# Changelog `fedora-dists` uses [PVP Versioning](https://pvp.haskell.org). ## 1.1.2 (2020-01-24) - mockConfig rawhide version - drop F29 and EPEL6 ## 1.1.1 (2019-12-15) - fix read and show for RHEL ## 1.1.0 (2019-10-29) - update for Fedora 31 - haddock documentation - move distTag, distTarget and hackageRelease to fedora-haskell-tools ## 1.0.1 - add mockConfig and distContainer - Fedora 30 branched from Rawhide ## - add haddock strings - base >= 4.6 (ghc-7.6) ## 1.0.0 - initial release (project created with summoner) - based Dists from fedora-haskell-tools - Dist is now a datatype