module Fay.Compiler.Desugar
( desugar
, desugar'
, desugarExpParen
, desugarPatParen
) where
import Fay.Compiler.Prelude
import Fay.Compiler.Desugar.Name
import Fay.Compiler.Desugar.Types
import Fay.Compiler.Misc (ffiExp, hasLanguagePragma)
import Fay.Compiler.QName (unQual, unname)
import Fay.Exts.NoAnnotation (unAnn)
import Fay.Types (CompileError (..))
import Control.Monad.Except (throwError)
import Control.Monad.Reader (asks)
import qualified Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data as U
import Language.Haskell.Exts hiding (binds, loc, name)
desugar :: (Data l, Typeable l) => l -> Module l -> IO (Either CompileError (Module l))
desugar = desugar' "$gen"
desugar' :: (Data l, Typeable l) => String -> l -> Module l -> IO (Either CompileError (Module l))
desugar' prefix emptyAnnotation md = runDesugar prefix emptyAnnotation $
checkEnum md
>> desugarSection md
>>= desugarListComp
>>= desugarTupleCon
>>= return . desugarPatParen
>>= return . desugarFieldPun
>>= return . desugarPatFieldPun
>>= desugarDo
>>= desugarTupleSection
>>= desugarImplicitPrelude
>>= desugarFFITypeSigs
>>= desugarLCase
>>= return . desugarMultiIf
>>= return . desugarInfixOp
>>= return . desugarInfixPat
>>= return . desugarExpParen
desugarSection :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarSection = transformBiM $ \ex -> case ex of
LeftSection l e q -> withScopedTmpName l $ \tmp ->
return $ Lambda l [PVar l tmp] (InfixApp l e q (Var l (UnQual l tmp)))
RightSection l q e -> withScopedTmpName l $ \tmp ->
return $ Lambda l [PVar l tmp] (InfixApp l (Var l (UnQual l tmp)) q e)
_ -> return ex
desugarDo :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarDo = transformBiM $ \ex -> case ex of
Do _ stmts -> maybe (throwError EmptyDoBlock) return $ foldl desugarStmt' Nothing (reverse stmts)
_ -> return ex
desugarStmt' :: Maybe (Exp l) -> Stmt l -> Maybe (Exp l)
desugarStmt' inner stmt =
maybe initStmt subsequentStmt inner
initStmt = case stmt of
Qualifier _ exp -> Just exp
LetStmt{} -> error "UnsupportedLet"
_ -> error "InvalidDoBlock"
subsequentStmt inner' = case stmt of
Generator loc pat exp -> desugarGenerator loc pat inner' exp
Qualifier s exp -> Just $ InfixApp s exp
(QVarOp s $ UnQual s $ Symbol s ">>")
LetStmt _ (BDecls s binds) -> Just $ Let s (BDecls s binds) inner'
LetStmt _ _ -> error "UnsupportedLet"
RecStmt{} -> error "UnsupportedRecursiveDo"
desugarGenerator :: l -> Pat l -> Exp l -> Exp l -> Maybe (Exp l)
desugarGenerator s pat inner' exp =
Just $ InfixApp s
(QVarOp s $ UnQual s $ Symbol s ">>=")
(Lambda s [pat] inner')
desugarTupleCon :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarTupleCon md = do
prefix <- asks readerTmpNamePrefix
return $ flip transformBi md $ \ex -> case ex of
Var _ (Special _ t@TupleCon{}) -> fromTupleCon prefix ex t
Con _ (Special _ t@TupleCon{}) -> fromTupleCon prefix ex t
_ -> ex
fromTupleCon :: String -> Exp l -> SpecialCon l -> Exp l
fromTupleCon prefix e s = fromMaybe e $ case s of
TupleCon l b n -> Just $ Lambda l params body
names = take n $ unscopedTmpNames l prefix
params = PVar l <$> names
body = Tuple l b (Var l . UnQual l <$> names)
_ -> Nothing
desugarLCase :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarLCase = transformBiM $ \ex -> case ex of
LCase l alts -> withScopedTmpName l $ \n -> return $ Lambda l [PVar l n] (Case l (Var l (UnQual l n)) alts)
_ -> return ex
desugarMultiIf :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarMultiIf = transformBi $ \ex -> case ex of
MultiIf l alts -> Case l (Con l (Special l (UnitCon l)))
[Alt l (PWildCard l) (GuardedRhss l alts) Nothing]
_ -> ex
desugarTupleSection :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarTupleSection md = do
prefix <- asks readerTmpNamePrefix
flip transformBiM md $ \ex -> case ex of
TupleSection l _ mes -> do
(names, lst) <- genSlotNames l mes (unscopedTmpNames l prefix)
return $ Lambda l (map (PVar l) names) (Tuple l Boxed lst)
_ -> return ex
genSlotNames :: l -> [Maybe (Exp l)] -> [Name l] -> Desugar l ([Name l], [Exp l])
genSlotNames _ [] _ = return ([], [])
genSlotNames l (Nothing : rest) ns = do
(rn, re) <- genSlotNames l rest (tail ns)
return (head ns : rn, Var l (UnQual l (head ns)) : re)
genSlotNames l (Just e : rest) ns = do
(rn, re) <- genSlotNames l rest ns
return (rn, e : re)
desugarPatParen :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarPatParen = transformBi $ \pt -> case pt of
PParen _ p -> p
_ -> pt
desugarFieldPun :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarFieldPun = transformBi $ \f -> case f of
FieldPun l n -> FieldUpdate l n (Var l n)
_ -> f
desugarPatFieldPun :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarPatFieldPun = transformBi $ \pf -> case pf of
PFieldPun l n -> PFieldPat l n (PVar l (unQual n))
_ -> pf
desugarListComp :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarListComp = transformBiM $ \ex -> case ex of
ListComp l exp stmts -> desugarListComp' l exp stmts
_ -> return ex
desugarListComp' l e [] = return (List l [ e ])
desugarListComp' l e (QualStmt _ (Generator _ p e2) : stmts) = do
nested <- desugarListComp' l e stmts
withScopedTmpName l $ \f ->
return (Let l (BDecls l [ FunBind l [
Match l f [ p ] (UnGuardedRhs l nested) Nothing
, Match l f [ PWildCard l ] (UnGuardedRhs l (List l [])) Nothing
]]) (App l (App l (Var l (Qual l (ModuleName l "$Prelude") (Ident l "concatMap"))) (Var l (UnQual l f))) e2))
desugarListComp' l e (QualStmt _ (Qualifier _ e2) : stmts) = do
nested <- desugarListComp' l e stmts
return (If l e2 nested (List l []))
desugarListComp' l e (QualStmt _ (LetStmt _ bs) : stmts) = do
nested <- desugarListComp' l e stmts
return (Let l bs nested)
desugarListComp' _ _ (_ : _) =
error "UnsupportedListComprehension"
checkEnum :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l ()
checkEnum = mapM_ f . universeBi
f ex = case ex of
e@(EnumFrom _ e1) -> checkIntOrUnknown e [e1]
e@(EnumFromTo _ e1 e2) -> checkIntOrUnknown e [e1,e2]
e@(EnumFromThen _ e1 e2) -> checkIntOrUnknown e [e1,e2]
e@(EnumFromThenTo _ e1 e2 e3) -> checkIntOrUnknown e [e1,e2,e3]
_ -> return ()
checkIntOrUnknown :: Exp l -> [Exp l] -> Desugar l ()
checkIntOrUnknown exp es = unless (any isIntOrUnknown es) (throwError . UnsupportedEnum $ unAnn exp)
isIntOrUnknown :: Exp l -> Bool
isIntOrUnknown e = case e of
Con {} -> False
Lit _ Int{} -> True
Lit {} -> False
Tuple {} -> False
List {} -> False
EnumFrom {} -> False
EnumFromTo {} -> False
EnumFromThen {} -> False
EnumFromThenTo {} -> False
_ -> True
desugarImplicitPrelude :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarImplicitPrelude m =
if preludeNotNeeded
then return m
else addPrelude m
preludeNotNeeded = hasExplicitPrelude m ||
hasLanguagePragma "NoImplicitPrelude" (getPragmas m)
getPragmas :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> [ModulePragma l]
getPragmas = universeBi
getImportDecls :: Module l -> [ImportDecl l]
getImportDecls (Module _ _ _ decls _) = decls
getImportDecls _ = []
setImportDecls :: [ImportDecl l] -> Module l -> Module l
setImportDecls decls (Module a b c _ d) = Module a b c decls d
setImportDecls _ mod = mod
hasExplicitPrelude :: Module l -> Bool
hasExplicitPrelude = any isPrelude . getImportDecls
isPrelude :: ImportDecl l -> Bool
isPrelude decl = case importModule decl of
ModuleName _ name -> name == "Prelude"
addPrelude :: Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
addPrelude mod = do
let decls = getImportDecls mod
prelude <- getPrelude
return $ setImportDecls (prelude : decls) mod
getPrelude :: Desugar l (ImportDecl l)
getPrelude = do
noInfo <- asks readerNoInfo
return $ ImportDecl noInfo (ModuleName noInfo "Prelude") False False False Nothing Nothing Nothing
desugarFFITypeSigs :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarFFITypeSigs = desugarToplevelFFITypeSigs >=> desugarBindsTypeSigs
desugarToplevelFFITypeSigs :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarToplevelFFITypeSigs m = case m of
Module a b c d decls -> do
decls' <- addFFIExpTypeSigs decls
return $ Module a b c d decls'
_ -> return m
desugarBindsTypeSigs :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Desugar l (Module l)
desugarBindsTypeSigs = transformBiM $ \(BDecls srcInfo decls) -> do
decls' <- addFFIExpTypeSigs decls
return $ BDecls srcInfo decls'
addFFIExpTypeSigs :: (Data l, Typeable l) => [Decl l] -> Desugar l [Decl l]
addFFIExpTypeSigs decls = do
let typeSigs = getTypeSigs decls
sequence $ go typeSigs decls
getTypeSigs ds = [ (unname n, typ) | TypeSig _ names typ <- ds, n <- names ]
go typeSigs = map (addTypeSig typeSigs)
addTypeSig typeSigs decl = case decl of
(PatBind loc pat rhs binds) ->
case getUnguardedRhs rhs of
Just (srcInfo, rhExp) ->
if isFFI rhExp
then do
rhExp' <- addSigToExp typeSigs decl rhExp
return $ PatBind loc pat (UnGuardedRhs srcInfo rhExp') binds
else return decl
_ -> return decl
_ -> return decl
getUnguardedRhs rhs = case rhs of
(UnGuardedRhs srcInfo exp) -> Just (srcInfo, exp)
_ -> Nothing
isFFI = isJust . ffiExp
addSigToExp typeSigs decl rhExp = case getTypeFor typeSigs decl of
Just typ -> do
noInfo <- asks readerNoInfo
return $ ExpTypeSig noInfo rhExp typ
Nothing -> return rhExp
getTypeFor typeSigs decl = case decl of
(PatBind _ (PVar _ name) _ _) -> lookup (unname name) typeSigs
_ -> Nothing
desugarInfixOp :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarInfixOp = transformBi $ \ex -> case ex of
InfixApp l e1 oper e2 -> App l (App l (getOp oper) e1) e2
getOp (QVarOp l' o) = Var l' o
getOp (QConOp l' o) = Con l' o
_ -> ex
desugarInfixPat :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarInfixPat = transformBi $ \pt -> case pt of
PInfixApp l p1 iop p2 -> PApp l iop [p1, p2]
_ -> pt
desugarExpParen :: (Data l, Typeable l) => Module l -> Module l
desugarExpParen = transformBi $ \ex -> case ex of
Paren _ e -> e
_ -> ex
transformBi :: U.Biplate (from a) (to a) => (to a -> to a) -> from a -> from a
transformBi = U.transformBi
universeBi :: U.Biplate (from a) (to a) => from a -> [to a]
universeBi = U.universeBi
transformBiM :: (Monad m, U.Biplate (from a) (to a)) => (to a -> m (to a)) -> from a -> m (from a)
transformBiM = U.transformBiM