{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Bugzilla ( Bug(..), User(..), BugId, -- session BugzillaSession, bugIdsSession, bugsSession, bzLoginSession, bzReviewSession, reviewBugIdSession, approvedReviewBugIdSession, approvedReviewBugSession, pkgBugs, pkgReviews, listBzUsers, emailIsValid, -- testBZlogin, -- search searchBugs, (.&&.), not', packageReview, assigneeIs, reporterIs, reviewApproved, statusNewPost, statusNewModified, statusOpen, summaryContains, -- comments Comment, checkForComment, checkRepoCreatedComment, createBug, commentBug, updateBug, putBugBuild, showComment, commentText, getComments, -- reviewBugToPackage, sortBugsByProduct, sortBugsByStatus, -- output putBug, putBugVer, putReviewBug, putBugId, -- request newBzRequest, intAsText, makeTextItem ) where import Common import Common.System import qualified Common.Text as T import Prompt import Control.Exception (finally) import Data.Aeson.Types (Array, Object) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B import Data.ByteString.UTF8 import Data.Ini.Config import Network.HTTP.Conduit import Network.HTTP.Query import Network.HTTP.Simple import System.Environment import System.Environment.XDG.BaseDir import System.IO (hSetEcho, stdin) import qualified Text.Email.Validate as Email import Web.Bugzilla.RedHat import Web.Bugzilla.RedHat.Search createBug :: BugzillaSession -> [(String,String)] -> IO Int createBug session params = do let req = -- posting url encoded utf8 to bugzilla only seems to work in body urlEncodedBody (encodeParams params) $ setRequestCheckStatus $ newBzRequest session ["bug"] [] lookupKey' "id" . getResponseBody <$> httpJSON req commentBug :: BugzillaSession -> BugId -> String -> IO () commentBug session bid comment = do let req = setRequestMethod "POST" $ -- earlier posting url encoded utf8 only seemed to work in body urlEncodedBody (encodeParams [("comment", comment)]) $ setRequestCheckStatus $ newBzRequest session (map T.pack ["bug",show bid,"comment"]) [] res <- getResponseBody <$> httpJSON req -- [("id",Number 1.4682731e7)] when (isNothing (lookupKey "id" res :: Maybe Int)) $ do -- eg [("error",Bool True),("documentation",String "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/docs/en/html/api/index.html"),("code",Number 32614.0),("message",String "A REST API resource was not found for 'POST /bug/1880903'.")] case lookupKey "message" res of Nothing -> print res Just msg -> T.putStrLn msg error' $ "failed to update bug " ++ show bid putStrLn "Comment added:" putStrLn comment updateBug :: BugzillaSession -> BugId -> [(String,String)] -> IO () updateBug session bid params = do let req = setRequestMethod "PUT" $ -- earlier posting url encoded utf8 only seemed to work in body urlEncodedBody (encodeParams params) $ setRequestCheckStatus $ newBzRequest session (map T.pack ["bug",show bid]) [] res <- getResponseBody <$> httpJSON req -- [("bugs",Array [Object (fromList [("changes",Object (fromList [])),("alias",Array []),("id",Number 1897441.0),("last_change_time",String "2021-01-24T08:20:18Z")])])] when (isNothing (lookupKey "bugs" res :: Maybe Array)) $ do -- eg [("error",Bool True),("documentation",String "https://bugzilla.redhat.com/docs/en/html/api/index.html"),("code",Number 32614.0),("message",String "A REST API resource was not found for 'POST /bug/1880903'.")] case lookupKey "message" res of Nothing -> print res Just msg -> T.putStrLn msg error' $ "failed to update bug " ++ show bid encodeParams :: [(String, String)] -> [(ByteString, ByteString)] encodeParams [] = [] encodeParams ((k,v):ps) = (B.pack k, fromString v) : encodeParams ps putBugBuild :: BugzillaSession -> BugId -> String -> IO () putBugBuild session bid nvr = do void $ updateBug session bid [("cf_fixed_in", nvr), ("status", "MODIFIED")] putStrLn $ "build posted to review bug " ++ show bid brc :: T.Text brc = "bugzilla.redhat.com" bzReviewSession :: IO (Maybe BugId,BugzillaSession) bzReviewSession = do pkg <- getDirectoryName (bids,session) <- bugIdsSession $ pkgReviews pkg .&&. statusOpen .&&. reviewApproved case bids of [bid] -> return (Just bid, session) _ -> return (Nothing, session) newtype BzUserRC = BzUserRC {rcUserEmail :: UserEmail} deriving (Eq, Show) emailIsValid :: String -> Bool emailIsValid = Email.isValid . B.pack -- FIXME support bugzilla API key bzLoginSession :: IO (BugzillaSession, UserEmail) bzLoginSession = do user <- getBzUser ctx <- newBugzillaContext brc session <- getBzLoginSession ctx user return (session,user) where getBzUser :: IO UserEmail getBzUser = do home <- getEnv "HOME" let rc = home ".bugzillarc" -- FIXME assumption if file exists then it has b.r.c user ifM (doesFileExist rc) (readIniConfig rc rcParser rcUserEmail) $ do -- FIXME: option to override email email <- prompt "Bugzilla Username" when (emailIsValid email) $ do T.writeFile rc $ "[" <> brc <> "]\nuser = " <> T.pack email <> "\n" putStrLn $ "Saved in " ++ rc getBzUser where rcParser :: IniParser BzUserRC rcParser = section brc $ BzUserRC <$> fieldOf "user" string getBzLoginSession :: BugzillaContext -> UserEmail -> IO BugzillaSession getBzLoginSession ctx user = do cache <- getUserCacheFile "python-bugzilla" "bugzillatoken" let cacheDir = takeDirectory cache cacheDirExists <- doesDirectoryExist cacheDir unless cacheDirExists $ createDirectory cacheDir tokenstatus <- ifM (notM (doesFileExist cache)) (return NoToken) $ do token <- readIniConfig cache rcParser bzToken let session = LoginSession ctx $ BugzillaToken token let validreq = setRequestCheckStatus $ newBzRequest session ["valid_login"] [("login",Just user)] valid <- lookupKey' "result" . getResponseBody <$> httpJSON validreq return $ if valid then ValidToken session else InvalidToken token case tokenstatus of ValidToken session -> return session InvalidToken oldtoken -> do token <- bzLogin cmd_ "sed" ["-i", "s/" ++ T.unpack oldtoken ++ "/" ++ T.unpack token ++ "/", cache] return $ LoginSession ctx $ BugzillaToken token NoToken -> do token <- bzLogin T.writeFile cache $ "[" <> brc <> "]\ntoken = " <> token <> "\n" putStrLn $ "Saved in " ++ cache return $ LoginSession ctx $ BugzillaToken token where rcParser :: IniParser BzTokenConf rcParser = section brc $ BzTokenConf <$> fieldOf "token" string bzLogin :: IO T.Text bzLogin = do putStrLn "No valid bugzilla login token, please login:" passwd <- withoutEcho $ prompt "Bugzilla Password" if null passwd then bzLogin else do let anonsession = AnonymousSession ctx tokenReq = setRequestCheckStatus $ newBzRequest anonsession ["login"] [("login", Just user), makeTextItem "password" passwd] res <- getResponseBody <$> httpJSON tokenReq case lookupKey "token" res of Nothing -> T.putStrLn (lookupKey' "message" res) >> bzLogin Just token -> return token withoutEcho :: IO a -> IO a withoutEcho action = finally (hSetEcho stdin False >> action) (hSetEcho stdin True) newtype BzTokenConf = BzTokenConf {bzToken :: T.Text} deriving (Eq, Show) data BzTokenStatus = ValidToken BugzillaSession | InvalidToken T.Text | NoToken reporterIs :: T.Text -> SearchExpression reporterIs = (ReporterField .==.) assigneeIs :: T.Text -> SearchExpression assigneeIs = (AssignedToField .==.) packageReview :: SearchExpression packageReview = ComponentField .==. ["Package Review"] statusOpen :: SearchExpression statusOpen = StatusField ./=. "CLOSED" statusNewPost :: SearchExpression statusNewPost = StatusField `equalsAny` ["NEW", "ASSIGNED", "POST"] statusNewModified :: SearchExpression statusNewModified = StatusField `equalsAny` ["NEW", "ASSIGNED", "POST", "MODIFIED"] reviewApproved :: SearchExpression reviewApproved = FlagsField `contains` "fedora-review+" pkgReviews :: String -> SearchExpression pkgReviews pkg = SummaryField `contains` T.pack ("Review Request: " ++ pkg ++ " - ") .&&. packageReview pkgBugs :: String -> SearchExpression pkgBugs pkg = ComponentField .==. [T.pack pkg] summaryContains :: String -> SearchExpression summaryContains keywrd = SummaryField `contains` T.pack keywrd bugIdsSession :: SearchExpression -> IO ([BugId],BugzillaSession) bugIdsSession query = do (session,_) <- bzLoginSession bugs <- searchBugs' session query return (bugs, session) bugsSession :: SearchExpression -> IO ([Bug],BugzillaSession) bugsSession query = do (session,_) <- bzLoginSession bugs <- searchBugs session query return (bugs, session) reviewBugIdSession :: String -> IO (BugId,BugzillaSession) reviewBugIdSession pkg = do (bugs,session) <- bugIdsSession $ pkgReviews pkg .&&. statusOpen case bugs of [] -> error $ "No review bug found for " ++ pkg [bug] -> return (bug, session) _ -> error' "more than one review bug found!" approvedReviewBugIdSession :: String -> IO (BugId,BugzillaSession) approvedReviewBugIdSession pkg = do (bugs,session) <- bugIdsSession $ pkgReviews pkg .&&. statusOpen .&&. reviewApproved case bugs of [] -> error $ "No review bug found for " ++ pkg [bug] -> return (bug, session) _ -> error' "more than one review bug found!" approvedReviewBugSession :: String -> IO (Bug,BugzillaSession) approvedReviewBugSession pkg = do (bugs,session) <- bugsSession $ pkgReviews pkg .&&. statusOpen .&&. reviewApproved case bugs of [] -> error $ "No review bug found for " ++ pkg [bug] -> return (bug, session) _ -> error' "more than one review bug found!" reviewBugToPackage :: Bug -> String reviewBugToPackage = head . dropOne ["Request:"] . dropOne ["Review", "Re-Review", "Rename"] . words . T.unpack . bugSummary where dropOne _ [] = [] dropOne ks as@(w:ws) = if w `elem` ks then ws else as readIniConfig :: FilePath -> IniParser a -> (a -> b) -> IO b readIniConfig inifile iniparser fn = do ini <- T.readFile inifile return $ either error fn $ parseIniFile ini iniparser sortBugsByStatus :: [Bug] -> [Bug] sortBugsByStatus = sortOn (bugStatusEnum . bugStatus) sortBugsByProduct :: [Bug] -> [Bug] sortBugsByProduct = sortOn bugProduct -- FIXME make datatype bugStatusEnum :: T.Text -> Int bugStatusEnum st = case st of "NEW" -> 0 "ASSIGNED" -> 1 "POST" -> 2 "MODIFIED" -> 3 "ON_QA" -> 4 "VERIFIED" -> 5 "RELEASE_PENDING" -> 6 "CLOSED" -> 7 _ -> -1 showComment :: Comment -> IO () showComment cmt = do -- comment0 from fedora-create-review has leading newline T.putStrLn $ "(Comment " <> intAsText (commentCount cmt) <> ") <" <> commentCreator cmt <> "> " <> (T.pack . show) (commentCreationTime cmt) <> "\n" mapM_ (T.putStrLn . (" " <>)) $ dropDuplicates . removeLeadingNewline . T.lines $ commentText cmt putStrLn "" checkRepoCreatedComment :: BugzillaSession -> BugId -> IO Bool checkRepoCreatedComment session bid = checkForComment session bid "(fedscm-admin): The Pagure repository was created at" checkForComment :: BugzillaSession -> BugId -> T.Text -> IO Bool checkForComment session bid text = do comments <- map commentText <$> getComments session bid return $ any (text `T.isInfixOf`) $ reverse comments putReviewBug :: Bool -> Bug -> IO () putReviewBug short bug = do if short then putStr $ reviewBugToPackage bug ++ " " else do putStrLn $ reviewBugToPackage bug ++ " (" ++ T.unpack (bugStatus bug) ++ ")" putBugId $ bugId bug putStrLn "" putBug :: Bug -> IO () putBug bug = do T.putStrLn $ bugSummary bug <> " (" <> bugStatus bug <> ")" putBugId $ bugId bug putStrLn "" putBugVer :: Bug -> IO () putBugVer bug = do T.putStr $ "[" <> prodVersion <> "] " putBug bug where prodVersion = T.unwords (bugVersion bug) putBugId :: BugId -> IO () putBugId = T.putStrLn . (("https://" <> brc <> "/show_bug.cgi?id=") <>) . intAsText -- uniq for lists dropDuplicates :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] dropDuplicates (x:xs) = let ys = dropDuplicates xs in case ys of (y:_) | x == y -> ys _ -> x:ys dropDuplicates _ = [] removeLeadingNewline :: [T.Text] -> [T.Text] removeLeadingNewline ("":ts) = ts removeLeadingNewline ts = ts -- testBZlogin :: IO () -- testBZlogin = -- void bzLoginSession -- | make a key-value makeTextItem :: String -> String -> (T.Text, Maybe T.Text) makeTextItem k val = (T.pack k, Just (T.pack val)) listBzUsers :: BugzillaSession -> String -> IO [Object] listBzUsers session user = do let req = setRequestCheckStatus $ newBzRequest session ["user"] [makeTextItem "match" user] lookupKey' "users" . getResponseBody <$> httpJSON req