module Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Par where
import Language.Syntactic
import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Monad
import Language.Syntactic.Constructs.Binding.HigherOrder
import qualified Control.Monad.Par as CMP
import Control.Monad.Par.Scheds.TraceInternal (yield)
import Feldspar.Lattice
import Feldspar.Core.Types
import Feldspar.Core.Interpretation
import Feldspar.Core.Constructs.Binding
import Data.Map (notMember)
import Data.Typeable (gcast)
data ParFeature a
ParRun :: Type a => ParFeature (Par a :-> Full a)
ParNew :: Type a => ParFeature (Full (Par (IV a)))
ParGet :: Type a => ParFeature (IV a :-> Full (Par a))
ParPut :: Type a => ParFeature (IV a :-> a :-> Full (Par ()))
ParFork :: ParFeature (Par () :-> Full (Par ()))
ParYield :: ParFeature (Full (Par ()))
instance Semantic ParFeature
semantics ParRun = Sem "runPar" CMP.runPar
semantics ParNew = Sem "new"
semantics ParGet = Sem "get" CMP.get
semantics ParPut = Sem "put" CMP.put_
semantics ParFork = Sem "fork" CMP.fork
semantics ParYield = Sem "yield" yield
semanticInstances ''ParFeature
instance EvalBind ParFeature where evalBindSym = evalBindSymDefault
instance AlphaEq dom dom dom env => AlphaEq ParFeature ParFeature dom env
alphaEqSym = alphaEqSymDefault
instance Sharable ParFeature
instance Sharable (MONAD Par)
instance Monotonic ParFeature
instance Monotonic (MONAD Par)
instance SizeProp ParFeature
sizeProp ParRun (WrapFull a :* Nil) = infoSize a
sizeProp ParNew _ = universal
sizeProp ParGet _ = universal
sizeProp ParPut _ = universal
sizeProp ParFork _ = universal
sizeProp ParYield _ = universal
instance ( MONAD Par :<: dom
, ParFeature :<: dom
, Optimize dom dom
=> Optimize ParFeature dom
constructFeatUnOpt opts ParRun args = constructFeatUnOptDefault opts ParRun args
constructFeatUnOpt opts ParNew args = constructFeatUnOptDefaultTyp opts (ParType $ IVarType typeRep) ParNew args
constructFeatUnOpt opts ParGet args = constructFeatUnOptDefaultTyp opts (ParType typeRep) ParGet args
constructFeatUnOpt opts ParPut args = constructFeatUnOptDefaultTyp opts (ParType typeRep) ParPut args
constructFeatUnOpt opts ParFork args = constructFeatUnOptDefaultTyp opts (ParType typeRep) ParFork args
constructFeatUnOpt opts ParYield args = constructFeatUnOptDefaultTyp opts (ParType typeRep) ParYield args
monadProxy :: P Par
monadProxy = P
instance SizeProp (MONAD Par)
sizeProp Return (WrapFull a :* Nil) = infoSize a
sizeProp Bind (_ :* WrapFull f :* Nil) = snd $ infoSize f
sizeProp Then (_ :* WrapFull b :* Nil) = infoSize b
sizeProp When _ = AnySize
instance ( MONAD Par :<: dom
, (Variable :|| Type) :<: dom
, CLambda Type :<: dom
, Let :<: dom
, OptimizeSuper dom
=> Optimize (MONAD Par) dom
optimizeFeat opts bnd@Bind (ma :* f :* Nil) = do
ma' <- optimizeM opts ma
case getInfo ma' of
Info (ParType ty) sz vs src -> do
f' <- optimizeFunction opts (optimizeM opts) (Info ty sz vs src) f
case getInfo f' of
Info{} -> constructFeat opts bnd (ma' :* f' :* Nil)
optimizeFeat opts a args = optimizeFeatDefault opts a args
constructFeatOpt _ Bind (ma :* (lam :$ (ret :$ var)) :* Nil)
| Just (SubConstr2 (Lambda v1)) <- prjLambda lam
, Just Return <- prjMonad monadProxy ret
, Just (C' (Variable v2)) <- prjF var
, v1 == v2
, Just ma' <- gcast ma
= return ma'
constructFeatOpt opts Bind (ma :* (lam :$ body) :* Nil)
| Just (SubConstr2 (Lambda v)) <- prjLambda lam
, v `notMember` vars
= constructFeat opts Then (ma :* body :* Nil)
vars = infoVars $ getInfo body
constructFeatOpt _ Then ((ret :$ _) :* mb :* Nil)
| Just Return <- prjMonad monadProxy ret
= return mb
constructFeatOpt _ Then (ma :* (ret :$ u) :* Nil)
| Just Return <- prjMonad monadProxy ret
, Just TypeEq <- typeEq (infoType $ getInfo ma) (ParType UnitType)
, Just TypeEq <- typeEq (infoType $ getInfo ret) (ParType UnitType)
, Just () <- viewLiteral u
= return ma
constructFeatOpt opts a args = constructFeatUnOpt opts a args
constructFeatUnOpt opts Return args@(a :* Nil)
| Info {infoType = t} <- getInfo a
= constructFeatUnOptDefaultTyp opts (ParType t) Return args
constructFeatUnOpt opts Bind args@(_ :* (lam :$ body) :* Nil)
| Just (SubConstr2 (Lambda _)) <- prjLambda lam
, Info {infoType = t} <- getInfo body
= constructFeatUnOptDefaultTyp opts t Bind args
constructFeatUnOpt opts Then args@(_ :* mb :* Nil)
| Info {infoType = t} <- getInfo mb
= constructFeatUnOptDefaultTyp opts t Then args
constructFeatUnOpt opts When args =
constructFeatUnOptDefaultTyp opts voidTypeRep When args