feed- Interfacing with RSS (v 0.9x, 2.x, 1.0) + Atom feeds.

MaintainerSigbjorn Finne <sof@forkIO.com>
Safe HaskellNone



Convert from XML to Feeds.



parseFeedFromFile :: FilePath -> IO FeedSource

'parseFeedFromFile fp' reads in the contents of the file at fp; the assumed encoding is UTF-8.

parseFeedString :: String -> Maybe FeedSource

'parseFeedString str' tries to parse the string str as one of the feed formats. First as Atom, then RSS2 before giving RSS1 a try. Nothing is, rather unhelpfully, returned as an indication of error.

readRSS2 :: Element -> Maybe FeedSource

'readRSS2 elt' tries to derive an RSS2.x, RSS-0.9x feed document from the XML element e.

readRSS1 :: Element -> Maybe FeedSource

'readRSS1 elt' tries to derive an RSS1.0 feed document from the XML element e.

readAtom :: Element -> Maybe FeedSource

'readAtom elt' tries to derive an Atom feed document from the XML element e.