{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Cmd.Scratch ( scratchCmd, Archs(..), ) where import Branches import Common import Git import Koji import Package data Archs = Archs [String] | ExcludedArchs [String] -- FIXME default to rawhide/master? -- FIXME build from a specific git ref -- FIXME print message about uploading srpm scratchCmd :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Maybe Archs -> Maybe String -> [String] -> IO () scratchCmd dryrun rebuildSrpm nofailfast marchopts mtarget = withPackageByBranches (Just False) Nothing Nothing AnyNumber scratchBuild where scratchBuild :: Package -> AnyBranch -> IO () scratchBuild pkg br = do spec <- localBranchSpecFile pkg br let target = fromMaybe (anyTarget br) mtarget archs <- case marchopts of Nothing -> return [] Just archopts -> case archopts of Archs as -> return as ExcludedArchs as -> do Just (buildtag,_desttag) <- kojiBuildTarget fedoraHub target tagArchs <- kojiTagArchs buildtag return $ tagArchs \\ as let kojiargs = ["--arch-override=" ++ intercalate "," archs | notNull archs] ++ ["--fail-fast" | not nofailfast] ++ ["--no-rebuild-srpm" | not rebuildSrpm] pkggit <- isPkgGitRepo if pkggit then do gitSwitchBranch br pushed <- do clean <- isGitDirClean if clean then null <$> gitShortLog ("origin/" ++ show br ++ "..HEAD") else return False if dryrun then putStrLn $ "koji scratch " ++ (if pushed then "" else "srpm ") ++ "build for " ++ target else do if pushed then do void $ getSources spec kojiBuildBranch target pkg Nothing $ "--scratch" : kojiargs else srpmBuild target kojiargs spec else srpmBuild target kojiargs spec where srpmBuild :: FilePath -> [String] -> String -> IO () srpmBuild target kojiargs spec = void $ generateSrpm (Just br) spec >>= kojiScratchBuild target kojiargs anyTarget (RelBranch b) = branchTarget b anyTarget _ = "rawhide"