fixed-vector- Generic vectors with statically known size.

Safe HaskellNone




More generic version of function from Data.Vector.Fixed module. They do not require that all vector have same type, only same length. All such functions have suffix G.



mapG :: (Vector v a, Vector w b, Dim v ~ Dim w) => (a -> b) -> v a -> w bSource

Map over vector

imapG :: (Vector v a, Vector w b, Dim v ~ Dim w) => (Int -> a -> b) -> v a -> w bSource

Apply function to every element of the vector and its index.

mapMG :: (Vector v a, Vector w b, Dim w ~ Dim v, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> v a -> m (w b)Source

Monadic map over vector.

imapMG :: (Vector v a, Vector w b, Dim w ~ Dim v, Monad m) => (Int -> a -> m b) -> v a -> m (w b)Source

Monadic map over vector.


zipWithG :: (Vector v a, Vector w b, Vector u c, Dim v ~ Dim u, Dim v ~ Dim w) => (a -> b -> c) -> v a -> w b -> u cSource

Zip two vector together using function.

izipWithG :: (Vector v a, Vector w b, Vector u c, Dim v ~ Dim u, Dim v ~ Dim w) => (Int -> a -> b -> c) -> v a -> w b -> u cSource

Zip two vector together using function which takes element index as well.

zipWithMG :: (Vector v a, Vector w b, Vector u c, Dim v ~ Dim u, Dim v ~ Dim w, Monad m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> v a -> w b -> m (u c)Source

Zip two vector together using monadic function.

izipWithMG :: (Vector v a, Vector w b, Vector u c, Dim v ~ Dim u, Dim v ~ Dim w, Monad m) => (Int -> a -> b -> m c) -> v a -> w b -> m (u c)Source

Zip two vector together using monadic function which takes element index as well..