-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Finite
-- Copyright   :  (C) 2015 mniip
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  mniip <mniip@mniip.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts #-}
module Data.Finite
        packFinite, packFiniteProxy,
        finite, finiteProxy,
        equals, cmp,
        weaken, strengthen, shift, unshift,
        weakenN, strengthenN, shiftN, unshiftN,
        weakenProxy, strengthenProxy, shiftProxy, unshiftProxy,
        add, sub, multiply,
        combineSum, combineProduct,
        separateSum, separateProduct,

import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ratio
import GHC.TypeLits

import Data.Finite.Internal (Finite(Finite))

-- | Convert an 'Integer' into a 'Finite', returning 'Nothing' if the input is out of bounds.
packFinite :: KnownNat n => Integer -> Maybe (Finite n)
packFinite x = result
        result = if x < natVal (fromJust result) && x >= 0
            then Just $ Finite x
            else Nothing

-- | Same as 'packFinite' but with a proxy argument to avoid type signatures.
packFiniteProxy :: KnownNat n => proxy n -> Integer -> Maybe (Finite n)
packFiniteProxy _ = packFinite

-- | Convert an 'Integer' into a 'Finite', throwing an error if the input is out of bounds.
finite :: KnownNat n => Integer -> Finite n
finite x = result
        result = if x < natVal result && x >= 0
            then Finite x
            else error $ "finite: Integer " ++ show x ++ " is not representable in Finite " ++ show (natVal result)

-- | Same as 'finite' but with a proxy argument to avoid type signatures.
finiteProxy :: KnownNat n => proxy n -> Integer -> Finite n
finiteProxy _ = finite

-- | Convert a 'Finite' into the corresponding 'Integer'.
getFinite :: Finite n -> Integer
getFinite (Finite x) = x

instance Eq (Finite n) where
    Finite x == Finite y = x == y

-- | Test two different types of finite numbers for equality.
equals :: Finite n -> Finite m -> Bool
equals (Finite x) (Finite y) = x == y
infix 4 `equals`

instance Ord (Finite n) where
    Finite x `compare` Finite y = x `compare` y

-- | Compare two different types of finite numbers.
cmp :: Finite n -> Finite m -> Ordering
cmp (Finite x) (Finite y) = x `compare` y

-- | Throws an error for @'Finite' 0@
instance KnownNat n => Bounded (Finite n) where
    maxBound = result
            result = if natVal result > 0
                then Finite $ natVal result - 1
                else error "maxBound: Finite 0 is uninhabited"
    minBound = result
            result = if natVal result > 0
                then Finite 0
                else error "minBound: Finite 0 is uninhabited"

instance KnownNat n => Enum (Finite n) where
    fromEnum = fromEnum . getFinite
    toEnum = finite . toEnum
    enumFrom x = enumFromTo x maxBound
    enumFromThen x y = enumFromThenTo x y (if x >= y then minBound else maxBound)

instance Show (Finite n) where
    showsPrec d (Finite x) = showParen (d > 9) $ showString "finite " . showsPrec 10 x

-- | Modulo arithmetic. Only the 'fromInteger' function is supposed to be useful.
instance KnownNat n => Num (Finite n) where
    fx@(Finite x) + Finite y = Finite $ (x + y) `mod` natVal fx
    fx@(Finite x) - Finite y = Finite $ (x - y) `mod` natVal fx
    fx@(Finite x) * Finite y = Finite $ (x * y) `mod` natVal fx
    abs fx = fx
    signum _ = fromInteger 1
    fromInteger x = result
            result = if x < natVal result && x >= 0
                then Finite x
                else error $ "fromInteger: Integer " ++ show x ++ " is not representable in Finite " ++ show (natVal result)

instance KnownNat n => Real (Finite n) where
    toRational (Finite x) = x % 1

instance KnownNat n => Integral (Finite n) where
    quotRem (Finite x) (Finite y) = (Finite $ x `quot` y, Finite $ x `rem` y)
    toInteger (Finite x) = x

-- | Convert a type-level literal into a 'Finite'.
natToFinite :: (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, n + 1 <= m) => proxy n -> Finite m
natToFinite p = Finite $ natVal p

-- | Add one inhabitant in the end.
weaken :: Finite n -> Finite (n + 1)
weaken (Finite x) = Finite x

-- | Remove one inhabitant from the end. Returns 'Nothing' if the input was the removed inhabitant.
strengthen :: KnownNat n => Finite (n + 1) -> Maybe (Finite n)
strengthen (Finite x) = result
        result = if x < natVal (fromJust result)
            then Just $ Finite x
            else Nothing

-- | Add one inhabitant in the beginning, shifting everything up by one.
shift :: Finite n -> Finite (n + 1)
shift (Finite x) = Finite (x + 1)

-- | Remove one inhabitant from the beginning, shifting everything down by one. Returns 'Nothing' if the input was the removed inhabitant.
unshift :: Finite (n + 1) -> Maybe (Finite n)
unshift (Finite x) = if x < 1
    then Nothing
    else Just $ Finite $ x - 1

-- | Add multiple inhabitants in the end.
weakenN :: (n <= m) => Finite n -> Finite m
weakenN (Finite x) = Finite x

-- | Remove multiple inhabitants from the end. Returns 'Nothing' if the input was one of the removed inhabitants.
strengthenN :: (KnownNat n, n <= m) => Finite m -> Maybe (Finite n)
strengthenN (Finite x) = result
        result = if x < natVal (fromJust result)
            then Just $ Finite x
            else Nothing

-- | Add multiple inhabitant in the beginning, shifting everything up by the amount of inhabitants added.
shiftN :: (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, n <= m) => Finite n -> Finite m
shiftN fx@(Finite x) = result
        result = Finite $ x + natVal result - natVal fx

-- | Remove multiple inhabitants from the beginning, shifting everything down by the amount of inhabitants removed. Returns 'Nothing' if the input was one of the removed inhabitants.
unshiftN :: (KnownNat n, KnownNat m, n <= m) => Finite m -> Maybe (Finite n)
unshiftN fx@(Finite x) = result
        result = if x < natVal fx - natVal (fromJust result)
            then Nothing
            else Just $ Finite $ x - natVal fx + natVal (fromJust result)

weakenProxy :: proxy k -> Finite n -> Finite (n + k)
weakenProxy _ (Finite x) = Finite x

strengthenProxy :: KnownNat n => proxy k -> Finite (n + k) -> Maybe (Finite n)
strengthenProxy p (Finite x) = result
        result = if x < natVal (fromJust result)
            then Just $ Finite x
            else Nothing

shiftProxy :: KnownNat k => proxy k -> Finite n -> Finite (n + k)
shiftProxy p (Finite x) = Finite $ x + natVal p

unshiftProxy :: KnownNat k => proxy k -> Finite (n + k) -> Maybe (Finite n)
unshiftProxy p (Finite x) = if x < natVal p
    then Nothing
    else Just $ Finite $ x - natVal p

-- | Add two 'Finite's.
add :: Finite n -> Finite m -> Finite (n + m)
add (Finite x) (Finite y) = Finite $ x + y

-- | Subtract two 'Finite's. Returns 'Left' for negative results, and 'Right' for positive results. Note that this function never returns @'Left' 0@.
sub :: Finite n -> Finite m -> Either (Finite m) (Finite n)
sub (Finite x) (Finite y) = if x >= y
    then Right $ Finite $ x - y
    else Left $ Finite $ y - x

-- | Multiply two 'Finite's.
multiply :: Finite n -> Finite m -> Finite (n * m)
multiply (Finite x) (Finite y) = Finite $ x * y

getLeftType :: Either a b -> a
getLeftType = error "getLeftType"

-- | 'Left'-biased (left values come first) disjoint union of finite sets.
combineSum :: KnownNat n => Either (Finite n) (Finite m) -> Finite (n + m)
combineSum (Left (Finite x)) = Finite x
combineSum efx@(Right (Finite x)) = Finite $ x + natVal (getLeftType efx)

-- | 'fst'-biased (fst is the inner, and snd is the outer iteratee) product of finite sets.
combineProduct :: KnownNat n => (Finite n, Finite m) -> Finite (n * m)
combineProduct (fx@(Finite x), Finite y) = Finite $ x + y * natVal fx

-- | Take a 'Left'-biased disjoint union apart.
separateSum :: KnownNat n => Finite (n + m) -> Either (Finite n) (Finite m)
separateSum (Finite x) = result
        result = if x >= natVal (getLeftType result)
            then Right $ Finite $ x - natVal (getLeftType result)
            else Left $ Finite x

-- | Take a 'fst'-biased product apart.
separateProduct :: KnownNat n => Finite (n * m) -> (Finite n, Finite m)
separateProduct (Finite x) = result
        result = (Finite $ x `mod` natVal (fst result), Finite $ x `div` natVal (fst result))

-- | Verifies that a given 'Finite' is valid. Should always return 'True' unles you bring the @Data.Finite.Internal.Finite@ constructor into the scope, or use 'Unsafe.Coerce.unsafeCoerce' or other nasty hacks
isValidFinite :: KnownNat n => Finite n -> Bool
isValidFinite fx@(Finite x) = x < natVal fx && x >= 0