module Fay.Compiler.Misc where
import Fay.Compiler.Prelude
import Fay.Compiler.ModuleT (runModuleT)
import Fay.Compiler.PrimOp
import Fay.Compiler.QName (unname)
import Fay.Config
import qualified Fay.Exts as F
import Fay.Exts.NoAnnotation (unAnn)
import qualified Fay.Exts.NoAnnotation as N
import qualified Fay.Exts.Scoped as S
import Fay.Types
import Control.Monad.Except (runExceptT, throwError)
import Control.Monad.RWS (asks, gets, modify, runRWST)
import Data.Version (parseVersion)
import Language.Haskell.Exts hiding (name)
import Language.Haskell.Names (GName (GName), NameInfo (GlobalValue, LocalValue, ScopeError),
OrigName, Scoped (Scoped), origGName, origName)
import System.IO
import System.Process (readProcess)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S)
thunk :: JsExp -> JsExp
thunk expr =
case expr of
JsLit{} -> expr
JsApp fun@JsFun{} [] -> JsNew JsThunk [fun]
_ -> JsNew JsThunk [JsFun Nothing [] [] (Just expr)]
stmtsThunk :: [JsStmt] -> JsExp
stmtsThunk stmts = JsNew JsThunk [JsFun Nothing [] stmts Nothing]
uniqueNames :: [JsName]
uniqueNames = map JsParam [1::Integer ..]
tryResolveName :: Show l => QName (Scoped l) -> Maybe N.QName
tryResolveName s@Special{} = Just $ unAnn s
tryResolveName s@(UnQual _ (Ident _ n)) | "$gen" `isPrefixOf` n = Just $ unAnn s
tryResolveName (unAnn -> Qual () (ModuleName () "$Prelude") n) = Just $ Qual () (ModuleName () "Prelude") n
tryResolveName q@(Qual _ (ModuleName _ "Fay$") _) = Just $ unAnn q
tryResolveName (Qual (Scoped ni _) _ _) = case ni of
GlobalValue n -> replaceWithBuiltIns . origName2QName $ origName n
_ -> Nothing
tryResolveName q@(UnQual (Scoped ni _) (unAnn -> name)) = case ni of
GlobalValue n -> replaceWithBuiltIns . origName2QName $ origName n
LocalValue _ -> Just $ UnQual () name
ScopeError _ -> resolvePrimOp q
_ -> Nothing
origName2QName :: OrigName -> N.QName
origName2QName = gname2Qname . origGName
gname2Qname :: GName -> N.QName
gname2Qname g = case g of
GName "" s -> UnQual () $ mkName s
GName m s -> Qual () (ModuleName () m) $ mkName s
mkName s@(x:_)
| isAlpha x || x == '_' = Ident () s
| otherwise = Symbol () s
mkName "" = error "mkName \"\""
replaceWithBuiltIns :: N.QName -> Maybe N.QName
replaceWithBuiltIns n = findPrimOp n <|> return n
unsafeResolveName :: S.QName -> Compile N.QName
unsafeResolveName q = maybe (throwError $ UnableResolveQualified (unAnn q)) return $ tryResolveName q
lookupNewtypeConst :: S.QName -> Compile (Maybe (Maybe N.QName,N.Type))
lookupNewtypeConst n = do
let mName = tryResolveName n
case mName of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just name -> do
newtypes <- gets stateNewtypes
case find (\(cname,_,_) -> cname == name) newtypes of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (_,dname,ty) -> return $ Just (dname,ty)
lookupNewtypeDest :: S.QName -> Compile (Maybe (N.QName,N.Type))
lookupNewtypeDest n = do
let mName = tryResolveName n
newtypes <- gets stateNewtypes
case find (\(_,dname,_) -> dname == mName) newtypes of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just (cname,_,ty) -> return $ Just (cname,ty)
qualify :: Name a -> Compile N.QName
qualify (Ident _ name) = do
modulename <- gets stateModuleName
return (Qual () modulename (Ident () name))
qualify (Symbol _ name) = do
modulename <- gets stateModuleName
return (Qual () modulename (Symbol () name))
qualifyQName :: QName a -> Compile N.QName
qualifyQName (UnQual _ name) = qualify name
qualifyQName (unAnn -> n) = return n
bindToplevel :: Bool -> Maybe SrcSpan -> Name a -> JsExp -> Compile JsStmt
bindToplevel toplevel msrcloc (unAnn -> name) expr =
if toplevel
then do
mod <- gets stateModuleName
return $ JsSetQName msrcloc (Qual () mod name) expr
else return $ JsVar (JsNameVar $ UnQual () name) expr
force :: JsExp -> JsExp
force expr
| isConstant expr = expr
| otherwise = JsApp (JsName JsForce) [expr]
isConstant :: JsExp -> Bool
isConstant JsLit{} = True
isConstant _ = False
parseResult :: ((F.SrcLoc,String) -> b) -> (a -> b) -> ParseResult a -> b
parseResult die ok result = case result of
ParseOk a -> ok a
ParseFailed srcloc msg -> die (srcloc,msg)
config :: (Config -> a) -> Compile a
config f = asks (f . readerConfig)
optimizePatConditions :: [[JsStmt]] -> [[JsStmt]]
optimizePatConditions = id
throw :: String -> JsExp -> JsStmt
throw msg expr = JsThrow (JsList [JsLit (JsStr msg),expr])
throwExp :: String -> JsExp -> JsExp
throwExp msg expr = JsThrowExp (JsList [JsLit (JsStr msg),expr])
isWildCardAlt :: S.Alt -> Bool
isWildCardAlt (Alt _ pat _ _) = isWildCardPat pat
isWildCardPat :: S.Pat -> Bool
isWildCardPat PWildCard{} = True
isWildCardPat PVar{} = True
isWildCardPat _ = False
ffiExp :: Exp a -> Maybe String
ffiExp (App _ (Var _ (UnQual _ (Ident _ "ffi"))) (Lit _ (String _ formatstr _))) = Just formatstr
ffiExp _ = Nothing
withScopedTmpJsName :: (JsName -> Compile a) -> Compile a
withScopedTmpJsName withName = do
depth <- gets stateNameDepth
modify $ \s -> s { stateNameDepth = depth + 1 }
ret <- withName $ JsTmp depth
modify $ \s -> s { stateNameDepth = depth }
return ret
withScopedTmpName :: (S.Name -> Compile a) -> Compile a
withScopedTmpName withName = do
depth <- gets stateNameDepth
modify $ \s -> s { stateNameDepth = depth + 1 }
ret <- withName $ Ident S.noI $ "$gen" ++ show depth
modify $ \s -> s { stateNameDepth = depth }
return ret
warn :: String -> Compile ()
warn "" = return ()
warn w = config id >>= io . (`ioWarn` w)
ioWarn :: Config -> String -> IO ()
ioWarn _ "" = return ()
ioWarn cfg w =
when (configWall cfg) $
hPutStrLn stderr $ "Warning: " ++ w
printSrcLoc :: S.SrcLoc -> String
printSrcLoc SrcLoc{..} = srcFilename ++ ":" ++ show srcLine ++ ":" ++ show srcColumn
printSrcSpanInfo :: SrcSpanInfo -> String
printSrcSpanInfo (SrcSpanInfo a b) = concat $ printSrcSpan a : map printSrcSpan b
printSrcSpan :: SrcSpan -> String
printSrcSpan SrcSpan{..} = srcSpanFilename ++ ": (" ++ show srcSpanStartLine ++ "," ++ show srcSpanStartColumn ++ ")-(" ++ show srcSpanEndLine ++ "," ++ show srcSpanEndColumn ++ ")"
typeToRecs :: QName a -> Compile [N.QName]
typeToRecs (unAnn -> typ) = fromMaybe [] . lookup typ <$> gets stateRecordTypes
recToFields :: S.QName -> Compile [N.Name]
recToFields con =
case tryResolveName con of
Nothing -> return []
Just c -> fromMaybe [] . lookup c <$> gets stateRecords
typeToFields :: QName a -> Compile [N.Name]
typeToFields (unAnn -> typ) = do
allrecs <- gets stateRecords
typerecs <- typeToRecs typ
return . concatMap snd . filter ((`elem` typerecs) . fst) $ allrecs
getGhcPackageDbFlag :: IO String
getGhcPackageDbFlag = do
s <- readProcess "ghc" ["--version"] ""
return $
case (mapMaybe readVersion $ words s, readVersion "7.6.0") of
(v:_, Just min') | v > min' -> "-package-db"
_ -> "-package-conf"
readVersion = listToMaybe . filter (null . snd) . readP_to_S parseVersion
:: CompileReader
-> CompileState
-> Compile a
-> IO (Either CompileError (a,CompileState,CompileWriter))
runTopCompile reader' state' m = fst <$> runModuleT (runExceptT (runRWST (unCompile m) reader' state'))
runCompileModule :: CompileReader -> CompileState -> Compile a -> CompileModule a
runCompileModule reader' state' m = runExceptT (runRWST (unCompile m) reader' state')
shouldBeDesugared :: (Functor f, Show (f ())) => f l -> Compile a
shouldBeDesugared = throwError . ShouldBeDesugared . show . unAnn
hasLanguagePragmas :: [String] -> [ModulePragma l] -> Bool
hasLanguagePragmas pragmas modulePragmas = (== length pragmas) . length . filter (`elem` pragmas) $ flattenPragmas modulePragmas
flattenPragmas :: [ModulePragma l] -> [String]
flattenPragmas ps = concatMap pragmaName ps
pragmaName (LanguagePragma _ q) = map unname q
pragmaName _ = []
hasLanguagePragma :: String -> [ModulePragma l] -> Bool
hasLanguagePragma pr = hasLanguagePragmas [pr]
ifOptimizeNewtypes :: Compile a -> Compile a -> Compile a
ifOptimizeNewtypes then' else' = do
optimize <- config configOptimizeNewtypes
if optimize
then then'
else else'