" Example vimrc file to bind a key to FixImports. nm ,a :call FixImports() " Run the contents of the current buffer through the FixImports cmd. Print " any stderr output on the status line. " Remove 'a' from cpoptions if you don't want this to mess up #. function FixImports() let out = tempname() let err = tempname() let tmp = tempname() " Using a tmp file means I don't have to save the buffer, which the user " didn't ask for. execute 'write' tmp execute 'silent !FixImports -v' expand('%') '<' tmp '>' out '2>' err let errs = readfile(err) if v:shell_error == 0 " Is there an easier way to replace the buffer with a file? let old_line = line('.') let old_col = col('.') let old_total = line('$') %d execute 'silent :read' out 0d let new_total = line('$') " If the import fix added or removed lines I need to take that into " account. This will be wrong if the cursor was above the import " block. call cursor(old_line + (new_total - old_total), old_col) " The reload will forget fold state. It was open, right? if foldclosed('.') != -1 execute 'normal zO' endif endif call delete(out) call delete(err) call delete(tmp) redraw! if !empty(errs) echohl WarningMsg echo join(errs) echohl None endif endfunction