{-| Module : System.IDontNotify Copyright : (c) 2016 Athan Clark License : BSD-style Maintainer : athan.clark@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : GHC -} module System.IDontNotify where import System.INotify import Control.Concurrent (forkIO, threadDelay) import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Concurrent.STM.TSem import Control.Monad (when, void) -- | Block execution until a file stops misbehaving: -- -- > neglectFile "foo" 1000000 -- -- will wait until the modifications to file @foo@ happen in an interval greater -- than one second. neglectFile :: FilePath -- ^ File to watch -> Int -- ^ Decay threshold in picoseconds -> IO () neglectFile file time = do debouncer <- atomically $ newTSem 0 notif <- initINotify expectation <- newTVarIO (0 :: Int) watcher <- addWatch notif [Modify] file $ \e -> void $ forkIO $ do e' <- atomically $ do modifyTVar expectation (+1) readTVar expectation print e threadDelay time e'' <- readTVarIO expectation when (e' == e'') $ atomically $ signalTSem debouncer atomically $ waitTSem debouncer removeWatch watcher killINotify notif