name: finite version: synopsis: Finite ranges via types description: A framework for capturing finite ranges with types, where the sizes of the ranges are not fixed statically at compile time, but instead are passed at run-time via implicit parameters. . This is especially useful for objects of bounded size, e.g. finite automata, where the number of elements being part of the object, e.g. the number of states, is well-defined in the context of the object. license: MIT license-file: LICENSE category: Types author: Felix Klein maintainer: Felix Klein stability: stable build-type: Simple extra-source-files: cabal-version: >=1.10 source-repository head type: git location: library ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-name-shadowing -Wno-orphans -fignore-asserts build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.13 , array >=0.5 && <0.6 , containers >=0.5 && <0.7 , hashable >=1.2 , template-haskell >=2.11 , QuickCheck exposed-modules: Finite Finite.TH other-modules: Finite.Class Finite.PowerSet Finite.Collection Finite.Type hs-source-dirs: src/lib default-language: Haskell2010 test-suite default ghc-options: -Wall -Wno-name-shadowing -Wno-orphans -fno-ignore-asserts type: detailed-0.9 test-module: Test hs-source-dirs: src/test build-depends: base >=4.7 && <4.13 , hashable >=1.2 , Cabal >= 2.4 , QuickCheck , finite default-language: Haskell2010