer, Int)] nsII = nsI_ nsI_ = [((-) (2 ^ (((-) i 1) * 7)) 1, fromIntegral (8 * i)) | i <- [1 .. 10]] shBS = SBS.toShort stBS longSBS = SBS.toShort longBS sshow = take 80 . show showB = show . B.unpack errDec :: forall a. (Flat a, Eq a, Show a) => Proxy a -> [Word8] -> [TestTree] --errDec _ bs = [testCase "bad decode" $ let ev = (des bs::Decoded a) in ev @?= Left ""] errDec _ bs = [ testCase "bad decode" $ let ev = (des bs :: Decoded a) in isRight ev @?= False] ser :: Flat a => a -> [Word8] ser = B.unpack . flat des :: Flat a => [Word8] -> Decoded a des = unflat flatRawWith sz enc = B.unpack $ E.strictEncoder (sz + 8) (E.Encoding $ enc >=> E.eFillerF) serRaw :: Flat a => a -> [Word8] -- serRaw = B.unpack . flatRaw -- serRaw = L.unpack . flatRaw serRaw = asBytes . bits --desRaw :: Flat a => [Word8] -> Decoded a --desRaw = unflatRaw . L.pack type RT a = a -> Bool type RTL a = Large a -> Bool prop_Flat_roundtrip :: (Flat a, Eq a) => a -> Bool prop_Flat_roundtrip = roundTripExt prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip :: (Eq b, Flat b) => Large b -> Bool prop_Flat_Large_roundtrip (Large x) = roundTripExt x roundTrip x = unflat (flat x :: B.ByteString) == Right x -- Test roundtrip for both the value and the value embedded between bools roundTripExt x = roundTrip x && roundTrip (True, x, False) prop_double_conv d = wordToDouble (doubleToWord d) == d prop_float_conv d = wordToFloat (floatToWord d) == d {- prop_common_unsigned :: (Num l,Num h,Flat l,Flat h) => l -> h -> Bool prop_common_unsigned n _ = let n2 :: h = fromIntegral n in flat n == flat n2 -} -- e :: Stream Bool -- e = unflatIncremental . flat $ stream1 -- el :: List Bool -- el = unflatIncremental . flat $ infList -- deflat = unflat -- b1 :: BLOB UTF8 -- b1 = BLOB UTF8 (preAligned (List255 [97,98,99])) -- -- b1 = BLOB (preAligned (UTF8 (List255 [97,98,99])))