module Prompt (transactionsToLedger) where import App (App, Env (..), PromptResult (..), printText) import Config.AppConfig (AppConfig (..)) import Config.Files (getTemplatePath) import Config.YamlConfig (Fill, Filling (..), LedgerConfig (..)) import Control.Arrow ((>>>)) import Control.Monad (forM_, when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (liftIO)) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (asks) import Data.Either (partitionEithers) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Map (Map, fromList, insert, toList, (!?)) import Data.Map qualified as Map import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Data.Set (Set, notMember) import Data.Set qualified as Set import Data.String (IsString (fromString)) import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Format.Heavy (format) import Data.Text.Lazy qualified as TL import GHC.Arr (Array, elems) import Matching.Matching (findMatch) import Text.Regex.TDFA (AllTextMatches (getAllTextMatches), (=~)) import Transactions (Amount (..), Transaction (..)) import Utils (calculateMd5Value, formatDouble, toLazyTemplateMap) import Prelude hiding (appendFile, putStrLn, readFile) {- | A Map of key/value pairs that will be used to fill the template file We fill these values step by step by: * using default values from the config * prompting the user for it * using automatic filling rules from the config -} type TemplateMap = Map Text Text transactionsToLedger :: [Transaction] -> App () transactionsToLedger transactions = do config <- asks (.config) readFile <- asks (.readFile) existingMd5Sums <- getExistingMd5Sums <$> liftIO (readFile config.journalFile) template <- liftIO $ readFile =<< getTemplatePath printText " Controls:" printText " - Ctrl + D or enter 's' to skip an entry" printText " - Ctrl + C to abort" forM_ transactions do transactionToLedger existingMd5Sums template transactionToLedger :: Set Text -> Text -> Transaction -> App () transactionToLedger existingMd5Sums template transaction = do config <- asks (.config) appendFile <- asks (.appendFile) let templateMapToShow = insertTransaction transaction config.ledgerConfig.defaults md5Sum = getMd5 config.ledgerConfig templateMapToShow when (md5Sum `notMember` existingMd5Sums) do let prompter = case findMatch templateMapToShow config.ledgerConfig.fills of Just filling -> getPromptResultForMatchingEntry filling.fill Nothing -> getPromptResultForManualEntry maybeResult <- prompter templateMapToShow case maybeResult of Skip -> return () Result templateMapWithUserInputs -> do let templateMapFinal = templateMapWithUserInputs & insert "md5sum" md5Sum & insertCreditDebit transaction & insertAccountsWithUnderscore let renderedTemplate = renderTemplate templateMapFinal template liftIO $ appendFile config.journalFile $ "\n\n" <> renderedTemplate insertTransaction :: Transaction -> TemplateMap -> TemplateMap insertTransaction transaction = insert "date" ( >>> insert "amount" (formatDouble transaction.amount.amount) >>> insert "currency" (transaction.currency) >>> insert "payee" (transaction.payee) >>> insert "posting" (transaction.posting) >>> insert "purpose" (transaction.purpose) insertCreditDebit :: Transaction -> TemplateMap -> TemplateMap insertCreditDebit transaction = insert "debit" (T.pack $ show transaction.amount) >>> insert "credit" (T.pack $ show $ -transaction.amount) getMd5 :: LedgerConfig -> TemplateMap -> Text getMd5 ledgerConfig templateMap = calculateMd5Value md5Values where md5Keys = map T.pack ledgerConfig.md5 -- This is validated, so fromJust should not error. TODO: find a way to not use fromJust md5Values = map (fromJust . flip Map.lookup templateMap) md5Keys renderTemplate :: TemplateMap -> Text -> Text renderTemplate templateMap template = TL.toStrict $ format (fromString $ T.unpack template) (toLazyTemplateMap templateMap) -- `format` only accepts Maps with lazy text in it -- This is needed because the library for the template rendering doesn't accept underscores insertAccountsWithUnderscore :: TemplateMap -> TemplateMap insertAccountsWithUnderscore templateMap = templateMap & maybeInsert "creditAccount" creditAccount & maybeInsert "debitAccount" debitAccount where creditAccount = templateMap !? "credit_account" debitAccount = templateMap !? "debit_account" maybeInsert key maybeValue theMap = maybe theMap (\value -> insert key value theMap) maybeValue getPromptResultForMatchingEntry :: Fill -> TemplateMap -> App (PromptResult TemplateMap) getPromptResultForMatchingEntry fill templateMap = do let fillAsList = toList fill (prompts, fills) = fillAsList & map toEither & partitionEithers templateMapWithFills = fromList fills <> templateMap printTemplateMap templateMapWithFills sleep <- asks (.sleep) printText "" forM_ fills \(key, value) -> printText $ "Set '" <> key <> "' to '" <> value <> "'" liftIO sleep updateTemplateMapFromPrompts prompts templateMapWithFills where toEither (key, Just value) = Right (key, value) toEither (key, Nothing) = Left key getPromptResultForManualEntry :: TemplateMap -> App (PromptResult TemplateMap) getPromptResultForManualEntry templateMap = do prompts <- asks (.config.ledgerConfig.prompts) printTemplateMap templateMap updateTemplateMapFromPrompts prompts templateMap updateTemplateMapFromPrompts :: [Text] -> TemplateMap -> App (PromptResult TemplateMap) updateTemplateMapFromPrompts [] templateMap = return $ Result templateMap updateTemplateMapFromPrompts (prompt : restPrompts) templateMap = do promptForEntry <- asks (.promptForEntry) maybeResult <- promptForEntry templateMap prompt case maybeResult of Result result -> do updateTemplateMapFromPrompts restPrompts $ insert prompt result templateMap Skip -> return Skip md5Regex :: Text md5Regex = "; md5sum: ([A-Za-z0-9]{32})" getExistingMd5Sums :: Text -> Set Text getExistingMd5Sums textToSearchIn = textToSearchIn =~ md5Regex & getAllTextMatches @(Array Int) & elems & map (!! 1) & Set.fromList printTemplateMap :: TemplateMap -> App () printTemplateMap templateMap = do printText "\n" -- TODO make these string type safe let keysInOrder = ["date", "amount", "currency", "payee", "posting", "purpose", "credit_account", "debit_account"] forM_ keysInOrder printIfPresent where printIfPresent key = case templateMap !? key of Just s -> printText $ " " <> key <> ": " <> s Nothing -> return ()