{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Cmd.Copr ( BuildBy(..), coprCmd ) where import Data.Ini.Config import Network.HTTP.Query (lookupKey, lookupKey') import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir (getUserConfigDir) import System.Time.Extra (sleep) import Web.Fedora.Copr (coprChroots, fedoraCopr) import Web.Fedora.Copr.API (coprGetBuild) import Branches import Common import Common.System import qualified Common.Text as T import Package import RpmBuild (generateSrpm) import Types (Archs(..)) data BuildBy = SingleBuild | ValidateByRelease | ValidateByArch | BuildByRelease deriving (Eq) coprServer :: String coprServer = "copr.fedorainfracloud.org" -- FIXME handle fedora-eln -- FIXME make project optional (if same as pkg??) or configurable ? -- FIXME repo config with a setup command? -- FIXME interact with copr dist-git -- FIXME parallel copr builds -- FIXME --exclude-arch -- FIXME skip existing builds -- FIXME distless srpm -- FIXME time builds? coprCmd :: Bool -> Bool -> BuildBy -> Maybe Archs -> String -> (BranchesReq,[String]) -> IO () coprCmd dryrun listchroots buildBy marchs project (breq, pkgs) = do chroots <- coprGetChroots if listchroots then mapM_ putStrLn chroots else if null pkgs then do pkg <- do dirpkg <- getPackageName "." exists <- doesFileExist $ packageSpec dirpkg if exists then return dirpkg else Package . takeBaseName <$> findSpecfile coprBuildPkg chroots False pkg else mapM_ (\(n,p) -> withExistingDirectory p $ coprBuildPkg chroots (n>0) (Package p)) $ zip (reverse [0,length pkgs - 1]) pkgs where coprGetChroots = do username <- getUsername chroots <- map T.unpack <$> coprChroots coprServer username project when (null chroots) $ error' $ "No chroots found for" +-+ username ++ "/" ++ project branches <- case breq of Branches brs -> if null brs then return $ (map (releaseBranch . T.pack) . nub . map removeArch) chroots else listOfBranches False False breq BranchOpt AllFedora -> filter isFedoraBranch <$> getFedoraBranches BranchOpt AllEPEL -> filter isEPELBranch <$> getFedoraBranched _ -> listOfBranches False False breq let buildroots = -- FIXME sort archs appropriately case marchs of Nothing -> [chroot | chroot <- chroots, removeArch chroot `elem` map branchRelease branches] Just (Archs archs) -> [chroot | arch <- archs, br <- branches, let chroot = branchRelease br ++ "-" ++ arch, chroot `elem` chroots] Just (ExcludedArchs exarchs) -> [chroot | chroot <- chroots, takeArch chroot `notElem` exarchs, removeArch chroot `elem` map branchRelease branches] if null buildroots then error' "No valid chroots" else return buildroots coprBuildPkg buildroots morepkgs _pkg = do -- FIXME check is pkg.spec spec <- findSpecfile -- pkg <- takeFileName <$> getCurrentDirectory -- hack to avoid generating srpm for dryrun srpm <- if not dryrun then generateSrpm Nothing spec -- FIXME: let distopt = ["--undefine", "dist"] else return spec case buildBy of SingleBuild -> coprBuild dryrun project srpm spec buildroots -- FIXME or default to secondary parallel to previous primary ValidateByRelease -> do let initialChroots = let primaryArch = releaseArch $ head buildroots in map pure $ filter (isArch primaryArch) buildroots remainingChroots = buildroots \\ concat initialChroots staggerBuilds srpm spec initialChroots remainingChroots ValidateByArch -> do let initialChroots = let newestRelease = removeArch $ head buildroots in map pure $ filter (newestRelease `isPrefixOf`) buildroots remainingChroots = buildroots \\ concat initialChroots staggerBuilds srpm spec initialChroots remainingChroots BuildByRelease -> do let releaseChroots = groupBy sameRelease buildroots staggerBuilds srpm spec releaseChroots [] when morepkgs putNewLn removeArch relarch = init $ dropWhileEnd (/= '-') relarch takeArch = takeWhileEnd (/= '-') staggerBuilds srpm spec initialChroots remainingChroots = do mapM_ (coprBuild dryrun project srpm spec) initialChroots unless (null remainingChroots) $ coprBuild dryrun project srpm spec remainingChroots releaseArch = takeWhileEnd (/= '-') isArch arch release = releaseArch release == arch sameRelease r1 r2 = removeArch r1 == removeArch r2 branchRelease :: Branch -> String branchRelease Rawhide = "fedora-rawhide" branchRelease (Fedora n) = "fedora-" ++ show n branchRelease (EPEL n) = "epel-" ++ show n branchRelease (EPELNext n) = "epel-" ++ show n ++ "-next" --data Chroot = Chroot Release Arch getUsername :: IO String getUsername = do rc <- getUserConfigDir "copr" readIniConfig rc rcParser id where rcParser :: IniParser String rcParser = section "copr-cli" $ fieldOf "username" string -- changed from Bugzilla.hs readIniConfig :: FilePath -> IniParser a -> (a -> b) -> IO b readIniConfig inifile iniparser record = do havefile <- doesFileExist inifile if not havefile then error' $ inifile +-+ "not found: try https://" ++ coprServer ++ "/api" else do ini <- T.readFile inifile let config = parseIniFile ini iniparser return $ either error' record config coprBuild :: Bool -> String -> FilePath -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO () coprBuild _ _ _ _ [] = error' "No chroots chosen" coprBuild dryrun project srpm spec buildroots = do let chrootargs = mconcat [["-r", bldrt] | bldrt <- buildroots] buildargs = ["build", "--nowait"] ++ chrootargs ++ [project, srpm] putNewLn putStrLn $ unwords buildroots unless dryrun $ do output <- cmd "copr" buildargs putStrLn output let bid = read $ last $ words $ last $ lines output ok <- timeIO $ coprWatchBuild bid Nothing unless ok $ do putStrLn $ "Failed: copr" +-+ unwords buildargs -- FIXME determine which chroot(s) failed username <- getUsername -- eg 06482247 let zbid = let s = show bid in (if length s < 8 then ('0' :) else id) s actualpkg <- cmd "rpmspec" ["-q", "--srpm", "--qf", "%{name}", spec] error' $ "https://download.copr.fedorainfracloud.org/results" +/+ username +/+ project +/+ head buildroots +/+ zbid ++ "-" ++ actualpkg +/+ "builder-live.log.gz" -- FIXME idea: Maybe Seconds to increment sleep coprWatchBuild :: Int -> Maybe String -> IO Bool coprWatchBuild bid mstate = do res <- coprGetBuild fedoraCopr bid case lookupKey "state" res of Just state -> if mstate == Just state then sleep 20 >> coprWatchBuild bid mstate else do logMsg $ "Build" +-+ show bid +-+ state case state of "succeeded" -> return True "skipped" -> return True "canceled" -> return False "failed" -> return False _ -> sleep 1 >> coprWatchBuild bid (Just state) Nothing -> do let err = lookupKey' "error" res logMsg $ "Error:" +-+ err return False -- #if !MIN_VERSION_simple_cmd(0,1,4) -- error' :: String -> a -- #if MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0) -- error' = errorWithoutStackTrace -- #else -- error' = error -- #endif -- #endif