{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {- | Automatically fix the import list in a haskell module. This only really works for qualified names. The process is as follows: - Parse the entire file and extract the Qualification of qualified names like @A.b@, which is simple @A@. - Combine this with the modules imported to decide which imports can be removed and which ones must be added. - For added imports, guess the complete import path implied by the Qualification. This requires some heuristics: - Check local modules first. Start in the current module's directory and then try from the current directory, descending recursively. - If no local modules are found, check the package database. There is a system of package priorities so that @List@ will yield @Data.List@ from @base@ rather than @List@ from @haskell98@. After that, shorter matches are prioritized so @System.Process@ is chosen over @System.Posix.Process@. - If the module is not found at all, an error is printed on stderr and the unchanged file on stdout. - Of course the heuristics may get the wrong module, but existing imports are left alone so you can edit them by hand. - Then imports are sorted, grouped, and a new module is written to stdout with the new import block replacing the old one. - The default import formatting separates package imports from local imports, and groups them by their toplevel module name (before the first dot). Small groups are combined. They go in alphabetical order by default, but a per-project order may be defined. -} module FixImports where import Prelude hiding (mod) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import qualified Control.Arrow as Arrow import qualified Control.Exception as Exception import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Char as Char import qualified Data.Either as Either import qualified Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data as Uniplate import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Annotated as Haskell import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension as Extension import qualified Language.Preprocessor.Cpphs as Cpphs import qualified System.Console.GetOpt as GetOpt import qualified System.Directory as Directory import qualified System.Environment import qualified System.Exit import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath import System.FilePath (()) import qualified System.IO as IO import qualified System.Process as Process import qualified Config import qualified Index import qualified Types import qualified Util runMain :: Config.Config -> IO () runMain config = do -- I need the module path to search for modules relative to it first. I -- could figure it out from the parsed module name, but a main module may -- not have a name. (modulePath, (verbose, includes)) <- parseArgs =<< System.Environment.getArgs text <- IO.getContents config <- return $ config { Config.configIncludes = includes ++ Config.configIncludes config } fixed <- fixModule config modulePath text `Exception.catch` (\(exc :: Exception.SomeException) -> return $ Left $ "exception: " ++ show exc) case fixed of Left err -> do IO.putStr text IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr $ "error: " ++ err System.Exit.exitFailure Right (Result text added removed) -> do IO.putStr text let names = Util.join ", " . map Types.moduleName . Set.toList (addedMsg, removedMsg) = (names added, names removed) when (verbose && (not (null addedMsg) || not (null removedMsg))) $ IO.hPutStrLn IO.stderr $ Util.join "; " $ filter (not . null) [ if null addedMsg then "" else "added: " ++ addedMsg , if null removedMsg then "" else "removed: " ++ removedMsg ] System.Exit.exitSuccess data Flag = Verbose | Include String deriving (Eq, Show) options :: [GetOpt.OptDescr Flag] options = [ GetOpt.Option ['v'] [] (GetOpt.NoArg Verbose) "print added and removed modules on stderr" , GetOpt.Option ['i'] [] (GetOpt.ReqArg Include "path") "add to module include path" ] usage :: String -> IO a usage msg = do name <- System.Environment.getProgName putStr $ GetOpt.usageInfo (msg ++ "\n" ++ name ++ " Module.hs IO (String, (Bool, [FilePath])) parseArgs args = case GetOpt.getOpt GetOpt.Permute options args of (flags, [modulePath], []) -> return (modulePath, parse flags) (_, [], errs) -> usage $ concat errs _ -> usage "too many args" where parse flags = (Verbose `elem` flags, "." : [p | Include p <- flags]) -- Includes always have the current directory first. data Result = Result { resultText :: String , resultAdded :: Set.Set Types.ModuleName , resultRemoved :: Set.Set Types.ModuleName } deriving (Show) fixModule :: Config.Config -> FilePath -> String -> IO (Either String Result) fixModule config modulePath text = do processed <- cppModule modulePath text case parse processed of Haskell.ParseFailed srcloc err -> return $ Left $ Haskell.prettyPrint srcloc ++ ": " ++ err Haskell.ParseOk (mod, cmts) -> fixImports config modulePath mod cmts text where parse = Haskell.parseFileContentsWithComments $ Haskell.defaultParseMode { Haskell.parseFilename = modulePath , Haskell.extensions = map Extension.EnableExtension $ Extension.toExtensionList Extension.Haskell2010 [] -- GHC has this extension enabled by default, and it's easy -- to wind up with code that relies on it: -- http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.6.3/html/users_guide/bugs-and-infelicities.html#infelicities-syntax ++ [Extension.NondecreasingIndentation] -- The meaning of Nothing is undocumented, but I think it means -- to not check for fixity ambiguity at all, which is what I want. , Haskell.fixities = Nothing } -- | The parse function takes a CPP extension, but doesn't actually pay any -- attention to it, so I have to run CPP myself. The imports are fixed -- post-CPP so if you put CPP in the imports block it will be stripped out. -- Serves you right anyway. cppModule :: FilePath -> String -> IO String cppModule filename s = Cpphs.runCpphs options filename s where options = Cpphs.defaultCpphsOptions { Cpphs.boolopts = boolOpts } boolOpts = Cpphs.defaultBoolOptions { Cpphs.macros = True , Cpphs.locations = False , Cpphs.hashline = False , Cpphs.pragma = False , Cpphs.stripEol = True , Cpphs.stripC89 = True , Cpphs.lang = True -- lex input as haskell code , Cpphs.ansi = True , Cpphs.layout = True , Cpphs.literate = False -- untested with literate code , Cpphs.warnings = False } -- | Take a parsed module along with its unparsed text. Generate a new import -- block with proper spacing, formatting, and comments. Then snip out the -- import block on the import file, and replace it. fixImports :: Config.Config -> FilePath -> Types.Module -> [Haskell.Comment] -> String -> IO (Either String Result) fixImports config modulePath mod cmts text = do -- Don't bother loading the index if I'm not going to use it. -- TODO actually, only load it if I don't find local imports -- I guess Data.Binary's laziness will serve me there index <- if Set.null newImports then return Index.empty else Index.loadIndex mbNew <- mapM (mkImportLine config modulePath index) (Set.toList newImports) mbExisting <- mapM (findImport (Config.configIncludes config)) imports let existing = map (Types.importDeclModule . fst) imports let (notFound, importLines) = Either.partitionEithers $ zipWith mkError (map toModule (Set.toList newImports) ++ existing) (mbNew ++ mbExisting) mkError _ (Just imp) = Right imp mkError mod Nothing = Left mod return $ case notFound of _ : _ -> Left $ "modules not found: " ++ Util.join ", " (map Types.moduleName notFound) [] -> Right $ Result (substituteImports (showImports importLines) range text) (Set.fromList (map (Types.importDeclModule . Types.importDecl) (Maybe.catMaybes mbNew))) unusedImports where (newImports, unusedImports, imports, range) = importInfo mod cmts toModule (Types.Qualification name) = Types.ModuleName name showImports = Config.configShowImports config -- | Clip out the range from the given text and replace it with the given -- lines. substituteImports :: String -> (Int, Int) -> String -> String substituteImports imports (start, end) text = unlines pre ++ imports ++ unlines post where (pre, within) = splitAt start (lines text) (_, post) = splitAt (end-start) within -- * find new imports -- | Make a new ImportLine from a ModuleName. mkImportLine :: Config.Config -> FilePath -> Index.Index -> Types.Qualification -> IO (Maybe Types.ImportLine) mkImportLine config modulePath index qual@(Types.Qualification name) = do found <- findModule config index modulePath qual return $ case found of Nothing -> Nothing Just (mod, local) -> Just (Types.ImportLine (mkImport mod) [] local) where mkImport (Types.ModuleName mod) = Haskell.ImportDecl empty (Haskell.ModuleName empty mod) True False Nothing (importAs mod) Nothing importAs mod | name == mod = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ Haskell.ModuleName empty name empty = Haskell.noInfoSpan (Haskell.SrcSpan "" 0 0 0 0) -- | Find the qualification and its ModuleName and True if it was a local -- import. Nothing if it wasn't found at all. findModule :: Config.Config -> Index.Index -> FilePath -- ^ Path to the module being fixed. -> Types.Qualification -> IO (Maybe (Types.ModuleName, Bool)) findModule config index modulePath qual = do found <- findLocalModules (Config.configIncludes config) qual let local = [(Nothing, Types.pathToModule fn) | fn <- found] package = map (Arrow.first Just) $ Map.findWithDefault [] qual index -- clunky return $ case Config.configPickModule config modulePath (local++package) of Just (package, mod) -> Just (mod, package == Nothing) Nothing -> Nothing -- | Given A.B, look for A/B.hs, */A/B.hs, */*/A/B.hs, etc. in each of the -- include paths. findLocalModules :: [FilePath] -> Types.Qualification -> IO [FilePath] findLocalModules includes (Types.Qualification name) = do concat <$> forM includes (\dir -> map (stripDir dir) <$> findFiles 4 (Types.moduleToPath (Types.ModuleName name)) dir) stripDir :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath stripDir dir path | dir == "." = path | otherwise = dropWhile (=='/') $ drop (length dir) path findFiles :: Int -- ^ Descend into subdirectories this many times. -> FilePath -- ^ Find files with this suffix. Can contain slashes. -> FilePath -- ^ Start from this directory. Return [] if it doesn't exist. -> IO [FilePath] findFiles depth file dir = do fns <- Maybe.fromMaybe [] <$> Util.catchENOENT (Util.listDir dir) (subdirs, fns) <- Util.partitionM Directory.doesDirectoryExist fns subfns <- if depth > 0 then concat <$> mapM (findFiles (depth-1) file) (filter isModuleDir subdirs) else return [] return $ filter sameSuffix fns ++ subfns where isModuleDir = all Char.isUpper . take 1 . FilePath.takeFileName sameSuffix fn = fn == file || ('/' : file) `List.isSuffixOf` fn -- * figure out existing imports -- | Make an existing import into an ImportLine by finding out if it's a local -- module or a package module. findImport :: [FilePath] -> (Types.ImportDecl, [Types.Comment]) -> IO (Maybe Types.ImportLine) findImport includes (imp, cmts) = do found <- findModuleName includes (Types.importDeclModule imp) return $ case found of Nothing -> Nothing Just local -> Just $ Types.ImportLine imp cmts local -- | True if it was found in a local directory, False if it was found in the -- ghc package db, and Nothing if it wasn't found at all. findModuleName :: [FilePath] -> Types.ModuleName -> IO (Maybe Bool) findModuleName includes mod = Util.ifM (isLocalModule mod ("" : includes)) (return (Just True)) $ Util.ifM (isPackageModule mod) (return (Just False)) (return Nothing) isLocalModule :: Types.ModuleName -> [FilePath] -> IO Bool isLocalModule mod = Util.anyM (Directory.doesFileExist . ( Types.moduleToPath mod)) isPackageModule :: Types.ModuleName -> IO Bool isPackageModule (Types.ModuleName name) = do output <- Process.readProcess "ghc-pkg" ["--simple-output", "find-module", name] "" return $ not (null output) -- * util importInfo :: Types.Module -> [Haskell.Comment] -> (Set.Set Types.Qualification, Set.Set Types.ModuleName, [(Types.ImportDecl, [Types.Comment])], (Int, Int)) -- ^ (missingImports, unusedImports, unchangedImports, rangeOfImportBlock). importInfo mod cmts = (missing, unused, declCmts, range) where unused = Set.difference (Set.fromList modules) (Set.fromList (map (Types.importDeclModule . fst) declCmts)) missing = Set.difference used imported -- If the Prelude isn't explicitly imported, it's implicitly imported, so -- if I see Prelude.x it doesn't mean to add an import. imported = Set.fromList $ prelude : qualifiedImports -- Get from the qualified import name back to the actual module name so -- I can return that. modules = map Types.importDeclModule imports qualifiedImports = map Types.importDeclQualification imports used = Set.fromList (moduleQNames mod) imports = moduleImportDecls mod declCmts = [ imp | imp@(decl, _) <- associateComments imports (filterImportCmts range cmts) , keepImport decl ] -- Keep unqualified imports, but only keep qualified ones if they are used. -- Prelude is considered always used if it appears, because removing it -- changes import behavour. keepImport decl = Set.member (Types.importDeclQualification decl) (Set.insert prelude used) || not (Haskell.importQualified decl) prelude = Types.Qualification "Prelude" range = importRange mod filterImportCmts :: (Int, Int) -> [Haskell.Comment] -> [Haskell.Comment] filterImportCmts (start, end) = filter inRange where inRange (Haskell.Comment _ src _) = start <= s && s < end where s = Haskell.srcSpanStartLine src - 1 -- spans are 1-based -- | Pair ImportDecls up with the comments that apply to them. Comments -- below the last import are dropped, but there shouldn't be any of those -- because they should have been omitted from the comment block. -- -- Spaces between comments above an import will be lost, and multiple comments -- to the right of an import (e.g. commenting a complicated import list) will -- probably be messed up. TODO Fix it if it becomes a problem. associateComments :: [Types.ImportDecl] -> [Haskell.Comment] -> [(Types.ImportDecl, [Types.Comment])] associateComments imports cmts = snd $ List.mapAccumL associate cmts imports where associate cmts imp = (after, (imp, associated)) where associated = map (Types.Comment Types.CmtAbove . cmtText) above ++ map (Types.Comment Types.CmtRight . cmtText) right -- cmts that end before the import beginning are above it (above, rest) = List.span ((< start impSpan) . end . cmtSpan) cmts -- remaining cmts that start before or at the import's end are right -- of it (right, after) = List.span ((<= end impSpan) . start . cmtSpan) rest impSpan = Haskell.srcInfoSpan (Haskell.importAnn imp) cmtSpan (Haskell.Comment _ span _) = span cmtText (Haskell.Comment True _ s) = "{-" ++ s ++ "-}" cmtText (Haskell.Comment False _ s) = "--" ++ s start = Haskell.srcSpanStartLine end = Haskell.srcSpanEndLine moduleImportDecls :: Types.Module -> [Types.ImportDecl] moduleImportDecls (Haskell.Module _ _ _ imports _) = imports moduleImportDecls _ = [] -- | Return half-open line range of import block, starting from (0 based) line -- of first import to the line after the last one. importRange :: Types.Module -> (Int, Int) importRange mod = case mod of -- Haskell.Module _ mb_head _ imports _ -> -- let start = headEnd mb_head -- in (start, max start (importsEnd imports)) Haskell.Module _ Nothing _ imports _ -> (importsStart imports, importsEnd imports) Haskell.Module _ (Just modHead) _ imports _ -> let start = headEnd modHead in (start, max start (importsEnd imports)) _ -> (0, 0) where -- The parser counts lies from 1, but I return a half-open range from 0. -- So I don't need to +1 the last line of the head, and since the range -- is half-open I don't need to -1 the last line of the imports. headEnd (Haskell.ModuleHead src _ _ _) = endOf src importsStart [] = 0 importsStart (importDecl : _) = startOf (Haskell.importAnn importDecl) - 1 importsEnd [] = 0 importsEnd imports = (endOf . Haskell.importAnn . last) imports startOf = Haskell.srcSpanStartLine . Haskell.srcInfoSpan endOf = Haskell.srcSpanEndLine . Haskell.srcInfoSpan -- | Uniplate is rad. moduleQNames :: Types.Module -> [Types.Qualification] moduleQNames mod = [Types.moduleToQualification m | Haskell.Qual _ m _ <- Uniplate.universeBi mod]