module Text.Atom.Feed.Import
( pNodes
, pQNodes
, pNode
, pQNode
, pLeaf
, pQLeaf
, pAttr
, pAttrs
, pQAttr
, pMany
, children
, elementFeed
, pTextContent
, pPerson
, pCategory
, pGenerator
, pSource
, pLink
, pEntry
, pContent
, pInReplyTotal
, pInReplyTo
) where
import Prelude ()
import Prelude.Compat
import Control.Monad (guard, mplus)
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Text.Read
import Data.XML.Types as XML
import Text.Atom.Feed
import Text.Atom.Feed.Export (atomName, atomThreadName)
import qualified Data.Text as T
pNodes :: Text -> [XML.Element] -> [XML.Element]
pNodes x = filter ((atomName x ==) . elementName)
pQNodes :: Name -> [XML.Element] -> [XML.Element]
pQNodes x = filter ((x ==) . elementName)
pNode :: Text -> [XML.Element] -> Maybe XML.Element
pNode x es = listToMaybe (pNodes x es)
pQNode :: Name -> [XML.Element] -> Maybe XML.Element
pQNode x es = listToMaybe (pQNodes x es)
pLeaf :: Text -> [XML.Element] -> Maybe Text
pLeaf x es = (T.concat . elementText) `fmap` pNode x es
pQLeaf :: Name -> [XML.Element] -> Maybe Text
pQLeaf x es = (T.concat . elementText) `fmap` pQNode x es
pAttr :: Text -> XML.Element -> Maybe Text
pAttr x e = (`attributeText` e) =<< fst <$> find sameAttr (elementAttributes e)
ax = atomName x
sameAttr (k, _) = k == ax || (not (isJust (nameNamespace k)) && nameLocalName k == x)
pAttrs :: Text -> XML.Element -> [Text]
pAttrs x e = [t | ContentText t <- cnts]
cnts = concat [v | (k, v) <- elementAttributes e, k == atomName x]
pQAttr :: Name -> XML.Element -> Maybe Text
pQAttr = attributeText
pMany :: Text -> (XML.Element -> Maybe a) -> [XML.Element] -> [a]
pMany p f es = mapMaybe f (pNodes p es)
children :: XML.Element -> [XML.Element]
children = elementChildren
elementTexts :: Element -> Text
elementTexts = T.concat . elementText
elementFeed :: XML.Element -> Maybe Feed
elementFeed e = do
guard (elementName e == atomName "feed")
let es = children e
i <- pLeaf "id" es
t <- pTextContent "title" es `mplus` return (TextString "<no-title>")
u <- pLeaf "updated" es
{ feedId = i
, feedTitle = t
, feedSubtitle = pTextContent "subtitle" es
, feedUpdated = u
, feedAuthors = pMany "author" pPerson es
, feedContributors = pMany "contributor" pPerson es
, feedCategories = pMany "category" pCategory es
, feedGenerator = pGenerator `fmap` pNode "generator" es
, feedIcon = pLeaf "icon" es
, feedLogo = pLeaf "logo" es
, feedRights = pTextContent "rights" es
, feedLinks = pMany "link" pLink es
, feedEntries = pMany "entry" pEntry es
, feedOther = other_es es
, feedAttrs = other_as (elementAttributes e)
other_es = filter (\el -> not (elementName el `elem` known_elts))
other_as = filter (\a -> not (fst a `elem` known_attrs))
known_attrs = []
known_elts =
[ "author"
, "category"
, "contributor"
, "generator"
, "icon"
, "id"
, "link"
, "logo"
, "rights"
, "subtitle"
, "title"
, "updated"
, "entry"
pTextContent :: Text -> [XML.Element] -> Maybe TextContent
pTextContent tag es = do
e <- pNode tag es
case pAttr "type" e of
Nothing -> return (TextString (elementTexts e))
Just "text" -> return (TextString (elementTexts e))
Just "html" -> return (HTMLString (elementTexts e))
Just "xhtml" ->
case children e
[c] -> return (XHTMLString c)
_ -> Nothing
_ -> Nothing
pPerson :: XML.Element -> Maybe Person
pPerson e = do
let es = children e
name <- pLeaf "name" es
{ personName = name
, personURI = pLeaf "uri" es
, personEmail = pLeaf "email" es
, personOther = []
pCategory :: XML.Element -> Maybe Category
pCategory e = do
term <- pAttr "term" e
{ catTerm = term
, catScheme = pAttr "scheme" e
, catLabel = pAttr "label" e
, catOther = []
pGenerator :: XML.Element -> Generator
pGenerator e =
Generator {genURI = pAttr "href" e, genVersion = pAttr "version" e, genText = elementTexts e}
pSource :: XML.Element -> Source
pSource e =
let es = children e
in Source
{ sourceAuthors = pMany "author" pPerson es
, sourceCategories = pMany "category" pCategory es
, sourceGenerator = pGenerator `fmap` pNode "generator" es
, sourceIcon = pLeaf "icon" es
, sourceId = pLeaf "id" es
, sourceLinks = pMany "link" pLink es
, sourceLogo = pLeaf "logo" es
, sourceRights = pTextContent "rights" es
, sourceSubtitle = pTextContent "subtitle" es
, sourceTitle = pTextContent "title" es
, sourceUpdated = pLeaf "updated" es
, sourceOther = []
pLink :: XML.Element -> Maybe Link
pLink e = do
uri <- pAttr "href" e
{ linkHref = uri
, linkRel = Right `fmap` pAttr "rel" e
, linkType = pAttr "type" e
, linkHrefLang = pAttr "hreflang" e
, linkTitle = pAttr "title" e
, linkLength = pAttr "length" e
, linkAttrs = other_as (elementAttributes e)
, linkOther = []
other_as = filter (\a -> not (fst a `elem` known_attrs))
known_attrs = map atomName ["href", "rel", "type", "hreflang", "title", "length"]
pEntry :: XML.Element -> Maybe Entry
pEntry e = do
let es = children e
i <- pLeaf "id" es
t <- pTextContent "title" es
u <- pLeaf "updated" es `mplus` pLeaf "published" es
{ entryId = i
, entryTitle = t
, entryUpdated = u
, entryAuthors = pMany "author" pPerson es
, entryContributor = pMany "contributor" pPerson es
, entryCategories = pMany "category" pCategory es
, entryContent = pContent =<< pNode "content" es
, entryLinks = pMany "link" pLink es
, entryPublished = pLeaf "published" es
, entryRights = pTextContent "rights" es
, entrySource = pSource `fmap` pNode "source" es
, entrySummary = pTextContent "summary" es
, entryInReplyTo = pInReplyTo es
, entryInReplyTotal = pInReplyTotal es
, entryAttrs = other_as (elementAttributes e)
, entryOther = []
other_as = filter (\a -> not (fst a `elem` known_attrs))
known_attrs = []
pContent :: XML.Element -> Maybe EntryContent
pContent e =
case pAttr "type" e of
Nothing -> return (TextContent (elementTexts e))
Just "text" -> return (TextContent (elementTexts e))
Just "html" -> return (HTMLContent (elementTexts e))
Just "xhtml" ->
case children e of
[] -> return (TextContent "")
[c] -> return (XHTMLContent c)
_ -> Nothing
Just ty ->
case pAttr "src" e of
Nothing -> return (MixedContent (Just ty) (elementNodes e))
Just uri -> return (ExternalContent (Just ty) uri)
pInReplyTotal :: [XML.Element] -> Maybe InReplyTotal
pInReplyTotal es = do
t <- pQLeaf (atomThreadName "total") es
case decimal t of
Right (x, _) -> do
n <- pQNode (atomThreadName "total") es
return InReplyTotal {replyToTotal = x, replyToTotalOther = elementAttributes n}
_ -> fail "no parse"
pInReplyTo :: [XML.Element] -> Maybe InReplyTo
pInReplyTo es = do
t <- pQNode (atomThreadName "reply-to") es
case pQAttr (atomThreadName "ref") t of
Just ref ->
{ replyToRef = ref
, replyToHRef = pQAttr (atomThreadName "href") t
, replyToType = pQAttr (atomThreadName "type") t
, replyToSource = pQAttr (atomThreadName "source") t
, replyToOther = elementAttributes t
, replyToContent = elementNodes t
_ -> fail "no parse"