module Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Array
import Data.List
import Data.Map (notMember)
import Language.Syntactic
import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Binding.HigherOrder (CLambda)
import Feldspar.Range
import Feldspar.Lattice
import Feldspar.Core.Types
import Feldspar.Core.Interpretation
import Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Binding
import Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Complex
import Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Integral
import Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Num
import Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Ord
data Array a
Parallel :: Type a => Array (Length :-> (Index -> a) :-> Full [a])
Sequential :: (Type a, Type st) =>
Array (Length :-> st :-> (Index -> st -> (a,st)) :-> Full [a])
Append :: Type a => Array ([a] :-> [a] :-> Full [a])
GetIx :: Type a => Array ([a] :-> Index :-> Full a)
SetIx :: Type a => Array ([a] :-> Index :-> a :-> Full [a])
GetLength :: Type a => Array ([a] :-> Full Length)
SetLength :: Type a => Array (Length :-> [a] :-> Full [a])
instance Semantic Array
semantics Append = Sem "(++)" (++)
semantics GetIx = Sem "(!)" genericIndex
semantics GetLength = Sem "getLength" genericLength
semantics SetLength = Sem "setLength"
(\n as -> genericTake n (as ++ repeat err))
err = error "reading uninitialized array element"
semantics Parallel = Sem "parallel"
(\len ixf -> genericTake len $ map ixf [0..])
semantics Sequential = Sem "sequential"
(\len i step -> genericTake len $
snd $ mapAccumL (\a ix -> swap (step ix a)) i [0..])
where swap (a,b) = (b,a)
semantics SetIx = Sem "setIx" evalSetIx
evalSetIx as i v
| i < len = genericTake i as ++ [v] ++ genericDrop (i+1) as
| otherwise = error $ unwords
[ "setIx: assigning index"
, show i
, "past the end of an array of length"
, show len
len = genericLength as
semanticInstances ''Array
instance EvalBind Array where evalBindSym = evalBindSymDefault
instance AlphaEq dom dom dom env => AlphaEq Array Array dom env
alphaEqSym = alphaEqSymDefault
instance Sharable Array
instance Monotonic Array
instance SizeProp (Array :|| Type)
sizeProp (C' Parallel) (WrapFull len :* WrapFull ixf :* Nil) =
infoSize len :> snd (infoSize ixf)
sizeProp (C' Sequential) (WrapFull len :* _ :* WrapFull step :* Nil) =
infoSize len :> fst (snd $ snd $ infoSize step)
sizeProp (C' Append) (WrapFull arra :* WrapFull arrb :* Nil) =
(alen + blen) :> (aelem \/ belem)
alen :> aelem = infoSize arra
blen :> belem = infoSize arrb
sizeProp (C' GetIx) (WrapFull arr :* _ :* Nil) = el
_ :> el = infoSize arr
sizeProp (C' SetIx) (WrapFull arr :* _ :* WrapFull e :* Nil) =
len :> (el \/ infoSize e)
len :> el = infoSize arr
sizeProp (C' GetLength) (WrapFull arr :* Nil) = len
len :> _ = infoSize arr
sizeProp (C' SetLength) (WrapFull len :* WrapFull arr :* Nil) =
infoSize len :> el
_ :> el = infoSize arr
( (Array :|| Type) :<: dom
, (NUM :|| Type) :<: dom
, Let :<: dom
, (ORD :|| Type) :<: dom
, (INTEGRAL :|| Type) :<: dom
, (COMPLEX :|| Type) :<: dom
, (Variable :|| Type) :<: dom
, CLambda Type :<: dom
, OptimizeSuper dom
) =>
Optimize (Array :|| Type) dom
optimizeFeat opts sym@(C' Parallel) (len :* ixf :* Nil) = do
len' <- optimizeM opts len
let szI = infoSize (getInfo len')
ixRange = rangeByRange 0 (rangeSubSat szI 1)
ixf' <- optimizeFunction opts (optimizeM opts) (mkInfo ixRange) ixf
constructFeat opts sym (len' :* ixf' :* Nil)
optimizeFeat opts sym@(C' Sequential) (len :* inital :* step :* Nil) = do
len' <- optimizeM opts len
init' <- optimizeM opts inital
let szI = infoSize (getInfo len')
ixRange = rangeByRange 0 (rangeSubSat szI 1)
step' <- optimizeFunction opts
(optimizeM opts)
(mkInfo ixRange)
constructFeat opts sym (len' :* init' :* step' :* Nil)
optimizeFeat opts a args = optimizeFeatDefault opts a args
constructFeatOpt opts sym@(C' Parallel) (len :* (lam1 :$ (lt :$ e1 :$ (lam2 :$ bd))) :* Nil)
| Just (SubConstr2 (Lambda v1)) <- prjLambda lam1
, Just lam2'@(SubConstr2 (Lambda _ )) <- prjLambda lam2
, Just Let <- prj lt
, v1 `notMember` infoVars (getInfo e1)
, SICS `inTarget` opts
= do
sym' <- constructFeat opts sym (len :* (lam1 :$ bd) :* Nil)
sym'' <- constructFeat opts (reuseCLambda lam2') (sym' :* Nil)
constructFeat opts Let (e1 :* sym'' :* Nil)
constructFeatOpt _ (C' Parallel) (len :* _ :* Nil)
| Just 0 <- viewLiteral len
= return $ literalDecor []
constructFeatOpt opts (C' Parallel) (len :* (lam :$ (gix :$ arr2 :$ ix)) :* Nil)
| Just (SubConstr2 (Lambda v1)) <- prjLambda lam
, Just (C' GetIx) <- prjF gix
, Just (C' (Variable v2)) <- prjF ix
, v1 == v2
, v1 `notMember` infoVars (getInfo arr2)
= constructFeat opts (c' SetLength) (len :* arr2 :* Nil)
constructFeatOpt _ (C' Sequential) (len :* _ :* _ :* Nil)
| Just 0 <- viewLiteral len
= return $ literalDecor []
constructFeatOpt _ (C' Append) (a :* b :* Nil)
| Just [] <- viewLiteral a = return b
| Just [] <- viewLiteral b = return a
constructFeatOpt opts (C' GetIx) ((op :$ _ :$ ixf) :* ix :* Nil)
| Just (C' Parallel) <- prjF op
= optimizeM opts $ betaReduce (stripDecor ix) (stripDecor ixf)
constructFeatOpt opts s@(C' GetIx) ((op :$ _ :$ arr) :* ix :* Nil)
| Just (C' SetLength) <- prjF op
= constructFeat opts s (arr :* ix :* Nil)
constructFeatOpt _ (C' GetLength) (arr :* Nil)
| Just as <- viewLiteral arr = return $ literalDecor $ genericLength as
constructFeatOpt opts s@(C' GetLength) ((op :$ a :$ _ :$ _) :* Nil)
| Just (C' Sequential) <- prjF op = return a
| Just (C' SetIx) <- prjF op = constructFeat opts s (a :* Nil)
constructFeatOpt opts sym@(C' GetLength) ((op :$ a :$ b) :* Nil)
| Just (C' Append) <- prjF op = do
aLen <- constructFeat opts sym (a :* Nil)
bLen <- constructFeat opts sym (b :* Nil)
constructFeatOpt opts (c' Add) (aLen :* bLen :* Nil)
| Just (C' Parallel) <- prjF op = return a
| Just (C' SetLength) <- prjF op = return a
constructFeatOpt _ (C' GetLength) (arr :* Nil)
| len :> _ <- infoSize $ getInfo arr
, isSingleton len
= return $ literalDecor $ lowerBound len
constructFeatOpt _ (C' SetLength) (len :* _ :* Nil)
| Just 0 <- viewLiteral len = return $ literalDecor []
constructFeatOpt _ (C' SetLength) ((getLength :$ arr') :* arr :* Nil)
| Just (C' GetLength) <- prjF getLength
, alphaEq arr arr'
= return arr
constructFeatOpt opts (C' SetLength) (len1 :* (par :$ len2 :$ ixf) :* Nil)
| Just p@(C' Parallel) <- prjF par
, alphaEq len1 len2
= constructFeat opts p (len2 :* ixf :* Nil)
constructFeatOpt opts (C' SetLength) (len1 :* (sq :$ len2 :$ ini :$ step) :* Nil)
| Just s@(C' Sequential) <- prjF sq
, alphaEq len1 len2
= constructFeat opts s (len2 :* ini :* step :* Nil)
constructFeatOpt _ (C' SetLength) (len :* arr :* Nil)
| rlen <- infoSize $ getInfo len
, rarr :> _ <- infoSize $ getInfo arr
, isSingleton rlen
, isSingleton rarr
, rlen == rarr
= return arr
constructFeatOpt opts a args = constructFeatUnOpt opts a args
constructFeatUnOpt opts x@(C' _) = constructFeatUnOptDefault opts x