{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Main (main) where import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Distribution.Fedora.Branch #if !MIN_VERSION_simple_cmd_args(0,1,7) import Options.Applicative (maybeReader, ReadM) #endif import SimpleCmdArgs -- commands import Cmd.Bugs import Cmd.Build import Cmd.Bump import Cmd.Clone import Cmd.Commit import Cmd.Compare import Cmd.Copr import Cmd.Diff import Cmd.FTBFS import Cmd.Import import Cmd.Install import Cmd.ListBranches import Cmd.ListPackages import Cmd.Local import Cmd.Merge import Cmd.Mock import Cmd.Override import Cmd.Owner import Cmd.Parallel import Cmd.PkgReview import Cmd.Prep import Cmd.PullPush --import Cmd.Repoquery import Cmd.RequestBranch import Cmd.RequestRepo import Cmd.Reviews import Cmd.Scratch import Cmd.SideTags import Cmd.Sort import Cmd.SrcDeps import Cmd.Status import Cmd.Switch import Cmd.Update import Cmd.WaitRepo import Bodhi (UpdateType(..),UpdateSeverity(..)) import Branches import Common.System import Git (CommitOpt(..)) import ListReviews import RpmBuild (ForceShort(..), BCond(..)) import Paths_fbrnch (version) import Types (SideTagTarget(..)) main :: IO () main = do setNoBuffering simpleCmdArgs (Just version) "Fedora branch building tool" "A tool to help with updating and building package branches https://github.com/juhp/fbrnch#readme" $ subcommands [ Subcommand "clone" "Clone packages" $ cloneCmd <$> cloneRequest , Subcommand "switch" "Switch branch" $ switchCmd <$> verboseOpt "verbose output" <*> anyBranchArg <*> manyPackages , Subcommand "nvr" "Print name-version-release" $ nvrCmd <$> branchesPackages , Subcommand "status" "Status package/branch status" $ statusCmd <$> switchWith 'n' "no-fetch" "Do not git fetch to save time" <*> switchWith 'r' "reviews" "Status of reviewed packages" <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "merge" "Merge from newer branch" $ mergeCmd <$> dryrunOpt "Dry run (do not merge)" <*> switchLongWith "no-fetch" "Skip git fetch" <*> nopromptOpt <*> optional (optionWith auto 's' "skip-bumps" "NUM" "Max num of rebuild commits to ignore [default 0]") <*> switchWith 'a' "show-all" "List all commits [default first 20]" <*> optional (optionWith branchM 'f' "from" "BRANCH" "Branch to merge from [default newer]") <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "unpushed" "Show unpushed commits" $ unpushedCmd <$> switchWith 'l' "latest" "Only show latest unpushed commit" <*> switchWith 'b' "bump" "Bump release (and commit) if no local commits" <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "build" "Build package(s) in Koji" $ buildCmd <$> buildOpts <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "list" "List packages in pagure" $ listCmd <$> switchWith 'c' "count" "Print number of packages" <*> optional packagerOpt <*> many (pkgArg "PKGPAT...") , Subcommand "list-local" "List packages in branch" $ listLocalCmd <$> maybeBranchPackages True , Subcommand "branches" "List package branches" $ branchesCmd <$> switchWith 'd' "skip-dead" "Skip if dead.package exists" <*> switchWith 'a' "all" "List all branches" <*> switchWith 'm' "missing" "Show missing branches" <*> branchesModeOpt <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "parallel" "Parallel build packages in Koji" $ parallelBuildCmd <$> dryrunOpt "Dry run: do not build anything" <*> mergeOpt <*> optionalWith auto 'l' "skip-to-layer" "LAYERNO" "Skip the first N layers [default 0]" 0 <*> optional (sidetagTargetOpt $ Just "or creates one for you (with 'fedpkg request-side-tag --base-tag')") <*> optionalWith auto 'd' "delay" "SECONDS" "Sleep delay between starting builds [default 4.0]" 4 <*> updateOpt <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "sidetags" "List user's side-tags" $ sideTagsCmd <$> switchLongWith "remove" "Remove one or more sidetags" <*> many branchArg , Subcommand "override" "Tag builds into buildroot override in Koji" $ overrideCmd <$> dryrunOpt "Dry run: do not override" <*> overrideModeOpt <*> optional (optionWith auto 'd' "duration" "DAYS" "Number of days until expiry [default 4]") <*> switchWith 'w' "no-wait" "Skip waitrepo step" <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "waitrepo" "Wait for build to appear in Koji buildroot" $ waitrepoCmd <$> dryrunOpt "Dry run: do not wait" <*> pure False <*> waitfetchOpt <*> optional (sidetagTargetOpt Nothing) <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "scratch" "Scratch build package in Koji" $ scratchCmd <$> dryrunOpt "Dry run: do not build" <*> switchLongWith "stagger" "Stagger archs" <*> rebuildSrpmOpt <*> noFailFastOpt <*> switchLongWith "allow-head" "allow detached HEAD" <*> optional archesOpt <*> many (sidetagTargetOpt Nothing) <*> optional scratchSourceOpt <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "scratch-aarch64" "Koji aarch64 scratch build of package" $ scratchCmdAarch64 <$> dryrunOpt "Dry run: do not build" <*> rebuildSrpmOpt <*> switchLongWith "allow-head" "allow detached HEAD" <*> switchWith 'X' "exclude-arch" "Exclude aarch64" <*> many (sidetagTargetOpt Nothing) <*> optional scratchSourceOpt <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "scratch-x86_64" "Koji x86_64 scratch build of package" $ scratchCmdX86_64 <$> dryrunOpt "Dry run: do not build" <*> rebuildSrpmOpt <*> switchLongWith "allow-head" "allow detached HEAD" <*> switchWith 'X' "exclude-arch" "Exclude x86_64" <*> many (sidetagTargetOpt Nothing) <*> optional scratchSourceOpt <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "update-sources" "Download and update newer sources" $ updateCmd True <$> switchWith 'f' "force" "Download upstream sources even if they exist locally" <*> switchWith 'H' "allow-head" "For updating inside rebase" <*> maybeBranchPackages False , Subcommand "update-version" "Update package in dist-git to newer version" $ updateCmd <$> switchWith 's' "sources-only" "Only update sources" <*> switchWith 'f' "force" "Download upstream sources even if they exist locally" <*> switchWith 'H' "allow-head" "For updating inside rebase" <*> maybeBranchPackages False , Subcommand "sort" "Sort packages in build dependency order" $ sortCmd <$> sortDisplayOpt <*> optional rpmWithOpt <*> branchPackages , Subcommand "prep" "Prep sources" $ prepCmd <$> optional prepPreOpts <*> verboseOpt "show rpmbuild output" <*> switchWith 'd' "deps" "require deps to be installed" <*> maybeBranchPackages False , Subcommand "local" "Build locally" $ localCmd <$> quietOpt "Hide the build.log until it errors" <*> switchWith 'd' "debug" "show the rpmbuild command" <*> optional forceshortOpt <*> many bcondOpt <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "srpm" "Build srpm" $ srpmCmd <$> switchWith 'f' "force" "regenerate even if spec older than existing srpm" <*> maybeBranchPackages False , Subcommand "srpm-spec" "Show the spec file in an srpm" $ srpmSpecCmd <$> switchWith 'd' "diff" "Compare with current spec file" <*> some (strArg "SRPM") , Subcommand "diff" "Diff local changes" $ diffCmd <$> switchWith 'd' "debug" "use package headers" <*> switchWith 'o' "spec-only" "Only diff spec file" <*> diffWorkOpt <*> diffFormatOpt <*> switchWith 'i' "ignore-bumps" "Ignore pure release bumps" <*> optional diffFilterOpt <*> optional (optionWith anyBranchM 'w' "with-branch" "BRANCH" "branch") <*> maybeBranchPackages False , Subcommand "compare" "Show commits between branches" $ compareCmd <$> switchWith 'l' "long" "show full commit log" <*> optional (strOptionWith 'i' "ignore" "SUBSTRING" "Matching substring to ignore") <*> anyBranchArg <*> anyBranchArg <*> manyPackages , Subcommand "src-deps" "List source package dependencies" $ srcDepsCmd <$> switchWith 'r' "reverse" "Reverse dependencies" <*> many (strOptionWith 'D' "define" "'MACRO DEF'" "Define RPM macro") <*> branchPackages , Subcommand "mock" "Local mock build" $ mockCmd <$> dryrunOpt "Do not build (but creates srpm)" <*> optional nocleanOpt <*> switchWith 'N' "network" "Use network during build" <*> optional (flagLongWith' ShellOnly "shell-only" "Skip mock build" <|> flagWith' BuildShell 's' "shell" "Enter chroot shell after building") <*> optional (optionWith branchM 'r' "root" "BRANCH" "Mock config to use") <*> optional archOpt <*> branchesPackages -- was install-deps , Subcommand "builddeps" "Install package build dependencies" $ installDepsCmd <$> maybeBranchPackages False , Subcommand "install" "Build locally and install package(s)" $ -- FIXME drop --shortcircuit from install? installCmd <$> quietOpt "Quiet rpmbuild output" <*> switchWith 'R' "recurse" "build and install missing deps packages" <*> optional (optionLongWith branchM "from" "BRANCH" "Merge branch first") <*> optional forceshortOpt <*> many bcondOpt <*> switchWith 'r' "reinstall" "reinstall rpms" <*> switchLongWith "no-build" "do not (re-)build (install built rpms)" <*> switchLongWith "ignore-builddeps" "do not install builddeps" <*> switchWith 'a' "all-subpackages" "install all subpackages (default if none currently installed)" <*> maybeBranchPackages False , Subcommand "not-installed" "Packages not installed locally" $ notInstalledCmd <$> maybeBranchPackages False , Subcommand "bugs" "List package bugs" $ bugsCmd <$> optional (strOptionWith 's' "summary" "KEY" "Search for bugs containing keyword") <*> manyPackages , Subcommand "bump" "Bump release for package" $ bumpPkgs <$> dryrunOpt "Dry run: do not bump" <*> switchWith 'l' "local" "Use local origin rather than checking latest koji" <*> optional commitOpts <*> optional (strOptionWith 'c' "changelog" "CLOGENTRY" "Override changelog entry [default: rebuild]") <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "commit" "Git commit packages" $ commitPkgs <$> optional commitOpts <*> switchWith '1' "first-line" "use first line of changelog" <*> switchWith 'a' "unstaged" "include unstaged changes" <*> manyPackages , Subcommand "pull" "Git pull packages" $ pullPkgs <$> optional pullOpts <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "fetch" "Git fetch packages" $ fetchPkgs <$> manyPackages , Subcommand "push" "Git push packages" $ pushPkgs <$> dryrunOpt "Dry run: do not push" <*> switchLongWith "no-fetch" "Skip git fetch" <*> optional (strOptionWith 'r' "ref" "COMMITHASH" "git commit to push") <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "owner" "List package owner(s)" $ ownerCmd <$> manyPackages , Subcommand "bzusers" "Search bugzilla users" $ bzusersCmd <$> strArg "NAME" , Subcommand "create-review" "Create a Package Review request" $ createReview <$> optional scratchOpt <*> mockOpt False <*> manyPackages , Subcommand "update-review" "Update a Package Review" $ updateReview <$> optional scratchOpt <*> mockOpt False <*> optional (strArg "SPECFILE") , Subcommand "review-package" "Run fedora-review on a package Review Request bug" $ reviewPackage <$> optional (pkgArg "PACKAGE/BZID") , Subcommand "reviews" "List package reviews" $ reviewsCmd <$> reviewShortOpt <*> reviewAllStatusOpt <*> switchWith 'T' "assigned-to" "List reviews assigned to user" <*> optional (strOptionWith 'U' "user" "USER" "Bugzilla user email") <*> optional (strOptionWith 'p' "pattern" "PKGPREFIX" "Package pattern prefix") <*> reviewStatusOpt , Subcommand "request-repos" "Request dist git repo for new approved packages" $ requestRepos <$> mockOpt True <*> reviewAllStatusOpt <*> switchWith 'r' "retry" "Re-request repo" <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "import" "Import new approved created packages from bugzilla review" $ importCmd <$> switchLongWith "existing" "Use an existing repo" <*> mockOpt True <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "request-branches" "Request branches for approved created packages" $ requestBranchesCmd <$> quietOpt "Quieter output" <*> switchWith 'r' "reviews" "Request branches for package reviews" <*> optional (optionWith branchM 'R' "recurse-from" "BRANCH" "Add neighboring dependencies from branch") <*> mockOpt False <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "find-review" "Find package review bug" $ findReview <$> pkgArg "PACKAGE" -- , Subcommand "test-bz-token" "Check bugzilla login status" $ -- pure testBZlogin , Subcommand "command" "Run shell command in package dirs ($p)" $ commandCmd <$> switchWith 'o' "if-output" "only print if output" <*> switchWith '1' "compact" "print package on same line as output" <*> switchWith 'k' "continue" "keep going after an error" <*> commandOpt <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "copr" "Build package(s) in Fedora Copr" $ coprCmd <$> dryrunOpt "Dry run: do not build" <*> switchWith 'l' "list-chroots" "Show project chroots" <*> buildByOpt <*> optional archesOpt <*> pkgArg "PROJECT" <*> branchesPackages , Subcommand "rename-rawhide" "Rename local 'master' branch to 'rawhide'" $ renameMasterCmd <$> manyPackages , Subcommand "count" "Count number of living packages" $ countCmd <$> maybeBranchPackages True , Subcommand "graph" "Output dependency graph" $ graphCmd <$> switchWith 'o' "output" "Output graph in gv/dot format" <*> optional rpmWithOpt <*> maybeBranchPackages True -- , Subcommand "repoquery" "Repoquery branches (put repoquery options after '--')" $ -- repoqueryCmd -- <$> branchesPackages , Subcommand "ftbfs" "Check FTBFS status" $ ftbfsCmd <$> dryrunOpt "dry run" <*> switchWith 'l' "short" "Only list packages" <*> optional (flagWith' (FtbfsUser Nothing) 'M' "mine" "Your packages" <|> FtbfsUser . Just <$> strOptionWith 'U' "user" "USER" "Bugzilla userid" <|> FtbfsSubstring <$> strOptionWith 's' "substring" "STRING" "Component substring") <*> maybeBranchPackages False , Subcommand "autospec" "Convert package to use rpmautospec" $ autospecCmd <$> switchWith 'f' "force" "Refresh changelog file to current" <*> manyPackages , Subcommand "move-artifacts" "Move old rpm artifacts into rpmbuild dirs" $ moveArtifactsCmd <$> switchWith 'd' "delete" "Remove duplicate artifacts" <*> manyPackages ] where cloneRequest :: Parser CloneRequest cloneRequest = flagWith' (CloneUser Nothing) 'M' "mine" "Your packages" <|> CloneUser . Just <$> strOptionWith 'u' "user" "USER" "Packages of FAS user" <|> ClonePkgs <$> maybeBranchPackages True reviewShortOpt :: Parser Bool reviewShortOpt = switchWith 's' "short" "Only output the package name" reviewAllStatusOpt :: Parser Bool reviewAllStatusOpt = switchWith 'A' "all-status" "include all open states" reviewStatusOpt :: Parser ReviewStatus reviewStatusOpt = flagWith' ReviewUnApproved 'u' "unapproved" "Package reviews not yet approved" <|> flagWith' ReviewApproved 'a' "approved" "All open approved package reviews" <|> flagWith' ReviewWithoutRepoReq 'w' "without-request" "Approved package reviews without a repo request" <|> flagWith' ReviewRepoRequested 'r' "requested" "Approved package reviews with a pending repo request" <|> flagWith' ReviewRepoCreated 'c' "created" "Approved package reviews with a created repo" <|> flagWith' ReviewUnbranched 'B' "unbranched" "Approved created package reviews not yet branched" <|> flagWith ReviewAllOpen ReviewBranched 'b' "branched" "Approved created package reviews already branched" branchArg :: Parser Branch branchArg = argumentWith branchM "BRANCH" anyBranchArg :: Parser AnyBranch anyBranchArg = argumentWith anyBranchM "BRANCH" -- anyBranchOpt :: Parser AnyBranch -- anyBranchOpt = optionWith anyBranchM 'b' "branch" "BRANCH" "branch" branchM :: ReadM Branch branchM = maybeReader readBranch anyBranchM :: ReadM AnyBranch anyBranchM = anyBranch <$> str pkgArg :: String -> Parser String pkgArg lbl = removeSuffix "/" <$> strArg lbl manyPackages :: Parser [String] manyPackages = many (pkgArg "PKGPATH...") -- somePackages :: Parser [String] -- somePackages = some (pkgArg "PKGPATH...") branchesOpt :: Parser (Maybe BranchOpts) branchesOpt = optional (flagWith' AllBranches 'B' "all-branches" "All active release branches" <|> flagWith' AllFedora 'F' "all-fedora" "All active Fedora branches" <|> flagWith' AllEPEL 'E' "all-epel" "All active EPEL branches" <|> ExcludeBranches <$> some excludeBranchOpt) excludeBranchOpt :: Parser Branch excludeBranchOpt = optionWith branchM 'x' "exclude-branch" "BRANCH" "branch" -- branchesRequestOpt :: Parser BranchOpts -- branchesRequestOpt = -- flagWith' AllBranches 'B' "all-branches" "Request branches for all current releases [default latest 2]" <|> -- ExcludeBranches <$> some excludeBranchOpt branchPackages :: Parser (Branch,[String]) branchPackages = branchPkgs <$> some (pkgArg "[BRANCH] PKGPATH...") where branchPkgs :: [String] -> (Branch,[String]) branchPkgs args = let (brs,pkgs) = partitionBranches args in case brs of [] -> error' "specify one branch" [br] -> (br,pkgs) _ -> error' $ "cannot have more than one branch:" +-+ unwords (map show brs) maybeBranchPackages :: Bool -> Parser (Maybe Branch,[String]) maybeBranchPackages oneplus = maybeBranchesPkgs <$> if oneplus then some (pkgArg "[BRANCH] PKGPATH...") else many (pkgArg "[BRANCH] [PKGPATH]...") where maybeBranchesPkgs :: [String] -> (Maybe Branch,[String]) maybeBranchesPkgs args = let (brs,pkgs) = partitionBranches args in case brs of [] -> (Nothing, pkgs) [br] -> (Just br,pkgs) _ -> error' $ "cannot have more than one branch:" +-+ unwords (map show brs) -- FIXME split later to prevent branches after packages branchesPackages :: Parser (BranchesReq, [String]) branchesPackages = branchesReqPkgs <$> branchesOpt <*> many (pkgArg "BRANCH... PKGPATH...") where branchesReqPkgs :: Maybe BranchOpts -> [String] -> (BranchesReq, [String]) branchesReqPkgs mbrnchopts args = let (brs,pkgs) = partitionBranches args in case mbrnchopts of Nothing -> (Branches brs, pkgs) Just req | null brs -> (BranchOpt req, pkgs) | otherwise -> error' "cannot have branch option and branch list" prepPreOpts :: Parser PrepPre prepPreOpts = flagWith' PrepClone 'c' "clone" "Try to clone package repo first" <|> flagWith' PrepPull 'p' "pull" "Git pull before preping" rpmWithOpt :: Parser RpmWith rpmWithOpt = RpmWith <$> strOptionWith 'w' "with" "BCOND" "rpmspec --with option" <|> RpmWithout <$> strOptionWith 'W' "without" "BCOND" "rpmspec --without option" mockOpt brs = switchWith 'm' "mock" $ "Do mock build to test" ++ if brs then " branches" else "" archOpt :: Parser String archOpt = strOptionWith 'a' "arch" "ARCH" "build for arch(s)" rebuildSrpmOpt = switchWith 'S' "rebuild-srpm" "rebuild srpm in Koji" mergeOpt = optional (flagWith' True 'm' "merge" "Merge without prompt" <|> flagWith' False 'M' "no-merge" "No merging") buildOpts = BuildOpts <$> mergeOpt <*> noFailFastOpt <*> optional (sidetagTargetOpt Nothing) <*> overrideOpt <*> waitrepoOpt <*> dryrunOpt "Dry run: do not merge/push/build" <*> skipFetchOpt <*> updateOpt <*> useChangelogOpt <*> switchWith 'p' "by-package" "Build by each package across brs" <*> switchLongWith "stash" "git stash before fetching and building" where overrideOpt = optional (optionWith auto 'o' "override" "DAYS" "Create buildroot override for specified days: implies --wait-repo") waitrepoOpt = optional (flagWith' True 'w' "waitrepo" "Waitrepo for each build" <|> flagWith' False 'W' "no-waitrepo" "Do not waitrepo for each build") useChangelogOpt = switchWith 'c' "changelog-notes" "Use spec changelog for Bodhi notes" -- yesOpt = switchWith 'y' "yes" "Assume yes for questions" nopromptOpt = switchWith 'm' "no-prompt" "Merge without prompt" noFailFastOpt = switchWith 'f' "no-fail-fast" "Do not --fail-fast" excludeArch :: Parser String excludeArch = strOptionWith 'X' "exclude-arch" "ARCH" "build without arch" archesOpt :: Parser Archs archesOpt = Archs <$> some archOpt <|> ExcludedArchs <$> some excludeArch -- FIXME allow "dryrun" dryrunOpt = switchWith 'n' "dry-run" skipFetchOpt = switchWith 'S' "skip-fetch" "Do not git fetch" updateOpt :: Parser (Maybe UpdateType, UpdateSeverity) updateOpt = updatePair <$> updatetypeOpt <*> updateSeverityOpt where updatetypeOpt = flagWith' Nothing 'U' "no-update" "Do not generate a Bodhi update" <|> Just <$> optionalWith auto 'u' "update-type" "TYPE" "security, bugfix, enhancement (default), newpackage, or template" EnhancementUpdate updateSeverityOpt = optionalLongWith auto "severity" "SEVERITY" "low, medium, high, urgent, (default: unspecified)" SeverityUnspecified updatePair :: Maybe UpdateType -> UpdateSeverity -> (Maybe UpdateType, UpdateSeverity) updatePair (Just SecurityUpdate) SeverityUnspecified = error' "Security update requires specifying Severity" updatePair Nothing sev | sev /= SeverityUnspecified = error' "cannot have --severity with --no-update" updatePair (Just TemplateUpdate) sev | sev /= SeverityUnspecified = error' "Template update cannot have --severity" updatePair ty sv = (ty,sv) forceshortOpt = flagWith' ForceBuild 'f' "rebuild" "Rebuild even if already built" <|> flagWith' ShortCompile 'c' "short-compile" "Do rpmbuild --short-circuit -bc" <|> flagWith' ShortInstall 's' "short-install" "Do rpmbuild --short-circuit -bi" diffFormatOpt :: Parser DiffFormat diffFormatOpt = DiffContext <$> optionWith auto 'u' "unified" "CONTEXT" "Lines of context" <|> flagWith' DiffMinimal 'm' "minimal" "Minimize diff noise" <|> flagWith' DiffStatus 'n' "status" "Show diff --name-status" <|> flagWith' DiffStats 's' "stats" "Show diff --stat" <|> flagWith DiffDefault DiffQuiet 'q' "quiet" "Just output package name" diffFilterOpt :: Parser DiffFilter diffFilterOpt = DiffMatch <$> strOptionWith 'f' "filter" "PATTERN" "filter diff with pattern" <|> DiffNotMatch <$> strOptionWith 'F' "filter-not" "PATTERN" "negative filter for diff with pattern" diffWorkOpt :: Parser DiffWork diffWorkOpt = flagWith' DiffWorkStaged 'S' "staged" "Diff staged changes (git diff --cached)" <|> flagWith DiffWorkAll DiffWorkUnstage 'U' "unstaged" "Diff unstaged changes (git diff) [default is 'git diff HEAD']" commitOpts :: Parser CommitOpt commitOpts = CommitMsg <$> strOptionWith 'm' "message" "COMMITMSG" "commit message" <|> flagWith' CommitAmend 'A' "amend" "Amend commit" pullOpts :: Parser PullOpts pullOpts = flagWith' PullLenient 'l' "lenient" "Ignore non-git dirs and files" <|> flagWith' PullNoFetch 'f' "no-fetch" "Skip git fetch" <|> flagWith' PullStash 's' "stash" "Stash local changes" buildByOpt = flagWith' SingleBuild 'S' "single" "Non-progressive normal single build" <|> flagWith' BuildByRelease 'R' "by-release" "Builds by release" <|> flagWith ValidateByRelease ValidateByArch 'A' "by-arch" "Build across latest release archs first (default is across releases for primary arch)" commandOpt = strOptionWith 'c' "cmd" "SHELLCOMMAND" "Shell command to run in $p" targetOpt :: Parser String targetOpt = checkNotRawhide <$> strOptionWith 't' "target" "TARGET" "Koji target" where checkNotRawhide "rawhide" = error' "'rawhide' is not a valid target!" checkNotRawhide t = t sidetagTargetOpt :: Maybe String -> Parser SideTagTarget sidetagTargetOpt mdesc = Target <$> targetOpt <|> flagWith' SideTag 's' "sidetag" ("Use existing branch side-tag to build" +-+ fromMaybe "" mdesc) packagerOpt = Owner <$> strOptionWith 'o' "owner" "OWNER" "Package owner" <|> Committer <$> strOptionWith 'u' "username" "USERNAME" "Packages user can commit to" bcondOpt = BuildWith <$> strOptionWith 'w' "with" "FEATURE" "Turn on package FEATURE for build" <|> BuildWithout <$> strOptionWith 'W' "without" "FEATURE" "Turn off package FEATURE for build" branchesModeOpt :: Parser BranchesMode branchesModeOpt = flagWith' Remote 'r' "remote" "List remote branches" <|> flagWith Local Current 'c' "current" "Show current branch" scratchOpt :: Parser ScratchOption scratchOpt = ScratchTask <$> optionLongWith auto "scratch-task" "TASKID" "Existing scratch build taskid" <|> flagWith' SkipScratch 'S' "no-scratch" "Skip koji scratch build" <|> flagWith' ScratchBuild 's' "scratch" "Do koji scratch build without prompt" scratchSourceOpt :: Parser ScratchSource scratchSourceOpt = ScratchSRPM <$> strOptionLongWith "srpm" "SRPM" "SRPM to use" <|> ScratchRef <$> strOptionWith 'r' "ref" "COMMITHASH" "git commit to build" nocleanOpt :: Parser NoClean nocleanOpt = flagWith' NoCleanBefore 'c' "no-clean" "Do not clean chroot before building" <|> flagWith' NoCleanAfter 'C' "no-clean-after" "Do not clean chroot after building" <|> flagWith' NoCleanAll 'A' "no-clean-all" "Do not clean chroot before or after building" <|> flagWith' MockShortCircuit 'S' "short-circuit" "Short circuit to install phase" sortDisplayOpt :: Parser SortDisplay sortDisplayOpt = flagWith' SortParallel 'p' "parallel" "Group dependent packages on separate lines" <|> flagWith' SortChain 'c' "chain" "chain-build output" <|> flagWith SortPlain SortLayers 'l' "layers" "output parallel layers" -- for waitrepo waitfetchOpt :: Parser WaitFetch waitfetchOpt = flagWith' WaitDirty 'k' "allow-dirty" "Allow unclean git repo" <|> flagWith WaitFetch WaitNoFetch 'F' "no-fetch" "Skip git fetch" overrideModeOpt :: Parser OverrideMode overrideModeOpt = flagWith' OverrideList 'l' "list" "List active override(s)" <|> flagWith OverrideCreate OverrideExpire 'X' "expire" "Expire override(s)" verboseOpt :: String -> Parser Bool verboseOpt = switchWith 'v' "verbose" quietOpt :: String -> Parser Bool quietOpt = switchWith 'q' "quiet"